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"A crazy, wacky idea that just might work..."

Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-18-06 at 09:27 AM
Wow, so we're following up Survivor: Racial Profiling with Survivor: Class Warfare, huh?

I've actually come up with the PERFECT Survivor twist. Hear me out on this, because it's a little radical. But I guarantee you the contestants would NEVER see it coming.

16 contestants.
2 tribes.
Tribal council every 3 days.
A merger at 10.
A jury of 7.
Final 2.
No double boots.
No swaps, kidnappings, or mutinies.
No exile islands, no hidden immunity idols.
In the event of a tie, it goes to previous votes cast against you.

It's crazy enough that it just might work.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: A crazy, wacky idea that just might work..."
Posted by byoffer on 12-18-06 at 09:44 AM
In the event of a tie, it goes to previous votes cast against you.

I agree with all of your post, but especially this one. I always thought that using this for a tie-breaker added another element of strategy to all of the TCs. Everyone may agree to vote a certain survivor, but rather than voting unanimously someone might think that throwing a vote to prepare for a future TC tie-breaker might make sense.

I am not sure why they went away from this feature of the game.

"RE: A crazy, wacky idea that just might work..."
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 12-18-06 at 09:56 AM
However, like all Survivor twists, this could really only work once. That's why Survivor has gone from 16 people, two tribes, no double-boots, and the word "alliance" being a four-letter word to 20 people, tribes drawn by ethnicity, three people in the final two, double-boots abound, a Korean Godfather, and alliances being second nature.

People could come up with the perfect Survivor season, but the cool thing about Survivor is that it keeps us guessing. Twists don't always work. "Does anyone want to switch tribes?" "You said 'merge.'" "We're dividing tribes by gender...AGAIN." "On Exile Island, there is a hidden immunity idol." OK, the last one's a neat idea, but it doesn't always work. Terry carried it from episode 4 to the end. Yul carried it from episode 2 to the end - and won. Smooth move, Aitu. At least they're trying something new with the double idol.

"RE: A crazy, wacky idea that just might work..."
Posted by Estee on 12-18-06 at 10:46 AM
no hidden immunity idols.
In the event of a tie, it goes to previous votes cast against you.

(Censored). So close.

"RE: A crazy, wacky idea that just might work..."
Posted by seahorse on 12-18-06 at 11:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-19-06 AT 10:05 AM (EST)

I think the reason Survivor has worked for so long is its ability to draw interest from new twists. If every game wer the exact same, it could get boring especially when a Pagonging is occurring. Without the immunity idol, the final four would be a bunch of lazy Raros. I like the immunity idol and I have to say a mutiny on Cook Island edition of the show was very fitting.

"You Forgot Poland"
Posted by dabo on 12-18-06 at 11:42 AM
Whatever they do, the cast ultimately makes or breaks the show. They need to get back to basics in the casting. Let's face it, after 13 seasons a retired grumpy old Navy SEAL is still one of their most memorable characters.

"RE: You Forgot Poland"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 12-18-06 at 12:55 PM
>Let's face it,
>after 13 seasons a retired
>grumpy old Navy SEAL is
>still one of their most
>memorable characters.

A number of Rupert, Ozzy, Tom, Cirie, or Boston Rob fans would disagree with that statement, although it's hard to argue that Richard and Rudy aren't still very memorable. You have to respect the originals, even if the newer ones often outdo them.

"RE: You Forgot Poland"
Posted by Dakota on 12-19-06 at 09:46 AM
Ya think? I dunno.

"RE: A crazy, wacky idea that just might work..."
Posted by emydi on 12-19-06 at 10:42 AM
Actually at this point the Survivor series...this might be fun to watch...it reminds me of that M*A*S*H episode when BJ and Hawkeye had the contest that BJ could not play a practical joke on everyone of the "stars" in a day....BJ worked it out that all the others but Hawkeye were in on the joke...Hawkeye spent the whole day looking over his shoulder waiting for the joke to happen...that was the joke...seeing all the DAWS scramble waiting for a twist that never happens

I didn't really win but I'm keepin it

"RE: A crazy, wacky idea that just might work..."
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-19-06 at 05:27 PM
ExACTly what I was thinking of. Everyone just keeps assuming there's going to be these twists and they never come.