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"Has this been found before? Sean's website"

Posted by PigFace on 07-07-01 at 10:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-07-01 AT 10:14 PM (EST)

Sean Kennif has a website. I don't know if you guys already know about this...but it's


I have to say now I truly believe sean is a dumbass. Just read the introduction. This guys head has exploded from egomaina when nobody at all even remembers or cares about him anymore. I think I'll leave a nasty comment on his discussion board...

Edited to say: Damn, it looks like there are some mean comments on that board already!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Has this been found before? Sean's website"
Posted by sleeeve on 07-07-01 at 11:27 PM
This website has been around for a while... it's listed in our resource directory, and Survivorsean is a member of this board, too... he has occasionally posted on Fanatics.

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Has this been found before? Sean's website"
Posted by darbygrl on 07-09-01 at 08:58 AM
I have to agree with ya there on the old Sean is dumb-arse. But- hey, he's workin it and doin pretty good.

Now ya got my curiousity goin. DG leaves to go check out nasty-grams on sean's site.



"RE: Has this been found before? Sean's website"
Posted by VampKira on 07-09-01 at 10:24 AM
I have to say, I am sorry Sean hasn't posted here in a while. He was nice enough to post on his site, that he liked SurvivorBlows, and thought it was a fun place...

"Let's spend the night together,
You'll wake up and live forever."
Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: Has this been found before? Sean's website"
Posted by dabo on 07-16-01 at 03:52 AM
Thanks, Piggy!

Sean himself posted on the fanatics board as Survivorsean, and he does have a nice site.

I would agree with anyone, however, who thinks he has a long way to go to reach Jerry Seinfeld status, but there's no shame in that and at least he's trying!

"If the race of man should be left naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks. A few individuals might linger, but in a year would become worse than monkeys." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"RE: Has this been found before? Sean's website"
Posted by ItzLisa on 07-19-01 at 09:55 AM
I kinda feel two ways about it - it was nice that Sean posted here, and said nice things about SBlows. But then, and here's the kicker that I still think about - he had the nerve to post that he didn't like the "Desperate Attention Whore" tag next to our number of posts. He then practically ordered Webby to take those tags down next to his post number or he wouldn't be posting here again! Oooooh!!!! We quickly pointed out to him not only how truly ironic his comments were, but for him to RELAX, and that we all had those next to our number of posts!


"RE: Has this been found before? Sean's website"
Posted by dabo on 07-19-01 at 10:32 AM
I have to admit it, I despised the "whore" tag at first, but it does grow on you though.

What I thought was great, the morning of S2 ep 11 Dr. Sean was on some show saying (best as I remember), "The one to watch tonight is Amber. Her best strategy right now would be to reallign with Rodger and Elisabeth to vote off Colby or Keith. But whether she'll do that, I don't know."

Obviously, he was paying a lot of attention, that was straight from the theory Survivorerist got rolling, though he didn't give Sir E or Blows any credit in his aired comments. Should have, but possibly he did and that was edited out.

"If the race of man should be left naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks. A few individuals might linger, but in a year would become worse than the press." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"RE: Has this been found before? Sean's website"
Posted by katttywoman on 08-18-01 at 01:34 PM
I actually like Sean's website, although I haven't visited in a while.

Thanks, piggy, your post reminded that I should check it out again.

Meow to you too! >>^..^<<