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""Be The Survivor" S37 Ep02: "The Chicken Drives A Coupe de Ville""

Posted by RollDdice on 10-03-18 at 07:56 PM

Our adventure so far...

When you go out on a limb with an esoteric theme like "Most likely to have genital piercings" or "David vs. Goliath" you have to reinforce that theme, or the audience gets confused and goes back to watching cat videos on Instagram.
So we have contestants grimacing in confessionals, saying, "Well, as a David with David-like qualities, I tend to David my way through a problem." Yes, I'm looking at you, Gabby.

So the premiere episode sets up the theme, introduces the characters and shows us the challenges. But along with a metric butt-load of rain, camp drama and idol searches we get our first injury in the form of Pat, who was not taken out during a challenge, but on the boat ride back to camp. Apparently, contestants and waves that make Laird Hamilton wet his board shorts are not a good combination.

But tonight, the characters get a chance to marinate/urinate. At the Davids, Christian "hyper frenetic" Hubicki sees himself as a leader and looks like he will spin himself into the ground early and often. We'll also see if the loss of Pat will help rally the troops or just depress them.

On the other side of the personality salad bar, Goliath Dan has set the indoor/outdoor record for showmances, hooking up with his "kryptonite" Kara almost immediately. This means that the target on their backs will now have a smaller target embossed on that. It may look good on Etsy, but it doesn't bode well for their chances. (Yes, I said "bode.") At least they've got the upbeat Natalie, who is determined to glare and order and boss her way to an early exit.

So buckle up your rain slicker, make an extra mug of hot chocolate and get ready for another soggy episode of Be The Survivor.

Mark "High and Dry" Burnett

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"RE: "Be The Survivor" S37 Ep02: "The Chicken Drives A Coupe de Ville""
Posted by Aruba on 10-04-18 at 06:46 PM
Quick turnaround this week for the Commission:

FINDING/OBSERVATION #1 – “Hyperfrenetic” We knew with the David vs. Goliath theme we’d be introduced to some intelligent geeks this season, but this may be the first time viewers might need a dictionary to watch the episodes.

FINDING/OBSERVATION #2 – Dan’s rationale for not hiding his idol was leaving it “out there” will make it less conspicuous?” And this guy is on a SWAT team?! If the Aruba Commission should ever consider a life of crime, first order of business is to find out Dan’s jurisdiction and set up the operation there.

FINDING/OBSERVATION #3 – Angelina uses every lesson learned in a Probability and Statistics class to boldly inform us only 15% of HIIs have been found by female castaways. So, what have we seen her doing to increase that percentage? Pow-wowing in the ocean...and congregating with other similar female casting types to decide which male castaways they want to “wrap their finger” around. Both approaches are NOT conducive to finding HIIs. Players like Angelina should drop that number to 10% in no time at all.

FINDING/OBSERVATION #4 – Conversely, proactive gameplay gives one a better shot at finding an idol. Going out looking for food to be your tribe’s provider is a pristine example of smart proactive gameplay. And it’s that proactivity that culminated in Davie finding the season’s second HII. Historically, how many females proactively went out to find food compared to former male players? The Commission concludes considerably less. Wanna shoot for 5%?

FINDING/OBSERVATION #5 – As CBS Production continues to fail with the “ounce of prevention” in the form of appropriate casting, this episode’s “pound of cure” came in the form of a fire-making kit and a tarp. What’s next...generators to power heat blowers, cable TV, WiFi, and Meals on Wheels??!!

FINDING/OBSERVATION #6 – Natalie serves as a disturbing reminder of how the pathetically inept advance in the game of Survivor. Be fortunate enough to be placed on a strong tribe who wins most of the challenges. With the player advantage, you get to sit your sorry ass out of comps to help give your tribe more IC wins. This gets you over the early hump where your ineptness will be perceived as a “non-threat” or a wasted boot at a future TC allowing you to cakewalk to the endgame. Very sad...very, VERY sad.

FINDING/OBSERVATION #7 – The Aruba Commission concludes pretty much all of the discussion at TC revolved around making the tribe better and how the vote would make the tribe more “balanced” moving forward. AHHH...OK...so Jessica’s parting words is a spin that would make Michel proud on how she interpreted her boot as a “compliment” and the tribe’s attempt to get rid of the “biggest threat.”
With only the second episode in the books, Jessica has set the bar for Delusional extremely high.

FINDING/OBSERVATION #8 – Speaking of Michel, no Spin Doctor sightings on the “Be the Survivor” thread as of yet. With the premier of “First Man” only a week away, the Commission has determined Mr. “Fix”er-Upper’s efforts are divided between this forum and his fellow conspiracy theorists protesting the movie citing the historical lunar landing a “fix.”

"The Minority Leader"
Posted by michel2 on 10-05-18 at 08:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-05-18 AT 08:43 PM (EST)

It seems that the commisioner has a limited vocabulary but we on the other side had no problems with Christian's soliloquy.

I wouldn't advise the commission to pursue that idea of committing a crime. If we need a SWAT officer to stop you, we'll tell Dan what to do. He won't have to think, just wipe the sh*t out of your operation.

I see the commission leader is ignoring facts again. We saw Angelina working hard to find that idol but it's hard to find an idol when production doesn't want you to find it.

Again, more facts being ignored. Doesn't the commission remember that Sue and Kelly fed tapioca to the whole tribe while Dr. Sean never caught a single fish. Kathy was also the provider in Marquesas. Amanda caught a shark. etc...

Here, I have to side with the commission. Soon, the tribes will get an AC for those hot days.

I think the commission is making a lot out of nothing. If Natalie makes it to the merger then we'll talk.

If you read my post, you'll see that Jessica was voted out because she was great at making bonds. She was the glue that held Carl and Bi together. A great social game is a threat out there.

I am here to keep you in check. It's strange how you put historical events on the same footing as Survivor. People will remember the "First Man" for centuries. Barely no one remembers past Survivors even today! Do you really think that questioning SeeBS' integrity is the same as questioning history? Maybe your attachment to this little TV program is not healthy.

"The Fiuxer-Upper"
Posted by michel2 on 10-05-18 at 08:24 PM
I'd say casting has done a great job once more this season. They could have gotten a few more cute women for us but apart from that, this is a cast with which we can work. The Underdogs have great "feel good" characters even if some have a lexicon that is too comprehensive for your average viewer. Let's make them suffer more for a while. We're glad that Jiffy didn't give a damn about his players' safety and let them out there during a cyclone. Who cares what happens to them? We would gain many viewers if one of them died out there but we haven't sold that idea to SeeBS yet.

On the other side we have these huge meatheads who right now look unbeatable. We even gave a weapon to our SWAT Office. He may be dumb as a doorknob but SWAT officers aren't paid for their brains, they are paid to do damage and that's exactly what this guy will do. He may bring down his own tribe in the process though.

How will we rig this season in favor of the Davids? Wouldn't you like to know?! Stay tuned for our next episode same Survivor time, same Survivor challenge.