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"The second stereotype eliminated"

Posted by zipperhead on 09-22-06 at 09:22 AM
Let's see how the bootees match the stereotype of their race and gender, and whether or not those qualities cost them.

Second bootee - Billy, an hispanic man.

Stereotypical hispanic/latino man (as described by your average bigot): lazy, dirty, drug-peddling, women-chasers and not willing to adapt to the dominant culture.

How did Billy rate?
-- He was definitely lazy. No question about that.
-- In Survivor, everybody gets real dirty and smelly real quick. Push.
-- The only evidence that Billy had anything to do with drugs is that he enjoys heavy metal music. We'll give him a quarter point here. Contact highs at concerts have gotta count for something.
-- Woman chaser? Hmmm. I don't see Billy doing any kind of running. Stalking, yes. A half point here.
-- Billy certainly did not make any attempt to fit in with his own tribe. This was at least as big as the laziness issue.

So, Billy got 2.75 out of 5 on the stereotype scale. And he was the dumb one who suggested that since they were from Central/South American descent that they would have an easier time than the others. Whether or not that has any validity, dealing with the heat has nothing to do with playing on a winning team.

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by cqvenus on 09-22-06 at 09:35 AM

i realize what you're trying to do here, but i'd steer way clear of making these types of posts.

it is so easy to fire people up over this. and i believe that's exactly what EPMB *wants*, so let's make sure we don't go that route.


~ cq

"RE: seriously...."
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 09-22-06 at 10:57 AM
I rather enjoy these posts, actually. I didn't see anyone getting too fired up over the Sekou boot post, and frankly, people will be laughing too hard at Billy to flame here. At least I am.

"RE: seriously...."
Posted by Lasann on 09-22-06 at 10:59 AM
That may be true but after I replied to the previous post and no one else did, I felt all grimy and stuff.

I think I'll leave them alone.

"RE: seriously...."
Posted by zipperhead on 09-22-06 at 12:19 PM
People may be uncomfortable that I'm addressing the stereotypes, but so far the players are not really meeting those stereotypes. I think it would be nice to prove that even when we try to pigeonhole people, it can't be done.

If you think this is bad, you may want to avoid the summary I do next week.

"no, not bad"
Posted by cqvenus on 09-22-06 at 01:15 PM

lol thanks for the warning but i'm all for this type of humor.

i just don't want to see you in trouble for accidentally p!ssing someone off. it seems in this genre of humor, it's fairly easy to find someone who will *gasp* and point and label you a bigot.

~ cqc

"RE: no, not bad"
Posted by ginger on 09-22-06 at 03:29 PM
I think the posts are a sensible and rawther amusing response to the scenario of the season. Anyway, I'm a white Jew with a black boyfriend and an hispanic daughter and we all say it's okay.

Of course, we offend people all the time, so what do we know?

"RE: The second stereotype eliminated"
Posted by Dakota on 09-22-06 at 08:30 PM
What was he thinking? He's into heavy metal and he's got no energy to go get water? He's no Dave Navarro, Ricky Martin or Enrique Iglesias. He's more like Richard Hatch in All Stars but not as smart. I think he over-adapted to the dominant US culture and thought he was Ozzie Osbourne or Alice Cooper, and someone else would be takin' care of stuff for him while he partied all night and slept 'til noon. Maybe he thought they'd just get high and sleep on a beach and it would be freakin' awesome. (Uh oh, some hard rockin' stereotypes there.)

"RE: The second stereotype eliminated"
Posted by iltarion on 09-23-06 at 00:50 AM
No, interesting thread here. Keep it up. It actually could be more entertaining if it was edgier. I think Billy Boy was too Americanized, as his entire tribe appears to be, and definitely out of touch with his hispanic roots.

"RE: The second stereotype eliminated"
Posted by Dakota on 09-23-06 at 09:38 PM
Well, they did speak in Spanish at one point, but we don't know if Billy understood.

The Asians, other than Cao Boi, seem to be totally American too and stereotypically smart. Kinda like if you met me, you might not know I'm Dutch/German, although you'd expect me to be northern European. I am, however, organized and like things neat and orderly, something Germans are known for. The point is, I think they selected people of various nationalities who seem to be fully Americanized. I'm not sure why, but in past seasons, the Asians and Blacks didn't fully integrate into the tribes; they didn't seem to be completely comfortable with their tribes. But I don't know if it was the personalities of the individuals more than a matter of race. Sandra (Hispanic) didn't have that problem, however, and won the million. Could just be a way to get more people interested in Survivor, but it also prevents the Shii Ann's or Clarence's from feeling like outsiders.

"RE: The second stereotype eliminated"
Posted by Spanky68 on 09-27-06 at 04:29 PM
Whether you are right or wrong in doing this thread, I would argue with the stereotype of Latino men as drug dealers is misplaced.

I think that the larger stereotype of Latino men is that they are macho to the point of being misogynists. I didn't see that in Billy.

NOT arguing the stereotype is true, just arguing it exists

"RE: The second stereotype eliminated"
Posted by fedcamper on 09-28-06 at 04:48 AM
Let's adress the true stereotype at play here:
Billy is fat guy, therefore, he is lazy, sloppy, none too bright, and automatically ostracized from the rest of the group.
Period. Obesity trumps all other societal variables.

"RE: The second stereotype eliminated"
Posted by Lasann on 09-28-06 at 10:06 AM
Well, true Billy is overweight. But not all overweight people are lazy, sloppy, or ignorant.

Are you saying that he met the stereotype of overweight people more than those of Latin people? If so, then I would agree with that.

I've been Nutz'd

"RE: The second stereotype eliminated"
Posted by fedcamper on 10-03-06 at 03:05 AM
Well, in keeping with what I thought was the spirit of this thread, I was being sarcastic.

"RE: The second stereotype eliminated"
Posted by Dakota on 09-28-06 at 02:08 PM
Just re-read this thread, and I've come to the conclusion that it ain't all about race!

Who knew?