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Thread Number: 218
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"ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"

Posted by tribephyl on 11-11-06 at 06:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-06 AT 08:58 PM (EST)

Week 8 Results

Oh boy. That captain can be sooooo harsh. Proof that he doesn't even bend to the will of his "blood". He has found out that LeftPinky had a bootee on her list and had no immunity to cover it. Truly sad news folks. I'm very sorry Pink, but your time in Mutiny has come to an end.
You really should check out LoserLagoon. I have a feeling you'll fit right in.

With the tribal immunity, Paka members managed another very good week.
Brad: 21
Jonathan: 3
Others: -4
Bonus: Paka Immune
MRC: 1. Which Tribe has more members who would prefer to wear a patch? (Raki-3)
2. Which tribe has more members who desired the HawaiianSling most? (Paka-4)
3. Which tribe can carry a total of 211 breadfruits at one time? (Paka-211)
4. Which tribe has more members who preferred to share ChickenWings? (Paka-6)
5. Which tribe has more members who would like to live in a treehouse? (Raki-5)
Paka Tribe Average: 17 points.
Raki Tribe Average: 13 points.

Due to the MRC. Paka won the MRC and each of its members received an additional 5 points AND a breadfruit button.
This will ensure their free entry into the BreadfruitBash. (A spin-off of the popular CoconutChop.) Congrats Paka!

Due to these large scores, the Paka's have all shot up the leaderboard. In fact, the top 11 spots belong to Paka members.
But now it becomes time to turn this game on it's head!
Paka has won the last challenge so their beach becomes the home for all ya'll.
Grab a new Green buff and get ready for the first individual challenge. The ABC Auction. Taking place in a click of the mouse.
There will be immunities to be won, among many many other prizes. Including lots and lots of points and even a couple of Clunkers.
It will cost you 5 points to play. (Unless you have an auctionpaddle)
But in exchange for those 5 points I will give you 50 tokens.
Use these tokens to make bids on the items. Hopefully you'll get something really nice.

Well, another fallout from the MRC was our friend and last weeks leader, SurvivorManiac suffered a big-point disadvantage due her forced sit-out. (Although, not having Jonathan on her list was also a big decider.)
She did get an extra 5 points for her tribal win and that breadfruit button, but they came at the cost of 10 spots. While 10 of her fellow Paka members took a step forward.
That's a big hit she took for the benefit of the tribe. (And had I known that others wouldn't show for the entry, I wish a different name had come out of the hat.)

A different survivor, survivorXXI, steps into the top position with a week high score of 49 points. This weekly high score was also had by LookeeLoo(2nd), MJewel(3rd), Vixen(4th), mimo(5th), kircon(6th), Wallflower(7th), MagnoliaRocker(10th) and emydi(13th).

The Mutiny Tally
CurrentRank PreviousRank PlayerName Immunities and Prizes WeeklyScore PreviousScore TotalScore
1 2 survivor_XXI * * * * 49 127 176
2 3 LookeeLoo * * * 49 117 166
3 4 MJewel * * * * 49 113 162
4 8 Kermit the Vixen * * * * 49 110 159
5 10 mimo * * * 49 108 157
6 10 kircon * * * * 49 108 157
7 12 Wallflower * * * 49 107 156
8 9 DearAbby * * * * 41 109 150
9 6 Flowerpower * * * * 37 111 148
10 15 Magnolia_Rocker * * * * 49 96 145
11 1 Survivor Maniac * * * * 8 130 138
12 6 CattyChat * * * * 23 111 134
13 18 emydi * * * 49 85 134
14 13 alwaysintruble * * 23 105 128
15 5 Lolly * * * * 13 112 125
16 14 whoami * * * 23 102 125
17 16 RudyRules * * * * 11 92 103
18 17 Jenna_F * * * 6 90 96
19 20 seahorse * * * 14 78 92
20 22 mysticwolf * * * * 18 67 85
21 19 kingfish * * * * 1 81 82
22 21 Das Mole * * 1 72 73
23 25 Molaholic * * * * 13 54 67
24 23 coolbluepig * * * * * 0 66 66


Week 9 Entry

Go to the auction! Points, prizes and immunities galore (plus a few clunkers.) Take your 50 tokens and bid them wisely.
If you happen to miss the auction, bid at the auction but do not win anything or still have tokens left after winning items at the auction, I will exchange them for points. At a rate of 10 tokens = 1 point.

Target List:
(Your list of survivors who will receive votes at TribalCouncil but will not be booted. This is quite difficult so plan accordingly.)



Fetcher's TreeMail:

* Thanks for the bones! Wow. I had so many I shared a couple with that cute little senorita.

* Billie says: Gracias, para la carne ostera. Muy bueno.

* It's an individual game now.

* As of this moment, everyone is vulnerable for bootation.

* Objective:

Be the player with the highest score at the end of the game.
This can be done by compiling a short list of Target Survivors each week and by participating in the weekly bonuses.

* Deadlines:
Game Deadline:

New entrants will be allowed to enter up to Sept. 21st.
Week 4 the game is closed and the real fun starts.
Thursday, 8pm boardtime. (Possibly a Sunday, 8 pm Finale as well.)

* Points:
Pre-week 3:
+3 per vote.
Post-week 3: Bootation. (Unless Immunity has been acheived.)
Target: +3 per vote.
Non-Targeted Safe-Survivor: -4
Bonuses: Varying in style and value.

* Misc. I'm not going to encourage redink this season. So from now on... Weekly scores cannot go below 0.
That and there's only one prize so it's best to head everyone in the same direction.

* Prizes:
* Final 10 Patch A one-time use immunity, only valid for the merge episode.
* Final 7 Patch A one-time use immunity, only valid for the Final 7 episode.
* Final 5 Patch A one-time use immunity, only valid for the Final 5 episode.
* Auction Paddle Your free invitation to the ABCAuction
* Slot Token Your ticket to the Slot-Night Bonus.
* Breadfruit Button Your ticket to the Breadfruit Bash Bonus.
Star Immunity Patch A one-time use (one-boot) immunity, valid for any single episode. Intention of use must be mentioned in your entry.
Vote x2 Patch A one-time use patch which will double the amount of points received from votes. Intention of use must be mentioned in your entry.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 11-11-06 at 07:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-06 AT 05:18 PM (EST)

*sigh* and to think that just a few weeks ago I was in 2nd place . I'll use my this week and see what happens

Target List: Rebecca, Jenny, Candice

Do we have to say we are entering the auction now, or can I bid on something if there's still anything left Tuesday night if/when I can get on?

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-12-06 at 02:38 AM
Just show up whenever you can. I don't need you to RSVP or anything.

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by emydi on 11-11-06 at 09:57 PM
target: Jonathan

psst SurvivorManiac is a peach w/no dangles!!

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-12-06 at 02:33 AM

Thanks for the heads up.

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by Molaholic on 11-12-06 at 11:47 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-06 AT 03:11 PM (EST)

Target List
Yul, Brad, Nate, Jonathan

Official LoserLodge siggie by tribephyl

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-12-06 at 08:53 PM
Ahem. Brad is already gone.

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by Molaholic on 11-12-06 at 09:31 PM
Ahem. Brad is already gone.

Alas, my master plan for losing has been discovered.

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 11-12-06 at 12:06 PM
target: Jonathan

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by Jenna_F on 11-13-06 at 01:58 PM

Signature given to me by tribephyl in an attempt to make me less boring.

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by DearAbby on 11-13-06 at 02:47 PM
Target ~ Jonathan

Vintage tribephyl 2006

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 11-13-06 at 04:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-16-06 AT 09:00 AM (EST)

Edited to add that I'm using my StarImmunity for this week!

Target: Jonathan, Rebecca, Jenny

A Tribe Original!

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 11-15-06 at 08:36 AM
Tribey, I have a question. What happens if I use my star immunity this tribal but they end up merging and I have the final 10 merge immunity. Would I keep my star immunity for another time?

A Tribe Original!

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-15-06 at 04:44 PM
You can use your StarImmunity this week.
The Final 10 patch will only come into effect for the episode starting with 10 survivors. (Since we currently have 12 survivors, that would not be this coming episode.)

I'll make sure to make an announcement, when the final 10 patch will become valid.

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by Das Mole on 11-13-06 at 07:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-06 AT 05:57 PM (EST)

*Sigh* This isn't an easy game. Or maybe I'm just not good. =x



"ABCAuction Results"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-14-06 at 10:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-06 AT 04:47 PM (EST)

MJewel 50 tokens for StarImmunity

emydi 50 tokens for +27

CattyChat 25 tokens for +5

CattyChat 25 tokens for +11

MagnoliaRocker 25 tokens for StarImmunity

MagnoliaRocker 25 tokens for +20 (and donated 5 points to RudyRules)

Wallflower 26 tokens for +6

Wallflower 24 tokens for (5 points to the captain)

kircon 29 tokens for +25 (and donated 5 points to RudyRules)

kircon 21 tokens for StarImmunity (and donated Breadfruit to DasMole)

DearAbby 20 tokens for SITOUT

DearAbby 2 tokens for +2

DearAbby 23 tokens for Votes X2

DearAbby 5 tokens for +2 points (in special deal)

Lolly 26 tokens for +26

Lolly 11 tokens for +10

Lolly 13 tokens for +5 points (in special deal)

alwaysintruble 8 tokens for +3 points (in special deal)

alwaysintruble 21 tokens for StarImmunity

alwaysintruble 21 tokens for +12

molaholic 45 tokens for +10

DasMole 40 tokens for +7

JennaF 21 tokens for +27

JennaF 6 tokens for Votes X2

JennaF 11 tokens for +20

survivorXXI 30 tokens for Votes X2

survivorXXI 1 token for +27 (and donated 5 points to DasMole)

survivorXXI 6 tokens for +12

RudyRules 31 tokens for +12

Flowerpower 30 tokens for +22

Vixen 13 tokens for StarImmunity

Vixen 14 tokens for +20 (and donated breadfruit to kircon)

mimo 25 tokens for StarImmunity

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by seahorse on 11-15-06 at 10:46 AM
Target - Jonathan

Slice & Dice Sigpic Chop Shop 2005

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-15-06 at 10:55 AM
Target List: Jonathan

"A few questions"
Posted by mimo on 11-15-06 at 01:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-06 AT 02:29 PM (EST)

Can I use the star immunity this week? Also, how does the Maximum Weekly Points work (is that effectively equivalent to immunity since you fill out our target list?) And finally, when does the final 10 / merge patch kick in? Is that valid for the first bootee after the merge? If so, can I glide without a target list for the week of the merge? (Just trying to get my contingency plans in place. DearAbby has gracefully offered to help out, but I think I'm confusing myself with all my options!!)

"RE: A few questions"
Posted by DearAbby on 11-15-06 at 03:48 PM
Honest, Fetcher, I didn't put her up to those questions. She came up with them all by herself. All I did was agree to cover for her if she can't make her picks!

Vintage tribephyl 2006

"RE: A few questions"
Posted by mimo on 11-15-06 at 11:15 PM
Thanks DearAbby!!! I owe you one. I'll send you a PM if I'm able to log in while visiting my technologically challenged parents. Otherwise, I'd be grateful if you could sub for me. I'm happy to use whoever is left over from this week's target list for next week. Or use your best judgement. You've shown yourself quite the expert!!!

"RE: A few questions"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-15-06 at 04:34 PM
Yes, you can use the StarImmunity for this week.

The Maximum weekly points, although not an immunity per se, will insure that the other targets votes made at TC, will be counted in your entry.
(For when you're finding it difficult picking the correct target.)
You simply have to play the maxweekly card and I'll do the rest.
Of course, you'll still have to play the bonus on your own.

The Final10 patch is good for the episode which starts with 10 survivors. (Since we're down to 12 survivors, that should be fairly soon.) I'll make sure to make a note about when it is valid in the new entry thread.

Hope this helps.
Have fun on your vacation?!

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by RudyRules on 11-15-06 at 01:58 PM
Target List: Jonathan

When does the Final Ten patch kick in?
The merge episode or when down to final 10?

"A man's soul can be judged by the way he treats his dog."
- Charles Doran
Rudy's Place

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-15-06 at 04:39 PM
The final 10 patch is good only for the episode which starts with 10 survivors.

(which, with 12 survivors left, should be very soon.)

I promise to make an announcement in the entry thread when it becomes valid.

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by survivor_21 on 11-16-06 at 09:17 AM
Just to be a trouble maker, arn't we down to 11 survivors now? so what happens with the final 10 immunity if two people are voted off tonight? I know it is unlikely that that will happen but you never know, tonight COULD be a double boot episode.

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-16-06 at 03:39 PM
Oh carp! I thought there were 12 left!

Well, I'll have to figure something out. (Damn you EPMB!!!!)

"Vix Pix"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 11-15-06 at 03:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-06 AT 03:36 PM (EST)

I'm going to use my "STAR" immunity this week ('bout time someone recognized my "STAR" qualities!)

Target List: Rebecca, Jenny, Johnathan

Edited to give my breadfruit to my Partner in Comfort (B&B Comfort, that is), the Lovely and Talented Kircon. She'd do the same for me, I just know it.

Back to the stupid grindstone.

"Thank You!"
Posted by kircon on 11-16-06 at 03:44 AM
For your kind words. You bet I would do the same.

I thought you could use a little drink. Enjoy!

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 11-16-06 at 07:57 PM
With little origimi birds, too!! How cute!

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by MJewel on 11-15-06 at 04:45 PM
Target List: Rebecca, Jenny and Jonathan

I would like to use my star immunity this week please .

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-15-06 at 05:38 PM
Target List:
(Your list of survivors who will receive votes at TribalCouncil but will not be booted. This is quite difficult so plan accordingly.)Jonathan

Wow, I just don't know what to say! I have never been in a game and earned so many things...auction paddles, breadfruits, lucky 7's and what not! I lvoe it!

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by Lolly on 11-15-06 at 05:58 PM
Target: Jonathan

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by LookeeLoo on 11-15-06 at 08:21 PM


Sorry to have missed all the auction fun! This is gonna be a real mixer upper week! Weeeee!


"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by mimo on 11-15-06 at 11:12 PM
Thanks Tribeeee!! I'll try to bring you guys something good from the Motherland.

I'd like to use my Star Immunity this week please.

Target list: Jenny, Rebecca, Jonathan

Hopefully my gamble will pay off!!

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by survivor_21 on 11-16-06 at 11:42 AM
Target List: Jonathan

Not that I think he'll get a vote. I think the whole, message in a bottle thing will go down such that the "target" will also get the boot, but since I don't have immunity there's not much I can do about it! Here's to hoping that I'm wrong. Who knows, maybe he'll be the target twice in one night!

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by mysticwolf on 11-16-06 at 03:50 PM
I don't have immunity and I missed the auction , so I'm taking a chance, but I'll put Jonathan on my target list.

An Autumn Tribe
blogging's scary

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by kircon on 11-16-06 at 04:11 PM
I would like to use my this week.

Thank you for the great fun at the auction.

My target list is Rebecca, Jenny, and Jonathan.

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by CattyChat on 11-16-06 at 05:56 PM
Oy, 2 weeks without immunity has me slipping big time.

TARGET LIST: Candice & Jonathan

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by whoami on 11-16-06 at 06:06 PM

Target list- Jonathan

Sorry I missed the auction, I like auctions and try to go when I can. Is there anything left?

"RE: ABC~Mutiny: Week 8 results / Week 9 entry"
Posted by kingfish on 11-16-06 at 06:44 PM
Yo Phletch;

* Final 10 Patch A one-time use immunity, only valid for the merge episode.

Since this may be the merge week, I guess this is the time to use the 10 patch? If I can I will.


Candice would be my choice for almost puntee.