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Forum: DCForumID1
Thread Number: 466
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Original Message
"New Fund! Join In!"

Posted by Joe DiNimite on 04-20-01 at 09:08 AM
The "Buy Amber An Original Personality Fund!"




"Man, this rice is heavy."
-Amber Brkich: Episode 1.
(The only thing she said for weeks)

3 1/3!!!!!

Final Two: Keith & Tina

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: New Fund! Join In!"
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-20-01 at 09:12 AM
<loads the tomato cannon and flashes a smile as big as a Mac Truck grille>



"God blessed Texas with his own hand. Sent down angels from the promised land. Gave'em a place where they can dance. If you wanna see heaven brother here's your chance. I've been sent to spread the message. God blessed Texas."
-Little Texas "God Blessed Texas"

Go Colby!

"RE: New Fund! "
Posted by Dalton on 04-20-01 at 12:44 PM
Dear Joe D. and Sur-Ist-Sir......

Truth be told you two boys will have to "fund"
this project all by your little lonesome!

Take into consideration that 99% of the FEMALES
on this Board EARNED their personality the old-
fashioned way; they worked, listened, learned
and developed into adults!!

And one of the things they learned is: No amount
of MONEY can buy a "personality"!! At best,
maybe, it can "rent" one for a short while....
but the "rented" ones last about as long as it
takes for....."cotton candy to turn into sticky goo".
