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"Survivor 37 Player Rankings Ep. 4"

Posted by Aruba on 10-20-18 at 07:44 AM
The dreaded three-tribe reshuffle. GRRRR! Yeah, Yeah...I know the Reality TV junkies who long for the days of MTV Real World will be gushing over an extra tribe social interaction...Yadda...Yadda...Yadda... It’s just lame that a tribe could potentially never win a challenge (finish 2nd every time) and always escape TC.

1) ALEC – After Angelina being my #1 last week for “unanimously getting HER way,” Alec is my #1 in Ep. 4 for getting his way. He made it quite clear in Ep. 2 what he thought of sappy showmances. He backed his words with action proving what Natalia thought was “wrapped around her finger” was in fact a very, VERY loose knot. Should Orange go to TC again, Kara is more at risk...and even if they go a second time before merge, I would suspect the guys might stick together and cut Elizabeth loose. Should Natalie be the first casualty on Purple, it will buffer any repercussions if having to answer to his former Goliath tribe mates.

2) ELIZABETH – Took the proactive approach leaving tribal switch having every reason to feel most at risk. Sure, she was helped by Natalia’s overbearing attitude, but sieged that opportunity to stay alive by finding common ground with Kara and feeding Alec an ample portion of “big move” fodder. Not a darn thing “boring” with her game.

3) NICK – Wasted no time securing a bond with Mike who was ripe for the “David” picking. When Angelina gets her “first look” at the new Orange tribe, she’ll probably fight furiously to keep the three Goliaths together; but I see Nick as the sharp end of the stick getting HIS way in that scenario.

4) CHRISTIAN – Similar to Nick, wasted no time getting close to his new tribe mate John. Hard to believe Green finishing last in any challenge up to merge, so should have ample time to work his gameplay with the three Goliaths putting him in the catbird seat come merge.

5) GOLLUM GIRL – aka Gabby of course. This season’s art forgery of Edvard Munch’s “Scream,” along with her slobbering emotional mess scene with Christian had her plummeting down my ranking. But, her MVP effort in the IC could not be ignored. So, she stays in the upper half for this episode.

6) KARA – Religion and horses are a rather unique combination to break the ice, but she made it work with Elizabeth. Much to Natalia’s chagrin, didn’t need to get all buddy-buddy having the Goliath advantage, but it could pay dividends for her down the road—that’s if Orange does not go to next TC.

7) DAVIE – Could have been spooked by the obnoxious whispering and interactions (sadly allowed at TC) Alec had with Elizabeth and Kara, but kept his cool and kept his HII. Should Carl reveal his advantage to Davie, it will be interesting to see if Davie may feel inclined to “return the favor” and reveal his HII to Carl...or will Survivor Champion Ben’s forefinger remain smartly pressed on his lips.

8) MIKE – Although he did not appear in any imminent danger on the Goliath tribe, the switch worked out wonderfully for him. Readily informing Nick of Dan’s possession of the HII all but solidified his flip to the Davids. His new tribe has not one, but TWO casting debacles (Natalie & Lyrsa) who could (and should) be dispensable at the drop of a hat if need be. He should coast to the merge.

9) ANGELINA – Nice comeback in the IC. She needed that because if Purple visits TC twice before the merge, she could be in deep trouble. When she sees the new Orange tribe it will be her turn to depict Munch’s “Scream...” although her reaction will be more legitimate.

10) JOHN – His connection with Christian was more Christian’s story than John’s, but could benefit John nicely who, by his own admission, is not the most colorful of social butterflies. Have to wonder if John knew what the heck Christian was talking about when he volunteered to be the “Comptroller” of Slamtown.

11) CARL – As the Aruba Commission appropriately cited on the “Be the Survivor” thread, Carl was beyond fortunate coming out of the random draw to switch up tribes. His advantage could be a game-changer. But even if played successfully once the Jury has been established, he’ll have ZERO chance getting the vote of the idol he nullified should Carl make the Finals.

12) DAN – Everyone will know he has a HII, including Carl who can nullify it. He lost his remote threesome possibility and his showmance partner is on thin ice. He’s on a dominant tribe, otherwise not a factor.

13) ALISON – New tribe; similar irrelevance.

14) LYRCA – Fortunate to be on a tribe with Natalie. This casting tragedy has the likelihood for a F6 finish thanks to the ADS.

15) NATALIE – As strong a factor as the ADS has been in the game of Survivor, I doubt even its power will be able to save Napalm Natalie in the near future.


BI – Geez, Probst didn’t pull any punches repeatedly labeling her a “Quitter” for exiting the game. Being the “athlete" she stated, I would have much preferred she go down swinging, but I get her reason.


NATALIA – SOOOORE LOOOSER!! If the crybaby is to say “Shut Up” to anyone, it should have been to HERSELF for forcing HER will on her tribe. From jumping all over Kara for talking to Elizabeth to telling Alec who he HAS to vote for, she only had herself to blame. She’s probably related to Rachel from last BB season. BITTER BETTY!!!

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"M'y List"
Posted by michel2 on 10-20-18 at 06:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-21-18 AT 02:04 AM (EST)

With Bi quitting the game, we have to wonder why Survivor didn’t go to two tribes of 8 instead of this farce of three tribes where you don’t lose even if you lose.

Even Christian called it: The Tribe System has been Gerrymandered he said. So we aren't alone to say that production interferes with the game.

This rigged swap was obviously done to further push the David vs Goliath theme even if it was disguised as a random switch. At least, we’ve got two compelling stories to observe: On one side we have Christian and Gabby, the endearing nerds, trying to make their way through the game. On the other, we have Mike, the David of the Goliaths, teaming up with another underdog in Nick to become the “Rock Stars”.

These two pairs are already connected to each other through the Mason-Dixon alliance so if they can team up with John then we could have a very similar ending to the one we saw in Survivor Millenials versus Gen X with one socially awkward big guy (John/Ken), one quirky girl (Gabby/Hannah), an older author who was ostracized early on by his tribe (Mike/David) and two young guys (Christian + Nick/Adam + Jay). I don’t have a Brett Labelle in this season’s cast but that is just as well because, for me, the sequel’s characters are much more interesting.

I liked the way my list flowed last week so I'll do the same from now on, going from worst to best.

15- Lyrsa: While it was fun to see how the game flipped on the very first Tribal Council to save Lyrsa, we have to say that, from a character stand point, it would have been better to lose Lyrsa. Just like Gabby, Christian, Nick and Elizabeth, Lyrsa was put in danger by the swap but the editors didn’t even bother giving us her impressions. I hope it’s a sign that she isn’t long for the game.

14- Natalie: She was given a golden opportunity to redefine her character. All she had to do is say that building a second shelter is too much for a 57 year old and let the others take charge, taking care of the little chores for a couple of days. It would have been difficult for Mike and Angelina to go after a more relaxed Natalie especially considering they have another nice target in Lyrsa.

13- Allison: I still think the big wave took her away and the undertow is keeping her out of our sight. There was that quick exchanged look between her and Angelina to make us think Alison could emerge at some point to reconnect with her Goliath allies but I see her as the type of character you want to have as the first boot on a night where we have two episodes!

12- Carl: Many players have benefitted from early swaps but none more so than Carl. By not getting a buff, he won the lottery. The advantage was just sitting there, waiting for him and then, in an episode where a Black man was eliminated, he was reunited with his fellow African American and he’s on a tribe where he has a numerical advantage. We saw that Carl and Davie were shocked to see that Jeremy had been eliminated so they certainly won’t turn on each other now. One word about his advantage: Stupid. It’s already rare to play an idol correctly; it will be next to impossible to play the nullifier profitably.

11- Dan: In Fiji, Earl’s “Shelter Builders” alliance won in part because it counted on Boo to win challenges after the swap. He proved that, in this game, the best ally is the dumb, strong one. Enter Dan! and give him that role. For a tribe of Five, Tiva is perfectly built: They have the two strongest guys, probably the strongest woman and the two best puzzle solvers. How can they lose? And how can we completely believe in the randomness of this swap?!

10- Elizabeth: While she really pushed the idea of the “big Move” during Tribal Council, I believe that Alec had already decided to make the move. He was only waiting for the excuse and Probst provided it by agreeing with Elizabeth that a big move was important for a player’s resume. Now people will say that Elizabeth is safe but I think she made a big mistake by being the first to throw her original tribe mate under the bus. I can see Davie and Carl teaming up with either Alec or Kara and voting her out.

9- Kara: She was very close to Natalia and close enough to Alec that she should have seen her errors and realized his discomfort. She should have been doing everything in her powers to bring these two back together but she felt so sure that it would be either Davie or Elizabeth that she relaxed. Final 5 is NEVER the time to relax and this was, in effect, a Final 5 for Vuku. The one thing working for her is that she’s the only member of Vuku who has proved to be loyal.

8- Alec: His “Made for TV” move was criticized on every Survivor panel and for good reasons. While I can see some advantages to it, he mostly assured himself that he won’t win the game. Many say he’ll have trouble explaining his move to the likes of Kara, Angelina and Dan but I think he has a bigger worry: Jeff stupidly said that there’s always a big move available but what he never says is that it’s easy to make the game go boom! but it’s impossible to be trusted once you’ve done it. Most big moves are actually “suicide attacks”, the player making the game go Boom! exploding soon after his target. Davie and Carl would be smart to vote him out instead of Kara.

7- Angelina: She never lost her poise or her great smile when Jabeni was falling far behind in the challenge. Her perseverance was nicely rewarded when she brought her team all the way back to finish second, good enough to avoid a trip to Tribal Council. Jabeni would have been better off physically had they exchanged Lyrsa for Carl but Angelina seems savvy enough to hook up with Mike and Nick. Booting Natalie and Lyrsa would bring them directly to the merger if it’s at 13 again. I certainly would like to see Angelina asking Alec to explain his move. Even if her tribe eliminates Natalie, it won’t excuse Alec’s betrayal because the 57 year old CEO was clearly on the outside of the original tribe while Natalia was in the majority alliance.

6- Davie: He was smart not to push Alec too much simply telling him that he’d be there if anything strange happened at Tribal Council. All he needed was eye contact and that was enough for Alec who didn’t need to tell Davie what to do. Now that he has Carl on his tribe and an idol in his pocket, Davie is the game’s new Goliath! This is probably why he won’t win...

5- John: He’s proven to be much more than the usual muscle man. His personality makes him not only great to have during the challenges but also enjoyable around camp. If he can transform Christian’s friendliness into a true alliance then John could be there at the end. Of course, for this Goliath amongst Goliath to win, he’ll have to beat the “Survivor Gods” who obviously want a David to prevail but maybe it’s time to rewrite that book.

4- Mike: I really didn’t like the Gen X author, David, because I felt he was acting the role of the neurotic player but I really like Mike. He is either a better actor than David ever was or he is more authentic because I feel he connects well with the viewers, explains the situations well and doesn’t dwell on his worries and insecurities, he just lets us feel them. The swap put him in a good situation but since it had been decided that all three tribes would contain a majority of original Goliaths I think he would have excelled in any permutation.

3- Gabby: From a social point of view, Gabby was right to be worried. Being outnumbered 3 to 2 is already problematic but to have such a Survivor savvy player as Christian being the “other choice” is truly a nightmare. Had it been anyone else then Gabby could have fit in much more easily but how much room did Christian leave her? It makes for a terrific underdog story and would certainly gain many votes at Final TC. The best thing for Gabby is that her underdog status is only theoretical because no one on Tiva is likely to encounter Probst’s snuffer.

2- Nick: He did a great job connecting with Mike but the tribe’s demographic certainly provided him with all the safety he will need until the next turn of events. Being the only tribe with two men, and two of the weakest at that, Jabeni should visit Probst a few times but they have two easy options to offer as sacrifice to the “Survivor Gods”. Can you imagine how boring an episode it will be when the choice is between Natalie and Lyrsa? Why couldn’t they get rid of both at once and get on with the show? Nick is playing a strong game, gaining everyone’s trust. Of course now we’ll have to see if he possesses the other half of the equation: Can he turn against everyone? Of course the Final Three abomination and the Final 4 Fire challenge remove a lot of Outwitting from this game just to please its fanatics. Nowadays, you can play with THREE people and not have to betray any of them. Who expected that Big Brother would respect the game’s integrity more than Survivor?

1- Christian: Even in an episode where he wasn’t really involved with the main events, he still was a big character. Gabby’s insecurities and vulnerabilities were used to showcase his tremendous social game and his great grasp of the overall game. In the short term, as unlikely as seeing Tiva finishing third in any type of Mickey Mouse challenge, we have to believe that Christian will not only be safe but he’ll probably get John to vote the way he wants which would probably be against Alison. It could even be against Dan if he learns about the SWAT Officer’s idol. In the long term, Christian seems likely to be part of an alliance that would include Gabby, Nick, John and Mike. That’s the type of alliance that carries the game.

As much as I enjoyed hearing Christian say that the system had been gerrymandered, I liked that he said the Goliaths have their vulnerabilities also. I think it’s interesting that the two nerds are on a tribe with the three Goliaths who have shown vulnerabilities, directly during confessionals in John and Dan’s case and symbolically for Allison when she was frightened by the big wave. Will this be the story of the season? Christian and Gabby expose the Goliaths’ vulnerabilities one after the other and then use them to go all the way to the end together? The two peas in the pod are fun to watch so I hope they make it to the end together.

Bye-Bye Bi: Back in Palau, Probst didn’t call Jeff Wilson a quitter but I certainly did. So I guess I should agree with him calling Bi a quitter. However, the whole charade left a bad taste in my mouth. Bi was obviously in pain and worried about her MMA career so she needed IMMEDIATE medical attention. For the sakes of the promotions, Probst had her wait overnight, made her walk to the Challenge arena and then walk to the boat so that he could have her present for the photo op before the swap. OK, it made it harder for us to guess the outcome of the swap but was it worth exploiting an injured person? Once more, I am ashamed of what this once great show has become.

Booted - Natalia: It was the first boot of a new tribe so it was a lot like the first boot of the game. The worst thing to do at the start is to play too hard, too fast. The Three Goliaths were naturally going to vote for one of the outsiders so Natalia should have relaxed a little. She could even have let Alec decide which one to boot. I liked her exit though, telling that Turncoat Alec to shut up. Saying sorry when you’re certainly not is acting like a jackass and there’s no reason to be polite to a jackass.

"RE: M'y List"
Posted by Aruba on 10-22-18 at 06:07 PM
The thought also occurred to me what would have happened if Bi did not exit. My thought is Ep 4 would have remained David vs. Goliath and after the Ep. 4 TC we would have had the same dreaded 3-tribe reshuffle with 16 players opening Ep. 5 using the same format.

It’s rare I stick up for Production, but if Bi was TOTALLY adamant about wanting to leave IMMEDIATELY, I do not believe Production would have FORCED her to remain against her will. I’m certain she advised Production she was removing herself from the game, and EVERYONE involved agreed that she make that announcement when both tribes came together the following day.

“Rigged swap.”

Whereas, Alec’s decision was facilitated by Natalia’s bossy behavior, Elizabeth had something to do with Alec ultimately pulling the trigger. I agree, throwing Davie under the bus was ill-advised, but Elizabeth herself was in the undercarriage of that bus at the hand of Davie I might add. They BOTH took that same approach.

Alec should have little trouble explaining his move to the other Goliaths. The beauty of his explanation would be to just tell the truth—Natalia became SOOOO overbearing with her “Queen Bee” attitude, he saw no chance to work with her to the end. If Kara makes the merge, she could attest to Natalia’s bossy behavior as well. Gotta wonder if Kara truly did not know or even have an inkling about the Natalia blindside?

Gabby carrying on was so over-the-top. With three tribes her concern should be less dire; especially considering the team she’s on. They don’t even have to “win” a challenge for crying out load; just not finish last.
The call stands: Game Misconduct!

If Gabby does make the Finals, it will make Adam’s FTC from S33 seem like a drip from a faucet compared to her slobbering waterworks we’ll mostly likely have to witness at this season’s end.

At no point in the game thus far did I see or hear Alec agreeing to be Natalia’s bitch. Actually, his conversation with Jeremy in the Ocean during Ep. 2 was the exact opposite. Had he agreed to that arrangement, then I would understand why you are spinning his action as a “betrayal.”

“I’m sorry” is not always an apology. It can also mean “I’m sorry” for your misfortune, or perhaps “I’m sorry” I felt compelled not to be hen-pecked and ordered around by you anymore.

"RE: M'y List"
Posted by michel2 on 10-22-18 at 07:36 PM
Aruba wrote: "It’s rare I stick up for Production..."

Please, you drink their Kool-Aid each and every time I bring up concerns about their integrity.

For the tribes to be evenly swapped 3 times 3-2 then the buffs HAD to be placed in a way to get the desired result. There are way too many other permutations to believe they got the only one that pushes the David vs Goliath theme even further.

"but Elizabeth herself was in the undercarriage of that bus at the hand of Davie I might add. They BOTH took that same approach."

Elizabeth did it first. Davie told the group about Elizabeth's 3 children and that she has many friends on the other side only AFTER Elizabeth had thrown him under the bus.

Alec's main problem will be to gain everyone's trust. I would NEVER align with someone who showed that he can flip at any moment.

Gabby was clearly being ignored by the group and in a social game that's fatal so she had reason to be concerned. I agree that her tribe should never finish third but you never know: Darah beat Burton in at least one IC and even the pathetic Ulong tribe beat the strong Koror tribe in one reward challenge. The challenges are often Mickey-Mouse in nature so anyone could beat anyone.

Back in the days of the original Purple tribe, the majority alliance clearly included Natalia and Alec. Once they got to the Vuku beach, Alec told Natalia that he was voting with her many times. So while you are right he never said he'd be his bitch, he was certainly aligned wioth her so that's a BETRAYAL.

If you say you're sorry but you aren't really sorry then SHUT UP is the perfect retort. I have a lotta love for the feisty Natalia... almost as much as I have for the beautiful Rachel.

"RE: M'y List"
Posted by Aruba on 10-24-18 at 06:49 PM
Yeah...the same “Kool-Aid” being served to those STILL waiting for evidence of a second gunman in the JFK assassination or the alien remains from the Roswell crash. *SNORT*
My refusal to blindly endorse unproven theories has absolutely nothing to do with how I feel about Production. For the record if it EVER is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Production did rig and fix every Survivor season, I would not be overwhelmingly floored. But that has not been proven in 37 seasons and almost 20 years.

And don’t throw any signed agreement my way that is not worth the paper it is written on. Russell Hantz (with his cohort Jim Early) can attest to that. Precedent has been set, Michel...PRECEDENT HAS BEEN SET.

As for Elizabeth and Davie...each did not hear the other throw them under the bus, so who did it first in this particular instance is irrelevant—they BOTH did it.

I’m sure Alec was all in with an Alliance involving Natalia thinking it would be a partnership—unfortunately for Natalia she decided to turn it into a dictatorship. Bottom line, she has herself to blame. Sure, Alec pulled the gallows hanging lever, but Natalia knotted her own noose and placed it around her neck.

Darah won that challenge because Burton’s burly arm was unable to go further down the tube compared to Darah’s skinny arm. Even so, that was an INDIVIDUAL challenge...we’re talking TRIBE challenges. Please keep apples with apples, my dear Basher friend.

Whereas, Elizabeth and Davie did not specifically hear one throw the other under the bus FIRST, we know Alec DID hear and experience Natalia's bossy and condensending treatment come FIRST BEFORE he reacted appropriately.

My father was a prominent political figure in our community, who needless to say, had political rivals. One such rival always made his agenda personal even involving our family. When my father passed 10 years ago this piece of trash actually had the audacity to show up at my dad’s wake service and say, “I’m sorry for your loss.” I recall just smiling at him and moved on to greet others who were there to TRULY pay their respects. Did I tell him to “SHUT UP,” a response he would have so richly deserved? NOPE! Wanna know why...because my parents raised my sisters and I NOT to be bitter. It’s called CLASS. Something the Rachels, the Natalias, and other Bitter Bettys you covet and hold do near and dear to your heart should try sometime.

Looking forward to our continuation on the Episode 5 threads.