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"Official Survivor China 15th Reunion Show Summary"

Posted by kircon on 12-18-07 at 02:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-18-07 AT 05:49 PM (EST)

Welcome back to the 15th Annual Survivor Hae Da Fung Elementary School Dodgeball Melee. This is your announcer Jeff Probst; we are getting close to crowning a winner. We are down to the final four. These Survivors have been playing for 39 days. Let me bring you up to date. Here is your list Castaways so far:

16th place – Chicken Morris
15th place – Ashley Massaro
14th place – Leslie Nease
13th place – Dave Cruser
12th place - Aaron Reisberger
11th place - Sherea Lloyd
Let’s give them a round of applause. *applause*

If you missed the game let me show you the clips of how these Survivors made it to the dodgeball jury.

10th place - Jaime Dugan
Jaime holds up an Immunity Shield that she thought would protect her. James throws the ball and knocks her to the floor. The crowd goes wild. It’s fake, they scream. She is carried off the field in disbelief.

9th place - Jean Robert Bellande
Our poker player sets up against James. He fires a High-low ball and misses. Courtney musters all her strength and aims at JR. She hits his foot. Jean Robert screams as he leaves the floor. I will not let you win Todd you are responsible for this. The same goes for you Amanda and you Courtney. None of you will get my vote. *tweet* *the principle walks over to JR, grabs his hand and walks him to the loser box.* I will get you for this he screams one last time.

8th place -Frosti Zernow
Frosti has been amazing throughout this game. He has a survivor’s instinct of when to dodge and jump. James throws a Gazelle shot. Courtney waves at Frosti and blows him a kiss. Denise fires and hits Frosti’s knee. He lost concentration over a girl. Too Bad Frosti, I was pulling for you to be the youngest Survivor ever.

7th place - James Clement
This is the player to watch. He has two Immunity Shields. Count them. One. Two. He’s a Survivor with two Shields. Todd gave his Shield to James and told him where to find the other one. Amazing! They are setting up to hit James. Why is he just standing there? Why doesn’t he pull out a shield? Amanda fires a Floater at James. The ball seems to hang in the air. James reaches out and folds his arm around thin air, the ball hits his forearms. Amazing! He’s out!

*Tweet* It’s time for a commercial break. It looks like Erik wants to address the crowd. I will try to get the microphone down to the floor to hear what he’s saying.

...and remember what we have learned will help us the rest of our lives. My favorite book The Tao of Pooh says it this way. The reward isn’t as rewarding once gotten. It’s the journey. If we add up all the rewards, we don’t have much. But the space between contains quite a bit. And if we add the rewards to the journey, we have everything. Every goal reached...

*tweet* *thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk* 6th place - Erik Huffman

Jeff Probst here: we just saw an excellent example of the Firing Squad Play.

Welcome back to our 15th Survivor Hae Da Fung Elementary School Dodgeball Melee. We soon will have our winner. To make the game fair, the members of the jury will decide the finish of the final three. Now let’s get back to the game.

5th place - Peih Gee Law
Amanda and PG seem to be sizing each other up. They are the only players on the field now. They are walking towards each other; I think they are going to shake hands. *cheers* Amanda pulls the ball from behind her back and fires at PG. What a great Fake-Out play!

4th place - Denise Martin
Denise realizes her fate. She becomes the Sacrificial Lamb.

*the crowd stands to their feet and cheers*

We have our Final Three. Amanda, Courtney, and Todd. Give them a round of applause everyone.

Will the Jury make their way to the Tribal Council area at CBS Television City, Hollywood, California.

You will be making a big decision today. You will be rewarding one of these players 1,000,000 buffalo nickels. If Kid Nation can do it so can we. This person will also wear the title of: Survivor of Hae Da Fung Elementary School’s 15th Dodgeball Melee. Ok class, when I call your name please step forward and tell me who your vote is for.

For the last time:

Jaime, you’re up: I vote for Todd
Peih Gee: I vote for Todd
Erik you’re up: I vote for Amanda
That’s 2 votes for Todd, 1 vote for Amanda
You’re next James: I vote for Todd
Denise: I vote for Courtney
Frosti you’re next: I vote for Courtney
The vote total stands at 3 votes for Todd. 2 votes for Courtney. 1 vote for Amanda. With one vote left, Amanda you are out of the running.

3rd place – Amanda Kimmel

There is one vote left. This vote will either force a tie with Courtney or produce a winner.
*Jeff picks up the vote*

I’ll read the last vote:
*Jeff unfolds the vote*
The winner of Survivor China
and Hae Da Fung Elementary School Dodgeball Melee is:

Todd Herzog

Roll the winners clip:

I will do and say whatever it takes. This game is not just physical; I’m trying to think strategically as well. James there’s something inside that tube; if you give it to me I can help save your life. Todd reaches up and pulls the Hidden Immunity Idol off the arch. It reads, Congratulations You’ve found the hidden Immunity Idol. Frosti, if I can’t trust you right now, I will kill you. Sometimes I feel I’m the only one playing this game. Amanda they consider us power players, we need to do what they want.
I’m here to win a million buffalo nickels. That’s a lot of money.

*applause* *cheers*
The camera pans in on the entire group
Welcome back to the Survivor China Reunion Show:
All sixteen Survivors are back together. Let’s begin with the winner. Todd Herzog, you were 14 when we started. You have studied it your entire life. Tell me about your game plan.

When I stepped onto the playing field in China, I knew I would do whatever I had to, to be sitting her. I needed someone I could trust. *pats Amanda’s knee* I needed someone smaller than me. *puts arm around Courtney*
I needed to be friends with a strong guy. *turns around and pats James shoulder* In my mind, I had all of these people helping me to win. *grabs head in disbelief* I can’t believe it worked.

You told me you were willing to make relationships you would play, betray, and use at Tribal Counsel. That was your game.

All I could hope for is that people would see Survivor as a game. I made friends, but inside the game was the game. *Todd starts shaking and his voice rises* I guess they all thought the same.

John Robert, let me show you a clip:

Todd if you screw me over, I will hold you responsible, you will not win. *Todd is chewing his finger*
Sooo you tell him if you do this, I won’t and you won’t. He did and you voted for him. That was the deciding vote. Todd won because of you.
I had a hard decision; I made the same threat to Amanda. *Courtney waves her arm franticly saying me too* Todd changed my mind at Tribal. Blah, blah, blah.

What part changed your mind JR? *laughter* Why did you vote for Todd?
I don’t know what you’re getting at Jeff. *laughter*
Slightly annoyed, Jeff asks again, Why did you vote for Todd? Was it because he said you were his biggest threat and not James?

Well, you know Jeff; I had a hard time accepting that Todd saw me as the biggest threat. He was right.

*James and Frosti start laughing and shoving each other* That got him my vote. It’s a compliment that he recognized my superiority. *laughter*

*Jeff holds up a finger* It’s a compliment if it’s true. Let’s ask Todd. *laughter*
I realized that JR was a man who loved his ego and letting him know that he was a better player than me...
Jeff asks: Did you play him?
Well, kind of, yah I played him. *looking back at JR* You’re a good player, but, I’m a lot better.

JR states: He got me. He gave a great answer. I said as I voted, if he played me the stole the million.
JR, it’s a complement to you that you were not bitter. Many Survivors on the jury are so bitter they vote for who they hate the least. You said I don’t like any of you but convince me. Todd did.

Todd, tell the viewers about Amanda and Courtney. I asked Amanda on day 1 to be my friend. I looked at her and we had some sort of connection. She came back on day 4 and said she would be my friend to the end. On day 6, 7, or 8 I knew I needed someone smaller in my alliance. *Todd puts his arm around Courtney* If we lost a challenge, I would not be the weakest. Then when we made the merge, I realized that most of the tribe didn’t like her orneriness. How perfect for me, it worked.

Todd, tell us about your riskiest move, giving James the two idols. That seemed like a crazy move.

*James hangs his head and starts moaning* Don’t worry, James we’ll get to you. We’re coming. We got lots of questions.

I gave the idol to the strongest, to secure my position. I had his back and I felt for sure he had mine. This is a game. To go further, you have to take risk. I rolled the dice and hoped for the best. I never expected it to go as good as it did. I took a big risk by giving him that power.

Amanda the biggest move you made in the game was getting rid of James. What went through you mind?
First I was nervous all day. If it didn’t work he might kill us all. *James grins and shakes his head* It’s one of those decisions that you make that will either benefit or destroy your game. *she looks at Jeff with her doe eyes.

Was there a point at tribal Counsel that you thought he would play an idol?
*she nods her head* I remember when you came back with the votes; you asked if anyone wanted to play the Hidden Immunity Idol. Time stopped for me Jeff. James looked at his bag 3 or 4 times. I’m thinking he’s gonna pull it out, he’s gonna pull it out, he’s gonna pull it out. I can’t believe he didn’t.

Everyone looks at James.
James, sighs Jeff. Let’s set this up. *an audience member yells something at James* Thank you baby! James, you have fans, even though you made the greatest blunder in Survivor Dodgeball history.

James, let’s set this up; you have two *holds hand in a peace sign* idols. You have three more times you can use the idol. You are the most popular person in the game. You’re the biggest thereat. You don’t have the immunity necklace around your neck. But you have two idols you are hanging on to. You don’t play either. How does that happen?

*James shakes his head* I don’t know. I trusted my alliance. I don’t know. I thought we would be together. I don’t know. I rolled the dice and it didn’t go through. I thought they had my back. I don’t know.

Was that a million dollar mistake? Probably, you never know. There could have been a swimming challenge, but yeah. I could have made it to the final three. It was fun. Jeff tells James: We’ll get back to you later.

Denise, the fundamental flaw I saw was choosing the wrong alliance. You are fourth with Todd, Courtney, and Amanda. With PG and Erik, you would have been in the final three. Why?

I couldn’t decide Jeff. I was at the bottom of both alliances. Either Peih Gee or Todd would win. I was hoping to win immunity at the Final Four and take Amanda and Todd with me.

Fair enough. You were playing to win it on your own.

Peih Gee, Inside your head, how close were you to getting Denise to switch over? I couldn’t understand why she would choose fourth over top three. My biggest mistake was targeting Todd, maybe I should have gone after Courtney.
I suggested Courtney, Jeff, but Peih Gee was so stubborn. It’s Todd, it’s Todd, it’s Todd. *slapping her hands together each time she said Todd*

OK Survivors. Let’s take a poll. Between Peih Gee, Erik and Denise. Who would win? *most of the jury raises their hands* You were that close to winning a million bucks. Todd would have been an afterthought. Your stubbornness cost you. While you think on that listen to our band, go to the bathroom, and remember to wash your hands, grab a snack and come back for more.

Welcome back
Courtney, I believe you hold the record for the most one-liners and zingers in a season. Watch these.
My own winsome personality since day one. I believe that the USA Hockey Team is missing a player. *clip of Denise* It’s almost like a pageant. *clip of Courtney receiving Immunity Necklace* I need Courtney and Amanda by my side to keep me warm. Like I can keep anybody warm, I weigh 7 pounds. Now get off of me! I’m marooned in a land with flight attendants and Sunday school teachers. John Robert is the Susan Luci of Tribal Counsel. *pointing to herself at Tribal Counsel* The biggest threat in the room is the little blond.

Courtney, what has been the reaction at the restaurant you work at? I get recognized by tourists and kids, a lot of kids.
Why do you think that?
*in her squeaky voice* They pick the teeny person to relate to. I wear pig-tails. I tell others: you can’t tell me what to do. I know I come off as a brat on the show.
Do you enjoy that? Do you like kids?
No, actually I hate kids. *covers her mouth and laughs* *The audience and Survivors erupts in laughter*
Courtney, you are real and consistent. Let’s talk about your weight, You started at 93 lbs, ended at 86 lbs. You lost 7% of your body weight. Anorexic? Eating disorder? What’s the deal? Answer the question.

I’ve dealt with this my entire life. I’m thin. My Dad’s thin. My brother in the audience is thin. Hey Brad! You saw my dad, tall and thin. That’s the way it is, I don’t get too bent out of shape about it.
Your weight now is more than when the show started. Yea Jeff. I guess that wasn’t a nice thing to say. Jeff Probst just called me fat.

Did you enjoy any of this? You seemed miserable most of the time.
I really was. That was not my element. I’m a bar fly. I live in a city. I’m not usually awake during the day. This was crazy. But I made it to the end and I’m proud of myself.

Good, I’m glad to hear. Jean Robert, you come into this game as a professional poker player. Rather Todd played you or not, you can read people. You saw from day one, Todd was a player. You also said Courtney would make it to the final 3. But Survivor is not poker. Did missing the nuances of the game hurt you?
I loved the way I played the game. I would play it the same again. Sometimes you go all in with Aces, and a lesser hand calls you, and you lose. I go home holding my head up high.
You went right back into the poker circuit. How did it affect your game?
I believe I’m playing the best poker of my life. My reads are just sick. I will be winning a million dollar poker tournament real soon.

*James sitting in a boat* I’m a grave digger. My dad handed me a shovel when I was 11. I’ve been working since. Leslie calls him Superman. Jeff shouts: James connects again. James tosses Frosti in. James is the last man standing. Amanda calls James a strong mental and physical player.

Welcome back. You just watch some clips of James.
James it’s been a long time since we’ve had someone as popular as you. *the crowd erupts into applause*
What has the reaction been to you? Well it’s been nice. I get a lot of kids and older guys. They pat me on the back.
Just kids and older guys?
Well, women too. *he blushes*

Why do they like you?
They say I have no filter, I’m relatable, and I am real.
Amanda cuts in without raising her hand. He’s a stud.
Show the audience, People magazine with the picture of James. *everyone is cheering* Now show them his childhood photo. *laughter* Who knew?

What’s the craziest thing that has happen to you?
I was waiting to do my thing at a funeral a few weeks ago.
What is your thing? I dig the grave, set up chairs and tent, wait for the service to end, and then finish covering the grave. Well two ladies didn’t leave so I ask if they needed some help. They said, it’s him, it’s him. They shook my hand and took pictures.
Was it nice to help bring a little happiness to an otherwise sad event?
It really did make me feel good to give them a little happiness, to maybe help them in the grieving process. *applause*

Denise you had a different homecoming. What happen?
Well Jeff, when I got back, I talked to the food director at my school.

Wa wa wa, wa wa. Yes sir, I made it to the final 4.

The next thing I saw was a hand snaking at me.

You’re fired!

*Denise takes a deep breath* Now I’m a janitor. I clean toilets and vacuum the kid’s rugs. *a smile breaks out on her face* All 125 third graders say hi to me every day. Hi Denise, hi Denise, hi Denise. They say I’m too much of a distraction. I don’t know. The kids love me. But hey, if anyone out there is looking for a lunch lady, day shift, so I can see my kids, give me a call.

Courtney, I was going to ask you a question but you have been a bad girl and need to sit in the naughty chair. Class, Courtney has a time out because she gave America the finger.

Denise, why do you wear your hair that way? Well Jeff, I work in a kitchen, wear a hair net, and need short hair. But I want my husband to think I’m a girl and love him. *applause*

Well you can’t beat that answer. Speaking of romance. I heard there was a romance blooming on the island. Jaime! Erik! *wooooo* so you didn’t want anyone to know you were dating?

No, No! I was kind of scared. I kept telling people there was nothing between us. But there was.
You didn’t want people to think that your votes were tied together.
So what happened? You flew home...

Our parents live 20 miles apart, we spent time with them, eating and shopping.
Jaime, are you dating? Yes we are. *applause* *pats to Erik’s back*


So Erik, on the show... *laughter breaks out* ...it is very clear you are a virgin.

JR shouts out: What’s better than a million buffalo nickels is a million and a

John Robert Ballard, you now have a time out. This is a family show.

Now back to you Erik, America wants to know, since you are now dating Jaime, are you still a virgin?
Well Jeff, it’s none of America’s business, but yes I am.

*cue music* *run commercial* Big Brother in Winter

Welcome back. Jeff Probst here. We’re just about ready to reward 100,000 buffalo nickels to someone. But first I want to ask a couple more questions.

Dave, why did you take off your clothes for your challenge with James?
You see his size. He’s Superman. I needed something to distract him, that’s all I could think of.

Ashley, how is the WWE? I was scared to come back since I was out early. But my fans love me. I can’t wait to get back into the ring.

Aaron, was it hard watching the game unfold at home? Very, my alliance is the top three. I’m out because of a twist of the game and I see what could have been.

Leslie, do you think you were ostracized because people didn’t want to deal with the morality and religion?
No, my mouth got me in trouble. *the survivors laugh* as I said in the show, I’m not a religious person; I have a relationship with Jesus Christ. That makes it personal to me and gives me passion, but I’m also just a person who was able to live her dream of competing in a Survivor Dodgeball tournament. I also have loved and tried out for the game since the beginning.

Sherea, were you surprised at how well you adapted? You came in dress and high heels, a fish out of water.
I didn’t think I was going to be dominating in the challenges, but when I decided to be lazy in camp, I knew I had to perform in the challenges.

Frosti, how long have you been doing parkour?
About 6 years, both my parents have taught martial arts, so it’s in my blood. Now I just want to go back to China and jump off stuff.

And finally Chicken, do you feel it was worth it even though you were the first voted off.

Yes. . . . . . . .If I didn’t win the money, I’d want to go first. *applause*

Since Thursday, Sprint has been running a popularity contest for the Survivors. Sprint Speed Player of the season. The votes are in. One of you are about to win 100,000 buffalo nickels. I have the top three vote getters in no particular order.
Denise *applause*
James *applause*
And Peih Gee *applause*.
The most popular player is
James *applause* *back patting* *shoving* *screaming* *applause*

I have one...quiet down class, I have one more last minute live award. My boss EPMB was touched by Denise’s story. He wants me to tell you he’s going to give you 50,000 buffalo nickels to help get your life the way you want it. (Wow, the man does have a heart)

*music* When we come back, I will have information about the next installment of Survivor.

Welcome back. As we complete the 15th season, I want to thank our loyal viewers for making us the most watched show Thursday nights at 8. Because of your loyalty, we get to do it again in a way we never have.

Many fans have watched from day one as we’ve traveled to exotic locations all over the world. Now a select few will get a chance at the adventure of a lifetime. What they don’t know is they will be playing against the ultimate competitors. Favorite castaways from the past. Will the former Survivors be able to come together as a tribe and forget past conflicts? Or will the Super Fans be able to outwit, outplay, and outlast the favorites.

I can tell you at least one of the players from China will be returning.

Todd will receive his check on the Early Show tomorrow morning.

Join us in February for Survivor 16 Micronesia: Fans vs Favorites. Goodnight!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Official Survivor China 15th Reunion Show Summary"
Posted by Bebo on 12-18-07 at 03:17 PM

You had me at Elementary School Dodgeball Melee. Loved it!

"RE: Official Survivor China 15th Reunion Show Summary"
Posted by Estee on 12-18-07 at 03:22 PM
Is the dodgeball being played under GSN rules?

"RE: Official Survivor China 15th Reunion Show Summary"
Posted by kircon on 12-18-07 at 04:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-19-07 AT 01:11 PM (EST)

EPMB's rules

eta punctuation

"RE: Official Survivor China 15th Reunion Show Summary"
Posted by Estee on 12-18-07 at 05:14 PM
Not after falling for Denise's lie, he doesn't.

"RE: Official Survivor China 15th Reunion Show Summary"
Posted by kircon on 12-18-07 at 05:24 PM
But he still has a heart.

"RE: Official Survivor China 15th Reunion Show Summary"
Posted by CattyChat on 12-19-07 at 07:51 AM
Great summary, Kircon. This season had one of the best reunions ever with this lively and snarky crew of survivors.

CONGRATULATIONS TODD. I'm glad your dream came true in such a huge way.
Thanks for helping make Survivor China so much fun to watch.

"RE: Official Survivor China 15th Reunion Show Summary"
Posted by CTgirl on 12-20-07 at 09:08 AM
The Survivor Hae Da Fung Elementary School Dodgeball Melee was hilarious!! Thanks for the recap kircon.

Christmas cookies with Sharnina

"RE: Official Survivor China 15th Reunion Show Summary"
Posted by strid333 on 12-20-07 at 08:24 PM
That was funny.

Three is the perfect number.

"RE: Official Survivor China 15th Reunion Show Summary"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 12-23-07 at 06:24 PM
very entertaining version of yet another not very dramatic reunion show. The Reunion has got to be hard to write well, and you make it fun while still telling everything that happened such that if one wanted to skip the show, your recap would have all the info.


"If I'd meant that, I'd have said it." - Lewis Carroll

"Oh no you di'nt Jeff!!!!!!!"
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 12-24-07 at 06:41 PM
I can't believe he asked Erik if he was still a virgin! In effect, asking him "So, have you and Jamie had sex yet, because America would like to know". !!!!!!!!!!

The nerve Jeff, the nerve!!!!!! I can't believe Erik answered as tactfully as he did - I"d be pissed!