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"Brandon slamming Lindsey"

Posted by lola on 11-26-01 at 10:53 PM
Has anyone heard/seen Lindsey's reaction to Brandon slamming her the next episode after she was voted off? After all of her..."I made a promise to a friend, and that meant more than $1million" I would have loved to see her face. I actually couldn't stand Lindsey, but in the after interviews I started to like her. Kinda sucks that Brandon's been saying this stuff.

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"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by dabo on 11-27-01 at 09:52 AM
I hear ya! Haven't heard anything about what her reaction was to that, unfortunately. She was a real trooper during her week in the media rounds, though, so I guess Burnett's headshrink earned his/her pay. Hm... maybe LInsano wasn't hospitalized for tummybugs as reported, maybe she was institutionalized for her own good!


"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks. A few miserable individuals might linger, but even these in a year or two would become worse than monkeys." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 11-27-01 at 12:29 PM
I was wondering when someone would mention this. Loyalty. My friends. Yeah. What a bunch of hypocrites.

"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by managerr on 11-27-01 at 10:04 PM
Did you see the Survivor Insider clip where this was explained? Lindsey told Brandon before TC that she was strongly thinking of voting with Boran against Brandon to save her own butt. So he knew of her own potential treachery first.

"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by Dakota on 11-27-01 at 11:57 PM
He also turned on Kim. He's a whiny complainer and unlike S2's tree talking gossiper, Jeff, Brandon is NOT entertaining. He's just a complainer. It wasn't so long ago that Jiffy asked him if he ever took a walk alone and he blurted out "I'm never alone. These are my friends. That won't change. I'm never alone." OOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKK, Brandon. The heat is getting to you. The hunger is getting to you. Your alliance was shattered. And you're and idiot. We understand.

"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by MikeD on 11-29-01 at 08:50 PM
Jeff was entertaining?

"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by Lurking on 11-30-01 at 04:09 AM
Sort of.

"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-30-01 at 08:27 AM
I thought Jeff Vermin was entertaining.

"Damn you, Carl, for leaving me here with a bunch of misfits."
Frank Garrison, Nov. 1/01

"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by Loree on 12-01-01 at 10:33 PM
I thought Jeff was very entertaining. I was so disappointed when he got kicked off. (That big mouth Kimmi)

I wonder if KimP and Brandon are still wearing their bead necklaces that Lindsay gave them?

"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by drich61 on 11-28-01 at 11:13 PM
Here is how I see it, again let me state I like Brandon. That scene against the rocks was shown twice in that episode, but only shot once. It was shown in the beginning, where he said he was glad Lindsey was gone. It was then shown again later, from what was said putting it all together. This scene was shot AFTER the merge, I would guess even after it was decided Clarence was going next.

Now put 2 + 2 together, had the GXA been able to get rid of Tom the previous week, as they had hoped. They would have gone into the merge with all three members, the L/E/T aliance would have been minus one (with a very angry Lex). Clarence for sure would not have been the target, guess were ALL arrows would have been pointed. They would have been for sure gone 1, 2, 3. Now put yourself into that interview, your hoping to win a million dollars. No one would be saying yes I'm glad we get to be voted off in the next two weeks. You, as he was would be glad your plan had failed as well, so you could go on further. He wasn't glad it was Lindsey that was gone (though I'm sure he was glad to get rid of her whinning and crying), but he was really glad that the plan had failed. Never believe everything you see in the editing, there was more to that conversation which we did not see. I'm sure Lindsey understands this, because I'm sure it happened to her too.

"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by Dalton on 12-01-01 at 03:12 PM
Brandon takes "slamming" to a whole new level on Survivor.

He was slamming Lindsey and Lil Kim for being "whiny cry-babies" before Lindsey got the boot.

As soon as Lindsey was gone he dropped any pretense of being friends with Lil Kim.

Looking back over the entire tribe(s), before and after the switch ------is there anybody Brandon has NOT slammed?

Frank/Teresa/Lil Kim/Lex/Tom/Kelly --- there are SIX people who have first-hand knowledge of Brandon's true behavior!!!

Geeze, I know I've complained before that some previous contestants had no redeeming qualities....but Brandon wins the MOST unattractive award by far!! There is just nothing to like about this guy!!


"RE: Brandon slamming Lindsey"
Posted by SkyRaider on 12-01-01 at 07:08 PM
Brandan was just upset because Lindsay did not replace the Tampax that she had borrowed from him their first day in Africa, when she announced to the world that she was getting her period.