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""Be The Survivor" S37 Ep05: "Eggs: Not Over Easy""

Posted by RollDdice on 10-24-18 at 08:40 PM
Last episode Bi took a bye, bye bye with a "medi-quit", thinking that when MMA goes up against HIIs or TC, then DvG takes a TKO.

This left us with three tribes... orange/Vuku, green/Tiva and purple/People Eaters. I'm kidding about the last one. What a silly name. It's purple/Jabeni. More importantly, Christian and Gabby, the self-described Nerd Herd are still together and after a mini-meltdown and After School Special about fitting in, Gabby got a chance to shine at the R/I Challenge.

This week the weather plays the Goliath role and delivers another deluge of rain and wind. Carl tags in at Vuku and over at Jabeni Natalie continues to tear it up in her patented sassy "You're not the boss over me" style. Doesn't she realize that there's a Presidential "stop bullying" program in place?

You shouldn't look a gift chicken in the mouth, but Natalie is dead set against her tribe once again and proves she's not a Jabeeni Baby.

Mark "Extra Pancakes, I'm carbo-loading" Burnett

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"Mr. Fixer-Upper"
Posted by michel2 on 10-29-18 at 10:04 PM
I wonder if the commission has been decommissioned? I hope not because it was entertaining in a Sunday comics kind of way.

Anyway, I don't know if you noticed but despite loading up one team with all the muscles and all the successful types of people, it's the little ones, the nerds and the misfits that have come out on top. We've had 4 votes and 3 of the eliminations were Goliaths!! That's despite putting the little ones at a disavantage in all 3 tribes. We haven't fooled everyone but enough to keep us in business.

"RE: Mr. Fixer-Upper"
Posted by Aruba on 10-30-18 at 06:31 AM
Enough Goliaths had the desire the "rule the roost" and those bossy, condescending behaviors were the causes of their eliminations.

Anything other then those clear and obvious approaches are cases of applying patented spins.

The real question is has the "Kingfish" been caught and mounted above some fireplace???

"RE: Mr. Fixer-Upper"
Posted by michel2 on 10-30-18 at 04:00 PM
Do you really think a Goliath as a chance of winning this season?

"RE: Mr. Fixer-Upper"
Posted by Aruba on 10-31-18 at 07:37 PM
Did I “really think” a male castaway had a realistic chance of winning Vanuatu?
At this point of the S29 season did I “really think” Natalie Anderson would be the sole Survivor?
Can you honestly say you had Michelle as the front runner in S32??? Quite frankly, after that season I gave up “really thinking” who might win.