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Posted by TODDLJ on 03-04-02 at 07:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-08-02 AT 05:36 PM (EST)

I'm running a series of comedic articles on Survivornews.net bashing the current Survivors.

Check them out for a laugh!


Gay Survivor Journal - Week One

Confessions of a Gay Survivor Addict

edited to add episode 2:

Gay Survivir Journal - Week Two

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
Posted by NightScribe on 03-04-02 at 09:04 PM
very funny stuff! You should post these over here regularly!

Posted by TODDLJ on 03-05-02 at 12:45 PM
Thanks, NightScribe!

They are sort of 'Survivornews.net exclusives,' so I'm not reposting them here... but I will put a link to them here so my colleagues at Blows can keep an eye on them.

Posted by Survivorchick on 03-05-02 at 02:23 PM
They are a riot. Thanks for admitting your Survivor addiction. The more we come out, the better we will be accepted.

Posted by TODDLJ on 03-05-02 at 05:34 PM
Thanks, Survivorchick!

I appreciate your support while I go through the 12 step program to battle this addiction.

Posted by lionsroar on 03-06-02 at 09:18 AM
I read your articles last week already and they were great!

Posted by ItzLisa on 03-06-02 at 11:18 AM
Oh-mah-GAWD!!! You are hilarious!!! I just "BAUAAAAAHHHAAAAA!!!"ed so loudly when I read the part about Paschal and the Versace jeans, my co-worker asked me what I was laughing at!


Visit BlossomArt's Ebay Page!

"This is a check made out to you, the Beatles, for $3,000 - you divide it up any way you want. If you want to give Ringo less, it's up to you." (SNL's Lorne Michaels, April 1976)

Posted by Bebo on 03-06-02 at 11:43 AM
Larry, hon, PLEASE get out of the 12-step program as soon as you can. We need people like you to have Survivor addictions, so that we can experience the joy of spitting liquids out of our mouths as we laugh. Can't wait for the next installment!

Posted by Drive My Car on 03-06-02 at 01:41 PM
Larry may I just say......YOU ROCK!!!!!!
OHMYGAWD! This Sh*t is too funny!!!
Thank you thank you. You must keep sharing these with us. How can we keep you happy? You need anything? Cool beverage?
Versace jeans? Anything?

Keep Bashing!

Oh and pretty cool you named a tribe after us *wink*


Posted by TODDLJ on 03-06-02 at 05:30 PM
Thanks, lionsroar, Drive My Car, ItzLisa and Bebo! (And thanks for noticing the Blow-tu reference, Drive!)
You all are so supportive. For a moment I felt a bit less jaded and bitchy.

Then the moment passed.

But it was a good moment.

Posted by Drive My Car on 03-06-02 at 05:40 PM
Oh No No , we like you jaded and bitchy.

Oh and call me Bug.

Posted by TODDLJ on 03-07-02 at 12:40 PM
Jaded and bitchy it is, then.

Thanks Bug!

Posted by TODDLJ on 03-08-02 at 05:35 PM
Episode 2 is now up:


Posted by ItzLisa on 03-08-02 at 07:38 PM
YAAAAY!!!! Thank yoooooouuuu!!!! Off to read it now! {{{SMOOOCH!!!}}} to ya!


Visit BlossomArt's Ebay Page!

"This is a check made out to you, the Beatles, for $3,000 - you divide it up any way you want. If you want to give Ringo less, it's up to you." (SNL's Lorne Michaels, April 1976)

Posted by kawee on 03-08-02 at 07:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-08-02 AT 07:55 PM (EST)

You have had me in stitches! MOREMOREMORE
Wow that Kathy is truly the anti-diva! She's got to go!

Posted by echogirl on 03-08-02 at 08:15 PM
Echogirl gets a fashion citation as she spews apple cider onto the screen

OMG!! OMG!! This is soooo funny!

Thanks Todd

Posted by Java on 03-08-02 at 08:49 PM
You have been awarded 50 Java points. Like my cup of brew, they are bitter, shallow and dark (not to mention calorie-free). I bow to you.

That Daryl Hannah hair was fine!

Goe Zoe!

Posted by lroy on 03-11-02 at 03:42 PM
"When Kathy learned that the tribe would not bow to her every whim, that she was nearly moved to tears! Poor Kathy! Poor little Kathy! Poor bitchy, fat, homeless-looking Kathy!"

Oh my god, i laughed so hard, my officemates thought i was choking. These are too great!

"Please, please stop posting these!"
Posted by SkyRaider on 03-08-02 at 11:29 PM
I can only justify wasting so much time on the computer and your site has became a 'must read now!' for me.

Two snaps up for the Gay Guy's site!!

"RE: Please, please stop posting these!"
Posted by TODDLJ on 03-11-02 at 12:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-11-02 AT 12:04 PM (EST)

edited for spelling

Thanks, SkyRaider, Java, echogirl, kawee and ItzLisa...

Loving you!

Episode three article should be up Thursday evening...


"No, don't stop, don't stop!"
Posted by NightScribe on 03-11-02 at 04:06 PM
I'd like to invite you to do a guest lecture on the Basher Babe thread, you know like how to keep your claws sharpened and what not. Please, come on over, we won't bite -- hard.

You'll fit right in!

"RE: No, don't stop, don't stop!"
Posted by TODDLJ on 03-11-02 at 06:03 PM

I visited your thread and decided I could be persuaded to 'slum' there under optimium conditions. I can't honor all requests, after all, I'm sure you understand.

As I'm sure you can see, I've become quite popular. One might say it has gone to my head, but the reality is, I was rather cocky to begin with, and this mearly gives credence to my inflated ego.

Feel free to provide a list of potential topics upon which you might wish for me to lecture, and I will have my people contact your people.


"RE: No, don't stop, don't stop!"
Posted by samiam on 03-11-02 at 07:32 PM
we won't bite -- hard.

Well, unless, of course, you happen to like that sort of thing.

some people wear their heart upon their sleeeve...i wear mine underneath my right pant leg strapped to my boot -- ani difranco

Posted by Weems on 03-11-02 at 04:24 PM
Funny stuff Larry.
Tammy can be found at Home Depot on a Saturday night buying drywall? You've definitely got her number.

And I see you work for Disney. I thought I noticed Donald Duck was getting to be more of a crotchety biotch. If only he would come out of the closet his life would be so much less stressful.

Posted by Sheila on 03-11-02 at 05:10 PM
Check them out for a laugh!

Larry, thank you for the many laughs!

Looking forward to the next installment.

Posted by TODDLJ on 03-15-02 at 12:09 PM
week three is now up!


Posted by Survivorchick on 03-15-02 at 04:18 PM
I am seriously LMAO! I loved your take on the water-sports incident. Truly hilarious. You rock!!

Posted by Alien Probe on 03-15-02 at 07:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-02 AT 07:47 PM (EST)

My friends and I enjoyed the article and the diva awards. However, we believe that John should win a diva HooHa award for being gay and was not bothered by putting his hand on Kathy's HooHa when trying to catch the golden shower! It makes me want to crawl out of my skin thinking about that!

Weems-quit kidnapping my dancing baby alien

Posted by TODDLJ on 03-18-02 at 02:06 PM
Thanks, Survivorchick and Alien Probe

Look for my week four article late Thursday...

"is it Thursday yet?"
Posted by moonbaby on 03-18-02 at 02:31 PM
Don't know how I missed em before today but these are great!

Thanks for posting the link!

Posted by simone on 03-22-02 at 09:44 PM
>pendulous man-breasts

This phrase should be used frequently in conversation. Oh my God!

I'm just catching up on these articles and you are a genius- more, please? It almost enough to make me wish Survivor were on more than once a week. OK maybe not, but you get the point...

Dying with laughter.

Posted by anotherkim on 03-18-02 at 05:43 PM
**gasping for air***

I don't know why I missed these before---I am now hooked. I am suddenly having flashbacks to my college days as a theater major......

While floating in about 2 feet of dingy seawater, Sean sported a red lifejacket, baggy red shorts, and jogging shoes. What was the plan with that outfit, Sean? If the tide were to suddenly rise, you’d be prepared to jog out of the water? And who, may I ask, over the age of four actually needs a lifejacket in 2 feet of water?


And I’ll pretend I didn’t see his HUGE homemade shell necklace that screamed ‘geek.’)

The peeing person asserts dominance over the one peed on. This is, after all, where we get the term "peon," meaning a lower echelon person. Kathy, in her own f’d up way, was merely asserting her Diva status.

This week, he was seen in a ‘confessional’ session where the cameraman chose a very unfortunate up-angle, which accentuated Robert's rather large and pendulous man-breasts. To be frank, Robert has more boobage than Tammy, Gina, Neleh and Vecepia combined.

Too funny for words, you are the master!!!!

Posted by Sheila on 03-18-02 at 07:48 PM
Gabriel Cade
Diva points for Village People Construction Worker act: 25
Pollyanna bonus: 25

I will be totally surprised if we don't see him leading the Love Tribe in a round of YMCA! Thanks again!

Posted by TODDLJ on 03-20-02 at 01:59 PM
thanks anotherkim, Sheila, and moon baby...

look for my next article late tomorrow!

Posted by ItzLisa on 03-21-02 at 07:43 PM
Laaaaarrrrry!!!! I'm dyin' here!!! I can't wait for episode four! But no pressure, LOL!!!!


Visit BlossomArt's Ebay Page!

"This is a check made out to you, the Beatles, for $3,000 - you divide it up any way you want. If you want to give Ringo less, it's up to you." (SNL's Lorne Michaels, April 1976)

Posted by dabo on 03-22-02 at 00:15 AM
>Laaaaarrrrry!!!! I'm dyin' here!!!
>I can't wait for episode
>four! But no pressure,
(Lights a Bic and holds it high) LAR-RY! LAR-RY! LAR-RY! LAR-RY!

Cap'n Zoe Just YoHoHoee!

Posted by TODDLJ on 03-22-02 at 11:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-22-02 AT 11:26 AM (EST)

Rest assured, Sheila, ItzLisa, and dabo...

week four is up!


Posted by Bebo on 03-22-02 at 11:57 AM
I absolutely LOVE these!!!!!!!!!

Posted by managerr on 03-22-02 at 12:07 PM
Aaaagh! I must say I'm dissappointed with your column this week. I was sure you were going to ream Sarah for her over gratuitous use of the American Flag--a diva should know better than to not wear stripes from head to toe. Not to mention it didn't go well with her scabby legs. She deserved a fashion citation for that one!

Posted by TODDLJ on 03-22-02 at 04:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-22-02 AT 04:30 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 03-22-02 AT 04:28 PM (EST)

Good point about the stripes, managerr, but just one slight correction. One should never wear HORIZONTAL stripes from head to toe, as horizontal stripes make one appear larger, which we should obviously avoid at all costs. On that point you are without a doubt correct.

If you'll notice however, in the episode, the stripes Sarah surrounded herself with were actually VERTICAL. Vertical stripes are, of course, slimming, as they make one appear to be taller and narrower.

Furthermore, the bloody, red, festering, scabby areas on Sarah's legs actually mixed quite tastefully with the deep red on our Star Spangled Banner.

But I appreciate your input, (however misguided.)


Posted by Teddy_Bear on 04-11-02 at 01:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-11-02 AT 07:22 PM (EST)

Man you Rock!

Tell me, have you written any Gay Survival Journals for the 3 previous Survivor seasons?, and if so; how can I get a hold of them.

I'll do anything ! LOL.
Maybe I'll even consider becoming a bag lady if I have to--no wait that would earn me serious anti-diva deductions!

I'm just dying to get a hold of any colums on previous survivors. I'll have to find a way to support my habbit, somehow!

If they aren't any previous Journals on past seasons; would you consider writing a series of articles skewering our favourite survivors of all time?

I'd love to know what you think about Kim J.'s thong or Lis's headress, for example.

*Note: edited for spelling.

Posted by TODDLJ on 04-11-02 at 06:10 PM
Thanks, Teddy_Bear. (You don't happen to know Gabe's Teddy Bear do you?)

This is my first series of Survivor Articles... but a "favorite Survivor" column would be tons of fun. Maybe I'll do one after S4 is over, before S5.

For now, just skewering the current bunch of Fashion Victims is all I really have time for.

Posted by Teddy_Bear on 04-11-02 at 07:55 PM
HaHaHaHaHa! Guilty as charged!!! LOL.

No, I don't happen to know's Gabe's Teddy Bear--I think his name is "Jimmy."
--at least not in the biblical sense !
You caught me .

Actually, I didn't register on this board until after Gabe's boot; so, I thought it a fitting tribute to my all time favourite survivor!

However, after his "Memorial Service," last week; I thought I'd keep it anyway.
His TeddyBear Rap sent me into a fit of hysterics !!!

I love your column. FYI, I've been faithfully reading it on survivornews.net, since Ep. 1.
I think it is pretty damn cool that I would get the chance to respond back to you.

I'm glad you are considering writing future Survivor columns skewering past survivors .

Bye the way, now that celebreties--even--gasp!--Cher--are having there tattoos removed;
don't you think that John deserves a "Fashion Citation," for his Survivor tattoo?

If he doesn't have it removed; I think that a Sierra Mist tattoo would be nice right beside it . LOL.

"*Contented Sigh!*"
Posted by ItzLisa on 03-22-02 at 12:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-22-02 AT 01:23 PM (EST)

Larry, that was the best one yet!!! I salute you! The little MasterCard commercial between Sean and Gabe at the end was the greatest!!! Also, I loved your response to your "friend" when he asked you to go easy on John, LOL!!!



Visit BlossomArt's Ebay Page!

"This is a check made out to you, the Beatles, for $3,000 - you divide it up any way you want. If you want to give Ringo less, it's up to you." (SNL's Lorne Michaels, April 1976)

Posted by kawee on 03-22-02 at 02:40 PM
You are one funny mo-fo!

*eating my dinner of diet coke, celery, and Hydroxycut..
*Everyone is left completely directionless, gasping, flailing, and writhing in his/her own worthlessness, disgust, and self-pity.
Which sounds not unlike the crowd at a gay bar on Saturday night.
*For the love of god, Pappy, put on some pants!
*The close-up of Sarah rubbing lime on her nono-bitten gams was enough to make anyone gag, (even those, like my boyfriend, who have no apparent gag reflex.)
* ‘Get your own damn Survivor column, #####!’
*Lesbians everywhere didn’t care that she’s engaged, collectively musing “it’ll never last.”
* “Over here we’ve got eight guys. Well eight guys and one girl. I think her name is John.”
ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT: -50 (Sorry, Rob! This ‘queer’ is offended!)
BEST QUOTE OF WEEK THREE: 50 (But not that offended.)
* (Sean, as always, ‘representin’ with class.)
*She’s the kind of girl who, if I met in a dark alley, I would run from, screaming like a girl. My advice to Rob: Be afraid. Be very afraid.
*Sean’s filthy red shorts?
$1.00 on ebay.

Sean’s stinky NAVY BLUE socks?
$1.00 on ebay.

The amount of money Sean just forfeited due to this exchange with Gabe?

The look on Gabe’s face?

*I say, to those who scoff, they can all kiss my tanned, hairless, Stairmaster-toned ass.

You go Larry!!!!
Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much for these nuggets of hilarity!!

"WooHoo Larry"
Posted by MakeItStop on 03-22-02 at 07:19 PM
Larry, I finally found some time to read your Diva summaries. What a hoot!

<stands next to dabo with lighted bic held high>

Posted by Ruthless on 03-22-02 at 11:29 PM
I love your summaries, Larry.

I know a couple of gay guys. One is the most miserable person I have ever come across. He has that "poor, poor pitiful me, the whole world hates me" attitude. Almost as though he is ashamed of being gay. Maybe I should point him in your direction so you can sort him out.

Posted by s_man on 03-23-02 at 11:07 AM
Just got the chance to catch up with weeks 3 and 4. Very funny stuff - keep up the great work.

Posted by TODDLJ on 03-27-02 at 12:58 PM
Thanks bebo, ItzLisa, Kawee, MakeItStop, Ruthless and s_man...

more to come on Friday!

P.S. Ruthless:
Tell your gay friend to get with the program! Straight is soooo declasse! Being gay is so 'in' right now, we've got straight people envious! Be proud! Also, remember, being gay is NOT a choice, but being happy IS!

Posted by dabo on 03-27-02 at 03:42 PM
>P.S. Ruthless:
>Tell your gay friend to get
>with the program! Straight
>is soooo declasse! Being
>gay is so 'in' right
>now, we've got straight people
>envious! Be proud!

Oh, don't be that way about straights, no reason to blame all straights for the Neanderthalic tendencies of some, any more than the black nonos should be blamed for all the bad nonos, you know. Not that I mind being declasse, though, whatever that means.

>Also, remember, being gay is
>NOT a choice, but being
>happy IS!

Yes, be proud and be happy, by all means. Not that I want to spark another serious round of discussion here on Bashers, but I've always wondered about something so I might as well just ask: Does it really matter whether being gay is a choice, a genetic imperative, or some combination or whatever else? In a free society (well, one still trying to get there at least) what would it really matter?

"RE: **ahem**"
Posted by TODDLJ on 03-27-02 at 05:09 PM
Sorry if you feel I lumped you in with the bad black nonos. Although, quite respectfully, if you don't know what declasse means, then you certainly are declasse, and deserving of my assumption. (It's sort of an emperor's new clothes thing)

And... in terms of your 'is it a choice' question, I suppose it only matters whether or not it is a choice, when you are using it as a rebuttal.

See the example below:

Typical Question: Why do you choose to be gay when you face so much descrimination! Change your mind, you sinner!

"It Is a Choice" Answer (not so good): I like it this way, and I'm free to do what I want in this free society! Just like you are free to hate me for it!

"It's Not A Choice" Answer (better): I didn't choose it, it chose me. I can't change it. Stop asking.

By the way, for the record, I DO NOT feel that ALL gays were born that way. I know that I WAS, but I can't speak for all. Some may have chosen it because it somehow benefitted them. (Anne Heche, for instance.)

"RE: **ahem**"
Posted by dabo on 03-27-02 at 06:25 PM
Aw, thanks, but this is quite the quandry for me as I've always taken a bit of pride in not being at the beck and whim of fashion, but now it seems I'm fashionably declasse even though I did absolutely nothing to become that way. I don't like either answer, actually, coz if someone asks me Just why are you so fashionably declasse? my inclination would be to say there's really something wrong with the question itself. The whole debate about whether it's a choice or genetics or whatever just seems, in my opinion, to make a similar presumption, because if you begin with the presumption that there really is nothing wrong with that then there would be little purpose in even raising the question.


"RE: **ahem**"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 04-11-02 at 07:17 PM
HaHaHaHa, Larry, don't get me started about Anne Heche . LOL. That Barbara Walters' she--or, should I refer to her as "Celestia?"--interview had me in stitches! I thought nothing could be funnier than Monica talking about her thong. Guess, I was wrong. LOL .

Posted by Kokoro on 03-30-02 at 06:43 PM
Heyyyy great job; I totally love your articles (especially for the Kathy digs ! BTW: just read the new one and it looks like we picked the same Gabe quote this week ^-^

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Gabriel: "Alright, John go straight! Straight!" - Um, Gabe?

Posted by katem on 03-27-02 at 11:00 PM
Sugar, you make all gays proud, I wish you would be on the show so you can teach these suckers how to have a little style and how to play the game.

Can't wait for your next one.

Posted by dabo on 03-29-02 at 10:34 AM
bumping this up so Larry won't have to go hunting for it.


Cap'n Zoe Just YoHoHoee!

"Outstanding stuff"
Posted by LionChow on 03-29-02 at 01:43 PM
OMG Larry,

Biting, sarcastic, bitter and so dead on perfect!

I absolutely love your stuff (particularly the jibes at homeless-looking Kathy).

Thank you so much for taking the time.


P.S. - Thank God you can't see my wardrobe. A bunch of cr@p and one defenseless pair of Cole-Haan shoes.

Posted by katem on 03-30-02 at 05:51 PM
Larry, waiting for no. 5 here.
No pressure, of course.

"Week 5"
Posted by dabo on 04-01-02 at 00:08 AM
Gee, Larry, this has been up since Friday--


--so what gives? Are we are your doodoo list? Or was it just me? Sorry if it was me, man, I was just funning with you.

Anyway, Larry, another winner of a piece this time! Keep up the great work!

Cap'n Zoe Just YoHoHoee!

"RE: Week 5"
Posted by TODDLJ on 04-01-02 at 05:35 PM
Thanks, dabo, for posting the link for me! (No worries, not offended...)

Thanks, LionChow for your support!

Sorry I made you wait katem...

I was in Palm Springs all weekend and didn't have a chance to post the link on the blowsboard! But thanks for finding it!

"RE: Week 5"
Posted by katem on 04-03-02 at 01:07 AM

>Sorry I made you wait katem...

Honey, it was well worth the wait . Keep it up, please. Although, Rob is disgusting, not nearly attractive

"RE: Week 5"
Posted by TODDLJ on 04-03-02 at 12:17 PM
Well, katem, I partially agree with you about Rob, but the pickens have gotten slim now with the hotties gone. You tell me who the most attractive guy left is! The top 2 are a tossup, but it's pretty clear after that. Here, I'll rank them in order:


"RE: Week 5"
Posted by katem on 04-03-02 at 03:17 PM
>Well, katem, I partially agree with
>you about Rob, but the
>pickens have gotten slim now
>with the hotties gone.
>You tell me who the
>most attractive guy left is!
> The top 2 are
>a tossup, but it's pretty
>clear after that. Here,
>I'll rank them in order:

I sadly agree but take John, whip him into shape (he has a lot of potential) and dispose of the others, QUICKLY !!!!!! BEFORE THEY REPRODUCE ANY FURTHER!!!!!

If you can't do this, no one can !!!!

Posted by LTJ on 04-06-02 at 02:33 AM

Week Six is Up!

"They're all great!"
Posted by dangerkitty on 04-06-02 at 12:41 PM
Larry, you are a truly unique talent! I have read all your journals, and they are just ROFL funny. I love your creative way of approaching the episode and the players. Too, too funny!! And can't you find a way to put the whammy on Rob for next time?? I can't stand him!

What you call shininess, I call sliminess... LOL

"RE: They're all great!"
Posted by LTJ on 04-07-02 at 02:45 PM
Thanks, Dangerkitty. I'm gonna keep plugging away, though it's getting harder each week to find anything good to say, so it's gonna be all bad from here on!

Hey, check out this review in the Burlington (VT) Press (Kathy's home publication):

(This was after week 3)

-- Quite possibly the best feature on this site is the Gay Survivor Journal. Comedy writer Larry Johnson does a weekly run down of the contestants, rating them with diva points. Who's at the bottom of Johnson's heap after episode three? Vavrick-O'Brien -- especially after last week's loss of Johnson's favorite, Hunter Ellis."

I can't believe Kathy's best buds are backing me!


"RE: They're all great!"
Posted by katem on 04-07-02 at 03:40 PM
Larry, you are too much, and that is a good thing. This one was the best yet. I told you John would pick up the pace.

Congratulations on the Burlington Press plug you received. Now that the press has noticed, it's all the way to the top for you (or bottom, however it goes )

One thing Larry, this thread has become really big, maybe you should start one each week, that will make this easier to navigate.

Again, you are too much