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"Be the Survivor Eps.3"

Posted by survivorscott on 09-30-05 at 11:08 AM
Not sure if Angelfood is settled in from he evacuating yet so I will fill in this week just to be safe. Miss you girl.

Looks like I am spending more time with Stephanie than I am Julie. if Mark wasn't my bread and butter I would write him a strongly worded letter about bringing her back. How can she be such an inspiration and strong when she keeps losing. She is like that little idol Bobby found when the Brady Bunch went to Hawaii

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by foonermints on 09-30-05 at 12:21 PM
Episode II Phbbt!

Stephanie - WAH! owee oweeeee

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 09-30-05 at 12:28 PM
...I would write him a strongly worded letter about bringing her back. How can she be such an inspiration and strong when she keeps losing.

WHAT are you insinuating, Jiffy Pop? Me?! A L*O*S*E*R?!! You've got the wrong girl, buddy. It's not ME who is the loser -- it's these whiney little whimpy girls EPMB put on this team. First it was little Morgan, who weighed about as much as my big toe. Then, there was Brianna -- what a pansy. I eat girls like her for breakfast!! And Lydia ... even though she is a hard worker around camp, she knows absolutely nothing about sports or even honest competition. Lastly, there's Amy, the loveable and slighltly overweight cop, strong as an ox, who goes and rolls her ankle!!! What lightweights, all!!

Come on EPMB, work with me here -- I can't carry the whole weight of this team on my back this season!! Maybe it's time for the old switch-er-roo. Come on ... let's mix it up a little. How 'bout orchestrating a switch. I'll take BobbyJon, Gary, Danni, Judd and Blake on my team. How about it? What do I have to do this time ....

I am NOT a LOSER!!

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by byoffer on 09-30-05 at 01:02 PM
Steph, I guess you are just destined to be on weak teams. And on teams that don't understand the basics of pick. Lydia couldn't help you with a pick in the Mayan basketball game, and we all remember that BobbyJon didn't have the pick mastered either (a snot rocket doesn't count as a pick, right??)

I guess you will just have to "girl up", and maybe with a bit of luck you can survive long enough to be a tribe of one again.
Of course, then our tribe will pick you at tribal council.

Dr. Doolittle in disguise.

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by volsfan on 09-30-05 at 09:10 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-05 AT 09:10 PM (EST)

Yes, I do know what a freaking pick is! I have been playing basketball all my life. Just because you didn't know what a pick was doesn't mean that EVERYONE has no clue.

My snot rocket would have knocked you down had I hit you with it.

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by Dakota on 09-30-05 at 08:40 PM
We're not losing any more challenges, Steph. I am big and strong and we got rid of the clueless wenches -- well, except for Rafe. Thanks, Jiffy, for pointing out that I did better after bashing my ankle on the beam than Brianna did with no swelling, no pain, just a friggen zit on her cheek. We got heaht, Steph. This tribe's got heaht. We're gonna staht winning these challenges.

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-01-05 at 00:42 AM
I'll take BobbyJon, Gary, Danni, Judd and Blake on my team. How about it? What do I have to do this time ....

This is not Survivor Fantasy Football, this is the real thing. You're stuck with this team until the merge, unless you want to swing by my tent and try to convince me by .... {censored reference involving sexual acts and a comparison to howler monkeys}

Mark "Can you Survive the Apprentice?" Burnett

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by Incognito9 on 10-01-05 at 04:11 PM
Steph, if I end up on your team, I'll lose on purpose so that you can cry some more.

I hope a howler monkey bites off your head.

Want to know this season's Survivor popularity stats? Check out the NoBS Popularity Poll HERE

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by Dakota on 10-03-05 at 05:30 PM
Why don't you just stay in your own tribe, Judd. We'll take the Howler Monkey.

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by MattyMax on 10-02-05 at 06:12 PM
I didn't make your dream team, Staph?

well, you're not my friend anymore.

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by bystander on 09-30-05 at 01:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 10:13 AM (EST)

Whew, what a winning team I am on. Did you guys see how I single handedly brought the victory to my team for the Reward Challenge? So what if I can't tell right from left. Who cares. We built the tent first thanks to my great direction.

Did you see how I got BJ and Sweaty to knock that Jockstrap Danni in the head with their poles? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Well she didn't get the concussion I was hoping for but she'll remember that challenge for a few more days.

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by LibraRising on 09-30-05 at 03:13 PM
Yee haw! Swimmin' with the gators was fu-un! And we win again, despite the yammerin' wimmin and sissy boys on my team. Hell. I came here to kick butt and chew bubble gum and, uh, I forgot the rest of that line.

Speakin' of movie lines, some of ya'll are probably wonderin' why I quoted The Princess Diaries last night. There's a logical exply-nation for that. Ya see, I... Hey! Look at that howler monkey! (runs away)

I hope the camera didn't catch me for long without my hat. My thinning hairline does NOT make for good TV.

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-01-05 at 00:49 AM
My thinning hairline does NOT make for good TV.

Just make sure you always stand next to Judd. You'll be fine.

Mark "Aligator? Crocodile? Feh! It's all a croc on Survivor" Burnett

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by Incognito9 on 10-01-05 at 04:13 PM
Hey man. Receding hairline, dude? Man?

The only thing, man, that's receding, dude, are your weekly Thursday ratings, man.


Want to know this season's Survivor popularity stats? Check out the NoBS Popularity Poll HERE

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-01-05 at 05:56 PM
Remember Judd, the only ones you have to take orders from are your mother, your wife, Jiffy and me.

Oh, you also have to listen to your tribemates and the Howler Monkeys.

Mark "A human sacrifice should help the ratings" Burnett

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by Estee on 09-30-05 at 03:57 PM
Now see, if I was actually a former NFL quarterback, I would have been able to pass that ball! But sadly, I'm just a landscaper...

"So landscaper..."
Posted by byoffer on 09-30-05 at 04:27 PM
...maybe you were responsible for planting Brianna's feet so firmly in one place during the baskeball game. Her feet seemed to have grown roots which prevented her from running around and actually trying to help her team.

Why is it that you look to be 7' tall when not in challenges, but then when there is a sport challenge wherein you would be expected to do well, you don't? Part of your strategy to stay UTR?

Nakum will be happy to keep kicking your strategies butt!

"M-V-P! M-V-P!"
Posted by smokedog on 09-30-05 at 09:45 PM
Nuff said, sports fans!

Hugs and kisses for you too, Steph. Strongest woman Survivor, bah! I OWNED you.

"RE: M-V-P! M-V-P!"
Posted by bystander on 10-01-05 at 10:16 AM
How's your head feelin today? I can't believe Judd and BJ kept knocking you in the head with their poles.

I'm sure that wasn't a new experience for you.

"RE: M-V-P! M-V-P!"
Posted by Incognito9 on 10-01-05 at 04:16 PM
Hey dude, Brooke. Dude! You and your big mouth. Man.

Though the one person's talking on Nakum I really can't stand, dude, is Midge... er I mean Madgery, Margot, Marge, Maggot, whatever her name is, man. Dude, she's not my mother, man. The only people I take orders from are my wife and dietician.

Want to know this season's Survivor popularity stats? Check out the NoBS Popularity Poll HERE

"RE: M-V-P! M-V-P!"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 10-04-05 at 06:29 AM
Though the one person's talking on Nakum I really can't stand, dude, is Midge... er I mean Madgery, Margot, Marge, Maggot, whatever her name is, man. Dude, she's not my mother, man. The only people I take orders from are my wife and dietician.

And I guess it looks like you haven't been listening to your dietician much have you, you overgrown ungrateful dumbass.

"RE: M-V-P! M-V-P!"
Posted by Incognito9 on 10-04-05 at 07:12 AM
Go make out with Blake again. I think he's panting for breath.

Want to know this season's Survivor popularity stats? Check out the NoBS Popularity Poll HERE

"RE: M-V-P! M-V-P!"
Posted by smokedog on 10-01-05 at 10:48 PM
>I can't believe Judd and BJ kept knocking you in the head with their poles.

Trust me, they're better head knockers than Jim was.

"RE: M-V-P! M-V-P!"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-02-05 at 07:55 AM
ahhh, your nothin' but a bag o' bones, Danni. You got lucky because you had Blake and BJ on your team. I'd like to see how you could play with Brianna and Lydia!

"RE: M-V-P! M-V-P!"
Posted by smokedog on 10-04-05 at 00:35 AM
Rationalize all you want, but when we went one-on-one, I was victorious. I plan on doing things right while I'm here, so I won't need to beg EPMB to invite me back.

"RE: M-V-P! M-V-P!"
Posted by LibraRising on 10-02-05 at 11:21 AM
Hey, darlin'. When I said people need to man up, I wasn't talking to you. You're startin' to scare even me. I need at least one woman around to keep my interest, and considerin' my other choice are the bossy nurse, the zookeeper who seems to preoccupied with the animals and some girl whose name I don't even know, you're my last resort.

Woman up, and I'll let you ride my tractor.

"RE: M-V-P! M-V-P!"
Posted by bystander on 10-02-05 at 12:56 PM
Wink Wink. I'm a lawyer you know?

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by Molaholic on 10-01-05 at 00:05 AM
Well haht damn -- I finahly gots me some faceahrah time. All Ih had to do wahs buhst my friggin ankle. Kindah made me think abouht Curht Schilling lahst yeahr.

The bahskeht bahll game was wicked kewl -- evnhen if Ih did a fahce plhant. Mahby they'll geht a ghame up against thah Celts.

If thaht wimp chick Brihhanhah eveh shows her pimply fhace on mahy beat, Ih'll knock hehr teeth in wihth mahy billy clhub.

(*) (*) is kewl

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by bystander on 10-02-05 at 12:57 PM
You're such a butter face!

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 01:07 PM
Why do all these challenges have to be so physical? Can't they see that I am vertically challenged? Mayan basketball, indeed. Hmph! Let's see them bring out a game of Mayan Candyland and find out who wins!

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by bystander on 10-01-05 at 01:54 PM
I thought you would have done better at the Reward Challenge since you are so low to the ground. You really didn't need to bend down to pick up anything.

Did you see how great I was at calling directions for my team?

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by KeithFan on 10-02-05 at 01:26 AM
::crunch:: ::crunch:: ::cruch::

Mwif hwad thu tulk mwif wa mwaf pl uf hermwitz!


Ahh! Good eating though!! Bring on the gross food challenge, I'm ready! You wouldn't believe the things I've swollowed in my day!

Do NOT call me "Poindexter"

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by MattyMax on 10-02-05 at 03:48 PM
Hey Rafe, wanna practice for that gross food challenge you're so psyched for?

got some raw meat for ya

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by MattyMax on 10-02-05 at 12:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-02-05 AT 03:40 PM (EST)

That Morgan vote last week? That was 100% ME! Boo-ya! I am totally in control. This week, again, I got rid of another 21 year old girl. I mean, who needs them! Rafe, if I were you, I'd watch your a$$, because it's gonna have a big target on it.

I guess Rafe does have a handful of things that Brianna and Morgan didn't, and he can choke down anything...

What I don't get is how come everybody didn't listen to ME at the tent building challenge? Don't they know that I'm really good at strategy games AND I went to COLUMBIA! Steph and Gary, back off!

Wouldn't mind another romp in the net with Bobby John, though.

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 10-02-05 at 03:32 PM
Wonderful. So far, all we have been subjected to is puking, whining, and laziness... and that's just the crew!

Bunny's indepth interviews this week:

Steph: "I signed a contract with this show so I could win this time... HE PROMISED ME BUNNY!"

Brianna: "Oh come on Bunny, do I look like some over-zealous-jock-girl to you? Please... I LOOK good, I didnt sign on to break a friggin sweat!"

Bunny: "You know, Lydia, you have a rather Sandraesque quality that I like."
Lydia: "Sandra?! I'm NOTHING like Sandra! Why would you say I am anything like Sandra?"
Ra: "Um... Lydia, Sandra won the game, remember?"
Lydia: "Oh..."

Amy: "Hey, I am NOT injured. I can do ANYTHING Stephanie can do, damn it. She is NOT the only strong woman to play survivor. This swelling is nothing, this rash is nothing, this stabbing pain in my chest is nothing. Bunny, why does Ra seem to be trying to lure that crock over here?"

By the way, the best quote I got this week was from the Crock spokesman, who told me that he had begged MB to place the netted court over the water, because "Ra only films us when we are stalking. It would be much better television if we actually caught someone."

"Offering a truce to Danni"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-02-05 at 04:04 PM
Ok, I admit it. You were very good on the Mayan Basketball Game of DEATH court. And the reason our team won was because of you and me (2 goals each, if I am using my fingers to count properly). So I think we should declare a truce.

I won't mention your startling resemblance to certain members of Aerosmith if you don't mention my puking past. Oh, and as a way to celebrate, you could mount me again, like you did after you scored the last goal. Or, if you'd rather, we could throw that little punk lawyer who tried to knock your head off in the reward challenge into the lake.

Either way, the ball is in your court. (pun intended). Just let me know.

"RE: Offering a truce to Danni"
Posted by smokedog on 10-03-05 at 02:33 AM
I hereby accept your truce - prepare to be mounted (if that's ok with BJ and Judd, of course)

"RE: Offering a truce to Danni"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-03-05 at 09:23 AM
Let's just make sure we send Margaret out to gather firewood or something. She seems to be getting more and more possessive of me lately.

"RE: Offering a truce to Danni"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 10-04-05 at 06:35 AM
Puhlease honey don't flatter yourself. Now that I have you trained properly you go ahead and consummate your newly found truce with Danni. We need to keep her a happy working member of this team afterall, and I need to start working on Brandon.

Oh Brandon honey, come here, it is time to "man up".

Posted by Spanky68 on 10-04-05 at 01:54 PM
When you said you wanted an open relationship, I thought you might just have been angling for a little time with Brandon. But it's good to see that you don't mind me playing doctor with Danni, too.

"I suck"
Posted by sorgee on 10-03-05 at 06:41 AM
I think I know how Zoe felt...

hmmm... Maybe I should give up my lucrative career selling depatment store cosmetics and become a lobster girl...

Posted by Spanky68 on 10-03-05 at 09:25 AM
looks like we won't be able to "merge" after the merge, if you know what I mean...and I think you do.

That's a shame. But at least you don't have to be out here sweating your makeup off anymore. Enjoy the air conditioning!

Posted by Incognito9 on 10-03-05 at 10:06 AM
No more Judd or Juddy or Muddy Juddy or Stud Judd or Premature Evacuation. Just start calling me Fred Flinstone.

Want to know this season's Survivor popularity stats? Check out the NoBS Popularity Poll HERE

"RE: Nicknames"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-03-05 at 11:48 AM
Just start calling me Fred Flinstone.

Is that because your big fat feet drag on the ground, or because you're a "Yabba Dabba Don't"?

Mark "Craving a Dino Burger" Burnett

"RE: Nicknames"
Posted by Incognito9 on 10-03-05 at 11:56 AM
Well, it does have something to do with the fact that I consume about 17 boxes of Cocoa Pebbles and Fruity Pebbles every morning at breakfast.

With heavy cream on them as milk.

Want to know this season's Survivor popularity stats? Check out the NoBS Popularity Poll HERE

"RE: Nicknames"
Posted by byoffer on 10-03-05 at 04:55 PM
The latrine here is terrible, and we are all sick of Judd's yabba-dabba-doo-doo.

"RE: Nicknames"
Posted by Incognito9 on 10-03-05 at 07:24 PM
Shut up, Dr. Doolittle. Go climb a tree and make out with a howler monkey.

Want to know this season's Survivor popularity stats? Check out the NoBS Popularity Poll HERE

"RE: Nicknames"
Posted by foonermints on 10-04-05 at 11:45 AM
Don't let them bother you, my poor Jub Jub. How quickly everyone forgets how well you did against that creepy lying quaterback?

Speaking of you Golan? With how boney and grey you are getting, I believe death is coming just in time for Halloween.

The crops need blood

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by lydia on 10-04-05 at 03:36 AM
I have never liked the concept of bringing back players who have played before, even ones I like. Stephanie has really blown it for the audience watching her. She really is, full of herself. It was great the season that Rupert had a chance at the money. The Howling Monkey was the most interesting thing on the last show. I hate the habitat they are in, and it is really difficult to see their shelters. I think they put them up somewhere else, and "pretend" to live and sleep in the jungle, it's too darn dangerous with all those snakes, and bugs and crocodiles, etc.

"RE: Be the Survivor Eps.3"
Posted by byoffer on 10-04-05 at 10:15 AM
I thought DearAbby was playing Lydia??