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"S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"

Posted by dabo on 12-18-06 at 02:18 AM

Hey, looks like they finally figured out how not to bore us all to sleep in the finale, best employment of fast-action since Gilligan's Island!

I wish!

Man oh man, what a mess!

As many contestant and production gufus as you want to roll out this week, everybody pile on!

I'll even start:

Production: Kudos to Yul and Ozzy and everyone on the jury who fell asleep during the fire challenge tie-breaker, now you know how we feel! I'm certain a few cameramen nodded off as well. Jiffy should have kicked 'em both out instead of giving 'em matches.

Seasons Greetings!

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"RE: S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"
Posted by Thaibeach on 12-18-06 at 06:33 AM
Not sure this qualifies as a true "gufu" but I feel that the producers did F up, so to speak.

I love Yul, but I am not sure he could have gotten to the very end w/o Ozzy's incredible performance in the challenges. And same for Ozzy, he might not have made it to the end w/o being on Yul's Aitu 4.

I am just so p*ssed at the producers. I wanted both Yul and Ozzy to win. Geez. They coughed up another million for Poopert, who didn't deserve it except for being "America's Favorite" (barf). Why can't they cough up another for the Ozzmeister?

C'mon, EPMB, you can spare it.

P.S. Please replace Jeff Probst with Jonathan.

"RE: S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 12-18-06 at 07:26 AM
Production - the three finalists didn't get to make a closing speech - I think they always have before (?). Anyway, poor Becky, who got asked hardly any questions, was clearly dying to speak. A little unfair.

I forget who it was now, but whoever it was who brought back the stupid "what will you do with the money" question. Otherwise, all the questions were insightful and got great answers. How refreshing to see a minimum of sour grapes on the jury!

"RE: S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-18-06 at 07:44 AM
I wondered if TC was *really* that short (as far as the questioning went) or if there was some editing involved.

"RE: S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"
Posted by seahorse on 12-18-06 at 06:56 PM
I think they edited out the final speeches.

"RE: S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-18-06 at 09:22 PM
I also don't think they showed all the questions and the responses.....

"RE: S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"
Posted by michel on 12-18-06 at 07:58 AM

1- Sundra for not considering Adam's proposal to sacrifice himself to get the idol out of play. She had to rely on Becky not taking the idol.

2- Ozzy for telling everyone "I threw a challenge to get rid of Billy"

Poduction for not having 2 flame-throwers available to settle the tie-breaker.

"RE: S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"
Posted by seahorse on 12-18-06 at 07:05 PM
"Sundra for not considering Adam's proposal to sacrifice himself to get the idol out of play. She had to rely on Becky not taking the idol."

Actually this applied to both Sundra and Ozzy. If either Yul or Becky won immunity, more than likely both would have been in the final 3 and Sundra or more likely Ozzy would have been odd man out.

"RE: S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 12-18-06 at 08:48 AM
Mwahahahahaha...OK, first thing's first.

For the contestants:

That was absolutely, positively the worst display of making fire I have ever seen in my life. In 38 days, those two couldn't figure out how to make a damn fire. And Sundra couldn't even do it with matches! Next time, for the tiebreak, just have them spin their heads on a baseball bat 50 times and run toward a giant cake. Sheesh. No wonder Becky didn't get any votes. The people's final two were Ozzy and Yul.

Also, Adam - the Scorched Earth strategy is kind of a neat idea, but next time, try to stay in the game. Rally Ozzy and Sundra to ditch Becky or something. Try something already. None of this "Boo hoo, I'm boned, but I want to take it out on Yul for finding the idol." Rarotonga must be Polynesian for "We're a bunch of morons."

And Becky - your entire performance was pathetic. Next time, take the damn idol, tell everyone it was Yul's idea, make him look like a douchebag, and take a few of his votes. If nothing else, you split the electorate's vote and Ozzy wins. At least go with what works.

Oh yeah, and Yul - if you have an immunity idol but no immunity necklace at F4, don't even consider giving it up. Don't. It's a bad idea. It ranks right up there with throwing a challenge, which worked out for Ozzy only because he's superhuman. Any mere mortal who attempted something like that would last a very short time. Yul, you are a mere mortal. Don't risk the 3-1 boot that would have befallen Terry in the forgotten twelfth season.

Now to rake the producers over the coals.

First off, three people in the final two? I know enough math to know 2 /= 3. It worked this time because Yul and Ozzy were the only ones who got votes and it was a best-of-nine between them. However, if Becky nabbed two of Yul's votes and one of Ozzy's, we have a three-way tie. There is no sane way to break such a tie. You would have been colossally screwed in the ear. And what if it was 4-3-2 and someone won the million without a majority? That would have blown goats too.

Oh yeah, and the jury's time to shine...wasn't. That was not a good round of jury questioning. Why? Because there were too many people addressing too many people. Seven people addressing two worked. I don't blame EPMB for experimenting, but this one was a flawed experiment from the beginning.

I'm also with someone earlier who didn't like that the final three didn't get a chance to speak one more time. Sundra got the last word. Sundra's cool and everything (although she makes fire like a drunken mongoose with no limbs) but the last words should have come from those who are actually competing for the million bucks.

And while we're at it...Brad said he had only a fifteen-second conversation with Ozzy. How in the screw can he make an informed decision in that case? All he knows is that Ozzy kept coming into Tribal Council with the immunity necklace on. That's about it. Yul earned it, but he shouldn't warn it like that.

Lastly...Survivor: Fiji is another huge risk. There are 19 people? That's a gender imbalance, something the show has NEVER had. What is this, Big Brother? And the big solution to the problem with the idol never coming into play is...two idols. Whoop-dee-damn-doo. Idol multiball is potentially dangerous stuff. Take a page from Estee's book already.

"RE: S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"
Posted by seahorse on 12-18-06 at 07:00 PM
Actually, Brad, Rebecca and Jenny spent no time on a tribe with Ozzy and only Jenny spent time on a tribe with Yul or Becky.

"RE: S13 Gufu Award: Finale!"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 12-19-06 at 08:48 AM
That was kind of my point. Brad and Jenny were original Puka and spent some time on a tribe with Yul and Becky but not with Ozzy. Rebecca was original Hiki and spent time on a tribe with...none of them. She might as well do a "pick-a-number" question, as little as she can really know about the three of them. If EPMB wanted to do a 9-person jury and let 12th-place Brad on, he should have authorized more tribal interaction. And the accidental expedition by Ozzy, Cao Boi, and Flicka to Raro's camp doesn't count.