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"Tomorrow night's show..."

Posted by dixiegirl001 on 02-08-06 at 11:21 PM
You have GOT to be kidding me...dude can't take the nicotine detox and he actually SIGNED UP for the show???? What a dork. Looks like we'll have fun tomorrow night watching him unravel... Here's a tip for him: if you're gonna be on a deserted island for 39 days, and you're a hardcore smoker of a gazillion years, slap on a patch.

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"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by Dakota on 02-09-06 at 01:14 AM
That is kind of hard to believe. I can't imagine a heavy smoker not using the patch before going on a show like this, or not convincing the producers that he's gotta take the patches with him -- I wonder if he's using it as an excuse for his personality.
Arkie Artistry
Charter Member: Club Anti-DAW

"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by Max Headroom on 02-09-06 at 07:53 AM
Shane could be the first Survivor contestant ever unanimously voted to Exile Island by all other Survivors, the production team, Jeff Probst, the camera and sound people, etc...

"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by dixiegirl001 on 02-09-06 at 10:21 PM
I absolutely agree!!!!! And after watching him wig out tonight and then withdraw his "psychotic swing" decision to get voted off, I'm convinced he's our bomb waiting to blow. Did you see the preview??? Next week, he's freaks OUT. If I were Probst, I think I might "accidentally" leave him on Exile Island.....

"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by SOWayz on 02-11-06 at 01:16 AM
He said that he smokes three packs a day, and in the next breath he says how much he misses his child. It takes a long time each day to smoke sixty cigarettes. Do they smoke together, or does the child just have to breathe in this stuff. This guy's got problems.

"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by byoffer on 02-09-06 at 08:22 AM
I've never smoked, so never had to try to quit, but could it be that Shane thought this might be a way to help him quit? Seems foolish to try to jeopardize a shot at $1M by combining the two exercises, but is that possible?

I have heard in here before (probably from the all-knowing KO_Fan) that many past participants have used the patch while on the show, so we know that that has been an option in the past. Could the producers have decided to take that option away? Seems extreme, and doubtful. Especially when casting a 3 pack/day person!

Sig by me. Wish the rider was me!

"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by Prof_ Wagstaff on 02-09-06 at 01:59 PM
Do we really know that they have allowed the patch in the past. I would think that a patch would have been hard to miss.

Either way, I hope that Shane is around for awhile. He has the potental for out doing Judd with a TC meltdown.

"Get me a cigarette or I'll smoke one of you Scumbags!"

Sig by Cygnus
Forget Disney World...I'm going on the Survivor Cruise!

"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by nazpink on 02-09-06 at 06:14 PM
I would like to know why the heck he didn't quit smoking before he went on the show. Even if he did it a week or even two days before it would have been better than lighting up right before going on the show.

"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by realtvlvr on 02-10-06 at 02:04 AM
I am thinking he may have been doing other substances than just cigarettes.

"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by dabo on 02-10-06 at 02:28 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-06 AT 02:30 AM (EST)

Really. Going cold turkey off a heavy caffiene addiction is actually one of the worst things, it can be physically painful and mentally distressing especially if you can't take any aspirin or anything to take the edge off.

How sad is it for Shane that even Sue Hawk (a smoker and coffee fiend) was smart enough to detox for a week or so before the game started.

(Oh, and welcome aboard.)

"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by tanrwilliams on 02-10-06 at 03:38 PM
Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things that I've ever done so trust me he's gonna go through hell until about the 3 week mark. (he wont make it that far) The patch might help a little bit but not enough to make a significant difference...especially to a person smoking 3 packs a day. He would need like 5 patches on to take the edge off. It's just gonna get worse until about that 3 wk mark so I say he'll be out by the next 2 TC.

"RE: Tomorrow night's show..."
Posted by frisky on 02-10-06 at 03:52 PM
I've seen patches on contestants before (Maddog from S2 comes to mind).

The guy could be like my DH, who somehow has reasoned that the only macho way to quit is to go cold turkey. DH refuses to quit unless he does it cold turkey, which is ridiculous, when these cessation aids are readily available.

As for InShane being on other drugs besides nic, I disagree with that. I quit smoking, and I could totally relate to him last night when he was ranting before the challenge about how bad they're doing, and his hands were flying all over the place and his voice was shaking. You honestly feel like jumping out of your own skin when detoxing from nicotine. Shane could not have known this and he must not have wanted to listen to the people who surely must have warned him that it would be this bad.

Rolly made this.