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Thread Number: 3337
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"Old Blue Eyes... they voted poorly"

Posted by dixiegirl001 on 02-09-06 at 10:30 PM
Ok, while I hated her when she voted out LumberJill, I think it sucks that Melodie (sp?) was voted out tonight. PUHLEEZE....if Shane wasn't a prime candidate, I'm a bikini model. He's such a flippin nutcase. Smokes or no smokes, I think Shane has had a few too many pills (or drinks, or SOMEthing...) He's a bomb waiting to detonate.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Old Blue Eyes... they voted poorly"
Posted by dabo on 02-10-06 at 00:55 AM
Melinda is a melodic name. Though I agree, they should have ousted Cirie or Shane instead. Cirie may be a wonderful person but she is a challenge deficit no matter how hard she tries. But Shane is an unpredictable element, an absolute no-no in Survivor.

"RE: Old Blue Eyes... they voted poorly"
Posted by Spanky68 on 02-10-06 at 11:17 AM
How long until the conspiracy theory surfaces: MB pressured Aras to talk Shane into staying. The reason is that Shane is explosive and THAT, my friends, is ratings GOLD.

"RE: Old Blue Eyes... they voted poorly"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-10-06 at 12:48 PM
Yeah, I'm gold, dood. Get with the program and ride the Shane Train to the top of the ratings!

A Tribe siggie
"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"dixiegirl001, please read:"
Posted by IceCat on 02-10-06 at 03:46 AM
The time stamp of your post indicates that you posted at 10:30 PM on the same night that the show aired. On this message board, all comments about the currently aired episode are to be made in the East Coast Update Thread located in the Spoilers Forum until 11:00 PM Eastern Time.

If I had caught this last night, I would have been required to delete your post.