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"LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"

Posted by tribephyl on 11-12-05 at 06:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-05 AT 06:14 PM (EST)

Mutual of Omagawd's Wild Kingdom.
Chapter 2: "Humble Pie, Hail Mary and the Omega Male"

Deep in the Guatemalan jungle a troop of lost monkeys start their trek back to their night nests after a particularly trying TribalCouncil.
One of the simians from the Xhakum troop is obviously in personal turmoil. A late-night squabble is heard as "Jamie" pities himself in front of everyone. At that moment, every fellow troop member either tries to console him or watches the goings on in defiant resolution.
The arguement lasts long into the night but finally, the troop quiets down.
And to think, all of this over being called classless. (If I weren't so apt to anthropomorphize these DAWS I'd say that the simian known as Jamie was forced to recognize the truth that he was indeed "WhiteTrash". As they say, the truth hurts.)

Even with a bruised ego, Jamie attempts a reconsilliation at the cost of a single slice of pizza, in hopes of regaining any amount of respect. (Of which he had none to regain, because there was none given in the first place. So truthfully, a futile attempt.)
Opting instead for a helping of humblepie.
The entire troop then sits and waits to be invited to dine with the Alpha Male. He chooses to share his spoils with the Alpha Female and the Omega Male.
The three of them gorge themselves on Surf and Turf, while the remainder of the troop stares at each mouthful from a distance. Salivating in silence.

It's become quite clear, to this researcher, who is running the group dynamics of this troop.

I return to the troops territory, just in time to watch them participate in the Immunity Ritual.
This time, our little "Jamiemonkey" is obviously suffering from a case of worms as he scoots his anal glands against a log. (Or maybe he's marking his territory?)
Whatever the case, the little monkey that couldn't, does just the opposite. Against every fellow researches best scientific guesstimation. He wins the immunity.

Now, the case of the "self-exiled-one" becomes moot and all of the simians have to target someone else at the upcoming TribalCouncil. But who?
How about the big-strong elder male from the recently added sub-troop?
The Alpha Male and Alpha Female decide that the simian known as "Gary" will be the one to "walk-the-walk".
But "Gary" has other plans. A suprise revelation of hidden immunity at Tribal Council sends the troop into a flurry.
This HailMary saves Gary for another day and the Omega Male is sacrificed instead.

The 5 questions were resolved as follows...
RCLosers: Even though every castaway got some sort of reward, and no points were given out. I was almost willing to give out points for Jamie. Alas, no losers thought to put him as a choice.
ICLoser: BJ / Cindy / Danni / Gary / Judd / Lydia / Rafe / Steph
LastVoter: Steph
JamieVote: BJ
DaVotes: BJ(6) / Steph(2) / Cindy(1)
Jims Casino:
Confessional Table:
1. Bobby Jon (2x)
2. Rafe (1.8x)
3. Judd (1.5x)
4. Danni (1.2x)
5. Gary (even)
6. Steph (.8x)
7. Jamie (.5x)
*8. Lydia (.1x)
*8. Cindy (.1x)
Since Lydia and Cindy both did not have any confessionals at all, they share the final two places, both being scored .1x (avg of 0x and .2x).

Immunity Idol:
Gary found the idol (8x)
Idol was found (2x)
All other bets (0x)

Product Placement:
No Product Placement (2x)
Any Product Placement (0x)

Actual winnings:

LibraRising ~ $39.00
kingfish ~ $33.40
RudyRules ~ $31.50
Scarlet O'Hara ~ $29.95
mimo ~ $29.80
mckelviej ~ $26.23
byoffer ~ $27.75
alwaysintruble1 ~ $24.90
DearAbby ~ $24.24
LookeeLoo ~ $20.32
lvoetulips ~ $20.10
whoami ~ $18.25
Wallflower ~ $17.85
Jenna_F ~ $17.30
FlowerPower ~ $16.00
tvgeek ~ $15.84
tribephyl ~ $14.80
emydi ~ $12.62
Kermit the Vixen ~ $12.25
Dakota ~ $10.20
MJewel ~ $9.40
Molaholic ~ $5.60
bystander ~ $0.60
oz4ever ~ -$4.23
Higgs ~ -$5.45
Das Mole ~ -$16.37
JohnMc ~ -$16.60
Great Job, Libra! Out of nowhere you swoop in and grab the majority of the coinage then continue on to reap the biggest winnings at the Casino. Sorry the same can't be said for you Johnnie.
All of these listed winnings are just that, winnings. All other cash banked or left over are added in for the purposes of scoring only. I have gone ahead and calculated these and exchanged them for points on a scale of $1.00 = 1 point. Anything less then $1.00 is not counted. I've also added the extra coinage into the LodgePettyCash.

So now, let's get to the LodgeScoreCard...
alwaysintruble continues the lead the losers going on his 4th (or is that 5th) week, at the top. Wallflower holds onto 2nd place. LibraRising does as his name suggests and rises up quite a few spots. I remember when he was new to this whole "loser" thing. However, it seems he's quite used to the moniker. RudyRules, Emydi and MJewel round out the Top5. Mo0 plays "hooky" and gets a score reduction. And a hearty welcome to newcomer JennaF. Better late than never. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine.

Loser ~ (PAL) weekly score (former score) ($) = Total Score.loose change
alwaysintruble ~18 (94) ($66.70) = 178.70
wallflower ~ (referral:5) 23 (90) ($52.80) = 165.80
RudyRules ~ 18 (76) ($67.40) = 161.40
Mjewel ~ 18 (73) ($69.67) = 160.67
Emydi ~ 18 (77) ($61.27) = 156.27
mckelviej ~ 18 (81) ($56.78) = 155.78
LookeeLoo ~ 18 (76) ($59.67) = 153.67
whoami ~ 18 (84) ($44.00) = 146
Flowerpower ~ 18 (71) ($52.60) = 141.60
mimo ~ 18 (49) ($71.10) = 138.10
byoffer ~ 18 (68) ($48.50) = 134.50
tvgeek ~ 18 (58) ($54.44) = 130.44
LibraRising ~ 18 (7) ($104.00) = 129
Dakota ~ 16 (61) ($51.55) = 128.55
Scarlett ~ 18 (44) ($69.80) = 131.80
kingfish ~ 18 (43) ($69.90) = 130.90
DearAbby ~ 18 (51) ($55.54) = 124.54
tribephyl ~ 18 (48) ($50.80) = 116.80
DasMole ~ 22 (52) ($29.38) = 103.38
KermittheVixen ~ 2 (31) ($65.50) = 98.50
molaholic ~ 2 (44) ($47.65) = 93.65
Higgs ~ 18 (36) ($35.40) = 89.40
oz4ever ~ 18 (38) ($31.47) = 87.47
JohnMC ~ 20 (29) ($34.90) = 83.90
bystander ~ 18 (24) ($33.60) = 75.60
lvoetulips ~ 18 (1) ($53.40) = 72.40
JennaF ~ (PAL:5) 18 (0) ($17.30) = 40.30
Mo0 ~ 0 (No Entry:23/2=12) ($28.20) = 40.20

5 Weeks to go...

In search of...

Well carp!!!
After having such a fun time at the casino. By the way, Thanks again Jims. You sure do run a great house of fun.
I arrived at the spot where the Bus was parked only to find this photograph left in it's place.

Yup, no Baboo. And more importantly, no bus. <BigSigh!>

It seems that damned Baboo has somehow found a "Grrrlfriend", who happens to share some things in common with the little air-head. He and "Babette" have since, high-jacked the bus.
I imagine they are going off to find a quiet secluded spot to make a litter of squashballs.

But, as the saving grace of everything loser oriented, the beautiful and sexy Kathliam shows up in <gasp!> ... is that ... Betty? My beloved truck?
Oh Kathliam, you are truly amazing! I didn't even have to call and you arrive like an angel from above. AND to see ole Betty all spiffed up like that...I'm getting weepy.
Now that Kathliam has rescued us, once again, perhaps we can all go looking for Baboo.

I have a feeling I know where he's gone to...

YUP! Time to drop in on "KO's Olde Thyme Curiosity Shoppe".

I'll call ahead and make sure that our visit isn't a total suprise. And to see if she's seen Baboo.

KO: "Thank you very much for calling KO's. How can I help you today?"
tribe: "Hiya K! Tribe here."
KO: "Hiya Tribe! Good to hear from you. Are you planning on making a stop here? I just got in a case of shrunken heads ... interested?"
tribe: "Hells yeah! I lvoe me some head. (Of any kind)
Oh by the way, I have a couple of extra Losers with me. Mind if I bring 'em along?"

KO: "Sure! The more the merrier! I do have one request of you though. I noticed that a big teal bus, with the words LoserLodge printed on the side has been parked out front of my shop for a day or so. Do you know anything about this? I don't want to tow it if ... you know ... it might be yours."
tribe: "Oh jeez! Sorry 'bout that KO. I'm afraid my little side-kick has gone native and stole the bus. Glad to know it's still in one piece."
KO: "Well....I didn't say anything about one-piece."
tribe: "Oh no."
KO: "Yup."
tribe: "Have you seen the little one around?"
KO: "I haven't, sorry. But, if it helps at all, I have heard a weird hissing sound coming from the back forty somewhere."
tribe: "Oh jeez, I may be too late. Well, I guess we'll see you in a couple."
KO: "Okay, tribe, see you soon. By the way, I have a suprise but I can't tell you what it is just yet. Just get here and I'll tell you more."
tribe: "Sounds good, see you soon."

Okay losers, pile into the FORD!
We're going to KO's!


After a long and bumpy ride. We finally pull into KO's lot. The place looks relatively the same aside from a new coat of paint and a curiously missing GiantGoat.
It seems KO has changed her Hut-Cam this season to match the Guatemalan Theme. A Giant Crocodile.

So when you get the guts and the courage to enter, walk into it's mouth and give your answers to the following 5 questions.

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (2 each)
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. (2)
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter (4)
4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote(4)
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. (2 points per vote)

I also know that KO has a suprise for us losers, so stay tuned for her Official Orientation to follow.


The tribe has spoken ...

* You are a GOD Jims. Thanks for everything. The Casino was another astounding success. As payment, a box of mints is in the mail.

* A little pre-thanks to KO for opening her doors once again.

* By the way, KO, feel free to use the LodgePettyCash any way you see fit. If you so choose to.

* LodgePettyCash ~ $53.72

* So, FloPo? What was the answer? Multiple-personality disorder or Clone? I gotta know?

* Mo0? I hope everything is okay back at the lodge. Sorry, you couldn't come with us to the Casino. I guess having a recovering Gambler as your guardian is to blame.

* Woohoo! lvoe's back!!! Thanks to babushka for convincing her to rejoin the ranks of the gaming challenged.

* No worries D'abby. You can Steal-a-Dollar from me anytime.

* Pre-approved Losers: (and 5 points per game)
adricharlie ~ ABC ~ LOD
Aggressionx ~ PTB
alwaysintruble ~ PTB ~ PQM ~ OP ~ LOD
byoffer ~ OP ~ ABC ~ PTB
bystander ~ OP
cadfile ~ PTB
Corvis ~ OP
coolbluepig ~ ABC ~ PQM ~ LOD
cuon10 ~ PTB
CutsyTootsy ~ PQM
Das Mole ~ ABC ~ PTB ~ OP
Debi0915 ~ PTB
emydi ~ PTB
esquire ~ OP
Femme ~ ABC
Flowerpower ~ ABC ~ PTB
Guessitrains ~ PTB
Higgs ~ABC ~ LOD
Jenna_F ~ LOD
JohnMc ~ ABC
Kermit the Vixen ~ LOD ~ OP
Kingfish ~ PTB
Kircon ~ PTB ~ OP
KO_fan ~ LOD
LibraRising ~ LOD
lvoetulips ~ PTB
MacabreMasquerade ~ ABC
mckelviej ~ ABC ~ PTB
Mimo ~ PTB ~ ABC
MJewel ~ OP
molaholic ~ PTB ~ ABC
Mo0 ~ PTB ~ ABC ~ LOD
Ontheroadagain ~ ABC
oz4ever ~ ABC ~ PTB ~ LOD
RebelCrown ~ PTB
Redbeard ~ PTB
RoadKill ~ OP
RudyRules ~ ABC ~ PTB
Scarlett O Hara ~ PTB
sisyphus ~ PTB ~ ABC
smokedog ~ PTB ~ ABC
Survivor Maniac ~ ABC
taffnic ~ LOD
tribephyl ~ PQM ~ PTB
tvgeek ~ PTB ~ ABC
Wallflower ~ PTB
whoami ~ ABC ~ PTB ~ PQM
yensid ~ LOD ABC

OutPun! OutPrank! OutParty!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by emydi on 11-12-05 at 10:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-05 AT 05:09 PM (EST)

Oooooh Baboo is lost....my plan worked...where do you think that girl came from...do you really think baboo would have any chance with her on his own??? BUAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (2 each) jamie and rafe
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. (2) Lydia
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter (4)Lydia
4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote(4)Jamie
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. (2 points per vote) Jamie and Danni

"Confession? or Wish?"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-13-05 at 01:46 AM
That's funny, I thought that LibraRising would have had something to do with it because in this picture Baboo has a couple of "glow rings" on his body.

So are you admitting to Baboo's disappearance, Emy?
Or were you just secretly hoping he'd disappear?
Because truthfully, a lot of people wanted him gone.

"RE: Confession? or Wish?"
Posted by emydi on 11-13-05 at 05:47 PM
Of course, I admit it that little soccer ball head was a pain in our collective A$$es but I did have a lot of help....but I'm no snitch...I "coerced" a few but others were more than happy to help.....

"RE: Confession? or Wish?"
Posted by LibraRising on 11-13-05 at 06:35 PM
I knew it! I was framed!

A kyngsladye/IceCat masterpiece.

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by Das Mole on 11-13-05 at 10:30 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-05 AT 03:21 PM (EST)

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (2 each)

Gary and Judd (I figure they've got to do a mental challenge sometime soon)

2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. (2)

Lydia (I love her, but I doubt she'll ever win a challenge)

3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter (4)


4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote(4)


5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. (2 points per vote)

Gary and Stephenie

ETA: Haw-haw! Look at my purchases! You all lose.

"KO's Olde Thyme Curiosity Shoppe"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-13-05 at 11:48 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-05 AT 03:26 PM (EST)

KO's Olde Thyme Curiosity Shoppe

Welcome my friends to the fun that never ends step inside, step inside, step inside. Now I understand you losers have had some trouble once again, don't be shy, step inside, step inside. I have some daily specials on shrunken heads and of course my world famous rum punch too, whatever it is you need to ease your mind.

Now I'll be honest that some of you will be bigger losers then the rest but thats OK. You see here at KO's I aim too please and all I ask is this---Watch out for the furniture, I've polished and I've shined, worked my fingers to the bone for my buddy Tribe.

Now the other thing, and there is that other thing, the thing is this my friend. I don't want another incident to match last years incident, and anybody that was here can attest to this: I had to remove my goat cam, yes that rear end of a goat cam, it was soiled to the gills quite literally. So this year I have a croc cam, and that is no pile of croc, please watch your entry as the teeth are mighty sharp. No need to be afraid, come on in and speak you peace, leave it just the way you found it and we'll get on famously.

When you are done and ready to shoppe, here is $60 dollars for you, I've added to the lodge petty cash and re-distributed that sum evenly so that all you losers can have a decent chance. A chance at what you ask me dear? Oh good question yes indeedy. I'll try to showcase all my wares, and do it nice and speedy. (I know how you losers have a short little attention span afterall)

I have rum punch for a buck a cup, it is the finest in the land, but be very careful not to spill as that would be alcohol abuse, and take it from me (and Miss Emydom) while some abuse is a good thing, alcohol abuse is not. So drink responsibly.

Now right up here on this here shelf, nothing but the finest Mayan corn. A cup of kernels at the low, low price of half a buck.

I also have some rareties, oh yes some mighty fine rareties, you can't find these things anywhere else in this great land. So peruse my merchandise, and careful don't touch unless you intend to buy these crocodile teeth are a mere $8 each.

A cultural beauty and a steal at 4 bucks a pop, check out these Mayan Masks:

Oh yes, please keep the line a moving, I know you don't have all day. But you must look at, inspect, diesct, and detect these Oh-rignal guatamalan palm viper tongues for just $1.25 each while supplies last.

Next is the monkey, the howler monkey, a disturbing monkey I might add. Eyelashes of this howler monkey are hard to come by, but I do have some in stock for only 20 cents a piece!

What trip to KO's would be complete without some newt tails I ask? You might expect and I hope you do expect to find nothing but the widest variety, and best quality, and I will not let you down. Yours for only a thin dime, but of course for a limited time.

Have you seen my nuts? Oh yes, I do have nuts. (Keep your mind out of the gutter, please?) Ramon nuts are scrumpdilioicious and add some pizazz to any recipe. The absolute best at the best price, 25 cents each.

Have I showed you my balls? Oh yes, I have plenty of balls (there you go again) and what a bargain these balls really are. They will disintegrate when mixed with rum punch and special things will happen. Just 3 bucks a piece, a steal!

Last but not least, I have great legs, they are a little hairy so watch out. Tarantula legs go well with anything, get them while supplies last at 60 cents each.

So there you have it, the specials of the day. You can't find the deals or the same kind of hospitality anywhere else, I swear.

Now all you need to know is how you will use what you purchased. I have hidden 5 recipes within my shoppe so fair, hidden in any nook or cranny but believe me they are there. You only have $60, so please shoppe frugally, once inventory is depleted, the other losers will have to buy from anyone who has leftover stock. If there is no leftover stock, then the item is gone and you won't be able to buy it at all for any price. Some items are harder to come by than others, so choose wisely!

There is also 1 standard recipe, for all to see here in plain sight. You could choose to make your purchases and mix up a reliable batch of standard stock (but only one, and pocket the extra money as points, 1 pt for every $5 you have left over).

We share our stock here at KO's so just because I might be out, you buy it from who has leftover but pay double what it was worth. I'll go in order of entry too, so those that have extra, buy it quicker to get more benefit.

Condensed Rules
1. You each have $60.00, you can't spend more then that. You do not have to spend all of your money. Leftover money: $5 = 1 point.

2. Make a list of the items and quantities you are purchasing, see example below.

3. List which recipe(s) you want to apply your products purchased to. You have 6 choices: standard, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5. You can buy as much stock as you want and can make up 2 or more recipes as long as you have the proper quantity of ingredients.

4. If you can't find the 5 secret recipes, you can guess which one(s) to pick. If you do not have enough items to fill out the recipe of choice, I will assign a recipe for you that you do have all the ingredients for.

5. First come first served on all inventory items. DO NOT edit your quantities once you have selected them, this will mess everything up. If you buy an item that I have run out of stock on, you will automatically buy it from the first person who has extra based on the recipes that they chose at a price double of the normal price.

6. Everybody should make sure to list the losers indicated below:
A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help.
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with.
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with.
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason.
(Like the game of survivor, no voting for yourself )

7. You CAN purchase enough goods to make a double batch of any recipe, provided you have enough cash.

8. If you do not correctly purchase enough ingredients to fill any recipe, you are stuck with the goods, no returns, sorry

KO's Inventory
Quantity ~~ Item ~~ Cost Each
54 ~~ newt tails ~~ $0.10
132 ~~ eyelashes of howler monkey ~~ $0.20
80 ~~ ramon nuts ~~ $0.25
14 ~~ cups corn kernels ~~ $0.50
33 ~~ tarantula legs ~~ $0.60
164 ~~ cups rum punch ~~ $1.00
53 ~~ guatemalan palm viper tongues ~~ $1.25
62 ~~ shrunken heads ~~ $2.50
41 ~~ soccer balls ~~ $3.00
17 ~~ mayan mask ~~ $4.00
33 ~~ crocodile teeth ~~ $8.00

I have included a sample entry below, good luck, have fun, and happy shopping!

"Sample Entry:"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-13-05 at 11:57 AM
I have $60 to start with and would like to purchase the following:

20 cups rum punch $1 each ($20.00)
8 viper tongues $1.25 each ($10.00)
12 ramon nuts $.25 each ($3.00)
4 cups corn kernels $.50 each ($2.00)

I spent $35 so please convert my balance to points.

I'd like to use my ingredients for recipe #1.

Losers for rule #6:
A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. John Mc
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Emydi, Tribe
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. MJewel
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. FlowerPower, Scarlett, Kingfish, Byoffer

"RE: Sample Entry:"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-13-05 at 07:53 PM
KO, For the example, don't you mean a double batch of recipe #3, instead of #1??

"RE: Sample Entry:"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-13-05 at 07:58 PM
Are you sassing the host?

Tsk ... tsk ... tsk.

"RE: Sample Entry:"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-13-05 at 08:02 PM
Sorry! Runs back to my corner....

"RE: Sample Entry:"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-13-05 at 09:43 PM
Hi Miss WallFlower- no for the example mine was on a ficticious nature so as not to give anything away, you know? It was meant as a model and not a real entry.

"Das's Purchases"
Posted by Das Mole on 11-13-05 at 03:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-05 AT 03:28 PM (EST)

4 cups rum punch, $1.00 each ~ ($4.00)
2 shrunken heads, $2.50 each ~ ($7.50)
1 soccer ball, $3.00 each ~ ($3.00)
18 newt tails, $0.10 each ~ ($1.80)
10 ramon nuts, $0.25 each ~ ($2.50)
3 crocodile teeth, $8.00 each ~ ($24.00)
8 tarantula legs, $0.60 each ~ ($4.80)
12 eyelashes of a howler monkey, $0.20 each ~ ($2.40)
4 cups corn kernels, $0.50 each ~ ($2.00)
2 mayan masks, $4.00 each ~ ($8.00)

Total Spent ~ $60.00
Total Remaining ~ $0.00

I'd like to apply them all to Recipe #5, please.

6. Everybody should make sure to list the losers indicated below:
A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. Mo0
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Scarlett O Hara and tribephyl
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. Molaholic!
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. Flowerpower, Mo0, LibraRising, and Kermit the Vixen

Upon editing Item #6, I was originally going to buy all the newt tails, ramon nuts, eyelashes, and corn kernels but then I realized that wasn't too smart, lol.

"RE: Das's Purchases"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-13-05 at 03:25 PM
Das dear, I guess I wasn't clear, the losers you pick can not be yourself. So edit please, don't be a tease, I'm on my knees

"RE: Das's Purchases"
Posted by Das Mole on 11-13-05 at 03:29 PM
Fixed...is it OK that I changed my purchases as well?

"RE: Das's Purchases"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-13-05 at 03:38 PM
Normally no, but due to the misunderstanding I will let it slide as I am sure you made what selections previously based on the answer you gave. Plus you were the first entry. Just leave it as is, no more editing.

"Emy's Shopping spree"
Posted by emydi on 11-13-05 at 05:37 PM
Emy's shopping bag...

4 ~~ newt tails ~~ $0.40
12 ~~ eyelashes of howler monkey ~~ $2.40
10 ~~ ramon nuts ~~ $2.50
4 ~~ cups corn kernels ~~ $2.00
8 ~~ tarantula legs ~~ $4.80
4 ~~ cups rum punch ~~ $4.00
3 ~~ guatemalan palm viper tongues ~~ $3.75
2 ~~ shrunken heads ~~ $5.00
1 ~~ soccer balls ~~ $3.00
2 ~~ mayan mask ~~ $8.00
3 ~~ crocodile teeth ~~ $24.00

$59.85 of $60 spent please use these ingredients for Recipe 5 please

Everybody should make sure to list the losers indicated below:

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help.

NEMO, who else

B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with.

Guppy and tribe...I'm a woman with needs you know

C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with.


D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason.

Rudy Rules, Mooooooveover Jewel, FP and Scar

"Gotta get the shopping done early..."
Posted by tribephyl on 11-13-05 at 07:13 PM

2 ~ #1 recipes:
4 RumPunch = $4.00
2 Soccer Balls = $6.00
1 tarantula leg = $0.60
24 eyelashes of howler monkeys = $4.80
2 mayan masks = $8.00

Remaining monies ~ $36.60

2 ~ #3 recipe:
I'd like to share with mimo and JennaF
20 RumPunch = $20.00
8 palm viper tongues = $10.00
12 ramon nuts = $3.00
4 cups corn kernels = $2.00

Remaining monies ~ $1.60
But I'll spend that on 3 more cups of corn ($1.50) and 1 newt tail ($0.10), for noshing on.

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help.
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with.
wallflower / kingfish
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with.
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason.
JohnMC / mckelviej / kermit / DearAbby

"Question about corn"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-13-05 at 08:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-05 AT 08:16 PM (EST)

There are only 14 cups of corn kernels in the inventory, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't that run out after Tribe's shopping trip? Or is there a corn tree around that I'm missing? (Not trying to be sassy, I just want to get the inventory straight so I can prepare my recipes accordingly!)

"RE: Question about corn"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-13-05 at 09:46 PM
It is up to each player to keep track of the inventory and purchase it if you think it is still on hand or if someone has some extra, that is part of the game and why folks can't edit their choices. So the later you are to make your choices, the more likely to find that inventory is gone and then you may need to choose a different recipe...

Posted by whoami on 11-13-05 at 09:02 PM
I would like to buy,
4 cups rum punch = $4.00
2 shruken heads = $5.00
1 soccer ball = $3.00
4 newt tails = $.40
10 ramon nuts = $2.50
3 crocadile teeth = $24.00
8 tarantula legs = $4.80
12 eye lashes of a howler monkey = $2.40
3 toungs of a Guatamalan pakm viper = $3.75
4 cups of corn kernels = $2.00
2 Mayan masks = $8.00

Spent $59.85

#5 please

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. Moo

B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. wallflower(wild fire) & Mjewel

C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. LookeeLoo

D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. JennaF, lvoetulips, oz4ever, KermittheVixen

"Wallflower's list of goodies"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-13-05 at 11:03 PM
I had better shutup with my stupid questions and just go shop!

With my $60 (if I am still welcome in your store), I would like to purchase the following items:

14 cups rum punch @ $1.00 = $14.00
2 soccer balls @ $3.00 = $6.00
1 tarantula leg @ $0.60 = $.60
24 eyelashes of howler monkey @ $0.20 = $4.80
2 mayan masks @ $4.00 = $8.00
4 guatemalan palm viper tongues @ $1.25= $5.00
6 ramon nuts @ $0.25 = $1.50
2 cups corn kernels (purchased from Tribe at double price) @ $1.00 = $2.00

I spent $41.90 so far. With the remaining funds, I would like to purchase 3 extra Mayan masks (3 X $4=$12), to sell to whomever needs them later. Please convert the leftover $6.10 to to point(s)/petty cash

Losers for rule #6:
A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. Moo (in this game, anyway)
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Kingfish, Tribe
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. Byoffer
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. FlowerPower, Kermit the Vixen, Lookeeloo, Dakota

"RE: Wallflower's list of goodies"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-14-05 at 05:18 AM
Of course you are welcome here, questions are fine any olde thyme!

Please don't edit your post, but as far as who you buy the corn from, that part I will determine when I am checking all the shopping carts. You will end up buying it from the first person with leftover corn stock, it may or may not be Tribe. But as long as you know that some extra was out there, you would have all the ingredients you asked for.

Enjoy your purchases, especially the rum punch, a favorite of mine

"RE: Wallflower's list of goodies"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-14-05 at 07:17 AM
I neglected to mention that I would like to make a double batch of #1, and a single batch of #3 (shared with Tribe).

"RE: KO's Olde Thyme Curiosity Shoppe"
Posted by Dakota on 11-14-05 at 00:58 AM
I'll buy:
2 cups rum punch $2.00
1 soccer ball $3.00
1/2 tarantula leg $.30
12 howler eyelashes $2.40
1 mask $4.00
6 cups rum punch $6.00
2 soccer balls $6.00
4 shrunken heads $10.00
1 mayan mask $4.00
TOTAL $37.70

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help.
AlwaysinTrouble. My goodness, he fell out of a tree,
spent time in the hospital and had to have a private
nurse tending to him!!!!!!
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with.
Kingfish and Lookee
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. Just one!!!!
John Mc
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason.
Scarlett, Oz4ever, Emydi, Das Mole

Mystic Artistry
Charter Member: Club Anti-DAW

"RE: KO's Olde Thyme Curiosity Shoppe"
Posted by RudyRules on 11-15-05 at 12:54 PM
Recipe #3 please!
I have no idea if there is enough supply or not, so here goes:

This should make 2 helpings of number 3:
4 cups Rum Punch - $4
2 soccer balls - $6
1 Tarantula leg - 60 cents
24 howler monkey eyelashes - $4.80
2 Mayan masks - $8

$60.00 - $23.40 = 36.60 left over.

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. Moo

B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Flowerpower & Mjewel

C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. LookeeLoo

D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason: Scarlett, lvoetulips, oz4ever, KermittheVixen

Your defending two time college football pool champion

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by DearAbby on 11-13-05 at 03:39 PM
While I work up my nerve to go into the jaws of the Giant Croc-Cam, I'll go ahead and do my shopping. For Recipe #1 and #3, I would like to purchase the following ingredients

12 cups rum punch @ $1.00 = $12.00
4 soccer balls @ $3.00 = $12.00
1 tarantula leg @ $0.60 = $.60
12 eyelashes of howler monkey @ $0.20 = $2.40
3 mayan mask @ $4.00 = $12.00
4 guatemalan palm viper tongues @ $1.25= $5.00
8 ramon nuts @ $0.25 = $2.00
8 cups corn kernels @ $0.50 = $4.00

Please convert my balance of $10 to points.

Losers for rule #6:
A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. JennaF
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Tribe & LibraRising
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. Mistress Emy
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. Dakota, DasMole, Higgs, oz4ever

Deer Abbey sig courtesy of tribephyl 2005

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by DearAbby on 11-15-05 at 02:40 PM
I see that while I was shopping, a few other losers bravely went into the Giant Croc-Cam and came back out safely, so I guess I'll be brave too.

1. RC Losers Cindy & Rafe
2. IC Loser Lydia
3. LastVoter Stephenie
4. GaryVote Jamie
5. DaVotes. Jamie & Danni

*runs out of the croc's mouth before something bad happens*

Hey, Tribey, I think I'll take you up on your offer: No worries D'abby. You can Steal-a-Dollar from me anytime.

DearAbby ~ 18 (51) ($55.54) = 124.54 + 1.00 = $125.54
tribephyl ~ 18 (48) ($50.80) = 116.80 -1.00 = $115.80

Thanks for being so generous!

Deer Abbey sig courtesy of tribephyl 2005

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by emydi on 11-15-05 at 04:17 PM
I see that while I was shopping, a few other losers bravely went into the Giant Croc-Cam and came back out safely, so I guess I'll be brave

My dear Dear Abby, the Croc-cam should be the least of your worries....BUWHAUAHAWAHAHAHHAHAAHH.......

w/ a

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by DearAbby on 11-15-05 at 04:43 PM

Deer Abbey sig courtesy of tribephyl 2005

"You have a message..."
Posted by emydi on 11-15-05 at 05:09 PM
Go to the back room of KO's shop and find the private message marked with the red flag....

I said GO!!!

"Lures Dabby to the back room and....."
Posted by emydi on 11-15-05 at 09:51 PM
she picks up the message and BAMO......after reading it, she faints and falls down and someone pulls her away...and Dear Abby disappears....


"RE: Lures Dabby to the back room and....."
Posted by DearAbby on 11-16-05 at 10:48 AM

"I was born to shop!!"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 11-13-05 at 07:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-05 AT 08:00 PM (EST)

And there is no place I would rather shop than KO's Olde Tyme Curiosity Shop!

I'll have the following:

4 ~~ newt tails ~~ $0.10 ea = .40
12 ~~ eyelashes of howler monkey ~~ $0.20 ea. = $2.40
10 ~~ ramon nuts ~~ $0.25 ea. = $2.50
4 ~~ cups corn kernels ~~ $0.50 ea. = $2.00
8 ~~ tarantula legs ~~ $0.60 ea. = $4.80
4 ~~ cups rum punch ~~ $1.00 ea. = $4.00
3 ~~ guatemalan palm viper tongues ~~ $1.25 ea. = $3.75
2 ~~ shrunken heads ~~ $2.50 ea. = $5.00
1 ~~ soccer ball ~~ $3.00 ea. = $3.00
2 ~~ mayan mask ~~ $4.00 ea. = $8.00
3 ~~ crocodile teeth ~~ $8.00 ea. = $24.00

Grand Total: $ 59.85

6. Everybody should make sure to list the losers indicated below:
A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. kingfish
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. JohnMc + Das Mole
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. tribephyl
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. Lookeeloo, Dakota, FloPo and Emydi


"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by byoffer on 11-14-05 at 10:02 AM
Story of my life - I get to the shop and the inventory is depleted.

I will do some shopping, and hope that someone has some corn for sale. How about a deal Tribe??

I will buy:
10 cups rum punch - $10
4 Guat viper tongues - $5
6 Ramon nuts - $1.50

I will have to wait to make my recipe and picks.

"Combined shopping spree and LL entry"
Posted by mimo on 11-14-05 at 05:48 PM
such a lovely shop KO... too bad it resembles my local bulgarian shop circa 1992 when the worst of the rationing hit... where did all the corn nuts go??? hopefully i'll be able to scrounge enough goods to come up with something reasonable.

Could I please have:
8 cups of rum punch
2 soccer balls
1 tarantula leg
24 eyelashes of a howler monkey
2 mayan masks
4 newt tails
2 crocodile teeth

if i can barter for the ingredients, this should allow me to make recipes #1 (2X) and #2, at the cost of about $55

the losers i list as follows:
A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help: JennaF
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with: KOBrianFan & Tribe
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with: Dakota
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason: JohnMC, Bystander, Lvotulips, MoO

Now to visit the croccam:

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. Judd & Lydia
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. Rafe
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? Danni
4. Who does Gary vote for? Jaime
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. Gary & Jaime

"KO’s Olde Thyime Shoppe shopping list. "
Posted by kingfish on 11-14-05 at 08:41 PM
Any thing left? (upside down !)Que Sera !

1 recipe #3 (total $17.50)
10 cups of rum punch ($10)
4 viper tongues ($5)
6 ramon nuts ($1.50)
2 cups of corn kernels ($1.00)

# recipe (4x) (total$ 39.60)
8 cups rum punch ($8)
4 Soccer balls $($12)
2 tarantula legs ($1.2)
12 eyelashes of howler monkey ($2.4)
4 mayan masks ($16.00)

total 57.1

I assume the losers required for these recipes are those in the accompanying lists.
If not, I hereby name those losers to be my losers.

Congratulations on the Standard recipe, KO. Properly put, but suggestive with a giggle.
Kinda Scary too, the stir in your nuts until disintegrated part.

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help
WhoamI (Obvious).

B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with.
Dakota and Miss Mensa Marguerita Mitzi Mjewel (aka Mojo)

C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. Babushka

D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason.

Scarlett (I've gone undercover for Miss Scarlett), Emydom, our cute (in a severe way - a cute when she's mad way), Dom. in Sub. clothes , Looki (wink wink the bird poop story, or what ever it was), Flopo (the Power of the Flower).
All with whom I would also enjoy passing time.

And, lets not be stuffy, this is 4 +/-, more or less right? We have room to expand? Cause there are more, L’tulips, D’Abbey, and the list doesn’t end there). I’d even throw in Das, Oz, fishbro Nemo and the By-brothers if they chipped in on beer. In fact, it feels kinda weird leaving any fellow LL debauchers off this list.

Croc Cam entry to follow.

The guppy....da da da dummmmm.

"Shopping spree"
Posted by LookeeLoo on 11-14-05 at 10:58 PM
Well I lost out on the "come early inventory" so I will go with the standard recipe, one time.

2 rum punch
4 shrunken heads
3 palm viper tongue
2 soccer ball
4 ramon nut
1 newt tail
2 trantula leg
1 croc tooth

I'll buy 2 extra rum punches and share a drink with KO. Cheers KO, lovely Shoppe!

The remainder dollars I will convert to points.



6. Everybody should make sure to list the losers indicated below:
A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. Help with what? Points? Social skills? Term paper? Some kind of Loser Lodge reputation? A nick name? Dressing? Undressing? This is WAY too broad a question to nail down! Well OK, I'll say lvoetulips, cause Rosie, you need help with those tots that keep you away from us. *kiss, kiss*

B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Well I'd have to say Guppy because I just love the story nights, and I just have to say Dakota cause she is just a rocking chick!

C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. Again, too broad a question! Sometimes I'm in the mood for Wallflower and sometimes I'm in the mood for whoami. But I hope to get around to all the losers before I'm done.

D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason.
Well because I've been chasing them all season at the ABC game, this would be lvoetulips and the very dear Miss Scarlett. I'd also have to say that trifecta sister FloPo, as she rocks in spoilers! (So does Miss Scarlett, but I already mentioned her) And I just gotta mention Rudy Rules, cause, um, "I dunno", I just think he's cool.]/b]

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-14-05 at 11:55 PM
Just a reminder, I know the inventory is hard to keep track of, but please don't edit your lists. If you picked a recipe and don't have enough ingredients for it, I will assign a recipe(s) for you that you do have enough for, and whatever is leftover will be automatically sold to others who need it and you get twice what you paid for it. This will be scored by me at the end of the shopping trip and I will go on a first posted first sold/served basis.

So even if you made a mistake in your shopping, don't despair, I will make sure you get whatever the best recipe that I can for you that matches your ingredients.

Where some people run into trouble is if they don't have enough ingredients for any recipe, then what you bought is yours to keep (unless the store is out of stock and I can sell off yours)

Good luck and happy trails to anyone who hasn't done their shopping yet

Posted by tribephyl on 11-15-05 at 04:42 AM
What if ... say someone ... ummm ... kinda ... uhhh ... "accidentally" fell on the corn, mouth down?

I'm afraid this might be all I have left.

"RE: Uh-oh"
Posted by emydi on 11-15-05 at 10:07 AM
Wait a minute...someone has $72.40?? what is up with that? I need 85 cents and for that ransom...I will tell you where the REAL baboo is!

and maybe a few others too BUWAHAWHAHAHAHAHAHH

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by byoffer on 11-15-05 at 09:28 AM
Okay, I think LL has just become more difficult than a Canadian getting on Survivor. I made up a spreadsheet to track inventory, went through all the posts (as of yesterday morning) and figured out what was left. The currency conversion alone from $USD to $Guatemalan to $CDN was enough to stop most people.

I have all of the ingredients to make a lovely batch of #3 KO's Killer Elixer (or is that Exiler??) except for the frellin corn nuts. If no-one is willing sell those to me, can I head out to the local bulk barn and get some corn nuts???

Let me try to make another concolction then.
I will further buy:
2 rum punch - $2.00
4 Ramon nuts - $1.00
2 tarantula legs $1.20
2 soccer balls - $6.00
4 shrunken head - $5.00
1 newt tail - $0.10
1 croc tooth - $16
3 viper tongue- $3.75

That's another $35.05. I had previously spent $16.50. So that leaves me ONE MILLION DOLLARS remaining. Which I will round to $8.45. I will bet all of this on the Linz family.

As for recipes, I will attempt to make the Standard Plain Olde Thyme Recipe. If I can get the Corn nuts I will still try to make #3. ANYONE SELLING CORN??

6. Everybody should make sure to list the losers indicated below:
A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. Bystander - stay out of the red ink, Bro!
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Oz and Scarlet - love those southern ladies!
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. Whoami - now I will find out who you are!
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. Kingfish, Das Mole, Molaholic, Kermit the Vixen

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by Molaholic on 11-15-05 at 01:56 AM
Holy Carp -- What a frellin' week!!

Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. Judd, Lydia
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. Lydia
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter Danni
4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote Steph
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. Gary, Judd

And Now for Dear KO's Shoppe:

2 Cups Rum Punch ~~ $2.00
1 Soccer Ball ~~ $3.00
1 Tarantula Leg ~~ $0.60
12 Howler Eyelashes ~~ $2.40
1 Mayan Mask ~~ 4.00
6 Shrunken Heads ~~ $15.00 (purely for decorative purposes)
2 Crocodile teeth ~~ $16.00 (because I’ve got somptin stuck in my – well, let’s just call it my nether region)
Balance on Account = $21.00

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. Since I can't vote for myself, why not my Bro Mole -- Das.
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. KO and tribe note tookas-kissing posture
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. emydi
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. Dubya, Cheney, whatever her name was that didn't get to be on the Supreme Court, The Guvenator. -- Oh, wait -- you meant LOSER LODGE losers... in that case, alwaysintruble, Scarlett, Rudy and Wallflower.

this was too frellin much work...

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by Molaholic on 11-15-05 at 01:57 AM
Did I forget the recipe choice? -- OK, make it number 2.

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-15-05 at 06:58 AM
Wow, those teeth are sharp.....got to be careful, wouldn't wnat one of those suckers to catch my thong string....he he he....might be moonin' the whole group!

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (2 each)Jamie/Rafe
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. (2)Lydia
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter (4)Gary
4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote(4)Jamie
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. (2 points per vote)Jamie, Gary

Okay, I'll take recipe number 3:

4 cups rum punch for.........4.00$
2 shrunken heads.............5.00
1 soccer ball................3.00
4 newt tails...................40 cents
10 ramen nuts................2.50
3 croc teeth.................24.00$
8 tarantula legs.............4.80
12 eyelashes of howler monkey.2.40
3 tongues of guatemalan palm viper...3.75
4 c. corn kernals.............2.00
2 mayan masks.................8.00

total: 59.85

Thanks! Always a great time shopping at KO's! And man, how I dream about those rum punches...

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-15-05 at 12:26 PM
Oh Ms. KO! I made a little error in my order....it's not for recipe #3, but for recipe #5! (It was third down the list, that's why I was remiss!).

Also forgot to put in my post:

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. Ilvoetulips...Rose
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. the KING and Nemo
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. Why, Tribephyl, of course
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. Rudy Rules, byoffer, das Mole, oz4ever

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by lvoetulips on 11-15-05 at 08:16 AM
1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. Lydia, Steph
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. Lydia
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? Gary
4. Who does Gary vote for? Jaime
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. Jaime, Lydia

Thanks to KO for opening the store for a bunch of losers like me!

I started the day with a whopping $72.40.

I would like:
4 c. Rum Punch ($4)
2 shrunken heads ($5)
1 soccer ball ($3)
4 newt tails ($0.40)
10 ramon nuts ($2.50)
3 crocodile teeth ($24)
8 tarantula legs ($4.60)
12 eyelashes of a howler monkey ($2.40)
3 tongues of a palm viper ($3.75)
4 c. of corn kernals ($2.00)
2 mayan masks ($8.00)

Total spent: $59.85
Total to be transferred to points: 12.75

I would like to make one batch of #5 please!

Losers for rule #6:
A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. moO
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Tribe, Scarlett
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. tribe
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. FloPo, byoffer, Jenna, JohnMc

There, I think I covered all the bases.

courtesy of tribe, master of my universe

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by byoffer on 11-15-05 at 09:43 AM
*CrocCam on*

Yo, Bro, I don't think that you are doing that correctly!!

Okay, I have it figured out now. But has anyone seen my little brother?

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (2 each) Lydia, Cindy
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. (2)Lydia
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter (4)Rafe
4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote(4)Jamie
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. (2 points per vote)Jamie, Gary

*tears for lost brother*
*Croc Cam off*

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by bystander on 11-15-05 at 01:53 PM
Hey Bro! It took me 3 years till I was able to even look at another alligator. Now this? Oh, the memories. And you wonder why I drink all the beer? Good thing Dad always carried that pocket knife!

Flashback to a nasty fishy smell. Blech!!! Alligator entrails all over the place!

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by byoffer on 11-15-05 at 03:35 PM
Flashback to a nasty fishy smell. Blech!!!

since when did you start bashing Lydia??

I miss Dad...

Is this kind of beer what you had in mind??

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 11-15-05 at 04:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-05 AT 04:51 PM (EST)

A croc cam? I'll make this one snappy.

wahh! we have to go in a Ford? pfft. I'll walk. Or maybe I'll stay at the casino. I'm all about the gambling. But I hear the Curiosity Shoppe is fun, too. And I love KO.

1. Lydia and Jamie
2. Jamie
3. Gary
4. Jamie
5. Jamie and Gary

Shoppe activities:

A. lvoetulips
B. Libra and Tribe
C. Emydon. she's fun. or so I hear.
D. byoffer, kingfish, bystander, and flowerpower

I'm think I'll peruse the shoppe for awhile and make my purchases later.

It just wouldn't be the same without the geek! --tribe, the amazing creator of my siggie
I need to have time to check inventory...

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 11-15-05 at 05:56 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-05 AT 11:16 PM (EST)

*sigh* well my run at the top was fun while it lasted.

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. Lydia and Cindy
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. Jamie
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter Lydia
4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote Jamie
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. Jamie and Danni

Looks like I missed all the shopping so I'll just take the measly 12 points.

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help.MoO
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with.Flower and Dakota
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. Emy
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. The mole twins and the by-bros

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by MJewel on 11-15-05 at 09:41 PM

Hut Cam On:

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. Lydia and Rafe
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. Cindy
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter Judd
4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote Jamie
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. Danni and Jamie

Hut Cam off.

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. Lvoetulips
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Tribe and Kingfish

C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. RudyRules
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. Emydi, JohnMc, Higgs and Lookeeloo

Looks like I missed out on the shopping too. I added up what people bought and looks like there is not enough of anything left to make a recipe. Imagine me a shop-a-holic missing out on the shopping <grin>. Oh well, 12 points is better than none .

"Proxy votes for Kermit the Vixen"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-15-05 at 10:01 PM
Since I'm just supposed to make her picks while she's vacation, I probably shouldn't mess with her potions. So I guess Kermit will take the very generous 12 free points, for which I am sure she will be entirely grateful to KO for providing.

1. RC Losers = Lydia, Rafe
2. IC Loser = Rafe
3. LastVoter = Judd
4. GaryVote = Jamie
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes = Jamie, Danni

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-15-05 at 10:03 PM

1. RC Losers = Lydia, Rafe
2. IC Loser = Rafe
3. LastVoter = Judd
4. GaryVote = Jamie
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes = Jamie, Danni

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by RudyRules on 11-16-05 at 11:53 AM
1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (2 each): Lydia and Cindy

2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser(2): Lydia

3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter (4): Lydia
4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote(4): Jamie

5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. (2 points per vote): Jamie and Danni

Your defending two time college football pool champion

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by JohnMc on 11-16-05 at 03:51 PM
I just flew in from out of town, and boy are my arms tired.


Thank you, ladies and gentlemen... I'll be here wasted on my @$$ till they fly me back of this island.

I should say that I have decided that gambling is not a suitable addiction for me. I still stick with sex and alcohol as my vices.

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (2 each) Lydia, Danni
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. (2) Steph - she always loses at immunity
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter (4) Gary - to try to save his hide
4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote(4) Cindy - to try to get her to see that she's not so frickin' UTR
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. (2 points per vote) Jamie, Gary

And now I do want to say that I am pleased as rum punch to see my old LL friend and ... well, let's just leave it at that. Hey, KOfan! And thanks so much for bringing the punch. Let me place my order.

To make 2 orders of recipe #2, I shall need:

8 cups of rum punch - $8.00
8 newt tails (I'm glad these aren't Newt Gingrich tails, although I hear they are nothing compared to Scooter Libby tales!) - $0.80
4 crocodile teeth - $32.00

Total - $32.80

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help.

I need plenty of help. But if there is a particular lady who needs help walking on this beach in her stilettos, it would be Miss Scarlett.

B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with.

I would never go on a reward without the Tribester. I might also take Miss Scarlett, if she could tolerate the company of 2 gentlemen.

C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with.

Have you seen Mimo party??? Bring it on!

D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason.

MJewel, lveotulips, Tribe, and Dakota

For my golden elixir, I'd like to make a double batch of #2.

If I can pick a second person who may need assistance, it would have to be Dakota.

Oh, and KO, since you run this little store, could you put about 19 more of those lovely rum punches in some to-go cups, in addition to 1 more newt tail. I believe that brings my grand total to $51.90. Maybe you and I can enjoy them later on the beach and reminisce on old times. I'm not sure what to use this newt tail for. Does that entice your curiosity shop at all?

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by kingfish on 11-16-05 at 11:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-16-05 AT 11:25 PM (EST)

Croc cam entry;

1. RC Losers. Lydia, Judd

2. IC Loser. Lydia
3. LastVoter Danni
4. GaryVote Jamie
5. DaVotes. Jamie, Danni

Part II of the Corset Caper, Or How I achieved enlightenment in the jaws of a Croc, is still to come.

"Radio SOS"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-17-05 at 05:00 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-05 AT 05:01 AM (EST)

Hello!? Can anyone hear me!? <click>
Help! I'm lost! It's dark and I'm getting scared! <click>
Is anyone out there?! Can you hear me?! <click>
If you can hear me please sen <krkrrkriiiccct> to LoserLodge! <click>
RCLosers are Jamie and Rafe
ICLoser is Jamie
Gary votes for Jamie
DaVotes go to ... <kkkrrrriiiccccckkkkkkzzzt> ...Gary and Jamie
Oh GAWD I think I hear them coming back. Please help!!

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by oz4ever on 11-17-05 at 08:26 AM
1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. Rafe, Lydia
2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. Lydia
3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? Danni
4. Who does Gary vote for? Jamie
5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. Jamie, Gary

I've not quite figured out this Olde Thyme Curiousity Shoppe so I'll get some sleep and come back to it in the morning.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by oz4ever on 11-17-05 at 05:32 PM
Seems I may have missed the shopping spree, after reading the rest of today's posts. So I'll just cash in the points or whatever they did with theirs.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"Is anybody out there to help?"
Posted by DearAbby on 11-17-05 at 08:35 AM
While shopping at KO's Olde Thyme Curiosity Shoppe, I was given a note written by Blake, asking me to meet him back at LosersLodge. *swoon* The next thing I remember, I wake up in a dungeon with Baboo. Luckily he had a Blackberry with him (but the poor thing doesn't know how to use one). So I hope someone sees this message and can rescue us. But hurry. We don't have anything to eat except some corn I had left over after mixing up the recipes.

In case I didn't make it clear:


Deer Abbey sig courtesy of tribephyl 2005

"RE: Is anybody out there to help?"
Posted by byoffer on 11-17-05 at 09:44 AM
Have no fear Abby, I will save you!

First I must reach into the closet and don my protective gear:

No, not that one. That is By-Brothers for the weekend. I told mom to be careful when putting our laundry away!! Ahem.

Let's try again...

There, that's better.

Now to drop down into the dungeon...

(Dam, I wish that was really me)

It sure is dark down here. Better light some torches:

Holy Crap! A monster!!

He looks strangely familiar (like there was a whole tribe of them somewhere). Luckily I was able to lure him off with some rum punch and a picture of Stephenie in her bikini.

Now to find Abby. Let's check behind this door:

Jeeze, that was bizarre.

Better keep looking for Abby. And there she is!!

Doesn't look like she is really suffering too much, but she did ask for rescue.

C'mon Abby, follow me. I know the way up...

And finally, after a long arduous journey, we are back at Loser Lodge...

Now Abby, all I ask in return for your rescue is can I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have TWO CUPS OF THOSE %^&*$%^ CORN KERNELS you are nibbling on so that I can complete recipe #3?????

"RE: Is anybody out there to help?"
Posted by DearAbby on 11-17-05 at 10:06 AM
Nice try, by-guy, but I'm still here. Don't know who that imposter is, but she seems to be living it up back at LoserLodge. You'll know when you find me, because Baboo is here too. Hurry, we've almost eaten all the corn!

Deer Abbey sig courtesy of tribephyl 2005

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by LibraRising on 11-17-05 at 12:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-05 AT 12:50 PM (EST)

Dood. Croc cams don't scare me. I've had enough to drink that it just looks like a really cool cave with icicles. Either that, or my dastardly ex. Whichever. My biggest concern is that I don't accidentally smash my mojito glass against one of the teeth. Those things are fragile!

And tell Baboo, if you ever find him, that he was not welcome to my stash of glow rings. Those are for the losers, not the help. Hmph. I'll be sending him a bill in the mail.

And I must thank Jims for the lovely time at his casino. Lady luck was by my side. But you might want to tell the cocktail waitresses to speed it up next time. Those drinks were so watered down that I had to go after them double-time.

What? The questions?

1. RC Losers: Rafe and Lydia
2. IC Loser: Lydia
3. LastVoter: Lydia
4. GaryVote: Jamie
5. Davotes: Danni, Jamie

But it looks like I missed out on the shopping spree. I must have fallen asleep in the truck, and when I woke up, everyone had already gotten their goods. I'd ask for a cup of rum punch if it's left over, but it looks like not, so I'll just cash in for my measly 12 points. But just in case it still means something, here's my answers:

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. Jenna
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Emydi, DearAbby
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. TVGeek
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. Tribe, Scarlett, Bystander and Kingfish

A kyngsladye/IceCat masterpiece.

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by JohnMc on 11-18-05 at 11:22 AM
Hey, *hiccup* Libra,

Can I interest you in *hiccup* one oof myyy *hiccup* extrees of my *hiccup* rum puncheses? *hiccup*

KO likes to share *hiccup* and so do I.

D@mn, this *hiccup* punch is pretty kickin' booootteeee good. *hiccup*

*drunkenly spills rum punch on Libra*

OOoopseee... *hiccup* Here, let me help clean that up for you...

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by LibraRising on 11-18-05 at 12:04 PM
Hey -- when the lodge hottie spills on you, you don't complain.

A kyngsladye/IceCat masterpiece.

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by Dakota on 11-17-05 at 01:53 PM
*Looks around anxiously for Steve Irwin*
Steve? Where are you?
Is this Aussie candid camera? Steve?
*Slips carefully between blue whale sized artificial teeth*

Whew! Hut cam on:

1. RC Losers
Rafe, Lydia
2. IC Loser
3. LastVoter
4. GaryVote
5. DaVotes
Jamie, Gary

Please, MB, please let us say buh-bye to Jamie tonight. Have mercy on your fans. Don't even give him final words. Just go, Jamie, just go. Note: Judd at least has an iota of entertainment value. *shrug*
Mystic Artistry
Charter Member: Club Anti-DAW

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by mckelviej on 11-17-05 at 01:55 PM
1. RC Losers? Gary, Judd
2. IC Loser? Lydia
3. LastVoter? Danni
4. GaryVote? Jamie
5. DaVotes? Danni, Jamie

I see that I have missed the shopping spree, ah well, 12 points is better than none.

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by bystander on 11-17-05 at 01:55 PM
OK now, let's try this again...

1. RC Losers: Lydia and Rafe
2. IC Loser: Rafe
3. LastVoter: Jamie
4. GaryVote: Judd
5. Davotes: Gary, Judd

Shopping spree makes my head hurt. It could be that I drink too much. I blow my $60.00 on a Keg. Anyone who wants some, c'mon over. If I can't buy the Keg than I guess I'll take the points. (I still have the Keg though so c'mon over.)

A. Name a loser at this lodge that most needs help. JennaF cuz everyone's helpin Mo.
B. Name 2 losers you would take on a reward with. Byoffer (gotta take care of family) and Vixen cuz of the name Vixen.
C. Name 1 loser that you would like to party with. Kingfish, seems like a fun guy.
D. Name any 4 losers, for whatever reason. Using my random number generator I'll say:
Molaholic, cuz any "aholic" of yours is an "aholic" of mine.
Scarlett, cuz I do give a damn.
Alwaysintruble, cuz sometimes people just need guidance.
and finally, Tribe, for keeping the antimicrobial soap dispensers full.

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by whoami on 11-17-05 at 06:13 PM
What a crock cam on.

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. Lydia, Rafe

2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. Lydai

3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter Rafe

4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote Jamie

5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. Gary, Jamie

What a crock cam off.

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by Jenna_F on 11-17-05 at 07:44 PM
I've been really busy this week, just realized to post for this.
I don't really have time to go through the KO store stuff, sorry about that.

1.RC Losers: Lydia, Rafe

2.IC Loser: Lydia

3. LastVoter: Jamie

4. Who does Gary vote for?: Jamie

5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil: Gary and Jamie.

I'll make sure to promptly do this next week. Sorry I wasn't able to fully participate.

"RE: LoserLodge3: 6 weeks down / 5 weeks to go"
Posted by LookeeLoo on 11-17-05 at 07:50 PM
Hope I made it in time. I've been looking for Dabby and cant find her anywhere!

1. Name 2 survivors who lose out in the reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (2 each) Jamie and Rafe

2. Name 1 Survivor who loses in the ImmunityChallenge. a.k.a. IC Loser. (2) Jamie

3. Which survivor will vote last during TC? a.k.a. LastVoter (4) Rafe

4. Who does Gary vote for? a.k.a. GaryVote(4) Jamie

5. Name 2 survivors who receive votes at TribalCouncil. a.k.a. DaVotes. (2 points per vote) Jamie and Danni


"This week on, LUST........."
Posted by kingfish on 11-17-05 at 10:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-19-05 AT 12:43 PM (EST)

An award winnowing all-time rip-snorting bunch of incestuous plots involving way too many over-the-top dramatic a’hole performances by a cast of minions.

Last Week, Tribe, the troubled Host with the mysterious past who keeps flashing back to...... well he just keeps flashing. You get used to it after a while. Sort of. Anyway, last week, he organized a trip to the Island Casino run by Jims (Keep your Goddammed hands outa the Goddammed mints!!) 01 02, and named, appropriately enough, Jims02 Casino. Jims01 had been closed down for health violations, but 02 was still open for business.

In earlier weeks, as an on-going audience teaser, a set of mysterious and unidentifiable numbers were shown out of focus on his butt cheeks as he flashed the island folks, the audience, the wildlife, the Angry Mayan Gods, and the entire universe. But the butt jiggling (the Ole Butt-blur) prevented focus until last week when, dramatically, around a fire in the desert and before the fat guy came out of the closet, (Literally! I mean really! A mysterious closet had actually fallen from the sky with a sign nailed to it that read “Please wipe your feet before entering this Closet. Thanks, the Maid”), and after the blonde ex-convict scientist tried to kill the Imam, (now, take a breath) Tribe froze for a still shot (He’s a sucker for a decent profile shot) and the numbers were identified as

with an equally mysterious message “Hope this helps. Das.”

As the scene opens on this week's episode, Tribe is seen running from the Jaws of a Mysterious Crocodile in the parking lot of “KO’s OLDE THYME CURIOSITY SHOPPE” in pursuit of a soccer ball headed gnome and a volley ball headed temptress (well, tempting for a gnome, maybe) in an outfit that I had seem at Mistress Emydoms' House of Evil Fun and Torturous Games. Curious.

Mysterious eyes peeking out from the foliage as Tribe tore thru the jungle (you know, that jungle that mysteriously appeared in the desert), tripping, falling getting up, falling down, slipping, arse end over elbows, and generally amusing the hell out of the Loser Island crowd who had gathered in KO’s parking lot. Then he disappeared, just fell out of sight.

Puzzling over these events in the cool A/C of KO’s Shoppe while pouring down the latest of many excellent ice cold Rum Punches (What is that special taste? a special rum?) I noticed that my drink coaster was actually a desperate note from Dear Abbey!!

A Clue!!!

She had been kidnapped by that arch fiend Blake, a well known hogger of nurse back rubs and of the most comfortable sleeping spots. The unspeakable evilness in that dastardly coward was ....well....unspeakable.

I was pondering this latest event, and I noticed that a curious, sorta crazy, look had crossed Nemos' face. Then he jumped up and ran out the door vowing to find D'Abbey, and "do something" to that evil doer Blake. I stuffed a business card in his pocket as he left, just in case he needed professional help.

Then, sounds and voices started coming from the scanner that KO had found in a High Security Stainless Steel brief case handcuffed to a mysterious dying tattooed harpooner, who uttered, just before, dying, “Ishmael”, and “Freebies, Gimme Freebies”.

The voice from the scanner gradually penetrated my rum induced fog, and slowly I realized I was listening to Tribe, and that he was making fake sounds of radio static. Ever the DAW. Still, he sounded scared, scared to death, and mad as hell at Baboo.

Luckily he was wearing those Evil Eye Ear-ring cameras (remember them from an earlier episode? Well, you should have known they’d recur. It's drama) And wearing them not only in his ears, but in various and sundry other piercing places. Some pretty disgusting (and, one would think, painful?) places (hint, he’s wearing barbershop striped panty briefs, ‘nough said?) Nemo was foresighted (almost an unintended pun) enough to include GPS tracking devices in the cameras curcuits.

So the Loser Lodge gang trooped out to the GPS coordinates and found Tribe in a pit. An old well shaft we thought. But as the By-Bros were pulling him out we heard some mysterious clanging sounds followed by a siren and a mysterious scurrying in a dark corner of the pit. And A trap door! Hmmmmmmm.

Oh well, on the way back we tripped over another pit, a bear trap type of pit with a soft feather bed in it. It was covered by a grid of sticks lashed together, and in the bed .......well, maybe that's a story for later.

Back at KO's, in straggled an obviously deflated Baboo. His sad story was, well, it was an old story. That’s right, another case of kiss and Psssssssssss. When she revealed that she was just a paid DAW, and that she had been recruited by the cunning disciples of the Mistress Emydom as part of a plot to distract and deflower the little guy, his ego (e mas) just wilted.

In this case, it wasn’t so mysterious since all of the Loser Lodge participants were in on the joke and had even formed a betting pool involving where and if his runty boyhood would become his runty half-high manhood. Unfortunately KO’s Croc gained another victim when the blank faced volley ball headed vixen sat on a tooth. Don’t know who had that square. And, the poor guy never got his bada bing.

Or.... Maybe ..... there's more to his story than that, maybe this is just a cover story to hide other, more macabre goings-on. OR maybe not. OR....it's possible that his appearing in the doorway of KO's Shoppe was only a rum induced dream. We shall see.

Tune in again next week for ......
LUST!!! , when....

We get more into the details of why the show is called LUST!!! The LUSTY details!!! SEX!!! Jiggling fannies, Butt Blurs galore!!!

The Indian mute catches the eye of the Laundromat owner/diamond trader, and flashes mysterious hand signals.

Tribe wants to return to the mysterious shaft (not sure whether that's a pun or not), but is beaten to the punch by the howler monkeys, who remove their hats to reveal blinking lights wired into their skulls. And that they play a killer game of Texas Holdem.

Baboo begins to hog the hutcam and the latrine for hours at a stretch, with "Lusty Blowup Dolls" magazines. Cappy pisses everyone off and is tossed into the pit. The female Loser Lodgers keep disappearing into the jungle, then reappearing smiling and disheveled. Obviously Combat Stress Syndrome.

D'Abbey and the capital "L" Loser Blake seem to be AWOL, and the answer to where he and/or she went is a cliffhanger that may be resolved in next weeks installment, or it may not.

My pet Croc is considered as Plan B for the next Survivor bootee when he/she shows up.

And I return to my undercover hunt for Scarletts purloined feminine undergoods. New plan, examine every set of unpurloined feminine undergoods, and hope for the best. Oh yeah, and examine miles and miles of Evil eye bead and earring recording tape for possible clues. That includes a watching a lot of broken molars, acts of bead self gratification, lots of privacy invasions from the top of dressers, clothes heaps, bikini tops, bottoms, etc.....

Life is Good.....

This is for Kermit.

I let him off his leash for this picture.

"RE: This week on, LUST........."
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-19-05 at 00:31 AM
Bravo, Guppy! You are an awesome storyteller. Thanks for the laughs!

"RE: This week on, LUST........."
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 11-19-05 at 08:48 AM
Oh, I do declare, I think I shall ... faint....

<swoosh, loud THUD!!!>

"RE: This week on, LUST........."
Posted by kingfish on 11-19-05 at 01:11 PM
Thanks, Girls, Wild Flower (B) and Scarlett O. You are sweet enough not to notice, or at least not to mention, that there is no real beginning, end, or middle. Just a lot of in between.

And Scar, Me and B and your Mammy Nanny caught you before you cracked your skull. You looked so comfortable under that quilt when we left you. And all those clothes that were restricting your breathing? Look in your closet.

Come to the patio when you wake up. We sent out for some more of those Texas Ribs KO introduced us to, and some Tennessee sippin whiskey.

"Message to all Losers!"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 11-18-05 at 00:41 AM
Teal Alert !!!! Teal Alert !!!!


That's right fellow Losers. Our own DearAbby has been reported missing from the ride home, and as of now we have very little information as to her whereabouts:

She was last seen at KO's shop
She was seen recieving a note from the staff
She appears to be stuck with Baboo
She has access to a Blackberry, but is unable to receive/send messages at all times

I've been unsucessful so far at tracking the location where her message was sent from, someone must be jamming my traces. Her mentioning eating nothing but corn has led me to believe that someone is trying to make a statement with it. Guys, we to get started looking for her ASAP! I suggest that we start by making a list of those Losers who were deprived of buying corn at KO's. My gut is telling me that we'll find our culprit among this list and maybe were can get some clues as to where our poor Abby (oh yea, and that Baboo guy too) is being kept.

All interested persons who would like to graciously volunteer their time in helping find poor Abby, please report to the area under my treehouse ASAP after the weekend. (hey, whoever that person is that byoffer found needs to be debriefed, and it might take a while , please do not disturb )

Put on your thinking caps one and all, I'm thinking that we'll need as much help as we can get to figure out what sort of nefarious person would commint such a vile act as to lock someone away with Baboo for any period of time.

This is going to take some time, but let's hope Abby can hold out for a little while longer. Hopefully Tribe will be so kind as to post this information for all to see so the word gets out to everyone.

We couldn't really have an Amber Alert at the Loser Lodge now could we?

Thanks to my fish partner for the late notice edit so this makes sense

"RE: Message to all Losers!"
Posted by emydi on 11-18-05 at 10:09 AM
what the *#$%()# are you talking about...and you really think you, the loser that you are, can find anything....pfffffftttt!!

Posted by kingfish on 11-19-05 at 12:54 PM
A Mini, not-quite-last, Epilog;

Skepticism was expressed, and some moisture ..........

Apparently Nemo-lito has his work cut out for him, and a worthy adversary.

Professor Moriarty-Dom

"RE: Mini-epilog.."
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-19-05 at 04:05 PM
Oh Mr. King....please tell me another story! Who cares about the beginning or the end, after all it is what's inbetween that counts!

I loved the part where the blank faced volleyball headed vixen sat on the croc tooth and let out her last gasp! Please tell us the story of the mysterious shaft with the hidden trap door....I'm ingruiged among other things.....

"RE: Mini-epilog.."
Posted by kingfish on 11-20-05 at 10:22 AM
OK, and thanks Flo. ".. let out her last gasp!" Very good. I wish I had thought of that.

I have no idea what the answer to these mysteries are and am curious also.

"RE: Message to all Losers!"
Posted by LibraRising on 11-18-05 at 12:10 PM
I've become, um, friends with Brian, and he told me Blake is always up to no good. Think about it. When's the last time you saw Morgan around here? Or Brianna?

I think the corn's a red herring. It's all Blake.

And no, I had no corn -- but I'm not cooking! That's for the help to do.

"RE: Message to all Losers!"
Posted by RudyRules on 11-19-05 at 10:36 PM
I dunno.

Your defending two time college football pool champion