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"S15 Gufu Award: Week 11"

Posted by dabo on 12-07-07 at 01:33 AM
True or False: Marco Polo was invented in China?
It was certainly destroyed there.

Marco! Chirp chirp! Marco! Caw Caw Caw! Marco! Tweet tweetytweet! Marco! BaBaBaBobwhite!

Well, it's official, Survivor has gone to the birds. I'm surprised it took so long.

The Gufu Rules!

The Gufu Award is for recognizing the dangdumbest game moves in Survivor. Each week you have a designated number of votes you may award for Contestant Gufus! Should you notice any gufus of dangdumbness for noncontestant stuff, these are Production Gufus, a separate category with its very own designated number of votes you may award. Should you wish to exceed your allotted votes, these are Honorary Gufus.

This week you may employ 4 contestant and 2 production gufus and a recipe, this week's designated number is: 4 by 2!

Additionally, each week the gufumeister may introduce Special Gufu categories, why I can even change the rules however I want. This week's Special Gufu category:

Biggest surprise of the episode!

For me it was that the laws of gravity won the RC.

Seasons Greetings!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S15 Gufu Award: Week 11"
Posted by smokedog on 12-07-07 at 01:49 AM
1. Denise doesn't realize she's the 4th wheel.
2. Erik/Courtney look like insensitive a$$es.

1. NO confessionals from Amanda about taking James out last episode.
2. IC favored for Peih-Gee to win.

"RE: S15 Gufu Award: Week 11"
Posted by jbug on 12-07-07 at 10:03 AM
IC favored for Peih-Gee to win.

Really! How many more will be handed to PG?

These challenges could be compared to having a contest regarding RTVW OT rules (unwritten ones) between me and Estee. Now who do you think would win? I finally got peaches and bananas, but the rest? all vague and cloudy........

Agman is definitely on my list (& twin Cyndi too)

"RE: S15 Gufu Award: Week 11"
Posted by frisky on 12-07-07 at 03:30 AM
Four contestants:

Erik: for thinking that from now on all family problems that occur at home are fake. Does he also think that his fellow castaways are really former professional football players? At least we got to see him pop his food sex cherry by sucking chocolate off of Amanda's fingers.

PG: for whining about not getting payback for the reward trip. Shaddup!

Denise: I can't fault her for her TC unmove until I see how it effects her endgame (or lack thereof). So, I'll fault her for not covering up her breasticles with something. Anything.

Amanda: Those bird calls? Drove me crazy. And not in a hungry cat way.


Reward challenge was dull.

The miscarriage: if it was real, then I think they probably should not have shown all that. Unless he's lying, or it somehow effects the outcome of the game, it's kind of exploiting someone's pain for a storyline.

Perpetual *headbutt* compliments of Rolly.

"RE: S15 Gufu Award: Week 11"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-07-07 at 08:08 AM
>The miscarriage: if it was
>real, then I think they
>probably should not have shown
>all that. Unless he's
>lying, or it somehow effects
>the outcome of the game,
>it's kind of exploiting someone's
>pain for a storyline.

I agree, if it was real, it should have been edited out, it reeked of Johnny Fairplay to me when I heard it. Especially when Jeff had them repeat it.

"RE: S15 Gufu Award: Week 11"
Posted by CattyChat on 12-07-07 at 08:21 AM
"The miscarriage: if it was real, then I think they probably should not have shown all that. Unless he's lying, or it somehow effects the outcome of the game, it's kind of exploiting someone's pain for a storyline.

I don't believe for one second that this was a Fairplay lie. Todd may be playing a hard strategy game, but I don't believe Todd would ever stoop to this low level.

As for including it in the show, I believe the producers felt they HAD to show that exchange, in order to show the catty remarks by Courtney and Erik and casting doubt in the minsd of the other remaining survivors whether Todd is as despicable as Fairplay to lie about something like that. This just renews my total disgust for Fairplay for "ruining" truthful bad news for survivors forever more. There will always be doubt now and I feel sorry for Todd and his family to have to see that on television last night.

*seething Fairplay hate*

But I believe the miscarriage story 100%. I am usually good judging things like these. Heck, I knew Fairplay's story was a lie as soon as he spoke it to his friend and before the lie was revealed. Todd is not scummy like Fairplay (IMO).

*further Fairplay hate*

Froliking nekkid with James in my dreams since November 2007

"RE: S15 Gufu Award: Week 11"
Posted by Dakota on 12-10-07 at 09:45 AM

1. Denise. You've made it a long way being rather useless but non-threatening. Unfortunately, you failed to start thinking strategy a couple weeks ago. She KNOWS she's the fourth wheel and likely to never win a challenge. She'll soon be targeted for begin unhated. Or is it non-hated?

2. PG for whining about the RC. The girl is sticking with her peeps. Right or wrong, she's sticking with them. Life's a beatch.

3. Erik for not going the extra mile. How about trying to team up with Todd to get rid of PG and the girl no one hates? Did you try? Noooooooo. You tried Denise. Period. Did I miss any other big save-yo'-arse moves?

4. Amanda. I just don't like you. Partly because you got rid of James instead of going after PG. As stated last week, DID YOU NOT NOTICE THAT PG WAS WINNING CHALLENGES? You little ninny. Dumb dumb dumb with a blurry butt.

Kudos for not making the family members eat something disgusting. Thank goodness! But why not give the family and Survivors a night somewhere comfy and cozy, showers, soft sheets, a good breakfast to start their day? Make those reward challenges something that really really makes a difference. If the rewards in the late stages of the game leave them fed, rested and refreshed, instead of just fed one meal, then it becomes a more serious part of strategy to win RC.

I agree that the miscarriage, if true, should not have been shown.