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"Reverse Racism"

Posted by extraordinaryboy on 12-18-06 at 10:18 PM
I think Yul ended up winning because of reverse racism. I realize they didn't show who voted for who but from what I have deducted both people on the jury from the Asian race voted for Yul. There were no Mexicans on the jury like Ozzy. I think the three African Americans on the jury voted for Ozzy along with Parvati and the rest of the votes went to Yul.

Somehow this doesn't sit well with me. How about you?

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"RE: Reverse Racism"
Posted by dabo on 12-18-06 at 11:41 PM
Welcome aboard!

According to what I read the vote was:

Yul (Asian) - Adam (White), Brad (Asian), Candice (White), Jonathan (White), Sundra (Black).

Ozzy (Hispanic) - Jenny (Asian), Nate (Black), Parvati (White), Rebecca (Black).

Becky (Asian) - .

It doesn't look like there was any racism in that, particularly since Adam admits he would have voted for Ozzy except he sold his vote to Yul and kept his word. Sexism might be a better accusation, though I doubt even Ami would have voted for Becky.


"RE: Reverse Racism"
Posted by KwietOne on 12-19-06 at 01:27 AM
Sorry...I H-A-V-E to comment. Mexicans? It reminds me of that movie, Clueless, where Cher tells her housekeeper she doesn't speak Mexican. Her housekeeper was from Guatamala. Um, hello?

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"RE: Reverse Racism"
Posted by dabo on 12-19-06 at 01:49 AM
To be fair, Hispanic isn't actually about race or ethnicity, it is strictly a cultural distinction.

"RE: Reverse Racism"
Posted by nailbone on 12-19-06 at 09:57 AM
And Ozzy IS Mexican. From Mexico.

-New holiday sig! Thanks, tribe!

"RE: Reverse Racism"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-22-06 at 08:42 AM
I'll echo what dabo said... while Ozzy may have been born in Mexico, he's lived in a variety of places including other Central American nations and he owns land in Panama. I think of him as Hispanic as in cultural identity than as a Mexican.

A Tribe siggie
"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"I never considered Ozzy as Hispanic"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-19-06 at 10:24 AM

"RE: Reverse Racism"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 12-19-06 at 08:44 AM
A big reason the Asians may be inclined to vote for Yul (and as the votes show, that was only 50% true) was that they were his original tribemates. Brad commented on the jury that he had only had a 15-second conversation with Ozzy, whereas he was Yul's tribemate in the beginning. That moreso that ethnicity was a far bigger factor in Brad's decision to vote for Yul. Jenny probably chose Ozzy because Ozzy kicked @$$ in challenges and she wasn't particularly close to Yul.

Race really had very little to do with how the votes went down. Also, Ozzy had no original tribemates on the jury because they were all decimated early on. Billy was out because of Aitu's (still) insane decision to throw the challenge; getting on board with that idea was the worst thing Ozzy's tribemates could have done, and Ozzy still would have gone far without doing so. But that's neither here nor there. Cecilia was voted out because she was an outsider. J.P. was voted out for being lazy and a jerk. Cristina was voted out for being lazy and a jerk. Original Aitutaki had no one on the jury for this reason. Ozzy's decision to throw the challenge to get rid of Billy may just have cost him the game. And that Commandment holds true.

"RE: Reverse Racism"
Posted by iltarion on 12-22-06 at 00:52 AM
VERY good point again, Colonel.
If Aitu doesn't vote out Billy, they take 5 people into the new tribes. That would leave a tribe with 3 Aitus. It is unlikely that JP and Cristina would have been so easily picked off if they had another tribemate in the mix with them, even if it was Billy, same with Cece. Therefore the entire course of the game for Aitu could have been different. Cristina wouldn't have betrayed JP because there would have been no thrown-challenge to cause a rift between them. Also, Stephanie would have been gone, likely, because Hiki would have lost that challenge instead. So now Raro has 3 from Aitu and 2 from the other tribes. That would leave the Aitu members as the power of the tribe. Considering all that, some original Aitu members almost certainly make the jury, and Ozzy probably gets their vote and wins! So, you can definitely make the argument that the thrown challenge ultimately cost Ozzy the game.

"RE: Reverse Racism"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 12-22-06 at 08:44 AM
Good point about three of a tribe being harder to take down than two...assuming that they don't just make themselves a bigger target. If old Aitu doesn't throw the challenge, Hiki probably loses, Stephannie probably goes home, and the last two unselected are probably Billy and Candice.

If Billy goes to Aitu: His poor performance in challenges leads Raro to send him to Exile. The split between Ozzy-Cecilia-Cao Boi-Sundra and Jonathan-Flicka-Yul-Becky is more pronounced. Flicka stays a floater, but Jonathan sways Cao Boi and Cecilia goes. Billy, meanwhile, works his way into the outside alliance and tries to work over Flicka; Jonathan, Yul, and Becky keep an eye on Cao Boi. Cao Boi tries to get the idol out, Flicka bites, and Jonathan leaves after the tribe is forced to gamble on him not having the idol (I'm assuming Yul goes to Exile and finds it in episode 2.) The next logical boot is Becky, and the mutiny doesn't happen. The tribe doesn't work super-well together and probably loses one more immunity, but Raro sucks, so thye go into the merge up 5-4. Billy finally leaves as a physical liability, so Ozzy, Yul, Cao Boi, Sundra, and Flicka Pagong the remaining Raros and make F5. Cao Boi wants the idol out again, so he directs his and Flicka's votes at Yul. His scheming gets him ousted, though, and the final three is Ozzy, Yul, and Flicka.

I'll assume that Brad, Jenny, and Rebecca are all on the jury, along with Billy, Candice, Adam, Parvati, Cao Boi, and Sundra. In our timeline, Brad, Candice, Adam, and Sundra voted for Yul, as did Jonathan, who's not around. Since there's no deal to get Yul a vote from Adam, he votes Ozzy. Same for Jenny, Rebecca, Billy, and Parvati. Cao Boi votes Yul, but Ozzy wins.

It's probably a bit different if Billy goes to Raro, but working idiots over is his specialty, and Cristina will probably work with him. The other possibility is that he's the fourth boot for being lazy, J.P. cleans up his act, Cristina gets booted sooner, and J.P. makes the jury to vote for Ozzy. In that scenario, J.P.'s vote pushes Ozzy over, and he wins.

Therefore, I hope Ozzy likes his $100,000; if he'd been a bit nicer to the big lug on his tribe, he'd have ten times more and would arguably be the greatest player ever. However, Thou Shalt Not Throw a Tribal Immunity Challenge isn't just a suggestion.

"RE: Reverse Racism"
Posted by maryellennaco on 12-19-06 at 10:37 AM
Nope, race had nothing to do with Yul winning and everything with the way he played the game. Nuff said.