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"Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."

Posted by Estee on 12-07-07 at 08:21 AM
*steeples fingers* Welcome to Tribal Council. Tonight, my leading statements and questions will be about strategy for no apparent reason whatsoever, because all of my Council lines are put out there totally at random -- right, James? But as someone who's seen everything everyone's done, ever, I feel qualified to talk about strategy, even if I'm not always sure how to spell it.

Todd, my sympathy on your sister's miscarriage. Yes, I can have sympathy. You see, while I experienced the Dalton Incident, it has not automatically made me think that everything a contestant is told about at the family Reward is prearranged and faked. At least, not on both ends. Your reaction was genuine, I'm almost completely certain of that. Your sister, on the other hand, may have been lying to you in order to win you sympathy from your tribemates. I'm completely serious here: your response was normal, her reaction was off. So if it happened, I'm very sorry, at least for the next five seconds, which we will edit out. If it didn't, that means your sibling was ripping your heart into pieces in order to turn the others against you, because they don't believe a word of what happened. And she came in ready to use that as a strategy. Be sure to let me know how that works out when you get home.

Courtney, your strategy is to hate everybody and everything, recognize no one other than yourself as being human, complain endlessly, be carried along by allies who not-so-secretly despise you, then use everything they've done to win. And yet you're descended from British lines. That's odd, because with the way you're playing, I would have sworn you were French.

Amanda, your strategy seems to be making Todd think he's going home in every cycle. Or foreshadowing that Todd may go home in every cycle. And yet, you never actually do anything that would send Todd home. There is a word for this, but I can't explain it to you because I don't know how to translate it into idiotic fake bird call.

Peih-Gee, you have exactly two strategies left. One is to keep winning that necklace, and by the way, our next Immunity challenge will be based on Chinese calligraphy for no apparent reason. The other is to get one of these morons to listen to you. If I were you (and I'm so glad I'm not), I'd concentrate on winning that necklace. These people are very stupid.

Erik, I can't tell what your strategy is. Why don't you explain it to me? ...oh. So tonight, you're considering going in line with Todd's alliance and voting for yourself, because you feel it'll help advance your position in the game. Well, I suppose going past the player seats to the jury ones would be considered a form of position advancement, at least to the geographical west...

Denise, let's finish with you. Right now, you are going to finish in fourth place. That's right: I said it. Fourth. Place. With a chance of fifth, because if Peih-Gee wins that necklace again, you'll go in her stead. Now if you switched to the Tiger side for the evening and tried to force a tie with Todd, you'd have about a fifty-fifty chance of his going home tonight, which would let you ride into a final Council paired with two Tigers against a jury with a lot of Dragons on it. This would give you a chance at winning the game. And if Todd won the tiebreaker, he would be so angry at your betrayal that you would leave in -- fourth place. Or fifth if Peih-Gee took the next Immunity. So basically, you are rolling the dice tonight on either changing your situation for the better or having it be absolutely stable for the worse result which you were going to get anyway. Which do you feel is the more sensible decision?


I'm not talking to you any more.

Roleplaying game: speak as your character or create a new one related to the environment to use, and don't worry too much about what you say: gawd knows Denise never listened to what her brain was trying to tell her. Many good (as in ludicrous) parts still available at http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/DCForumID1/3680.shtml . Come in, sign up, and do to your characters what they're already doing to themselves.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-07-07 at 08:39 AM
Go ahead and make fun of me, Jeff. We Montana girls know our bird calls, that's for sure. And it helps pass the time while guiding fat, unkempt tourists from New Jersey on hikes in the scenic Flathead Valley.

*checks to be sure everyone still hates Todd*

*whistles all the way to the $1M check*

"RE: Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."
Posted by Estee on 12-07-07 at 08:44 AM
the scenic Flathead Valley

(Insert your own Courtney joke here.)

"RE: Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."
Posted by byoffer on 12-07-07 at 11:47 AM
As a bird-watcher , I am also well-versed in identifying bird calls. There was no mistaking the bird calls that you and your sister were using in the RC. It really is lovely, the call of the Cammo-Coloured Blurass.

##Be the Survivor - Bird-Watcher - Hunting for Hooters in the Bush##

"RE: Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-07-07 at 01:23 PM
Are you sure you're not a blurred-watcher?

"RE: Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."
Posted by jbug on 12-07-07 at 09:56 AM
Jeff, if you really thought this thru, why didn't you come to me with a little of you advice before TC? Huh????
Cause it's a lot easier for you to sit back and watch than it is to actually play the game, now isn't it?
Besides, it's really hard to think out here when you're wet and thirsty and hungry.
So, if there had been a tie, and Erik won the tie-breaker, all would be well & good.
If Todd had won the tie breaker, I would have had to work on Amanda to get her to see the strategy of getting rid of Todd at the next TC.
Dang it! That might've worked!
Can we go back and have a re-vote? please?

"RE: Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-07-07 at 11:34 AM
Except it wouldn't work. Todd ranks right up there with PG and Courtney as ideal F3 opponents since they don't seem to be liked by too many people.

You and Erik, on the other hand, both seem to be everybody's friends. And that makes both of you targets, as everyone else realizes how much of a threat you are if either of you make final tribal council. It's a Survivor rule, people that everybody likes get voted off before final TC.

Yep, 4th place it is for you.

"RE: Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."
Posted by mattben on 12-07-07 at 11:35 AM
Let us contemplate strategeries and the paths to Survivor success my brethren, yes. Baby steps at first. Or the lack thereof wherein you windup in a box canyon with 2-3 inches of rain causing yet another California mudflood. Preparation and planning are everything, except for ad hoc adjustments and just floating ignorantly along, which also seems to work for some.

Amanda, you believe you have a Plan, right? As Miss alpha-blurbutt putting pepper spray into the other contestants' rice bowls? At least you know something about backstabbing and shifting orbits.

Todd, your plan is to keep the throne of alpha-kindof-male by ... what exactly, except a repetroir of facial expressions and hand gestures? Your actions show all the focus of a nebula still condensing to a coherent point of thought other than me-me-me. You do realize that you're the lesser orb in your binary star system? Can you respond with out using the "I" word?

Peih-Gee, oh, PG. Just win, baby. Next IC will be an all you can eat contest using only chopsticks. Denise will be your only competition. You've been trying and tossing out as failed strategies left and right. Best is to be in final three with 2 of the other original tribe -- John Fu Wind (let's fly to a long distance resort and complain about John Fu's wind contributing to global warming) and Flying Tigers (little Black Sambo with wings?), I forget which was which* -- and depend on old tribal loyalty. Do you think that'll work?

Courtney, you are the classic nasty not-so-hidden-anger girl I'd never be interested in. $100 might sway me. You walk a fine line (hehe, don't turn sideways yet) between antagonizing everyone and being antagonized by everyone. How's that balancing act going?

Erik, you have a great "dark-matter" strategy, but nobody will know how to write your name down at the end. You may get sucked into Amanda's gravitational field, and thus start to shine on us. Which way will you spin? What's your pulsare?

Denise, for all your being at the end of the food chain Survivor-wise, why do I envision you ladling out the slop of the entre du jour at the beginning of the line in the cafeteria? Is your strategy to begin rousing your brain to activity, some sort of critical mass of brain energy creating a fusion of considered options, and yet still fizzle out, doing nothing?

* I just had to stick that stuff in, didn't I?

If you build it, nature will destroy it. Don't come whining to Uncle Fed for help.

"RE: Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."
Posted by jbug on 12-13-07 at 08:59 AM
OK, where is everybody?
PG? Todd? Courtney?
With only me and Amanda here to discuss last week, does this mean she and I will be the last 2 standing at the final TC?

Fine with me. What about you manda?

"RE: Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-13-07 at 01:01 PM
Works for me.

"RE: Be The Survivor: China: Episode #11: Fourth Place Vs. Fourth Place."
Posted by michel on 12-13-07 at 01:52 PM
"Tonight, my leading statements and questions will be about strategy for no apparent reason whatsoever, because all of my Council lines are put out there totally at random -- right, James?"

Huh? What was that? Jeff, I'd like to play an immunity idol tonight. Here, take this one and I'll go sit behind Todd.