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"Is this the least entertaining season ever?"

Posted by toddE on 03-12-07 at 01:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-12-07 AT 10:55 PM (EST)

Not exactly an original topic. But I thought Thailand would stand forever as the season of Boredom, but Thailand at least started interestingly and became excruciatingly dull toward the end, predictable and no likable contestants.

This season seems to be like Palau, with one team losing constantly and an alpha male running the show, except that the Alpha Male is on the losing tribe. I thought Palau was also a boring season, but not this boring. Yet, I'd consider Palau the second-least entertaining season, next to Thailand.

Now, Moto just keeps winning, which is boring. Maybe the tribal switch will remedy this.

But where are the interesting contestants? Who is there to root for?

ETA: Sorry to make a duplicate thread. I just looked here to "bash."

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"RE: Is this the least entertaining season ever?"
Posted by mysticwolf on 03-12-07 at 06:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-12-07 AT 06:52 PM (EST)

This is already being discussed in a couple of places in Fanatics. You may want to drop by there.



A Tribal Christmas blogging's scary

"RE: Is this the least entertaining season ever?"
Posted by qwertypie on 03-13-07 at 08:17 PM
Well, it seems like it should be a basher topic. (I never go over to fanatics now that the games are in their own forum).

I agree with you ToddE. Looks like MB is runningout of ideas. Apprentice is absolutely stupid with the tents (well, stupider than usual, and the one tribe gets everything deal on Survivor has got to be the worst idea (even worse than the purple rock)

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Is this the least entertaining season ever?"
Posted by Dakota on 03-16-07 at 09:37 AM
I always hated that every season, someone would post "is this the most boring season evah?" But this one is. There are no characters to really root for, no characters to despise, and Moto just keeps on winning. Someone, please slap MB and tell him that Pagonging (or Ulonging) does not make for an exciting season. I can't really compare it to other seasons because they all somehow become a blur a few weeks after the finale, but if Thailand is the season of Brian and the baby bat funeral, I'd agree that this ranks up at the top of the list. At least when Pagong and Ulong were tanking, we had Colleen and Stephanie and Bobbie Jon and Gervase to cheer for. We had Katie and Soozin and the Hatchman to dislike. Now? We got nuttin. Glad to see MB has eliminated the claim that he doesn't cast minorities (other than the token gay and black guy/girl each season), but this is dull. MB, puleaze go back to casting people who love the show and want to be on it. Do not, I repeat DO NOT walk into restaurants or bars or coffee shops and recruit them. You're making Janice Dickinson look good.

"RE: Is this the least entertaining season ever?"
Posted by JD8 on 03-18-07 at 08:52 PM
I don't know what the expected with giving one tribe so much comfort and food and luxury, it really does affect them as people I mean there is no way it can't one team is not sleeping well .. they are hungry it's going to take it's toll and they haven't really switched it up I mean I know they tried with the comfort vs. losing someone but still...

This has got to be the most boring season agreed I only remember peoples names when they are showed below them. I have no real feeling for any particular contestant not even dislike.. they just seem to be somewhat nonentities no real characters as they have had previous seasons.

"RE: Is this the least entertaining season ever?"
Posted by Dakota on 03-20-07 at 09:57 PM
>This has got to be the
>most boring season agreed I
>only remember peoples names when
>they are showed below them.
>I have no real feeling
>for any particular contestant not
>even dislike.. they just seem
>to be somewhat nonentities no
>real characters as they have
>had previous seasons.

Except for Lisi. I don't like her. I agree with everything else.

Charter Member: Club Anti-DAW

"RE: Is this the least entertaining season ever?"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-21-07 at 07:50 AM
Palau was, at least, entertaining, and the people were memorable. Ulong was full of characters. Even lazy Kim tried to make laziness seem like a viable strategy - anyone who can try to pull that off deserve some props right before they get voted out. Angie and Steph were the tough underdogs, Bobby Jon was the caveman, James was the crazy redneck, Jeff was the one who should have challenged Tom but for his damn ankle (yes, people label him a quitter, but I've broken an ankle before and I know how hard it can be to perform at full strength...granted, I hear it was a re-injury, so I understand the request to be voted off. If it were a first injury, he should have toughed it out.) And over on Koror, we had super Tom, his deputy Ian, the two lovebirds, and snarky Coby. Palau had characters. Fiji has squat.

Fiji has...Rocky and Dreamz? Come on. Alex is a master strategist? I have this to say. As much as Rocky and Dreamz are a couple of characters, they have pretty much no idea how to play the game and are characters just because they're annoying. By now, they should have grown on people the way Cao Boi did. (Hey, I liked Cao Boi.) As it is? If Survivor 16 were All-Stars, only Yau-Man would go from Fiji...at least if I were making the cast.

There are some seasons that have so many characters that it's hard to pick who would make an All-Stars season. Even Vanuatu has Chris, Twila, Eliza, and Ami, and maybe Sarge. Palau has Tom, Ian, Stephenie, Coby, Bobby Jon, and Angie (and yes, two of them got to play again.) Guatemala had Danni, Rafe, Lydia, Judd, Gary, and Jamie, and maybe Amy and Brian. Exile Island had Danielle, Terry, Cirie, Shane, Bruce, astronaut Dan, and maybe Aras. Cook Islands had Yul, Ozzy, Parvati, Jonathan, Candice, Nate, and Cao Boi. Fiji has no one. Dreamz and Rocky are a poor man's Bobby Jon and Jamie...sorry, couldn't say that with a straight face. They're a government-issued imitation Grade F Bobby Jon and Jamie constructed out of manure. I wouldn't cast a single Fijian except Yau-Man. Not even Earl or Alex, even if their names combine to "Alex Cole." And from that season, I'd take Alex, Gardener, Gary, Robin, Mary-Jane, Phillip, Angela, AND Trooper. Now THAT'S a fvcking super-tribe.

My point? The creative minds HERE can cast better people than MB. Maybe we should do casting.

"RE: Is this the least entertaining season ever?"
Posted by luvsurvivorfan on 03-21-07 at 10:43 AM
Yes, Yes, Yes!
I haven't been this bored since Palau!
If they would get some real players who truly want to be on Survivor, instead of wannabe models/actors, the show might regain momentum.
OMG, could they mix up the tribes every couple episodes to put some strategy and fun back into the show, and do we have to see some of the same tired re-worked challenges again & again.
I'll still watch though...hoping the pace picks up soon...hopefully very soon.

"RE: Is this the least entertaining season ever?"
Posted by Nordar on 03-22-07 at 10:28 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-22-07 AT 10:28 AM (EST)

I am in agreement sooo boring, seems to me that one tribe getting all the comforts of home defeats the whole purpose of the show. I mean correct me if I am wrong here but isn't the premise of the show Survivor? I can't see what is so interesting to watch when one team continues to loose.