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"Amanda's "shorts""

Posted by byoffer on 11-09-07 at 10:55 AM
Help me with this one.

When the game started with "the clothes on their backs", Amanda and many others were forced to wear underwear all the time. We know that many episodes ago they were given additional clothes, and most are wearing shorts and t-shirts. Not Amanda. She continues to wear shorts/swimwear that requires a blur to follow her around. I can understand swimwear for challenges, but don't you bring a pair of shorts along? The blur going through the Chinese village was a bit much.

This is about the only picture of Amanda's back that is safe to show...

Is that really more comfortable/functional than shorts like PG is wearing?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by mrc on 11-09-07 at 11:08 AM
You do see the irony of your thread given your own siggie?

A totally ag-cepptable siggie

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by Breezy on 11-09-07 at 11:25 AM

Save a horse, ride a cowboy.

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by Snidget on 11-09-07 at 11:15 AM
See the new clothes discussion here:


"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-09-07 at 11:55 AM
It was pretty tacky that those were the clothes she was wearing walking through the village....kinda disrespectful, but she didn't do it purposefully. I guess she could have used her buff as a mini-skirt, that would have covered a little bit more.

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by Aruba on 11-09-07 at 12:51 PM
If you want to talk "disrespectful" how about JR walking through the village shirtless? And he even sits at the table to eat with his sagging gutt exposed.

Pretty nasty stuff!

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-09-07 at 01:54 PM
You're right about that!!

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by jbug on 11-09-07 at 12:07 PM

Maybe they got Amanda's size mixed up with the Sticks.
Her "pants" look about 3 sizes too small. Talk about uncomfortable!

Does anyone think blurs will be coming soon to RTVW what with the BY sigs?

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by mattben on 11-09-07 at 12:44 PM
I like Amanda's bod. Semper Fi to her bikini outfit. I don't know why they're blurring her butt. 'Cause it's too hot?

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by mistyrose52 on 11-09-07 at 12:58 PM
I have to agree with original poster-my mind was thinking the same. What's with the blur on her butt the whole time?? I would think it would be really uncomfortable to walk around with your butt hanging out all the time. It makes for a bull's eye for the mosquitoes and whatever else wants to target it.

Not only that, I would think it would get old up against those rocks, twigs, trees, etc. Or is this her claim to fame, as Jenna M, with the NO CLOTHES act? I just don't get it. I thought we'd seen the end of this when Dave was voted off.

Oh well. If we didn't have SOMETHING to complain about, there wouldn't be a basher post, right?? And this is MY story, too!

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by Max Headroom on 11-09-07 at 01:05 PM
Somehow I don't think byoffer is complaining.

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by J Slice on 11-09-07 at 01:19 PM
I'm only speaking as a member of the wear-a-bathing-suit-all-the-time ex-swimming-teacher alliance, but I'd never put a (possibly) dry pair of shorts on over a wet bathing suit.


two words. Two awful words...

crotch rot.

The only good alternative to wandering around in a fairly breathable bathing suit is to go commando under the (possibly) dry shorts, which is what I usually did after a long day in the pool.

The boy-short bathing suit she's got is actually a pretty comfortable style - it's comfier than most underwear.

All Hail the Rickman!

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by jd8855 on 11-16-07 at 01:33 AM
Ok well here is my $0.02 .. it's just her but cheeks that are showing it's nothing else.. Is this really worthy of a blur out? I think not.. is that going to wrech the viewing public? to see a little cheek? I mean we see Courtney who was barely there and underweight in an unhealthy way when she came on the show and it's not getting better. I feel like I am watching her die.. but oh my god forbid we see the lower part of someone's butt cheek.. I mean i think the sensors are going a little over board here. I mean really.

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by dabo on 11-16-07 at 01:34 AM
Or there's a logo they aren't authorized to use.

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by cambo on 11-16-07 at 01:59 AM
I agree 100%. Network TV loves to censor things that don't need to be censored. I'll never forget when on an episode of the Simple Life a few seasons back, Paris was in a convenience store looking at her sister's fashion magaqzine cover (Cosmo?) and the censors blurred out the cleavage from the cover shot. This is a magazine that can be seen by any age in any grocery store.

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by Thaibeach on 11-16-07 at 08:07 AM
Oh, CBS. What's wrong with butt cheeks? Amanda's in excellent shape, and they let (ok, forced) us to see Denise in the mud in a mullet and a bathing suit...and JR in...anything. (JR was disgusting no matter what he wore or didn't wear.) I have no problem with the butt cheeks. Save the blur for wayward weenies!

"Check out tribal counsel last night"
Posted by mistyrose52 on 11-16-07 at 10:24 AM
Amanda actually had on some rigged up dress-looking mini-skirt thing on. It almost looked nice, in a funky kind of Project Runway cast-off sort of way.

So, either someone has been reading our posts (camera man??) or she decided to utilize the new clothing line that was sent to them weeks earlier! At least she was fairly clothed, unlike her commrade in arms, Courtney, whose bones are just about the only thing that we can see anymore.

I swear, if that girl loses 5 more pounds, she will be swept away with the next wind storm! And who will miss her now that Frosti is gone (checks his bleeding hands after that massage on the boat)?? Not many, sadly, not many.

"RE: Check out tribal counsel last night"
Posted by mrc on 11-16-07 at 10:42 AM
Since the show was taped months ago, I don't think reading our posts would change anything . . .

A totally ag-cepptable siggie

"RE: Check out tribal counsel last night"
Posted by agman on 11-16-07 at 07:33 PM

I couldn't agree more

Smokey's mom sends it out of the park

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by Cyndimaus on 11-16-07 at 11:17 AM
It's not CBS, they have to worry about the FCC. And who wants any sort of outrage about "parts" being seen after the superbowl thing? Networks are playing it "better safe then sorry" these days. Hey, the blur gives us something to talk about, doesn't it?

Surfkitten sig shop

"RE: Amanda's "shorts""
Posted by iltarion on 11-17-07 at 06:39 PM
No, I don't agree with the blurring of something as fine as Amanda's behind. Let's see more of the behinds we want to see and less of the behinds we don't want to see. Thank you.
Obviously, our posts have nothing to do with it, but I do think it is reasonable to guess that the crew out there finally said, "Hey, let's cover this girl up instead of having to worry about the angle of all our shots." That would explain the sudden appearance of the smock this week.