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"Race Scorecard"

Posted by byoffer on 12-18-06 at 09:41 AM
Since EPMB decided to split the castaways by race, let's see what the numbers produced...

The Asians produced the overall winner, and 2 of the final 3.

The Caucasians were the last tribe to lose their first member (Flicka), but also the first tribe to lose their last member (Adam).

The African Americans order of elimination was spread throughout, whereas the Hispanics got Pagonged early except for Ozzie.

The average finishing position of each race:
1 Caucasian: 7.8
2 Asian: 8.0
3 African American: 12.0
4 Hispanic: 14.0
(I used their finishing position. I gave Jenny 10 and Rebecca 11, since that was vote order. I have Cao Boi and Cristina a tie for 14.)

Despite all the comments that Race had no real impact on the game, my gut tells me that the Hispanics went out early because they played the worst social game, and that the Asians/Caucasians did much better overall because they played the best social game. The challenges are fun, and have an impact, but at the end of the day this is a social game.

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"RE: Race Scorecard"
Posted by Dakota on 12-18-06 at 03:56 PM
I think Becky and Yul had the cerebral, reserved, non-antagonistic thing going for them. They didn't offend people. They used their brains. Jenny was a loose cannon and Cao Boi was just plain weird. If only he had taught Becky to start a fire.

Nathan turned on all of his fellow African Americans except Sundra, and he really didn't have the chance to turn on her. I don't know what this means, but the "lazy black man" stereotype was quashed because he worked hard, he could swim, and he accused Stephanie and Rebecca of not doing enough or being "in the game".

The three young Caucasians stuck together, turning on everyone else they had any kind of alliance with, including the older Caucasian. Maybe because he was Jewish, maybe because he was older, maybe because they just didn't like him and they acted like this was sorority rush rather than Survivor.

Ozzy, until he spoke Spanish in the last episode, didn't come across as Latino to me - seemed more like the stereotype laid-back surfer dude. But unlike JP, he wasn't so impressed with himself. Not only did he kick butt in challenges, but he managed to stay in the game when all odds were against him and later his tribe.

MB at least put to rest the idea that only whites get on this show with a few token minorities. And it seems race had less to do with anything than initial tribes, friendships and alliances. Maybe we'll see a more diverse group in the future.

"RE: Race Scorecard"
Posted by dabo on 12-18-06 at 06:49 PM
Jonathan representin' for the Wandering Jew... let's just say it is a shame shakes doesn't watch reality TV anymore.