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""Be The Survivor"S40, Ep07: “We’re All Drama Majors”"

Posted by RollDdice on 03-25-20 at 09:56 PM

We finally have the Death Match, Rumble in the Jungle, WWE Iron Cage Match that we’ve been waiting for... Rob and Sandra duking it out at the Edge of Extinction. There’s the bell for the First Round and... Wait! I’ve just been handed a note. Hmm...

I’m going to leave it there so we can all enjoy the entertainment and diversion that Survivor can bring from the continuing COVID-19 drama. Please take care of you and yours.

Mark “No man is an island. Even in Fiji.” Burnett

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"The Aruba Commission"
Posted by Aruba on 03-26-20 at 10:18 AM
A rather hectic evening for the Aruba Commission last night. With its final observation/speculation last week noting “sit-out” Sandra with no “bench” on EoE, the Commission appropriately determined throwing in the towel would be a viable option to usher this player into the Sandra “Quitter Quarters.”

Consequently, after this episode, offers came in all night from various Spoiler sites to solicit the services of this Commission.
Let’s set the record straight...the Aruba Commission has never, did not, nor will ever engage in ANY Spoiler information. Quite frankly, its observation last week was not inside info nor a prediction as much as an obvious determination for such a player. Whereas, it is flattered by the attention, the Commission will respectfully decline all invitations. Despite all the attention received, the Commission was still dedicated to posting its newest edition to this season’s report in a timely manner.

#1 – The episode opens with Perv-ati stepping onto the EoE to only wonder how she wasn’t able to sink her meat hooks into Nick securing the simple majority needed to boot Wendell...especially with Nick revealing to the Perv she was his “High School crush.” Much to her chagrin, she found out Nick no longer has a High School penis. Truth be told, Nick has grown up...and coupled with her new status as mom and wife, her previous ability to bewitch immature horndogs in the game has simply expired.

#2 – Sandra is not the first player to raise the surrender flag, literally or figuratively, and sadly will not be the last. Yet of all the quitters lining the Survivor Hall of Shame, no one has self-promoted so much delusion over itself than this castaway now occupying the Sandra “Quitter Quarters.” With zero-to-no chance of winning her way back into the game, no Lil to giftwrap a mil to her, and no Bitter Betty Jury voting AGAINST Hantz (and his sidekick by association) the Commission can understand her decision...does not AGREE with it; but can understand given her desponding MO.

#3 – The complete polar opposite is Ethan. If anyone could get a pass for taking new residence in the Sandra “Quitter Quarters,” it would be this Stem Cell Transplant survivor who has beaten cancer. Yet, despite this history, and a prior visit from Medical, he has decided to forge forward in TRUE SURVIVOR fashion. Please take note of the underlined word...the name of the game is still ”Survivor.”

#4 – Despite this episode’s departure, there’s still no shortage of delusion. It comes in the form of the verbal diarrhea spewing from Rob’s mouth. Snatching three of the four fire tokens was a commendable effort, but a FAR CRY from the “best who ever played the game.” Shall we remind this confused veteran, not once but TWICE, Rob gets bounced so early from the game he never even serves on the Jury! One of those was the first time he played when “pre-gaming” was not a factor. He boasts a .750 batting average in the “Majors.” In episode 7, the “Majors” consists of three teams: Dakal, Sele, and Yara. EoE is a “Triple-A Affiliate” where players get dropped down to work their way BACK into the “Majors.”

#5 – Tony declares Denise is “A-OK” with him. You’re darn tootin’...she saved your hide. As the only TWO players over 40 in the game NOT occupying EoE, consider it mutual courtesy of sorts. Actually, she pretty much saved Dakal’s hide leading up to the last tribal IC prior to the merge. With three even teams of four competing in that all-important challenge, Sandra would NOT have been occupying her namesake bench. Translation: Dakal’s probably unable to transport even one drop of water resulting in a pre-merge date with TC.

#6 – Still clutching to her post-tribal switch “Dumb Ass Luck” Award, Kim understandably continues to feel secure as a result of that random swap. What is NOT understandable is announcing how she “feels safe” with Denise. Is it the same “safety” she felt sharing her idol with Sophie who pretty much said she’d backstab Kim if need be? And this is in the recent aftermath of Denise completely outwitting and deceiving Sandra beating her into a quitter submission?? Really??? Could someone please inform Kim this is NOT a One World “battle of the sexes” format?

#7 – How many times will A-Dum need to successfully do “damage control” before his paranoid butt gets booted to the EoE? He states if Ben/Sarah does not possess the HII, he’ll feel like a “real idiot.” No need to wait for official confirmation...A-Dum IS a real idiot.

#8 – Probst’s non-stop annoying challenge chatter raises the ire of Sele disturbed by his “exaggeration.” Exaggeration is synonymous with embellishment, a deployable staple in the show appropriately cited by the Commission on numerous occasions. What’s even more appropriate is the response, “don’t listen to him...” advice we should all take. Despite Jeff’s obnoxious criticism, truth be told, Sele began with the puzzle pieces BEFORE Dakal while Tony was struggling to secure the puzzle board. So, Sele finished last due to the puzzle.

#9 – Once again, MVP Sophie kills it on the “damn friggin’ puzzle.” How dominant was she? Her puzzle-making partner was the player who coined the curse, “Damn Friggin’ Puzzles.”

#10 – Whatever Production has in store for these fire tokens after the merge better be substantial, because Yul became the latest casualty in his quest to obtain them. Wendell may be “digging his own grave,” but Yul essentially hammered the final nail in his coffin. Despite his self-destruction, you must give props to the chiseled physique of 45-year old Yul. The term “dad bod” has been a recent excuse for dudes either too lazy to exercise or simply have lost the desire to keep their bodies in the best condition. All those copping-out because they say it’s not possible for a middle-aged man...the Commission presents YUL – husband and father of two!

#11 – The “Sele Scramble” commences leading up to TC. Wendell and Michelle get together ending with Michelle agreeing “to do whatever he (Wendell) wants.” Yul informs Michelle he will vote for Wendell. Michelle responds, sure “that’s OK.” Nick makes a good case for voting out either Wendell or Yul. Michelle replies, “whatever you want to do, I’ll follow you.” FOLLOWING is not a strong bullet point on one’s Survivor resume. Yet, we’ll still continue to have to listen to her hogwash over how she deserves (or deserved) a Survivor “win.”

#12 – “Yul” be going to the EoE tonight, but it’s not a question of if; it’s a matter of “When”dell be joining him more sooner than later. He has early merge boot written all over his toothpick and boxer briefs. He informs us if you “pull on his leash,” he may “bite you.” Yet, after Yul’s torch was snuffed, Michelle reached over to touch Wendell’s face only to have him back off...showing his bark is worse than his “bite.”

#13 – “Old School” vs. “New School” is the season theme spotlighting the greatest divide in Reality TV history. Granted, S40 cast easily has the highest average age of any season ever, yet the unequal distribution between the old and the new/young is still prevalent. We’re not even officially at the merge and the last “Old” School player is heading to the “Edge.” SIX of the eight 40+ players are at EoE; Tony and Denise are the only 40+ players left in the “game.” Only ONE player under 35 (Natalie) is at the Edge with all the rest making the merge. To add insult to injury, Jeff plays Spin Doctor inferring the “Old” may have difficulty adapting. Truth be told, it comes down to numbers where majority generally rules; and the age scale when it comes to casting has always been tipped to one side. CBS is no stranger having to address various controversial issues, i.e. racism, transgender, sexual harassment, etc. Although when it comes to age, this great divide drives the CBS casting allowing this form of discrimination to continue on its Reality Shows. How very sad; how very, VERY unfortunate.

"Probst is full of SH*T"
Posted by michel2 on 03-26-20 at 11:58 AM
Our host was so proud to note that all the old-time players were gone because, according to him, that meant the game has become too fast, too complicated for them. I say Bullsh*t to that. The old-time players are gone because the game was rigged against them. No, I don't know if production really did anything to rig the votes but, at the start, the old-timers were clearly outnumbered by the new one and, say what you want, Survivor is still a game of numbers.

Anyway, Yul is one of the most intelligent players ever so adapting to the new strategy wasn't a problem. As a guy who played more than 12 years ago, he was simply outnumbered by players who played less than 5 years ago.

"ESPN Survivor Power Rankings"
Posted by michel2 on 03-27-20 at 05:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-27-20 AT 06:02 PM (EST)

Since we don't have much to chew on in the sports world, let's munch on thiese Power Rankings... but first, (in a Julie Chen voice!) a look at the story:

Last week, we wrote: “Just like Tyson and Rob right before them, Sandra and Parvati had each received production’s help to win the game so... it was time for payback. Tony, Jeremy, Yul and Ben also fall in the category of “Fixed Outcomes” so they’re in danger.” Yul certainly was! What I didn’t mention was Probst’s constant refrain that the game has evolved. While a serious analysis would show that the only “evolution” has been the addition of gimmicks and twists, Probst is using this season to prove his point. I’d say it’s easy to prove your point when you are in control of the key variables. Whether or not these votes were scripted, the key variable in Survivor has always been the numbers. Hatch proved in season 1 that 4 united players can be deadly in a group where the 6 others think everyone is playing as individuals. Here, we had 8 players from the first 20 seasons going against 12 players from the second half of the series. Add the fact that many of the older players had become “Legends” of the game then we knew the old-timers didn’t stand a chance.

During the episode, I noted that, for one of the rare occasions, Probst didn’t use the formulaic “Yara getting their first look at the new Dakal and Sele Tribes; Parvati and Sandra voted out.” In fact, Yara wasn’t even the first tribe to enter the arena; they walked in between Sele and Dakal. That's because there was a Reward Challege that wasn't shown; Yara had already seen the new tribes. So, once more Probst wasted time on Sophie pretending to hang on to the idol when TWO HUGE characters had been eliminated. The editors could have spliced in comments from the reward challenge into the conversation before the Immunity challenge but they didn't bother. I think that's a clear indication that Parvati doesn't return to the game.

Another interesting thing about the edit is that we get a count on how many Fire Tokens some players have but nothing on others. Is that a clue that some players will use their tokens successfully? We’d need a statement of their current account if they are going to use them while we wouldn’t need the information for the players who simply waste them.

The Characters

A reshuffle of the contenders is in order after this episode. I'll ignore, for the time being, those on the Edge of Extinction (When we find out who comes back then and only then will we look back at his or her portrayal on EoE to see where they rank. I will say though that, for a portly fellow, Rob did very well, finding 3 Fire Tokens to the one found by the “amazing” Tyson):

Wendell: While Michelle has been spending most of her interviews telling us that Wendell is a bad person, Yul spent most of this episode telling the viewers that Wendell is a bad player so it stands to reason that is how the editors want us to view him. What we heard from him had no redeeming quality as he threatened to bite Michelle for trying to put him on a leash when all she did was say he created chaos at Tribal Council. Even though Michelle said he did well on the puzzle, the challenge loss was clearly put on his shoulders by Nick and Yul. At least he read Yul correctly, knowing the winner of Cook Island would be voting against him.

Nick: Quiet in the first part of the episode, we only heard from Nick after the challenge loss and he wasn’t pleased with Wendell who was showboating during the challenge instead of focusing on his job, the puzzle. It was Yul’s scheme to get Wendell’s Fire Tokens that scared Nick and decided his vote.

Tony: Once again, Tony was used for comic relief instead of being presented like a possible winner. The main Dakal scene of the episode showed Tony running “like an old man” with Jeremy, Kim and Denise laughing at him. Despite that, Tony felt comfortable with Kim and Jeremy. He also liked to know that Denise had become a big target.

Jeremy: Despite what Tony thought of Denise, Jeremy still considered him the biggest threat.

Ben: After interrogating Adam, Ben decided it was time to go look for the idol.

Kim: She was already thinking about the merge so she was trying to set up a plan to avoid being picked off. While she liked Tony, she felt more comfortable with Denise and, especially, Jeremy. It sounded strange to hear that she trusted Denise after the big move at the last Tribal Council. (maybe Denise had warned Kim about eliminating Sandra.) That would explain why Kim didn’t feel the need to play her own idol even though she had voted for a person that played an idol to cancel that vote. Just like in One World, Kim started talking about her options.

We know how good Kim is at choosing the right option.

Sarah: She knew where the idol was but she was pissed that Adam thought she had one because that rumor could put a target on her back. She told Adam he could look in her bag.

Denise: All the future jurors got to hear how Denise screwed the Queen. Sandra’s last words to the tribe were “Get Denise for me” but can they? Denise is now part of a solid three with Jeremy and Kim; that could lead them far.

Adam: Right off the bat, Adam told us he was convinced that either Ben or Sarah had the idol. He thought they saw him as an idiot who didn’t realize they were just pretending to search. Adam found it ironic that he had to do damage control when they were the ones lying to him. His interview ended with him saying: “There’s a chance that I am wrong and between Ben and Sarah, they don’t have an idol. If I’m wrong, I’ll feel like a real idiot but there are few times in Survivor that I have felt as confident as I do about this”.

Well Adam, you are a real idiot! The whole Yara scene was mostly a joke played on Adam who even talked to Sophie about his belief that: “One of them has an idol”. The editors really had fun with Adam’s mistake. For that reason, I have to remove him from the top spot. A winner wouldn’t be mocked this way.

Michelle: (3 Tokens) I think it’s important to note that the episode started with Parvati telling the others on the Edge of Extinction that, in her former tribe, Michelle was now alone against the 3 guy. That can only enhance the viewers’ respect for the predicament facing the Kâoh Rông winner. In Michelle’s first interview, we learned that she gave one of Parvati’s Fire token as a gesture of good-will but that she doesn’t plan to move forward in the game with him.

After the challenge loss, we saw a Praying Mantis attacking a smaller insect and devouring it. Yul was the prey that was about to be killed and we know that it is the female Mantis that sometimes practices cannibalism so the editors were giving credit to Michelle for the big kill. While we guessed some winners because of Animal Imagery (the yellow frog for Aras, the Tarsier for Cochran as examples) we must remember that Fairplay in Pearl Islands was symbolized by a snake who slowly ate a huge chameleon all through the episode where Rupert was eliminated (the chameleon, with ever changing colors, was even represented by Rupert’s multi-colored tie-dye shirt!!) so it isn’t necessarily a clue that Michelle is going to win but it is something.

The way Michelle went around the group during the discussion about the vote was admirable. While many outsiders, when trying to join a group, make the fatal mistake of naming their target, Michelle listened to everyone’s opinion: Her conversation with Nick was perfect modus operandi for the game of Survivor.

“I’m open to anything” she told him so he forged ahead with his plan to go after Yul. Only then did she choose which side to pick, solidifying the group around her by clearly explaining why it had to be Yul. She had the last interview of the evening and this time she wasn’t saying that she wanted to prove she deserved her first win but that is was proving she deserves to win it this time just like she deserved it the last time.

Note that, during the challenge, Michelle fell down on the balance beam even before the tribe got their disc. That caused them more than a second delay but, even though they lost by less than a second, the blame was put all on Wendell who, supposedly, lost time by trash talking with Jeff. The main defect of Michelle’s story is that it’s all focused on Wendell. She even said that she didn’t want to move forward with him but that is exactly what she chose to do. Still, up to now, she is proving to be a strong player so we must keep her in contention.

Sophie: Her first interview told us that there was tension brewing under the surface of the Yara Tribe. That tension was caused by the boys wanting to find the Hidden Immunity Idol. Sophie found that funny because she had it. Once again, she was the star of the immunity challenge.

Sophie is playing a much more focused game than in the South Pacific. There, people would come to Albert and her to talk about strategy and, while Albert would listen to their pleas, Sophie’s body language clearly showed she didn’t give a damn about them. She’d keep her eyes closed, preferring to tan instead of taking part of the conversation or, worse, she be seen taking care of her nails while turning her head away from the person talking to them. No wonder people saw her as an arrogant b*tch. Speaking of South Pacific, one of the things I didn’t understand then and that I understand even less after last week’s episode was the reaction to Albert’s big move in getting Hantz’s immunity necklace and then watching him get voted out. People simply hated him for doing that yet the applause was unanimous for Denise. I do not understand the fans sometimes.

"RE: ESPN Survivor Power Rankings"
Posted by sj007 on 03-31-20 at 05:56 PM
I agree Probst is full of #####. I don't buy his lame theory about the old schoolers and the way the game is played now. The game has evolved in the wrong way because of the stupid gimmicks and overabundance of not hidden immunity idols. The old schools were outnumbered from the get go and I don't blame the younger players for getting them out. That was smart of them. As for Rob getting 3 of those tokens, they were in plain view. How much time did he have before the other players got up there? What a joke. Maybe production interfered there also. Like I said before I don't trust anything that happens this season. I would love to see someone blow the whistle on behind the scenes shenanigans. As for the edit of this last episode I noticed right away about not showing the other tribes previous vote outs. Why would they not show the reward challenge? I love the way some of you break down the season editing and figure out certain things. That hurts my head thinking about the editing. Picking up about good edits, I think Michelle, Kim, and Sophie so far are getting favorable stories. If CBS golden boy Rob gets back in the game and makes it to the end then you definitely know the game is fixed some way.