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Thread Number: 3256
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Posted by finallytyping on 11-18-05 at 09:22 PM
I looked for a topic about Lydiugh but couldn't find one
so I hope it is ok to start a new thread.

I know I'm a newbie to these reality shows so this might
show my naivete, but the editing just makes me want to puke.
If I were Lydia I'd be screaming at the TV for how they have
portrayed her so far. Is she that vapid? That blank stare
on last night's episode made me imagine she had a dialogue
bubble above her with cuckoo birds flying around. Maybe it is
the producers plan to make us mistakenly think she is brainless.
They decided she'd be the dumb blonde (brunette) who surprises
us all in the end by pulling off her mask and saying "My name is Janelle. The game is on!" This makes me think she will make it very far. The PTB wouldn't want someone in the final 4 that nobody cared about. The zoo girl is also bland, but she is I guess attractive so they don't have to mess with her personality.

Hmmm, I think I'll stop now before I get myself in trouble. I
see a big hole with no shovel.

Lock away.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Lydiugh"
Posted by Thaibeach on 11-22-05 at 09:10 AM
I just find Lydia depressing b/c (1) the whole lamb to the slaughter, it's ok if you let me know i'm last in the alliance! thing; and (2) she's 42 and if that is what 42 looks like, oh, damn.

"RE: Lydiugh"
Posted by dabo on 11-22-05 at 07:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-23-05 AT 02:53 AM (EST)

But she's a fishmonger of 42, she should look at least 62 being a fishmonger and all. But at least she's used to smelling bad.

I'll be honest, I didn't know fishmonger was still a job.


"RE: Lydiugh"
Posted by finallytyping on 11-23-05 at 00:03 AM
Aahhh! Now I understand.
Mercury poisoning. Dots connected.