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"jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"

Posted by taginite on 04-12-01 at 11:40 PM
.....this was the second bestest show in tv history..
...i finally cried..

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"RE: jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"
Posted by Dalton on 04-13-01 at 01:24 AM
Right ON, Tag!!!

I bet a dollar Burn-it was really the evil genius
behind the whole "River Flood" scam....
I mean, come on....
that first close up scene of the empty camp the
river is off to the left...then MB has a brainf*rt:

The water suddenly makes a hard, sharp, right turn
and ooops; washed out part of the camp!!!

Trickery is afoot!!

Burn-it said before S2 started that he had
underestimated ONE thing in S1...that was the
ability of the contestants to SUFFER.
(Truth, I swear.)

So in the Outback Burn-it gives us wildfires burning out
of control; Mike being burned when the campfire jumped
up and bit him; contestants starving to death (yeah right/Ha);
and the river flooding out their camp!!!

Next week folks...tune into Survivor2...
for Raining Frogs/Turtles
and the ever popular---Horde of Snakes/Spiders.


"RE: jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"
Posted by Lightmage81 on 04-13-01 at 03:43 AM
>I bet a dollar Burn-it was
>really the evil genius
>behind the whole "River Flood" scam....

yea... looked to me like he had a hundred dump trucks pour the water into the dry creek bed.....

....the guy behind the rice-tin shot... how can he forgive himself..standing there doing nothing as the camp is being washed out????

>Burn-it said before S2 started that
>he had
>underestimated ONE thing in S1...that was
>ability of the contestants to SUFFER.
>(Truth, I swear.)

yup... thats why S3 is in a jungle....(looks that way at least)
then they will have to contend with LEECHES!!!
(did you watch eco-challange??.... the voice-over with the leech crawling into a contestant's urethra made my balls shrink!!)

"and uncle cameraman drowned setting up save the rice challenge"
Posted by dabo on 04-13-01 at 10:27 AM
agree that it was a great episode, lifeguard amber outlived her usefulness, kangaroo saved itself from flood, rodger dodged the bullet, colby left out of the loop, wow

"RE: and uncle cameraman drowned setting up save the rice challenge"
Posted by VampKira on 04-13-01 at 11:20 AM
Keith and Tina just happen to decide to go see if the rice got stuck?? And lo and behold.. IT DID! Wow.. what luck!! I felt like upchucking my hot wings when I saw that.. How blatent!!!

"I'm gonna take a bath so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass at the end of the night" - The late, and often absent, Nick Brown


"RE: and uncle cameraman drowned setting up save the rice challenge"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-13-01 at 11:28 AM
Bear in mind that you have no idea how much of their stuff they found along the banks. Those flash-floods do that a lot, the water goes back down so fast that it just drops stuff. We DID get to see Rodger hauling back a jacket-full of rescued stuff.

I know *I* would sure as HELL go looking for the freaking rice, after giving up the shelter for it.

-- JV

"RE: jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"
Posted by Kismet on 04-13-01 at 11:22 AM
>Next week folks...tune into Survivor2...
>for Raining Frogs/Turtles
>and the ever popular---Horde of Snakes/Spiders.

You're so right. MB is a Cecil B. DeMille wannabe. But no, a plague of frogs and turtles wouldn't work. They're edible and Keith might figure out how to.. Nevermind works fine. But since he seems to be trying for the epic, I think a plague of boils would be better. He seemed to delight in showing blisters closeups during eco-challenge. You just know there was a ratings hike last season after the Sue 'Zit popping' scene.

Dabo >"and uncle cameraman drowned setting up save the rice challenge"

That is just too funny!


"It is my belief that nearly any invented quotation, played with confidence, stands a good chance to deceive." -- Mark Twain

"RE: jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"
Posted by Lightmage81 on 04-13-01 at 11:41 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-13-01 AT 11:42 AM (EST)

>He seemed to delight in
>showing blisters closeups during eco-challenge.

Yea those were disgusting..... felt like puking...
coupled with the leech bites and knee deep bat guano infecting the blisters .... oh man......

MB = Masochistic Bastard

>You just know there was
>a ratings hike last season
>after the Sue 'Zit popping'

could you refresh me on this one?

"RE: jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-13-01 at 11:50 AM

-- JV

"RE: jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"
Posted by Lightmage81 on 04-13-01 at 12:17 PM
>Oh, Sweey Jesus, PLEASE DON'T, for

is it really that bad....... ???


MB = Masochistic Bast@rd

"RE: jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-14-01 at 00:22 AM
>>Oh, Sweey Jesus, PLEASE DON'T, for
>is it really that bad....... ???
No, not really.

-- JV

"RE: jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"
Posted by Dalton on 04-13-01 at 12:22 PM
Hi You'll again,

Alot of us do not watch Eco-challenge; will not...
refuse to...never will...so we deliberately
"miss" some of the discussion popping up
in this thread.

But I can describe MB's fav techique in Sl...
which was constantly showing us "up close and
personal" cam shots of Darling Coolleen's (aka:
the kitten) LEGS covered with sores and scabs
and she kept scratching them and the bled!!!!!

OMG, Make Me Vomit scenes of her friggin infected, puss-
filled, scraggly legs....while Colleen whined and
scratched herself all over.

It was sick by itself...but it was made even sicker
by a few male KittenWhorshipLovers on this Basher


"Eco-Challeng = Real Survivor"
Posted by shanana banana on 04-13-01 at 02:22 PM
>Alot of us do not watch Eco-challenge; will not... refuse to...never will...so we deliberately "miss" some of the discussion popping up in this thread.

Too bad!! Eco-Challenge is the REAL Survivor!!

I've been watching it for about four or five years - the funniest thing about this year was how much MB was interviewed on camera (I hardly recall hearing his name mentioned previously - now it's Mark Burnett's Eco-Challenge, LOL) and the way it was edited this year was way more drama-filled and storyline friendly (a/k/a Survivor editing).

BTW, the Eco leeches and bat guano was WAY more disgusting than having to eat squirming bugs on Survivor. And you thought you were puking before..........!

shanana banana

"Rice tin rigged in place?"
Posted by Monkeyboy on 04-13-01 at 03:50 PM
They might have stuck the rice-tin out there where they would have to work to get it just so all would not be lost....or maybe not. I was waiting to see if something else suspiscious turned up...like "Hey...look on the sandbar. Our fishing pole is on the back of that crocodile!"

I don't think anybody owed them the favor of saving the camp. It was their fault for building it in the creek bed...to help them would have been rigging the game. Was it fair for Probst to give them fire after the vote? I don't think so...they let the matches get wet.
Rodger LET Jerri bully him and force them into building camp in a spot that he knew to be bad. For not standing up to Jerri, Rodger deserved a few votes this time. Plus, he tried blaming it on the girls...LOSER!

Lastly, I've also seen flash floods go through dry creek beds. They get nasty within minutes. That was very real!

Okay...I feel better now!

"Fishing pole on a crocodiles back?"
Posted by Monkeyboy on 04-16-01 at 10:17 AM
>Was it fair
>for Probst to give them
>fire after the vote?
>I don't think so...they let
>the matches get wet.

In hindsight....they always get to light their torches again at tribal council, so Probster didn't do them any special favors.
However, if they suddenly end up with some new matches, I'm going to start watching for the beef jerky!

"Save the drama for your meringue!"

"RE: Eco-Challeng = Real Survivor"
Posted by Kokoro on 04-13-01 at 07:15 PM
<<and the way it was edited this year was way more drama-filled and storyline friendly>>

Totally noticed that! I even have favourite/despised teams! It's just like Survivor....albeit with a couple hundred more people....

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

"when do we see jeff probe's can get kicked? :D n/m"
Posted by moonbaby on 04-13-01 at 10:28 PM

"RE: when do we see jeff probe's can get kicked? :D n/m"
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-13-01 at 10:39 PM
Jeff: Colby, did you enjoy your horseback ride?
Colby: Yeah, sure. Say Jeffy boy, would you mind getting my...umm...bag from behind the horse?
Jeff: Why sure, Colbster <gives Colby thumbs up and tries to be cool>
Colby: Thanks. <snickers>
Jeff (with back to horse): Is this your bag?
Colby: I don't know, why don't you bend over and look inside? Tell me what you see and...I'll tell you if that's it.
Jeff: Okay. <bends over and begins rummaging through the bag> Okay, I see...




My New Mascot:

"It's day seven and we just caught our first fish. It did take us a week but, hey, it's better than two weeks."
-The Early Days of the Late Amber Brkich

"RE: when do we see jeff probe's can get kicked? :D n/m"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-14-01 at 00:24 AM
Physically assaulting the production staff or the host has GOT to be a disqualification offense. Otherwise we'd have seen many such "incidents" already. Or at least heard of them!

-- JV

"RE: when do we see jeff probe's can get kicked? :D n/m"
Posted by Dakota on 04-14-01 at 00:39 AM
<trickery's afoot>
<setting up the save the rice challenge>
<Hey, look, our fishing pole is on the back of that crocodile.>
You guys are absolutely the best part of this blessed show.

When they all started crying about the spilled rice, I was yelling "look downstream, go downstream". My neighbors thought my toilet backed up again. It took 'em awhile, but they finally went downstream, thank goodness. I couldn't bear to see Colby consoling Lis again.

"RE: when do we see jeff probe's can get kicked? :D n/m"
Posted by Kokoro on 04-14-01 at 03:50 AM
<<It took 'em awhile, but they finally went downstream, thank goodness>>

Thought you were talking about your ~neighbours~ there for a sec! ^-^

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Sur-ist!"
Posted by moonbaby on 04-14-01 at 10:17 PM
LOL!!! Jeff tries to be cool....bahahahha....doesn't he always? You have a way with words! Absolute magic. Do I get three wishes?

"RE: jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"
Posted by mondomania on 04-14-01 at 09:42 AM
I can definitely see JeffyBaby going for the goalposts as he kicks the rice can out into the turbulent rushing floodwaters.
He probably muttered under his breath, "Damn! The lid stayed on!"
As far as some of the other replies to this post, yes I was waiting for them to start walking downstream to look for their lost belongings, especially the rice. If that was all I had to eat for the next 9 days, you can bet your bippie that I'd be scouring the streambed for that nasty, rusty old thing. And I wasn't talking about Rodger.
I also watched most of the Eco Challenge and was appalled that people would put themselves through that kind of torture in the name of sport. That was worse than any triatholon that I'd ever seen. Can anyone say "Masochist?"
The whole leech in the urethra scene was a bit much. Ouch! That's the most squirming that I've done in a long time. Just the thought makes me want to go rush out and sign right up for Survivor 3. Can I do that, huh, can I, can I?

"RE: jiff probst kicked that rice can in the river!!"
Posted by taginite on 04-15-01 at 03:18 AM
>>...he had a hundred dump trucks pour the water into the dry creek bed.....<<

....just image the SIZE of those trucks..

>>Too bad!! Eco-Challenge is the REAL Survivor!!
..BTW, the Eco leeches and bat guano was WAY more disgusting than having to eat squirming bugs on Survivor. And you thought you were puking before..........!<<
-shanana banana

...damn, i just gotta get cable.. btw...they stated that half the genes in our bodies are found in a common banana..

>>I also watched most of the Eco Challenge and was appalled that people would put themselves through that kind of torture in the name of sport.<<

...fugg the cable, i'm gettin a satellite..

>>Lastly, I've also seen flash floods go through dry creek beds. They get nasty within minutes.<<

...and how nasty were those creek beds..............................this has gone way beyond pathetic..

"Yo Creekbed is Sooooooo Nastay....."
Posted by IceCat on 04-15-01 at 03:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-15-01 AT 11:34 PM (EST)

How Nastay wuzzit?

Yo creekbed is sooooooo nastay...

Dah water be runnin... UPSTREAM!


In order to 'demonstrate range', the above post was done in ebonics. Please feel free to consider this posting as 'Blowie Voting Time' approaches, thennnnnk you!

"RE: Yo Creekbed is Sooooooo Nastay....."
Posted by Kokoro on 04-15-01 at 03:33 AM
<<Yo creekbed is sooooooo nastay...KnowWudAhmSayin?>>

Erm....you're talking about Jerri?

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

"RE: Yo Creekbed is Sooooooo Nastay....."
Posted by taginite on 04-15-01 at 05:41 AM
>>>>How Nastay wuzzit?
Yo creekbed is sooooooo nastay...

Dah water be runnin... UPSTREAM!


In order to 'demonstrate range', the above post was done in ebonics.<<<<<<<<,

..and tfghehe raiin iiin ap;ainn falllls falls mainly on the indsane......i luluv yuou 2222

"RE: Yo Creekbed is Sooooooo Nastay....."
Posted by BluSavana on 04-15-01 at 12:14 PM
Heh, taginite is either in the running Most Typo'ed Poster (u got a ways to beat BA) or Most likely to post Drunk ( in the running with many). U may have a Blowie in ur future, son! Blu

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"RE: Dear Frozen Feline.....I know a process..."
Posted by Dalton on 04-15-01 at 10:33 PM
Please, I'm begging you....STOP using that AWFUL
"Powered by CATSCAN" thingy!!!

It is driving me BONKERS!!
Friggin medicos love to stick Dalton in those
infernal catscan machines thinking they are going to
figure out something; but it's a "different" damn something
every damn time...5 specialists = 5 opinions. DUH DOC'S!!!
>Powered by...

If I did it right the offensive (to lil ole me) sig pic thingy should be seen above.

Would you take offense if I suggested you adopt another ID???
Because frankly Iced Cats do nothing for ME...LOL...

Whereas, "Rapscallion Dogs" (aka: Rascal) reeks of....
Boyish, good looks and charm!!! And Rascal's, in general,
have always been my, ahem, weakness...ifyaknowwhatimean.


Question: Does his Catscan thingy have a weird thingy running
through it on everybodies screen??? God, I hope it's not just me. Thanx.

"RE: Dear Frozen Feline.....I know a process..."
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-15-01 at 10:49 PM
>>>Question: Does his Catscan thingy have a weird thingy running
through it on everybodies screen??? God, I hope it's not just me. Thanx.<<<

It's not just you.



"It's day seven and we just caught our first fish. It did take us a week but, hey, it's better than two weeks."
-The Early Days of the Late Amber Brkich

"RE: Dear Frozen Feline.....I know a process..."
Posted by IceCat on 04-15-01 at 11:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-15-01 AT 11:35 PM (EST)


It's the 'scan' part of the CATSCAN

"CATSCAN Taken Offline..."
Posted by IceCat on 04-15-01 at 11:33 PM

I guess the medical implications could hold negative associations for others...

The CATSCAN is officially decomissioned...


"RE: Dear Frozen Feline.....I know a process..."
Posted by Dalton on 04-15-01 at 11:49 PM
AHHH, 'scuse me IC....that's "Dudette".

OK but know it IS the "'scan'" thingy moving
that makes me get dizzy and fall asl..e..e....p

"RE: Dear Frozen Feline.....I know a process..."
Posted by IceCat on 04-16-01 at 00:01 AM

The 'dude' was for the Survivorist as it was his post that I was replying to.

"RE: Dear Frozen Feline.....I know a process..."
Posted by Kokoro on 04-16-01 at 00:13 AM
<<The 'dude' was for the Survivorist as it was his post that I was replying to.>>

LoL hardly anyone ever spells that name right....I used to think it was Survivoreist ^-^

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.