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"S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"

Posted by Aruba on 02-16-12 at 08:04 PM
I'm Back...but won't say "better than ever"...I'm the same old me. Hope we have decent participation.

1) SABRINA - Easy #1 after the first episode. Move over Russell...you'll have to share your seat with someone else who can find a HII without any clues. Giving the idol to Colton was the obvious choice, yet discussing the strategy with him on how to use it shows she came to play the game. Also got a kick out of calling out the "Frat Boy Alliance" when walking past the buff guys.

2) CHELSEA - It took Rocky Balboa several weeks of intense training under Mickey's tutelage to catch one chicken, but this "country gal" snatches two in the same day. Only negative is showing a bit too much despair for my liking at TC.

3) JAY - Fire (who had it and who didn't) was the main focal point in this season's premier--a focal point that would not have been possible if not for Jay. Thus his high ranking this week.

4) LEIF - I'm digging this little dude. Despite his peculiarity I think he'll be able to fly...ahhhh, make that walk, under the radar and be OK deeper into the game.

5) "TROY"ZAN - He's in my top five mainly for stating he won't cave into any skank trying to strut her stuff. That scores major points with me. His pole dance suggestion had me laughing the hardest last night. He'll stay safe in an all-male tribe, but if they switch things up, he'll have to tone it down.

6) CHRISTINA - When it became apparent that Alicia's booty failed to obtain fire, Christina's brain was successful. Unfortunately for her that raised Alicia's ire and now puts her at risk, but kudos for telling the skank to shut up.

7) MICHAEL - Only reason he's this high is for making the first "game on" move of the season when stealing the women's supplies. It wasn't original for Survivor, but it was the first this season.

8) MONICA - Not much happening in the premier for my preseason fav. Had to drop her for that fake "hand over the heart" gesture when finding out Kourtney broke her wrist. Who's kidding who...all the women are more happy about getting a free pass than being concerned about Kourtney's welfare.

9) KIM - Seems to bond well with the girls, and I could see her fitting in well with the boys. But as I stated a few times before...that darn annoying giggle!

10) BILL - BAAAAD Billy, falling asleep on your shift to watch the fire and allow the girls to steal an amber.

11) TARZAN - Minutes into the game you let everyone know you want to be called "Tarzan." Yeah OK...that's real smart. Talk about painting a target on your head.

12) KAT - Can't help but think she's a fish out of water, but fortunately she's nice to look at.

13) JONAS - Can't help but think HE'S a fish out of water, and unfortunately he's NOT nice to look at.

14) NINA - What's up with her lips/face? Did she smack her mouth on the cargo net? If so, it's one thing for a tatooed motorcycle freak to spaz out, but for a police officer to fall improperly is inexcusable.

15) COLTON - Congratulations Colton! You're the recipient of this season's "Dumb A$$ Luck" award. You owe Sabrina a big sloppy kiss, but you made it quite clear to all that would gross you out. Colton fans will say he "earned" it by bonding with the women. Let's not kid each other; Colton's desire to gravitate toward the women is all about who Colton is. Simply put, he stepped into it.

16) ALICIA - Totally obnoxious. She wants to find a guy who likes her so she could play him. She won't find a MAN who will LIKE her. The best she can hope for is to find a HORNY TOAD who will LUST her. She's not close to the best looking girl this season, but definitely the easiest. So I guess that gives her a sporting chance.

17) MATT - I think Matt has the makings of a major dovchbag. A member of YOUR tribe flat out steals their items and you get all whiney about a silly chicken? I was hoping the men would lose the challenge forcing Colton to play his/Sabrina's HII right off the bat. If so, Matt could have been the early casualty.

MEDI-VAC) KOURTNEY - It's bad enough the women can't pick up on Jeff's hint that their supplies are being taken, although not one but TWICE he tells then how to fall on the cargo net and they still don't listen. Kourtney's wrist paid dearly for that. I didn't see her long for the game anyhow so perhaps it was for the best. Now she can erroniously THINK she would have had a chance if not for the mishap.

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"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-16-12 at 08:31 PM
Was this supposed to be in the Fanatics forum?

Because if you leave it here in the Bashers, I'll turn it into an opportunity to carve up each and every one of these loozers into pieces!

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Aruba on 02-16-12 at 10:46 PM
Good call Pepe...probably should be in Fanatics. Although depending on who you are critiquing for each ranking it could go either way.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by iltarion on 02-17-12 at 03:23 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-12 AT 03:35 AM (EST)

Little to bash here.

Props to MB, JP and everyone else in Production, first off.

We are back to square one Survivor, which works perfectly fine as long as you CAST DECENT PEOPLE.

Production is taking a direct shot at the show-sucking phenomena known as pagonging by enabling both tribes to interact the entire time they are in the game. Brilliant.

Hey, and props to MB for bringing SEXYBACK. I am LIKING this cast!

1. Sabrina - As much as I hate to put a woman on top when their tribe is currently a mess, I am very impressed with this woman in about every way possible. Props to casting for redeeming teachers with this one. She is impressive physically, socially, and mentally in the game. When it came time to discuss TC, all the women gathered around her. She also kept her cool at TC. I don't give her too much credit for finding arguably the most staged HII in Survivor history, but she did what is best for the women by giving it to Colton.

2. Jonah - The Sushi Assassin! I'm guessing the men had discussed it since Jonah all of a sudden had the power to trade away the fire. He was the narrator for the men this episode, and we learned last season that narrating isn't a bad spot to be in. I dug pretty much everything he had to say, even if he isn't quite as entertaining as some of his male counterparts. He just comes off as a smart and very likable guy. He had my line of the week by telling Coltan- "It doesn't look like one world to me, bro. It looks like theirs and ours."

3. Christina - My well-documented affection for asian women has nothing to do with this, though it doesn't hurt. No, Christina deserves mad props for first having the guts to steal fire, and then managing to finally convince the men to trade for it. A consultant who is good at negotiating. What do you know? She erred in losing her temper in TC. It probably did nothing but help Alicia's cause. It would have been better to just point out that neither Alicia or Cat had any clue what the original deal was because THEY WERENT THERE!!

4. Chelsea - Wow, just wow. On a tribe of attractive women, she blows everyone else away. I am impressed with about everything and every part of this woman. She would probably be #1 if she just would have given up the damn chicken. Watch the tape. She was the one who first suggested they work together and then split the chickens. The men made no such deal when they were unloading the truck. Secondly, she doesn't catch the first chicken if not for the fact that two guys had it cornered. It isn't like she caught the chickens while the men were standing around watching. Then, complaining about the men not continuing with the challenge and not caring about the women after she refused to split the food they had helped her catch?? Girl, please. I look forward to seeing her next week though.

5. Michael - The thief! GQ guy with a good head on his shoulders. Didn't make any mistakes with the women that I saw, even though, if the women want to believe Tarzan is running the show, then let them. His thievery at the beginning was quick thinking and a low risk move that his tribemates would surely appreciate. He got his face time when the story had little to do with him. Maybe just to please the ladies. I don't know.

6. Troyzan - Haha... totally dig this guy! One of the best parts of the episode was when Monica and Alicia had the back and forth with Tarzan and Troyzan. Loved it when Troyzan had the audacity to suggest the women pole dance for fire. Haha... Shouldn't have argued with the women over the challenge decision. His mouth will likely be his weakness as well, but he is good TV until he's gone.

7. Kim - She did no wrong this first episode and was everywhere she needed to be. She did remind me a little of Danni during her "woman power" confessional. One of the most impressive moments of the episode was when she looked at the guys around the fire and then told Michael that he, Matt and Bill were leading. Good call. Like Sabrina, she seems easily liked by men and women. Men in Texas wouldn't have taken the challenge win?? Get real. That was a no brainer.

8. Jay - Started fire. A young guy who isn't swayed by a pretty face. Props to him.

9. Monica - We are half way through, and I'm still on people I like. How about that? Very attractive woman who is still split from the other women because of age. She had fruitful and entertaining excursions into the men's camp twice, but she was otherwise silent when it came to the dynamic on the women's side. Not a good sign.

10. Leif - Impressive guy, but when you are unique to the cast like he is and get zero play during the premier, THAT is not a good sign. Of course, having any innate edge for compassion in this game is a one way ticket out of the game.

11. Bill - I had high hopes for this guy coming in, but he was mostly left out of the edit this week as well. He did seem to be around a lot.

12. Kat - Love the nickname and like the pink hoodie. She appears to be Alicia's tagalong right now. That's a great place to be, however. Hitch yourself to Alicia and watch the bridges burn.

13. Tarzan - I repeat: Never self-gloss. Zany guy though, and I'm cool with that. I thought it was funny when Alicia offered to have Monica take her pants off, and he responded with- "We are all mature men here." Haha... I'm not sure what that means.

14. Nina - VERY tough row to hoe being the older, tough lady in this crowd. Probably a big failing of the women's tribe is that none of the older women are even trying to show leadership. Need leaders? Hey, listen to your elders, doorknobs. Next time, land on your back like Jeff suggested.

15. Zoltan the Gay Blade - I am putting this guy above the others because he is good TV, but seriously, I think Coltan just played the worst first 3 days of Survivor that has ever been recorded. Basically, he pulled a Shii Ann, but he did it in the first 3 days. You may be on the same beach with the gals, but you are on the MALE TRIBE. Get it? You could not have put up a bigger neon sign saying "GET RID OF ME" than you just did by making it clear to even the chickens that you would rather be with the women. I get it that he is so gay he makes gay guys I know look straight. His jump into the net looked like Janet Jones jumping into the pool in The Flamingo Kid. Seriously? But what does his sexual orientation have to do with just being STUPID? I'm sorry but the HII conveniently found by Sabrina that happens to be for the men is the most obvious production plant of all time. I mean, yeah, we are all that stupid.

16. Matt - Hey, fratboy, learn how to divide. If you have 4 of 9, you do NOT have a dominant alliance. I dig the cool condescension towards the women, and I agree that Chelsea made a deal she should have honored. However, I have a word for you: MAGNANIMOUS. Try it on sometime. Read a book about Abraham Lincoln once. Learn something. That's my PSA for today.

17. Alicia - Hahaha... like Zoltan she is good TV, so I get it if people rate her higher. But really? I guess of every 9 women there has to be at least one, right? She said the march proved her among the strong, but the camera only showed her carrying one basket propped on a pole while another woman helped. Carrying a bundle of firewood like Nina did is a helluva lot harder. Christina managed to get what the women were dying for- fire, and Alicia turns Christina into the bad guy. Why are you arguing with Christina about the deal she made? You weren't even there! The girls don't want to weave at the men's camp? Well, I guess they can GO WITHOUT FIRE THEN, dumbass!! And lastly, it might have been smart gameplay, especially for a mouth like her, to make an alliance of 5 within the first hour of the show, but BORING!!!!!


Courtney - AWWWWW... come on. She was a cutie who had promise. I don't blame her for breaking her wrist. No one listened to Jeff. Her arm just got caught underneath her when she bounced. I liked what she had to say. Too bad. The women got a GREAT break, by the way, that they didn't have to vote anyone out. Really, Courtney was the weakest among them and on the outside of the alliance anyway. So, it actually cost them exactly nothing. Nice break (not for her).

Excuse the length. Great 1st episode!


"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Aruba on 02-17-12 at 08:18 PM
Hey there...gotta make my first comment between us. First off...awesome job (as always) on your list. But I have to beg to differ with you on Chelsea. I think she was right for the following reason:

Yes it was her who suggested they "strategize," but her exact words were "y'all get one and then we'll get one." There was never any concession or deal if someone got TWO. It was then MATT who replied "we'll split the chickens," not Chelsea.

I would have done exactly what she did (and what the guys did with their fire) and try to negotitate with one of the chickens. But Primadonna Matt was not in a negotitating mood.

You're right...Kourtney was a cutie, especially when she took off that ridiculous wool cap which would come in just as handy on a 100 degree Polynesian Island as the skateboard that jacka$$ brought to the sandy shores of Thailand in Survivor 5.
As far as "no one listened to Jeff"...from what I saw the guys landed exactly as Jeff instructed...OK with the exception of Colton. You're play-by-play on his dismount was right on the money and totally hilarious! Keep it coming, Dude!!!

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by iltarion on 02-17-12 at 09:42 PM

Haha... If Chelsea says "y'all get one and then we'll get one," isn't that the same as Matt saying "we'll split them"?

Secondly, I reiterate my point that Chelsea never gets the chickens without the men helping. When she grabbed the first, it was pinned between Bill and Matt and thus ran right into Chelsea. If I chased a chicken to you and you grabbed it, I would be pretty ticked if you then said it was yours and not mine.

Matt was actually right about that. Chelsea probably was planning on giving a chicken up, but when she had both of them in her hands and everyone bowing to her, she got hit by a rush of ego. He called it "playing hero," but I'd just call it getting a little taste of power. Really, she did as poorly as Matt with it. She had the opportunity to earn favor by being gracious. Instead, she chose to tick the men off. Directly because of her action, the women had to go without fire for the night.

Because of Chelsea, until Christina helped heal the rift, not a single man was shown at the women's camp except for Zoltan.

As much as I initially agreed with the men's decision regarding the fire, if you think about it, the wisest thing to do was probably to swallow their pride and take Sabrina's original offer of the chicken. The men building a fire pit in the women's camp while the women gave them their chicken, which they had already earned, would have likely quickly sealed all wounds between the camps.


"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Aruba on 02-18-12 at 06:54 AM

Haha... If Chelsea says "y'all get one and then we'll get one," isn't that the same as Matt saying "we'll split them"?

Quite honestly my interpretation of Chelsea's statement was "y'all" (meaning the men) CATCH one and then "we'll" (meaning the women) CATCH one. That didn't happen. Watching that scene did bring back childhood memories. When my Great-Uncle Paul was alive he lived on a farm in Kentucky. Our family went there a couple times when I was a boy. My sisters and I always had a ball in the chicken coop trying to catch the chickens. What Uncle Pauly told us was the "trick" to catching a chicken was to go for their feet. It was still a tough task but if you tried to grab it by its body, one second to have a fist full of feathers and the next second it's gone. Watch the scene again...THAT more than anything else is how Chelsea was successful.

She had the opportunity to earn favor by being gracious. Instead, she chose to tick the men off.

No question about it. Chelsea would have DEFINITELY earned the men's favor. But don't you think that would have ticked off the women??? No question in my mind she would have. The fire did not come until AFTER Chelsea caught both chickens.

if you think about it, the wisest thing to do was probably to swallow their pride and take Sabrina's original offer of the chicken.

100% in agreement. You can eat a chicken but you can't eat palm leaves. And what's it to weaving a bunch of leaves together. Sure it takes time, but all they have is time...until they're called for a challenge.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by iltarion on 02-18-12 at 05:46 PM

I'm guessing michel is busy with something. Maybe waiting in line for his state run health care. Haha...

You are splitting the thinnest of hairs with that interpretation of Chelsea's words there. Obviously, the men didn't take it that way.

Good to hear about your uncle's farm in Kentucky. Beautiful state. We drive through it on our way to the East Coast about once a year. With the mist settling at 6am, you can see why its called the BlueGrass State, and Louisville has one of the prettiest skylines in the country. My uncle still owns/runs a farm upstate here. Dairy farm. Tough business, that. Dude works more in a week than I aspire to work in a month.

If I ever need to chase a chicken down, I'll remember your words.

Though we agree on making the trade for the chicken, that would have robbed us of some good TV. Another great remark by Troyzan in saying, "We've only been here a couple hours. We don't need a chicken..." Great stuff. He actually turned out to be prophetic when he suggested the men make the women suffer for a few days. Turned out to be only one.


"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Aruba on 02-19-12 at 09:07 AM
>I'm guessing michel is busy with something. Maybe waiting in line for his state run health care. Haha...

Actually I have seen him in another thread in this Forum. Before he posts his list here I'm sure he's coming up with a well thought-out post designed to yank our chains. HaHaHa

>Good to hear about your uncle's farm in Kentucky. Beautiful state. We drive through it on our way to the East Coast about once a year. With the mist settling at 6am, you can see why its called the BlueGrass State, and Louisville has one of the prettiest skylines in the country.

Ironically my Uncle's farm was in the rural section of Louisville. Small world. I hear you about the 6am view. My Uncle Pauly also had a boat and for a rare treat we would do an overnight excursion up the Ohio River. That skyline you mention while ON the Ohio River was incredible!

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-19-12 at 02:20 PM
"I'm guessing michel is busy with something. Maybe waiting in line for his state run health care. Haha..."

At least I have health care and I am in good health. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Kourtney. Pepe found this news about her:


About my tardiness, I wait to rewatch the episode before making my comments and that, usually, never happens before the weekend.

As for Chelsea's decision, it was a group decision to keep them both and the women knew the men had stolen their stuff. If the guys wanted a chicken they should have caught a chicken.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Aruba on 02-19-12 at 04:41 PM
GEEZ, what a tragedy. I lost my dad a few years ago only 28 days after he was diagnosed. I hope they caught Kourtney's on time. Depending on her condition, she may be the first player in Survivor history to not appear for the Reunion Show.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-19-12 at 06:44 PM
Good news is that she just had surgery this week but was in good spirits while giving her interviews. How will she feel 3 months from now? *Fingers crossed*

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by iltarion on 02-20-12 at 01:12 AM

Ah, jeez, what terrible news. Effing cancer. SUX. I wish her the best.


"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by SpotTheDiffference on 02-17-12 at 06:47 AM
1. Chelsea - Chelsea has to be one of the few archetypal country girls that I actually liked on the first episode. She seems to be safely set as a member of the core female alliance, seems levelheaded in her confessionals, and caught the first two chickens of the game. I completely understand the chicken debacle. She's the one holding them in her hands; might as well try to bargain with them. If it succeeds, great. If it doesn't, well, at least she tried.

2. Sabrina - However dysfunctional Salani is as a tribe, they also seem to have the more interesting characters. Sabrina looks like she's got a good grasp of the game and is seen as an asset in challenges. I just wish she had kept the idol for a couple more days before giving it to Colton, at least long enough to see if he actually is the best recipient. The "Colton is a virus" confessional worries me a little bit.

3. Christina - As Sandra would have said, "I can get loud too!". She and Monica deserve credit for trying to steal fire, but we all know what happened to Prometheus I'm glad she had the balls to try and go up against Alicia, and while it made her a target, I think it could also expose Alicia as the complete loudmouth that she is.

4. Jonas - Probably the most levelheaded of the male players, just based on his confessionals. True, he's boring as a player, but we've had a number of boring winners anyway, including Yul.

5. Troy - There's bad annoying (Alicia), and there's Troyzan annoying. Troy is this season's entertainment and I think he knows it.

6. Michael - Michael gave his tribe their first huge advantage in the game by stealing supplies from Salani. He's a strong guy, and if the weaker men don't band together, it looks like he'll be staying in the game for quite some time.

7. Jay - Manono's second big advantage came from Jay in the form of fire. He's sitting pretty in the middle of the frat boy alliance, and as with Michael, I think his longevity in the game will be determined by the older, weaker guys if they get some sense and band together.

8. Leif - Is he already trying fly under the radar? The lack of focus on him is worrying, especially since he's the one who should be sticking out in the first episode.

9. Monica - Not much to say here, but she deserves a mention for stealing fire from Manono with Christina.

10. Kim - Kim and Monica are the ones I'm not sure how to place in my list. While she did have her share of screen time, she just doesn't seem to be that interesting.

11. Greg - he guy who claims that they're "all mature men" calls himself Tarzan. Yeeeeah.

12. Kat - Survivor finally had the sense to try and introduce us to as many characters as possible. Unfortunately, Kat and Bill are the ones whose confessionals all found themselves on the cutting room floor. I'm ranking her here as she hasn't really showed enough to rate her with, except for her association with Alicia.

13. Bill - With no confessionals, it's pretty difficult to judge Bill and Kat. He's here for being not (yet) annoying.

14. Nina - You know you're not good TV when the only thing you're remembered for is a fat lip.

15. Colton - Colton's biggest mistake is his eagerness to show solidarity. With the people from the opposing tribe. It's a good thing Sabrina found the Manono idol this early in the game, or this guy would be the first person out of his tribe.

16. Matt - And I had such high hopes for this guy. I get it, it's a competition. You just don't have to be a douche while playing.

17. Alicia - I thought from the moment I laid eyes on her that 1.) She was trouble, and that 2.) She was going to annoy the carp out of me. Last episode proved me right on both counts. Survivor somehow has a penchant for casting at least one obnoxiously loud person who never lets other people talk. I really wish the women would get over the "strong female" facade and give Alicia the boot.

Kourtney - I have to say that I loved her "Om Nom Nom" hat. That said, I don't think she would have made a big difference in the game even if she had stayed. She stuck out within her tribe, was considered one of the weaker girls, and didn't seem to have a voice within the group.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by milkachulina on 02-17-12 at 10:31 AM
1) SABRINA – Clearly the star of the first episode. Appears smart and looks athletic. Great start. Hope she didn’t peak too soon.

2) CHELSEA – Another impressive showing. Way to go, country girl.

3) LEIF – We represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild!!! Just kidding. I like him so far, and he is in very good shape. I want him and the other men to join forces and vote off the Frat Pack one by one.

4) CHRISTINA – She got real ghetto at Tribal Council. That’s a plus in my book.

5) KAT – Was she the woman who wore the hoodie at Tribal Council? If so, she has gorgeous eyes. What a cutie. If it’s not her, whoever that woman was is gorgeous!

6) JAY – Yes, he and the Frat Pack are in shape and “appear” to be jock boys. But, I have a feeling that their bodies are for aesthetic appeal only. Like most hot-bodied dudes these days, it’s just a look that carries no real athletic prowess. Only time will tell. Note: Of the Frat Pack, he is the hottest (this week anyway).

7) BILL – How exactly does he fit into the Frat Pack? He doesn’t have the body or the looks. Oh well, maybe his young age helped.

8-11) "TROY"ZAN, MONICA, JONAS, & KIM – Not memorable enough to me. Nothing personal. Hope to learn more about them in time.

12) NINA – Poor thing. Looks like she got in the ring with one of the New Jersey Housewives.

13) TARZAN – Idiot.

14) COLTON – I hope that he is putting on an act. His flamboyance is waaaay over the top.

15) ALICIA – Speaking of New Jersey Housewives, via Chicago, what is with her? She is pathetic and insecure. Her PURCHASES are insane, and don’t go with the rest of our body. And, she is only 25? Okaaay, then.

16) MICHAEL – I do not like this guy.

17) MATT – I HATE HIM. I hate the producers for forcing us to look at this freak giving his commentary with his legs SPREAD WIDE OPEN. WTF was that about? Guys can look sexy without all of that crap. It was just too much. I want to see him destroyed. Destroyed I tell you. I hope the undesirable men vote the Frat Pack off as soon as possible. There are many other venues for eye-candy. Having it stick around for a long time on Survivor DOES NOT ensure a great season.

MEDI-VAC) KOURTNEY – Glad to see her go. What a waste of space. That spot should have gone to any of the posters on this forum.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Toban on 02-17-12 at 06:44 PM
1. Sabrina: The star of episode 1. She sounds like a real leader with a good head on her shoulders. Plus she finds herself in the majority alliance on the women's tribe.

2. Christina: Assertive, but in a good way. She got the fire, b*tches...give her a break.

3. Chelsea: Way to go with the chickens. Strong chick, too.

4. Michael: He seems the smartest of the buff guys alliance. Plus he's very hot.

5. Colton: Love to hate him or hate to love him? I dunno. I give him kudos for being open about his sexual orientation right off the bat...that wouldn't be the easiest thing to do with a group of macho men who are strangers. I get why he's trying to bond with the women. Effeminite gay men usually get shunned my the manly men (including by other gays) so it's probably all he knows. Others may see the blatant bonding with the women as stupid but I saw it as inevitable. I'll probably have lots more to say about him in the future but for now I'll rank him this high.

6. Jonas: An underdog. And sane. That's why he's here.

7. Leif: same as Jonas but ranked lower because he had less to say.

8. Monica: sensible and tried to steal the fire. Seems pretty cool.

9. Jay: Yeah he started the fire but whenever he spoke it sounded like he was struggling to come up with a coherent sentence. All I heard was "DURRRRRRRRRR". Ranked this high because of extreme hotness.

10. Kim: not sure yet.

11. Bill: inoffensive. Not sure yet.

12. Kat: Seems cute but out of her league

13. Nina: yeah, what did happen to that face? ugh.

14. Troyzan: Stupid nickname. Clearly has no concept that he has to be nice to the women.

15. Tarzan: Worse stupid nickname. Plus he has a signature yell. Reminds me of that a$$hat Adam from the last season of Big Brother.

16. Matt: Condescending pompous a$$.

17. Alicia: B*tchy hag. And I thought she was pushing 40 rather than the 25 she claims to be.


Kourtney: seemed like she could have been ok but probably would have been an early boot anyway(unless she was saved by a swap or something).

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-19-12 at 02:08 PM
Well, look at that, Aruba, Iltarion and I have a few people in common at the top (Chelsea and Sabrina) and at the bottom (Matt). Of course, we would disagree on the two big characters!

Since this is in Bashers, I will start with the stupid ones:

17- Matt: Just like JP Calderon who thought the rest of the tribe needed its strongest members, Matt could be in for a surprise. Making an alliance of 4 in a tribe of nine certainly presented him as a “Dumb Player” just like his demands for an apology. Arrognat and condescending: Pile it on this guy deserves it.

16- Troy: For an unimportant character, Troy was certainly involved in a lot of conflicts. First, his claim to the role of Tarzan over Greg, next, his claim that the women were all talk and finally his role in explaining why they decided to end the challenge and keep the victory. I really don’t think this will be his island.

15- Micheal: So far, he wasn’t identified as the one that stole the axe and he was seen a few times in discussions with the women so he could survive being identified as one of the leaders of the frat boys alliance but move during the scramble was simply dumb.

Then, I will put the bland:

14- Bill: Just like Kat asked when Kim said that Manono was led by Matt, Bill and Micheal, we ask; Bill who?

13- Nina: Even if she had a confessional, Nina didn’t play a role in this episode. It could be that the audience needed to see what happened to her during the challenge to explain an upcoming boot.

12- Greg/Tarzan: His lack of substance makes us think he will be little more than comic relief. Problem is: I didn't laugh...

11- Leif: Surprisingly, this strong little dude wasn’t featured at all. His only confessional served to mock the women. I was expecting more...much more.

10- Monica: Speaking of dissapointment: She was part of the commando to steal fire and she had a chance to talk during Tribal Council. Unfortunately, it showed her as someone who was laughing at a serious problem and didn't know how to fix it.

9- Christina: Her scream to shut up during Tribal Council was a mistake that even Jeff couldn’t understand. By her own words, she was more interested in surviving than playing the game.

8- Kat: She is in a solid position even if she is the weakest of the core 5 and she irritated Alicia. Why did she think Tarzan was in charge?! She doesn't seem to know how tribal dynamics work so it's a good thing she'll be riding coat-tails.

Then I have this character:

7- Colton: Sabrina’s idol should save him for a few days but what happens if he does eliminate one of the big guys? The whole tribe could turn on Colton.

Look at that: We are more than half way through and I'm still on people I either think were dumb or find boring!

6- Alicia: This strong-willed woman is turning into a villain! Her direct approach will ruffle some feathers but we have too many people that try to be PC or that speak in clichés to avoid revealing anything important that I found her refreshing. Now, if only she can say: "I will always wave my finger in your face!"

5-Jay: If Kim reminds me of Danni then Jay reminds me of Brandon. He had a good showing with quite a few confessionals and making the fire was quite something. He shouldn't have been so heartless though because he could need the women at some point.

4-Jonas: He had a very strong opening episode. He was the diplomat that finally brokered a deal between the two tribes. He had a confessional during the opening sequence that delivered both personal development and the promise of being a good player.

3-Chelsea: Despite what could be seen as a bad early decision with the chicken, Chelsea had a strong premiere episode. She told us that she would be loyal to the women’s tribe. This country girl proved to be better than Mariano when it comes to hunting chicken. Will she be able to show him how to win on the first try?

2- Sabrina: We saw her as the leader of the women's vote but Jeff was unable to identify her as the real leader. Under-the-radar leaders like Tina, Chris, Rafe and Todd are often successful. We see a strong woman that gives interesting confessionals and has a good head on her shoulders about the game. She reminded me of Cirie. If only she could giggle!

1-Kim: She was named as one of the stronger women and she is included in the core alliance. More importantly, she was quite level-headed, trying to talk reasonably with the men and telling us that her plan was to lay low. Strong start.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Aruba on 02-19-12 at 05:32 PM
>Well, look at that, Aruba, Iltarion and I have a few people in common at the top (Chelsea and Sabrina) and at the bottom (Matt).

HOLY SMOLEY!!! Maybe the end of the world will come sooner than predicted by the Mayan Calendar?!

>16- Troy: For an unimportant character, Troy was certainly involved in a lot of conflicts. First, his claim to the role of Tarzan over Greg, next, his claim that the women were all talk and finally his role in explaining why they decided to end the challenge and keep the victory.

"...alot of conflicts?" I dunno about that.

Wanting dibs on the "Tarzan" nickname was in a confessional out of earshot from the others. Nothing confrontational about that.

His claim that "woman are all talk" was an answer to Jeff's question after calling him out to respond to Sabrina's claim that "men NEED women for EVERYTHING." I doubt anyone would regard Troyzan's claim (or even Sabrina's "claim" for that matter) as nothing more than playful banter as opposed to a belligerent conflict.

I have to agree with you on his post challenge explanation. He should have kept his mouth shout and walked away with the other men leaving the women to lick their wounds. In any event I'll stand by my "claim" that he'll be fine early on with the guys. On the other hand, if the women can't get it together and lose anymore challenges, I can see Production bailing them out with an early tribal switch. That's when his mouth could get him in trouble.

>2- Sabrina: ...She reminded me of Cirie. If only she could giggle!

Now's MY turn to giggle...no, make that LAUGH uncontrollablly at your comparison. Sabrina OWNED this premier...Cirie was freaked out over dead leafs on the ground during her premier. Granted, Sabrina's HII find didn't exactly resemble Nicholas Cage in National Treasure, but Cirie couldn't find an idol even if Production shoved it down her clevage. Cirie advanced far into the game by being pathetically inept which is not unusal. Historically when weak players are not booted quickly they get their tickets punched to the F6 or F4. If Sabrina advances far this season it will not be by being pathetically inept or being carried along as a non-threat.

If it's giggling you like I'm sure you'll get more than you could desire from your #1 rank this week. HeHeHeHe

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-19-12 at 06:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-19-12 AT 06:53 PM (EST)

Sure, Troy's claim to the nickname was in confessional but that doesn't mean the guys didn't pick up on it. Conflicts have a way of surfacing when you live 24/7 with someone.

Sabrina owned the premiere but Cirie owned 2 seasons! You always forget that Cirie proved valuable in quite a few challenges and that she completely dominated the strategy in both Exile Island and Micronesia. No one carried her despite Shane's claim. He was the one that was carried until Cirie decided he had to go!

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Aruba on 02-20-12 at 08:32 PM

>Sure, Troy's claim to the nickname was in confessional but that doesn't mean the guys didn't pick up on it. Conflicts have a way of surfacing when you live 24/7 with someone.

IF (and this remains a VERY big "if") Troy creates a ridiculous scene in front of the others as to who should be called "Tarzan," I'll have no choice but to drop him in my rankings. Until then its a phantom "conflict" I would not give much thought to at this stage of the game.

>Sabrina owned the premiere but Cirie owned 2 seasons!

Terry owned the Exile Island season and any debate to suggest otherwise would be absurd. Cirie advanced because she was accurately and appropriately considered a non-threat. Should Sabrina advance far into the game this season, I doubt strongly it will be as a non-threat.

You know how I feel about seasons with returning players, so I do not give much regard to Skankivor: Micronesia. There were NO former winners among the "Favs," and the "Fans" were nothing more than starstruck groupies who were among the most ignorant and naive ever casted.

Your prior comparison of Russell Hantz and Na'Oinka was extremely amusing during the Nicaragua season. Even after my sabatical, I'm glad to see your analogies have not lost any of its entertainment value. Keep 'em coming...I luv ya Man!

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-20-12 at 09:00 PM
"Terry owned the Exile Island season and any debate to suggest otherwise would be absurd."

Absurd? Not according to CBS and the fans. Cirie was asked to return twice while Terry got bumped each time!! Sure, I will concede that he was good at challenges but, as far as strategy, Cirie was much better and, for entertainment, she was voted fan favorite for EI. Ouch!

Since you forgot; Russell burned socks, stole supplies and wanted to create conflicts to be in a position of power. He also had tons of self-promoting confessionals.

What do you think Nay did? She stole socks and supplies and created a lot of conflicts and she was in a position of power. She also had tons of self-promoting confessionals. That's practically mirror images!

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Aruba on 02-20-12 at 09:18 PM
There have been a couple seasons when the "fan favorite" did, in fact, own the season, i.e, Gabon and Samoa. But for the most part winning fan favorite in no way shape or form equates to who owned that season. If there's any doubt I have a name for you--James Clement. He was vote "fan favorite" not once but TWICE for his stints in China and in Skankivor: Micronesia and was not even remotely close to owning either season. DOUBLE OUCH!!

Russell and Na'Oinka were both villians. I'll give you that much. But you have villians every season. Oinker whined and bellyached over everything. Russell, in Survivor-like fashion, withstood every adverse condition. I know I've been away for a while but let me check...yep, the show's still called "Survivor." And here's the kicker...Na 'Oinker was a pathetic QUITTER and quit never was in Russell's vocabulary.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by iltarion on 02-20-12 at 10:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-20-12 AT 10:52 PM (EST)

Amanda was invited back twice after China. I guess she "owned" that season.

Cirie was probably the most memorable player from that season, true. I'd rate Terry and Sally and her knee socks higher, but you know, that's just me.

Not the Nay-Russell comparison argument!! NOOOO!!!! No comment. As you were...

What is up with the Sabrina-Cirie comparison anyway? Because they are both black? They are nothing like each other. Cirie was a fish out of water who was PRAYING she wasn't the first boot. Sabrina is her tribe's leader. Laura would be a better comparison with Sabrina. We have a long ways to go yet, though.

"As for Chelsea's decision, it was a group decision" - Yes, it was, except the group didn't make the agreement that Chelsea did. She gets the blame. However, there is a long ways to go and plenty of time for Chelsea to erase any bad feelings resulting. Considering everything she has going for her, it wouldn't be very difficult.

"if the men wanted a chicken, they should have caught one" - Nice one, Gordon Gecko. It is called TEAMWORK. If the women wanted both chickens, they should have caught them by themselves, WITHOUT the men's help.

I think we know the drill by now. For michel, women with attitude = Good. Men with attitude = Bad.



"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-21-12 at 00:15 AM
Amanda was invited for Micronesia because Courtney declined. That is FACT.

The Cirie/Sabrina comparison is because both women are smart, were given opportunities to have many confessionals about the tribe and about their game and both have an entertaining way to present things. Nothing to do with skin color, just the fact that it's rare that women get that chance.

About: "For michel, women with attitude = Good. Men with attitude = Bad."

I'd say that's a straw man argument.

I like smart players and showing an attitude is often a way to get voted out. I like characters with an attitude for entertainment value, not as players. Take Shane: Loved him but not as a potential winner! Chris had an attitude but knew how to harness it.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by iltarion on 02-21-12 at 03:35 AM

I probably could find examples from every season supporting that argument. So, lets keep it real here.

If a woman is generally hated, you normally defend her. If a guy is, you pile on. Women who are jerks, you find "entertaining." Men who are jerks, you hate.

I haven't called you the great "defender of women" for no reason. I mean, come on now.

I didn't need to see your list to know Alicia would be higher than the norm, or to know Matt would be on the bottom.

Just like you didn't need to see my list to probably know Christina and Chelsea would be high on it and that Alicia would be on the bottom.

Nothing wrong with either of us. Just the way things are.


"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-21-12 at 08:47 PM
I defend players who are smart and/or entertaining, independant of race or gender. For example, Dreamz, despite his social ineptitude, was smart enough to see the dynamics of the alliances and to maneuver between the horsemen and Earl's alliance. And he was good for some laughs. You guys only saw the loudmouth.

Matt, unless he develops a sense of humor, will remain at the bottom. That isn't piling on, it's us agreeing for once. Just like we did on Jonas and Jay (the only frat boy smart enough to see they were potential targets)

Troyzan, unless he develops a sense of game, will stay there also. Wanting to go after Tarzan just for his nickname instead of aligning with him against the frat boys, is incredibly dumb.

Alicia earned points just for saying "Poor Kourtney, so unkourtneynated!", for trying to steal fire then turning it into a joke and for making a strong alliance.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by SpotTheDiffference on 02-21-12 at 09:09 PM
Poor Kourtney, so unkourtneynated!

I kept playing this back after you posted this in Veruca's thread and I couldn't hear it... She was saying "uncoordinated" with a silent i.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-22-12 at 00:02 AM
I listened to it many times myself and I really think she was making a pun because it made her laugh.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by iltarion on 02-22-12 at 01:13 AM

She laughed because she thought Kourtney being uncoordinated was funny.


"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by SpotTheDiffference on 02-22-12 at 01:47 AM
This was what I got as well. Alicia wasn't giggling because she made a smart pun. She was laughing because she was just... well... mean.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Aruba on 02-21-12 at 07:20 PM

>What is up with the Sabrina-Cirie comparison anyway?

Come on Iltarion...you don't know why? With Sabrina high on both of our lists Michel had to create an analogy with a type of player we both criticize--the quintessential weak player who survives early on by being on a winning tribe (no thanks to them) and not surprisingly advances far because they are non-threats.
Doing so will A) get a charge out of us, and B) maybe, just maybe, try to win us over and start embracing the pathetically inept players.

He'll succeed with the former, but as for the latter...HaHa!

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-21-12 at 08:53 PM
Aruba, you should realize that the comparison had nothing to do with physical abilities. I simply said they were both smart and gave very interesting confessionals. You don't have to embrace weak players to acknowledge that Cirie was smart.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by iltarion on 02-21-12 at 09:15 PM

Actually, Cirie is underrated in team challenges, where she was typically a solid contributor. Her real weakness is in individual challenges.


"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-21-12 at 00:07 AM
If you look at China strictly from a story standpoint, it was about James as much as PI was about Rupert. That;s why he was voted fan favorite just like Cirie was in EI.

I made the Nay/RussHole comparison pre-merge and you know it, so bringing in the quit is intelectually wrong. You already hated her before the quit while you started liking RussHole after a few episodes. That was the reason of the comparison.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-19-12 at 07:51 PM
Troy is 50 years old. Fifty years old. And he's throwing a snit over a Tarzan nickname? I'd rank him 16th as well.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by iltarion on 02-20-12 at 01:08 AM

Too big of a deal made out of a statement to the camera. If Troy got into Greg's face over it, then yeah, it would have been worth criticizing, but it wasn't like that. The players are encouraged to express themselves to the camera. He made his point. Good for him, though I agree it WON'T be his island.


"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by dabo on 02-21-12 at 11:10 AM
Well, I liked how they spread the airtime around, it was pretty good for a premeire episode though some still lurked in the shadows. Frist impressions:

1. Kim. Adaptable.
2. Jonas. Observant.
3. Sabrina. Smart.
4. Jay. Crafty.
5. Chelsea. Great skillset.
6. Colton. Understands his limitations.
7. Alicia. Forceful and opinionated.
8. Christina. Working it.
9. Leif. Had to be somewhere.
10. Michael. Shifty.
11. Kat. Easy on the eyes.
12. Bill. Had to be somewhere.
13. Monica. Going with the flow.
14. Matt. Full of himself, but he made me laugh.
15. Nina. Who?
16. Greg "Tarzan". Mature? Yeah, right.
17. Troy "Troyzan". Down at the bottom for having the absolute dumbest nickname of all time.

Good-bye, Kourtney. Shame, she was kind of goofy, kind of fun, had potential.

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by michel on 02-22-12 at 06:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-22-12 AT 06:47 PM (EST)

I like your list, Dabo.
If you don't mind, if we tweak it a little here and there, I think you'll laugh.

>1. Kim. able.
>2. Jonas. servant.
>3.Sabrina. art
>4. Jay. Catty.
>5. Chelsea. Great set.
>6. Colton. imitations
>7. Alicia. full of opinions.
>8. Christina. Piece of Work
>9. Leif. Had to be down there
>10. Michael. iffy.
>11. Kat. those eyes!
>12. InvisiBill.
>13. MOnica. Going with the mo.
>15. Nina. Pinta, Santa Maria

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by dabo on 02-23-12 at 00:40 AM
I LOLd. Kicking myself for not thinking of Invisibill. (He had, a confessional in a secret scene, though, in which he calle SOW "Survivor: High School.")

Posted by dabo on 02-22-12 at 12:01 PM
Sabrina 11|1.571...
Chelsea 20|2.857...
Christina 35|5
Jonas 41|5.857...
Jay 42|6
Kim 49|7
Leif 52|7.428...
Michael 63|9
Troy(Troyzan) 71|10.142...
Kat 72|10.285...
Colton 77|11
Bill 78|11.142...
Greg(Tarzan) 91|13
Alicia 95|13.571...
Nina 95|13.571...
Matt 113|16.142...

"RE: S24 One World Ep 1 Love/Loath List"
Posted by Belle Book on 05-26-12 at 03:26 PM
I watched the first episode on the CBS website, so here is my own love/loathe list:

1. Sabrina -- smart move giving the men's HII to Colton. He's obviously closer to the women than to the guys.

2. Chelsea -- great job in catching two chickens! And you're part of the core women's alliance.

3. Christina -- smart move in making the deal to get fire. Too bad Alicia got the wrong impression of your move.

4. Jonas -- you were flexible enough to make a deal with Christina. That's a good thing.

5. Jay -- you made fire, and that's a good thing. Trouble is, your pride wouldn't allow you to make a deal with the women.

6. Kim -- you're part of the core female alliance, but even in Texas, men wouldn't be as chivalrous as you suggested.

7. Leif -- props to you for helping carry a lot of stuff despite being so small!

8. Monica -- nice job in helping Christina steal the ember. Alas, the fire went out and Christina needed to make the deal.

9. Troyzan -- it's a good thing to know that you aren't real susceptible to flirting.

10. Bill -- you really shouldn't have allowed the women to steal an ember from your fire. Still, there was no harm done.

11. Kat -- you don't know what ambience means? You sure have a lot to learn!

12. Colton -- you may be a fish out of water in an all-male tribe, but the HII will bring you power. Use it wisely.

13. Nina -- you're an older woman and out of the core alliance in your tribe. You need to prove yourself now.

14. Michael -- stealing stuff from the other tribe might not be such a good idea. Allowing pride to interfere is even worse.

15. Greg -- you want people to call you Tarzan? Okay, you're officially a nut!

16. Alicia -- you should have just swallowed your pride like Christina did.

17. Matt -- I can see why Colton would want you out. Also, 4 in a tribe of 9 isn't a majority.

Gonzo: Kourtney. I don't know why you (and a lot of others) didn't listen to Jeff's instructions, but you paid the price for your error. That said, I don't think you would've been long for the game anyway.