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"Brandi is smarter then I thought........"

Posted by beachbum on 12-07-01 at 11:55 AM
This is my first time posting after months of lurking so be easy on me.....

First I was shocked last night when I watched the show but..then I realized what he was up to and to be honest it is quite brilliant. Might not work out , but he is thinking more about the game then I originally thought. Boran is now even with Samburu and it hasn't even dawned on Lex what the implications of that are!!! Hello, Lex everyone knows about your votes and do you honestly think that Samburu will not use that to their advantage next TC? Brandi might get farther then we envisioned. All he needs to do is convince KimP and the rest that this was his plan all along.....that will be a tough sell.

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"RE: Brandi is smarter then I thought........"
Posted by ItzLisa on 12-07-01 at 12:00 PM
Hi, Beachbum! Welcome to the boards!

I agree completely! Say what you will about Brandon's annoying personality, he was the major power player last night - and all the while Lex thought it was him! LOL!!!

All Brandon had to do was defect once - and the rest of the old Boran Dominoes will topple. In any given tie situation, Lex is now the only one with a hefty share of previous votes - and everyone knows about them!!! Now Brandon can skip on back to the old Samburu side and they're all sitting pretty! Of course, Lex brought all this on himself by interrogating everyone till they couldn't stand the sight of him! He set it up - Brandon was just smart enough to go along!


"RE: Brandi is smarter then I thought........"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-07-01 at 12:25 PM
Okay, just a thought... does anyone else thinks that Brandi already knew that Teresa was the one voting for Lex? It just seemed too easy that Brandi went "Bow wow!" to Lex's commands and scampered along to the Borans where Tom's white meat was waiting for him.

I believe that Teresa told Brandi at some point that she voted for Clarence because of a promise she made to him after the Gillette Deodorant-sponsored IC -- and they hatched a plan to send Brandi over to the Borans knowing that Kelly was somewhat on the fence and that Lex was accusing Kelly. Then Brandi goes back and it's hasta la vista, Borans.

Of course, Brandi could just be as dumb as a post as we've seen quite often during the show, and he's sunk the entire Samburus and T/F/KimP won't trust him... and he's the new lapdog poodle of Lex and the Borans.

"Damn you, Carl, for leaving me here with a bunch of misfits."
Frank Garrison, Nov. 1/01

"No brains for Brandi"
Posted by Round Robin on 12-07-01 at 03:32 PM
There is nothing intelligent in what Brandi is doing. He thinks there is, but he has revealed himself as an untrustworthy little rodent, and he will be exterminated. He will be gone within the next two episodes.

"RE: Brandi is smarter then I thought........"
Posted by shanana banana on 12-07-01 at 05:10 PM
I am very unsure as to whether Brandon's move can be considered smart or not. If he manages to convince the SamBooHoos that this was his plan all along to target two Borans in a row, then maybe. Maybe. However, if he simply sticks with the new Boran alliance this will get him no better than fifth place unless he manages to go on some magical immunity streak.

This is very perplexing. I can't imagine how this can be spun to work out in his favor. Either way, he's pissing half the people off and that can't work to his advantage in a final two situation.

shanana banana