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"Stereotype Finale"

Posted by zipperhead on 12-18-06 at 12:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-18-06 AT 01:03 PM (EST)

Edited repeatedly - I really should have read this before I posted....

So we ended up in the final days with one Eurocaucasian man, one African woman, one Hispanic man, and an Asian woman and Asian man. I really, honestly, seriously did not think that the final five would be so diverse. Oh, wait – yes I did. Quote from that previous post: “Guess what's going to happen in the merge? The minorities are going to eliminate the whites one by one until there is one "token" white left as the all-important swing vote when the minorities turn on themselves.” Okay, so I got that last part wrong, but I did call the systematic elimination of the whites (+ Jonathan) after the merge. We will pause for a moment while I admire myself.


I haven’t watched the tape yet, but one of the by-brothers is trying to issue-jack what I’ve been doing all season, so I’m going to put this in after reading most of the East Coast thread. This post subject to editing later. Negro, honkey, spic, yellow- bastards- who- are- going- to- rule- the- world- someday. <----test to see if I actually remember to come back and edit after watching the show. Those words are gone=I’ve watched the show. Those words still here=I haven’t watched the show. Or I’m just being an ass.

Let's see how the bootees match the stereotype of their race and gender, and whether or not those qualities cost them.

Fifteenth bootee – Adam, a Eurocaucasian man.

Stereotypical white guy (as described by…um…me): hyper-confident, dismissive of those who aren’t like him, chauvinistic, actually does know how to pull power plays, secretly gay.

-- Adam definitely thought well of himself. It didn’t help that Candice fed him heaping spoonfuls of ego while she was around.
-- He worked pretty well with some people of different races. Tried to, anyway.
-- How often did he kibitz with women who weren’t fawning all over him? Zero, from what I could tell. But he didn’t necessarily put them down. Quarter point.
-- He tried the power play once or twice (just ask Jenny and Rebecca), he was just working with an idiot at the end.
-- I’ll be honest - I threw this last one in because I haven’t talked about gay people recently. I don’t think Adam is secretly gay. I do think Donald Rumsfeld is.

He was the only white man playing the game. He gets two points for that. HA! Bet you thought I was going to take a point away, didn’t you?

Adam has a grand total of 4.25 out of 6. I believe we’ve reached a high point on the stereotype scale. Way to go, Adam! Maybe the white tribe was the first to be completely decimated, but at least they went out with a display of White Power!

Totally random note, just this weekend I was in the vicinity of an older gentleman from southern Illinois who was talking about the decrease in population in his old hometown. He leaned in real confidential-like to his audience to say, “because the blacks moved in.” I kid you not. December 2006 and people are still saying crap like this. And you know what is even crappier? He’s probably right. Sorry – back to the funny.

Sixteenth bootee - Sundra, an African woman.

Stereotypical African woman (as described by your average old man from southern Illinois): baby-poppers, welfare dependents, loud, dirty and unintelligent.

-- Sundra doesn’t have kids, does she? How disappointing.
-- TOTALLY dependent on the welfare of others.
-- Not very loud. We had a surprising lack of loud black women this time around. They must have cast this group from the recently unemployed.
-- After that mud bath, she actually got cleaner. What? I was referring to the cleansing qualities of a mud bath. What did you think I meant by that? Shame on you.
-- Since the dawning of mankind, we have been able to make fire. And then there was Sundra. Thanks for setting us back a few thousand years, dumbass.

She wasn't white or a man. In this final four, that didn’t matter. But she was the last black, so she had to go.

Sundra got 3 out of 6. Mediocrity suits her well.

And the Final Three…


Stereotypical Asian woman (as described by your average bigot): quiet, won't conform to the norm, has strange remedies, serves her husband, secretly plots against people.

-- Becky was the silent partner in her little coupling.
-- She helped define the norm for the final four.
-- Her remedy for entertainment was to use fewer matches than someone else. One-eighth point.
-- Not sure if she’s married, but she definitely acted subservient to Yul.
-- Well, everyone plots here. But she was uber-secretive. Half point.
-- She was neither white, nor male. One point.

Oh man, why do I do fractions? Four-and-a-half plus one-eighth equals…4 5/8. Out of six. Plus she was short. I forget to comment on how short Asian people are supposed to be. Ahhh, too late now. Anyway, she was very Asian and that helped her get to the end.


Stereotypical hispanic/latino man (as described by your average bigot): lazy, dirty, drug-peddling, women-chasers and not willing to adapt to the dominant culture.

-- Ozzie? Lazy? No.
-- Everyone got dirty.
-- Nothing to peddle and no one was buying, anyway.
-- Okay, he flirted a little with Parvati in the tub. But I heard that it was because Yul had already rejected him. Hoo boy! Second gay comment in this post. I am on a role now! Half point for the Parvati thing. He was drinking and she was desperate for a friend.
-- He adapted quite well in his micro-culture after every other Hispanic was kicked out early.
Half point for not being white.

This gives Ozzie one whole point. I think it says something when one of the least stereotypical players gets into the final two (let’s be honest with ourselves and reject Becky as part of the final three, mm’kay?).


Stereotypical Asian man (as described by your average bigot): intelligent, sneaky, hard-working, weird religions and eat lots of rice.

-- Yul was fairly smart. Showing his immunity so early was more of a gamble than a strategy, though. I say half point.
-- If you believe Jeff, he was sneaky by bringing Jon’s hat to TC. But I don’t think that was particularly sneaky. If he was doing it to get a vote, it was pretty damned blatant.
-- Pretty hard-working. I guess.
-- No weird religions here. Cao Boi’s attempt to convert him to be a married hindu woman didn’t take, apparently.
-- Everyone eats rice.
-- Not white, but is a man. Half point.

The winner has two whole points on a scale of six in my arbitrary rating system. Of course, very few of you have disagreed with me, so I have to assume that there is general agreement on the stereotypes I have set up.

What does this mean? We like to think of people in terms of broad stereotypes, even though very few people are anywhere close to our assumptions.

If we want to compare who was close to their stereotypes and how they did, the argument could be made that white men who act like white men (Jonathan, Adam) do almost as well as other people who really don’t behave the way we expect them to (Ozzie, Yul). In other words, the stereotype + success scale only works in the favor of white men.

Oh, and one more thing I would like to point out: Jeff Probst is white. He's been there all season, every season. Same could be said for Phil on TAR. And Seacrest. And the people who do Extreme Makeover: Home edition. And the Nannies - all of 'em. Trump, Martha, Simon, Howie, Philbin, etc., etc. Okay, so you've got Jenbot from BB and the diva from ANTM. Two. Out of how many dozens? The winning contestants may become a little more varied as time goes on. But the people who make tons of money every single year on these shows are white.

Strange coincidence, no?

Your smile bothers me
Zipperhead is just sick. Dangerously sick. - molaholic

Table of contents
  • RE: Stereotype Finale,davwav02, 02:15 PM, 12-18-06
  • RE: Stereotype Finale,Dakota, 03:28 PM, 12-18-06
  • RE: Stereotype Finale,Das Mole, 07:03 PM, 12-18-06

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Stereotype Finale"
Posted by davwav02 on 12-18-06 at 02:15 PM
Lol, I looked forward to your posts on each eliminated stereotype each week and was never disappointed. You've brought snark to a whole new level, while proving that stereotypes are a thing of the past, and only serve to hinder our perceptions of others. Thanks for the entertainment, and keep up the good work.

"RE: Stereotype Finale"
Posted by Dakota on 12-18-06 at 03:28 PM
All season, whether I posted or not, I found myself thinking about or responding to the racial stereotypes in a way that brought out other stereotypes.

For example,
The Non-Conformists: Billy and Jessica. They are different because they aren't comfortable being the same. They blame their problems on the fact that they're different.

The Under the Radars: Sundra and Becky. Vecepia is the only UTR that won if I recall. And that's only because the competition was so unpopular.

The Older One, the Pushy One: Jonathon. Well, we've seen that before. They get voted out early most of the time.

The Young Flirty Ones: Well, at least no one took their clothes off for peanut butter, but Candice and Parvati based the entire game on flirting and they actually had other things to offer.

I'm saying that I didn't see the racial stereotypes as much as I saw Survivor stereotypes. Those behavior patterns seen on Survivor are probably in good working order back IRL.

Having said that, I found Zip's posts very funny and entertaining as well as thought provoking. See ya in Fiji.

"RE: Stereotype Finale"
Posted by Das Mole on 12-18-06 at 07:03 PM
I don't believe I ever commented in any of the stereotype threads, but I just wanted to say that I did read them every week, and they've been highly entertaining. Thanks for the posts!