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"S15 Gufu Award: Week 6"

Posted by dabo on 10-26-07 at 02:01 AM
Special On Not-So-Happy Meals!

Wow, lotsa great manurevering this week, the Toddmeister really got in game mode! Didn't you just love the afternoon at the Teahouse of the Recent Construction (newest tourist site in all China!)?

The Gufu Rules!

The Gufu Award is for recognizing the dangdumbest game moves in Survivor. Each week you have a designated number of votes you may award for Contestant Gufus! Should you notice any gufus of dangdumbness for the show itself, noncontestant stuff, these are Production Gufus, a separate category with its very own designated number of votes you may award. Should you wish to exceed your allotted votes, these are Honorary Gufus.

This week you may employ 3 contestant and 2 production gufus, this week's designated number is: 3 by 2!

Additionally, each week the gufumeister may introduce Special Gufu categories, why I can even change the rules however I want. This week's Special Gufu category:

Get psychic into a player's head and diss them like Sherea on Jean-Robert!

Example: Oh man that Courtney gal has JR on the ropes and if she just keeps talking and hating eventually she'll have him out of the game and have to start talking and hating on her next victim, she has killer strategy that gal!


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S15 Gufu Award: Week 6"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 10-26-07 at 12:31 PM
Still deciding if this was a gufu or not: Sagebrush Dan watching Ugly Betty instead of Survivor.

I usually tape Ugly Betty and watch it later, but gave Survivor a pass this time around.

"RE: S15 Gufu Award: Week 6"
Posted by Dakota on 10-26-07 at 01:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-26-07 AT 01:31 PM (EST)

1. Courtney doing her best to be a jerk. Again. Wanting to vote out JR when Todd has a game plan going.
2. JR for thinking this master plan of his to be a lazy bum and then do a 180 would work better than contributing, mingling and making an alliance.
3. Zhan Hu for following up last week's dumb move by changing their plan and deciding they HAVE to win immunity because Frosti wouldn't look at them. Ok, I don't know how this is going to all play out, especially since James (from previews) didn't get to the II before Jamie and Eric, but I'm not seeing a new valid game plan coming out of last week's GUFU by PG and the laughing ninny.

Sherea and Courtney (ok, this is probably redundant) for their antics at TC. Emotional outbursts, not strategy.

Sherea: "These people don't know a good thing when they see one. I'm strong and they can't handle it. They're being played. Sticking together as a tribe, well, how dumb is that when they could have me, not knowing what my alliances are. Don't they know that my former tribe almost voted me out? Didn't Frosti tell them? I kicked butt in those challenges. They were just threatened by me. Losers. Oh and thanks Jeff for the clothes. I know the world loved seeing me in my undies, buxom hottie that I am, but I needed a new look."

Disgusting Food Challenges are soooooo Fear Factor and soooooo last year. Besides, I don't like them.

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