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"Yul and the Immunity Ido"

Posted by Cyndimaus on 09-22-06 at 11:46 AM
Will he be smart and actually use it to his advantage? Or will he be like Terry and bandy it about but never let it actually help him. Of course, we're still pretty early in the game and he hasn't had to deal with Tribal Council yet, much less individual competitions.

sig courtesy of Cygnus
Mouse on the move by Snidget

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"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by emydi on 09-22-06 at 11:52 AM
cyndi this is a fanatics post...I asked the blue peeps to move it via alert...

It will be interesting with Yul being a strategist !!

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-29-06 at 01:11 PM
>cyndi this is a fanatics post...I
>asked the blue peeps to
>move it via alert...
>It will be interesting with Yul
>being a strategist !!

Nobody posts commentary in fanatics anymore it has turned into a games forum. I say bring it on Cyndi.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-22-06 at 12:09 PM
I still argue that Terry used the idol the only way he could, since he was outnumbered and if he used it on anyone else he wouldn't have had it to save himself if he had lost an I.C. before the F4.

It's still much to early, but at this point, I believe Yul is in a much better position than Terry, because he still has all members of his tribe intact. If he makes strong alliances with his other Pukas before the merge, he has many more options on how to use the idol rather than just hold onto it to keep himself safe.

Can't wait to see how it plays out.

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Chez on 09-22-06 at 01:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-06 AT 01:30 PM (EST)

A friend with whom I discuss Survivor on Friday mornings had the funniest idea about what Yul could do. Keep the idol safe and don't tell anyone about it. Meanwhile, while still on Exile Island find some artifact (chip a piece off the boat or whatever), put it back in the box, wrap it up and bury it again. Someone else will come along later, find it, and be fooled into thinking they have the II. Wouldn't that be funny at Tribal Council?

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by deweydrop on 09-26-06 at 01:09 PM
>LAST EDITED ON 09-22-06
>AT 01:30 PM (EST)


> Someone else will come
>along later, find it, and
>be fooled into thinking they
>have the II. Wouldn't
>that be funny at Tribal


Jeff: "Whoever has the immunity idol and wishes to use it, please do so now"

**** dramatic pause ****

Some survivor: jumps up and procures a piece of conch shell
"Here it is Jeff! I'm safe! No one can vote me out!" *beams the mr. america smile*

Jeff: "Umm...yeah...that's NOT the idol...but nice try. Anyone else?"

bwahahahahahah! love it!

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Spanky68 on 09-29-06 at 10:42 AM
That would be more jaw-dropping than the "Billy's secret love" moment.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by HeavenlyGrl on 11-03-06 at 04:35 PM
>I still argue that Terry used
>the idol the only way
>he could, since he was
>outnumbered and if he used
>it on anyone else he
>wouldn't have had it to
>save himself if he had
>lost an I.C. before the

I agree 110%... everytime Terry won immunity, he never knew if he would need it the next time... and he NEEDED it, or he would have never made it as far as he did (that is, if he hadn't won every immunity challenge there was)

Yul is very smart... I think he will use it wisely, and if that means not having to use it at all, then he is even smarter than I think he already is. I would want the idol through the F4.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 09-22-06 at 01:43 PM
With the immunity idol last season, Terry played it very conservatively rather than rolling the dice and taking the chance he could run the table without it. We all know he finished third, and we all know it was due in part to his inability to finish the job (if he wins F4 immunity, they vote off Aras, Danielle takes him to F2 because she doesn't want to face Cirie, and Terry wins.) Without the idol in Terry's back pocket, two possible scenarios take place.

First I'll do the one that Terry feared.

First off, Terry passes the idol off to Nick. Shane goes home. Whoever goes to Exile next, it isn't Terry; I'll take Austin and Danielle, like in our timeline, and neither of them is finding anything. Terry wins immunity and Casaya stays strong, voting off Austin. Next up, Casaya rubs their 5-3 advantage in La Mina's face, and Nick goes home when Terry wins another immunity. To keep Terry from getting the idol again, Sally is sent to Exile, and Bruce is medivac'd out of the game. Casaya's up 4-2. Mercy boot of annoying Courtney? Not a chance. Sally goes home. THEN Courtney. Then, with Aras taking F4 immunity, Terry's a goner, Danielle wins the last immunity, and Aras wins 6-1 instead of 5-2 (since Shane dissented, but I don't think Nick would.)

Now, I'll do the one Terry hoped for.

Again, Terry passes the idol to Nick. Shane goes home. Over the course of three days, Terry pulls in outsider Bruce. Scratch that, Danielle. Bruce wasn't flipping. The next boot is Aras, 5-4, with Casaya targeting Austin. Danielle's time on Exile really helped the bond with La Mina, especially Austin. Cirie buys more time, and Courtney goes next. With Casaya loyalists down to just Cirie and Bruce, Bruce is Medivac'd out again. Hard to imagine anyone beating Terry in the next challenge, so Cirie gets kicked out. Down to five, Terry wins yet again, and he, Danielle, and Sally decide to break up the boys' club...which has taken in Sally, so Danielle gets axed. Again, Terry's in a win-or-go-home scenario. The frustrated Aras beat him here, so Nick could do the same. Terry's out.

So in either situation, he's out at F4 because he's in a win-or-go-home situation. In our timeline, he wasn't.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-22-06 at 03:59 PM
>Will he be smart and actually
>use it to his advantage?
>Or will he be like
>Terry and bandy it about
>but never let it actually
>help him. Of course, we're
>still pretty early in the
>game and he hasn't had
>to deal with Tribal Council
>yet, much less individual competitions.
>sig courtesy of Cygnus

>Mouse on the move
>by Snidget

I think Terry played the idol perfectly to say that having the idol did not benefit Terry is wrong. Terry was able to avoid getting voted out earlier because the majority was worried if they voted for him they would be the one evicted. Not only that but with the individual immunities and the idol Terry was invincable.....until he lost the idol in the final three.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by nailbone on 09-22-06 at 04:16 PM
Yes, the fact that they *thought* he might have it worked in his favor al along. So he didn't even have to use it for it to help him.

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"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Spanky68 on 09-29-06 at 10:43 AM
he definately benefited from the idol, though he didn't PLAY the idol. I don't think it can be viewed any other way.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Aruba on 09-22-06 at 07:22 PM
Gotta love these Terry bashers STILL contending that Terry misused the idol. You don't have to walk up to Jeff at TC and announce you found the HII for the idol to come into play. The idol actually DID help out Terry and it came into play during the F4. Prior to that he was too busy kicking the crap out of the "chickenshit" tribe to HAVE to use the HII on HIMSELF.

Although it was Terry's intent to win every IC he didn't know he would acutally accomplish it up to the F4, so it's easy in hindsight to speculate on certain scenerios advantageous to Terry AFTER we knew he had his run.

As mentioned by another poster, handing it off to another player still would have put Terry on the short end of the numbers game. And as discussed is post series interviews the HII had to be given to another player BEFORE TC commenced. Thus it would be risky to give it away to someone who may not have needed it after the votes were read.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 09-23-06 at 12:31 PM
I just always hoped that using the idol would have helped him make final 2. Unrealistic, I know.

It will be interesting to see if Yul uses the idol and how he does it. Of course, if his team keeps winning he won't have to worry about it for quite some time. (an early merge could mess that up, though)

sig courtesy of Cygnus
Mouse on the move by Snidget

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by jbug on 09-29-06 at 04:59 PM
>I just always hoped that using
>the idol would have helped
>him make final 2. Unrealistic,
>I know.
>It will be interesting to see
>if Yul uses the idol
>and how he does it.
>Of course, if his team
>keeps winning he won't have
>to worry about it for
>quite some time. (an
>early merge could mess that
>up, though)

Keeps Winning?? (oh, sorry just noticed the quoted post was written prior to the merge and last night's TC).

His tribe was the one at TC last night while he had the idol in his pocket! OR, had he already given it to Becky just in case she got the most votes? Since Cece was voted out, we don't know if Yul still had it or if Becky had it.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by emydi on 09-29-06 at 05:02 PM
I think Yul still had it bc he confirmed w CB that CB & Flicka were on board it really was stupid of Yul to tell becky so soon!!

Interesting Jenna M. on Survivor Live today said Ethan from S3 likes Yul and they play the same game but she didn't think Yul can win bc won't be able to scheme its not S3 anymore!

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by dabo on 09-27-06 at 00:43 AM
The best part about having the idol... no one else has it. That's it. Using it doesn't make any sense unless you absolutely have to use it, but then you're living on borrowed time, why should the jury be impressed at all with you. It is an albatross. But for all that, you're better off having it in your pocket than allowing anyone to have it in theirs. Wicked.


"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by MizJazmine on 09-29-06 at 03:51 AM
ughhhh...I hated that he told Becky he had the Immunity Idol. I know he trust Becky and they're in an alliance and all, but I think she's shady...I'm sorry I do. I don't trust her. I like Yul, but I can see her doing him in because she's already pegged his character. I think Yul is a person that plays by the rules, but unfortunately this is Survivor and there are only 3 rules: Outplay, Outlast, & Outwit. Thus far Yul seems to be a person of good character & integrity. I hope for Yul's sake that Becky's character & integrity matches his.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by ginger on 09-29-06 at 10:59 AM
I'm not sure it was a bright move, either. Although she seems to ##### people off, so perhaps he has simply identified his Number Two very efficiently, and has sealed her loyalty with his revelation.

Hatch was a management consultant, too, wasn't he...

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Brownroach on 09-29-06 at 01:00 PM
I think it was highly stupid for him to tell anyone that he has it at this point, not to mention that he told her he would use it to save her butt if necessary. You know that situation is going to come up again.

I kept wishing he would realize his mistake and let the others get rid of her before any damage could be done.

Blowin' the blues away, courtesy of tribephyl

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by finallytyping on 09-29-06 at 12:50 PM
It is amazing how produced this show can be through
editing. Last week I thought Becky was sweet, like a little
sister looking up to big brother Yul. Last night there was
only one moment of sweetness when she platonically hugged
him after learning about the idol, but for the rest of the
time the cameras showed her face scrunched up in evil thought.
In the TC I almost wanted her voted off just because her
vibe was so evil. This girl has very strong vibes. Dreadlock
girl doesn't come close and she tries to create a vibey persona.

I wouldn't mind Yul winning, but I think Becky will be his undoing.
He will regret sharing his idol with her. It will end up as
a one night stand and he will feel dirty.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-29-06 at 01:17 PM
>It is amazing how produced this
>show can be through
>editing. Last week I thought Becky
>was sweet, like a little
>sister looking up to big brother
>Yul. Last night there was
>only one moment of sweetness when
>she platonically hugged
>him after learning about the idol,
>but for the rest of
>time the cameras showed her face
>scrunched up in evil thought.
>In the TC I almost wanted
>her voted off just because
>vibe was so evil. This girl
>has very strong vibes. Dreadlock
>girl doesn't come close and she
>tries to create a vibey
>I wouldn't mind Yul winning, but
>I think Becky will be
>his undoing.
>He will regret sharing his idol
>with her. It will end
>up as
>a one night stand and he
>will feel dirty.

I got that vibe too, but my wife didn't. So I was just thinking it was me. yul was dum to do that. What might happen in this Survivor...and I get the opinion it will happen is teh tribes will be rotated much more frequently and she could end up in a new tribe in a new alliance. Another thing that might happen is something like what happened in big brother. Janelle thought she was in an alliance with James.....Janelle did something in the game (although not voting him out) but something that hurt James long term Survival....so behind Janelle's back James was looking to get her out. You can never totally trust someone you have known for only a couple days in this environment.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by tamarama on 09-29-06 at 03:27 PM
I didn't get the evil vibe from Becky at all. What I did sense is that Yul, Becky, Jonathan & Candice seem to be the only gamers. (Ozzy thinks he's a gamer, but he's not.) This is probably because of the heavy recruiting thang.

So next to the hippy-dippy Jessica & Cao Boi, the gamers may appear more calculating, but I don't think it's evil.

>>and I get the opinion it will happen is teh tribes will be rotated much more frequently and she could end up in a new tribe in a new alliance<<

We have no indication this will happen. Yes, in ASS there was a pre-merge shuffle following the absorbing of one tribe, but it's not necessarily going to happen here. These tribes were already completely shuffled - it wasn't just a couple of people added on to 2 of the tribes.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 10-20-06 at 11:15 AM
Well, Yul had a close shave last night. If Coi Boi's (or however you spell it!)plan had worked everyone would have pretty much known that Yul had the immunity idol. Cause it would not have been played and by process of elimination it would have been fairly obvious who had the idol.

siggie by ARnutz
bounced by Icey
Maus Musings

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by ginger on 10-20-06 at 03:22 PM
I didn't understand why Coi Boi wanted it played, though. But I can't pretend I understand 98.4% of what CoiBoi was doing or saying at any other time, either.

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by emydi on 10-20-06 at 03:33 PM
Plan Voodoo was a good one in theory...heck the people on this board put this theory forth in S12 as a way to control who goes and get the idol outed--you split your vote. It was just that Terry got Ind. Imm. every week so it never went into effect. I'm sure Shane had this plan all worked out if Terry had not won all the IIs.

CB thought Jon had HI being the one on EI for 5 days and 4 nites. It was just unfortunate that he went to Yul the person who had HI and he was aligned with the 2 who were "targets" under his plan. He just didn't think it all the way through and did not have the power in the tribe that he needed to pull it off.

His reasoning for doing it then was also smart..he was afraid that J and C would hook up with P and A and control post merge. Sort of reminds me of Guatemala's Brian's smart 3-2-1 boot plan which also didn't work and he was ousted

"RE: Yul and the Immunity Ido"
Posted by nazpink on 10-20-06 at 04:08 PM
It was a good theory. At least Cao Boi got the fact that Jonathan and Candice are going to join back up with Parvatti and Adam to try and take control over the game. Many of us are seeing that. Clearly, Yul didn't have enough trust invested in Cao Boi to let him in on his secret and just create another reason for booting Jonathan to present to the others. I think if things had gone down that way it would have been Jonathan who had his torch put out.

"Yes, Jeff is talking to you, doofus!"
Posted by finallytyping on 11-03-06 at 12:29 PM
I do like Yul, but really, what an idiot.

Really smart to nod your head when Jeff is giving
Immunity Idol instructions at tribal council so everybody
knows you have it. Maybe the other members were too stupid
to look for reactions.


"RE: Yes, Jeff is talking to you, doofus!"
Posted by Brownroach on 11-03-06 at 03:56 PM
Did he really do that?! LOL. I missed it.

Blowin' the blues away, courtesy of tribephyl