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Posted by mysticwolf on 09-29-06 at 02:47 AM
OK. At the risk of someone suggesting I'm racist for asking...

What is up with "White Girl Dreadlocks"? Is it Jessica, AKA, Flicka, that's wearing her hair this way? I think? (Still trying to tell them apart.) And, in various Kool-Aid colors? Does she actually think this is a good look?

I've seen dreads done right. They don't look dirty - and they're not, if they're kept up. And they are the somewhat natural outcome of nappy hair - no matter the race of the person - it's the "race" (type) of the hair that makes them work.

Unless I've been living under a barrel for most of my life, she's not wearing dreads - she's wearing a rats nest. And, it doesn't, imo, look any better than if she were 60 pounds, and bony. (And she's starting to push the weight envelope.)

God help us if this look catches on along with the ultra-skinny craze.

Or, am I the one that's crazy? Is this really the new ideal?

Puppylvoe for, and by, Tribe blogging's scary

Please tell me that she is as delusional as I think she is...

Table of contents
  • RE: Dreadlocks,RollDdice, 03:12 AM, 09-29-06
  • HippieHater!,tribephyl, 05:44 AM, 09-29-06
    • RE: HippieHater!,Wacko Jacko, 09:51 AM, 09-29-06
  • RE: Dreadlocks,Colonel Zoidberg, 08:46 AM, 09-29-06
    • RE: Dreadlocks,finallytyping, 00:39 AM, 09-30-06
      • RE: Dreadlocks,qwertypie, 06:46 PM, 10-02-06
        • RE: Dreadlocks,finallytyping, 11:37 PM, 10-02-06
          • RE: Dreadlocks,qwertypie, 10:57 AM, 10-03-06
  • RE: Dreadlocks,Lasann, 09:25 AM, 09-29-06
  • RE: Dreadlocks,Spanky68, 09:28 AM, 09-29-06
    • RE: Dreadlocks,Dakota, 11:15 PM, 09-29-06
  • RE: Dreadlocks,ginger, 11:03 AM, 09-29-06
  • RE: Dreadlocks,tamarama, 06:18 PM, 09-29-06
    • RE: Dreadlocks,ginger, 06:39 PM, 09-29-06
      • RE: Dreadlocks,tribephyl, 06:52 PM, 09-29-06
      • RE: Dreadlocks,finallytyping, 00:42 AM, 09-30-06
      • RE: Dreadlocks,tamarama, 03:25 PM, 10-02-06
  • RE: Dreadlocks,Dakota, 11:12 PM, 09-29-06

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by RollDdice on 09-29-06 at 03:12 AM
I agree with you on the "dreads", but it's really the potential 'roller skating on the sand' trend that I really worry about.

"Fire Dancer"? "Roller Girl"?? I've got to stop casting women while I'm drunk and bar hopping from my limo.

Posted by tribephyl on 09-29-06 at 05:44 AM
Dreads, although their origins can be attributed to the african culture have been adopted by many non-black individuals.

Same thing happened to Rap/Hip-Hop, Jazz and Rock-n-Roll.

In fact, all the cool things are started by black people and lo and behold, along comes whitey, who steals it away from them and proceeds to mess it all up. Snow? VanillaIce? JamieKennedy? Even ParisHilton is going GangstaHo?

C'mon mysty, times they are a changin'. My suggestion for you would be to go get some bling, perhaps a new grille.
Cause as they say...Once you go black...

You've never heard of a Whigger? So how is Utah this time of year?

"RE: HippieHater!"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-29-06 at 09:51 AM
>Dreads, although their origins can be
>attributed to the african culture
>have been adopted by many
>non-black individuals.
>Same thing happened to Rap/Hip-Hop, Jazz
>and Rock-n-Roll.
>In fact, all the cool things
>are started by black people
>and lo and behold, along
>comes whitey, who steals it
>away from them and proceeds
>to mess it all up.
>Snow? VanillaIce? JamieKennedy? Even ParisHilton
>is going GangstaHo?
>C'mon mysty, times they are a
>changin'. My suggestion for you
>would be to go get
>some bling, perhaps a new
>Cause as they say...Once you go
>You've never heard
>of a Whigger? So how
>is Utah this time of

Wow, you just struck me with something. A nice experiment that would be interesting. Wonder how the 'Black' tribe would treat the 'White Guy' who wants to be 'Black' and visa versa. They could've and should've thrown in a couple people like that.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 09-29-06 at 08:46 AM
Believe me, you're not the only one who notices that she has the worst hair on TV...well, assuming Don King's out of the public eye for now. That hairstyle wouldn't look good on anyone. Even Nate couldn't pull it off.

And yes, I do notice that it seems like Flicka, as she prefers to be called, is just a bit on the skinny side. Her BMI is "Eat a sandwich. Please." She might even fit into one of those size -2 dresses. Let's hope she doesn't make it to Day 39. if she loses too much weight, we might have our first-ever antimatter contestant. I hope her shoes are made of lead so she doesn't blow away with a slight breeze.

Frankly, the sooner Flicka gets 86'd, the better. Maybe in Loser Lodge she might actually eat something. And discover her long-lost brain.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by finallytyping on 09-30-06 at 00:39 AM
She's thin, yes, but I don't think she'd make the list
of Things Lighter Than Janu.

I actually think her body only looks thin because her head
is just so darn big. Hmmm, dreadlocks are thinning...I think
we've hit upon the vertical stripes of 2006.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by qwertypie on 10-02-06 at 06:46 PM
SNORT! Maybe I'll have to try dreads.

But I think Janu was a little more wiry than flicka no?

Yes It's Vintage Tribephyl!

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by finallytyping on 10-02-06 at 11:37 PM
>But I think Janu was a
>little more wiry than flicka

Oh oh oh, one of Flicka's dreds is lighter than Janu!
If Janu had more than one dred she'd definitely fall over.
She doesn't have the physical strength of Sideshow Bob
to pull it off. I've got to stop watching tv. I'm so OT.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by qwertypie on 10-03-06 at 10:57 AM
Sideshow Bob - LOL I knew I had seen that hair before!

Just to let you know, I have tried to kick the reality TV show habit several times and I always relapse.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by Lasann on 09-29-06 at 09:25 AM
I always do it. I always bond with the outcast (duh, Nakomis on BB). I find her face cute, her hair (tho unattractive) interesting and I'm am pulling for her.

She didn't, in any way, show the strategy that Nakomis possesses but, we'll see. She did work hard trying to built the floor!

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by Spanky68 on 09-29-06 at 09:28 AM
Flicka seems all delusional all the time. There was a scene where Jonathan was trying to get her vote for Cecilia and she said something like "I am not used to all this thinking". I was watching it with my Lovely Bride and we paused the tape there and filled in the blanks for a while:

I am not used to all this hair pushing me down.

I am not used to all this being awake and stuff.

I am not used to being without a joint for so long.

Her hair is bizzaro and really doesn't help to endear her. If it is any sort of strategy move, it is to set her up as someone to be taken lightly, and thus under the radar.

My LB looked at one picture of her and remarked that Flicka's bra looked tatooed on because it matched her arm tatt.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by Dakota on 09-29-06 at 11:15 PM
I caught that too, along with she's just there to make some friends. HUH? Making this woman think could replace their flint, although they could get an explosion instead of a spark.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by ginger on 09-29-06 at 11:03 AM
It's because of where I live, but I see white folk (in their 20s or younger) with dreds all the time. It doesn't seem all that weird to me. In her case, though, it does seem like she's trying awfully hard to prove what a whimsical individual she is. And clearly all energy she might employ in having, I dunno, THOUGHTS has been misdirected into growing clumpy hair.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by tamarama on 09-29-06 at 06:18 PM

Gotta admit -- I hate white-chick dreds. Because most white folks' hair doesn't have much curl, you have to just rat the carp out of your hair to create mats. It doesn't look like style, it looks like damage.

Somehow they always look clumpy & dirty. I usually see lint & crap stuck in them...ew.

OTOH, I've never seen ethnic dreads that looked dirty.

Imagine what her hair will smell like in another week or so? Without shampoo, it's got to be hard enough to keep regular hair clean - but her rat's nest?

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by ginger on 09-29-06 at 06:39 PM
My friend's daughter looks great in hers, and she's white, but she is also supercute anyway and has really thick, curly hair to begin with. She shampoos her scalp all the time and then there's that stuff...totally blanking on product name...you can use to keep the dreds clean but still all knotty.

I have to say that I have a form of white girl dreds when I wake up...but then, I have what I call a modified "Jewfro."

And no, I don't like Flicka's dreds. She attended the Gary Oldman True Romance school of racial cross-coiffing.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by tribephyl on 09-29-06 at 06:52 PM
She attended the Gary Oldman True Romance school of racial cross-coiffing.

"So what exactly is a ... Drexel?"

"We got ourselfs a little Charlie Bronson up in here."

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by finallytyping on 09-30-06 at 00:42 AM
Good luck when your friend's daughter tires of the dreds...
the only way my cousin could get rid of hers was to give herself
a buzz cut.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by tamarama on 10-02-06 at 03:25 PM
>>friend's daughter looks great in hers...has really thick, curly hair to begin with.<<

I'm thinking the curly hair helps her ALOT -- it's when people with naturally straight hair do it that it ends up looking like things you have to cut off of gramma's dog.

"RE: Dreadlocks"
Posted by Dakota on 09-29-06 at 11:12 PM
I want to shave her head.