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Thread Number: 3253
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"SON OF A $%*#%$*#%"

Posted by arturbars on 11-18-05 at 10:51 AM
wow.... I feel better now... Sorry for poluting the boards, but i just needed a place to vent my anger and frustration

Last night was the first episode of Survivor that I've missed. I usually make bakcup plans to backup plans in case I can't make it to my TV by 7 on Thursday, but last night everything that could go wrong - did. I am not blaming anyone but myself, but the fact reamains - I only got to see the last 10-15 minutes of the show....

Well, i guess i will have to wait a few month for OLN now...

I understand if this gets locked....

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: SON OF A $%*#%$*#%"
Posted by byoffer on 11-18-05 at 11:23 AM
Or you could wait a day or two for the summary to be posted here! Some say the summaries are better than watching the actual shows.

Not to rub salt in your wounds, AB, but last night's episode involved the survivors playing in the mud. All of the survivors. Stephenie, Cindy, and even Danni playing in the mud. And climbing things. In bikinis.

"RE: SON OF A $%*#%$*#%"
Posted by ginger on 11-18-05 at 11:34 AM
Judd looks pretty comfortable wallowing in the muck, there.

Actually, John Candy did not deserve that remark.

Posted by Spanky68 on 11-18-05 at 06:48 PM
you beat me to BOTH of those statements! Do those lawyers get ANY work from you at all?

"RE: SON OF A $%*#%$*#%"
Posted by bullzeye on 11-18-05 at 12:05 PM
Was it wrong for me to enjoy the mud scenes as much as I did?

"RE: SON OF A $%*#%$*#%"
Posted by byoffer on 11-18-05 at 12:08 PM
Was it wrong for me to enjoy the mud scenes as much as I did?

Yes. That was Rolly's job.

"RE: SON OF A $%*#%$*#%"
Posted by arturbars on 11-18-05 at 03:21 PM
Dammit.... I knew i missed a good one....

Just spent hours trying to fish out bits and pieces from the CBS.com's insider, but my comp is so slow, that it takes me 10 minutes to download one minute of footage.... LOL...

"Silly Me..."
Posted by RollDdice on 11-21-05 at 01:07 PM
I thought that was a Biggest Loser screenshot.

"RE: SON OF A $%*#%$*#%"
Posted by oz4ever on 11-18-05 at 05:09 PM
I understand if this gets locked....

So let's get more posts in before it does get locked (not that I think it would - it's not like you're asking around for video copies of it, those are the type that get locked more often).

Or... we can turn this into a mud wrestling thread!!

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: SON OF A $%*#%$*#%"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-18-05 at 06:49 PM
>it's not like
>you're asking around for video
>copies of it, those are
>the type that get locked
>more often).

I've never asked. I've never paid attention to a taping request. Is it illegal, immoral, or why is it lock-worthy?

"RE: SON OF A $%*#%$*#%"
Posted by oz4ever on 11-19-05 at 00:19 AM
It's lock-worthy because trading video tapes is illegal due to copyright reasons in most countries. In some countries, it's supposedly illegal to keep footage on tape for more than 2 weeks after it first aired. And it's also illegal to video tape anything from the Olympic Games.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: SON OF A $%*#%$*#%"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-19-05 at 01:03 PM
weird. I don't want to WATCH the olympics (and haven't watched anything except ski jumping or bobsledding in 20 years). I certainly don't want to tape it.

Thanks for the info, Oz