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"Loser Season"

Posted by ghtmentor on 09-28-05 at 00:11 AM
No Gays, Orientals, Lesbians, Latinos, or anything else that made the past seasons interesting. Talk about white, blonde and sappy! What a dissapointment!!!!

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"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by oz4ever on 09-28-05 at 02:04 AM
As far as I am aware, Lydia has Latino background, and some of the contestants have been saying that Rafe is gay.

I think the producers are under the impression that the viewers don't want to see minority groups this season, but that we want to see Steph and BobbyJon again. This is not the case. They could have waited until All-Stars v2.0 - or will they be on that too?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by Tahj on 09-28-05 at 11:30 AM
Lydia is Puerto Rican. Rafe gay? Hmmm. I doubt it. He's a Mormon. My gaydar says it's Brian.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by bystander on 09-28-05 at 02:10 PM
Danni likes sports.

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by Miscreation on 09-28-05 at 04:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-28-05 AT 04:31 PM (EST)

Rafe is gay, by his own admission. He even commented on being a gay Mormon. My gaydar picked up Brian also.

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by Coconut on 09-28-05 at 05:55 PM
I picked up on that too; to me, they both flash "gay"! over their heads.

Of course, my gaydar is deeply defective. I won't go into the horrible story, though (it involves purple shirts and aftershave and.. never mind).

Does anyone remember if there have been two homosexual contestants of the same sex before? Could MB be setting us up here?

Coc au Flange-- Official Dish of the Phoquetard Inquisitorial Squad

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by oz4ever on 09-28-05 at 06:24 PM
Does anyone remember if there have been two homosexual contestants of the same sex before? Could MB be setting us up here?

Yes. Scout and Ami on Vanuatu.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 09-30-05 at 01:26 PM
they both flash "gay"! over their heads.

Yup, I would have pegged Brian as the token gay before Rafe.

courtesy of Seana and Syren - thanks gals!

Will your team please take Rafe back?

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 09-28-05 at 07:19 PM
Mormons can be gay. They're just persecuted and forced to be excommunicated.

A Cygnus Masterpiece ignore this space. ignore, ignore, ignore this spaceIcecat is da bomb!

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by J Slice on 09-28-05 at 07:27 PM
In other news, your state sucks.

And the people cried "You're the one we've waited for"

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 09-29-05 at 00:18 AM
What?!? {/sarcasm}

It just wouldn't be the same without the geek! --tribe, the amazing creator of my siggie

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by Tahj on 09-29-05 at 11:06 AM
Mormons can be gay. They're just persecuted and forced to be excommunicated.

Roger that. It just didn't mention that he was gay on the CBS site so I assumed that if he was Mormon, he wasn't gay, or out as gay. I've met quite a few Mormon men who, though they weren't gay, compeletly skewed my gaydar at the time. I've also heard them say that they are often mistaken for gay.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 09-29-05 at 12:58 PM
or out as gay.

If he wasn't out before he's out now!

sig courtesy of Cygnus

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by Tahj on 09-29-05 at 01:23 PM
Lol. Yes, but we didn't out him.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 09-30-05 at 08:43 AM
He does talk about being gay and Mormon on his video on the CBS website. I also remember reading in his bio early on that he hates vaginas, but I don't see it there anymore for some reason.

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 09-30-05 at 01:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-05 AT 02:06 PM (EST)

Rafe is a gynephobe?! Bwahahaha!

I know lots of straight men who are afraid of penises.

courtesy of Seana and Syren - thanks gals!

edited for spelling

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by fedcamper on 09-30-05 at 02:14 PM
>He does talk about being gay
>and Mormon on his video
>on the CBS website. I
>also remember reading in his
>bio early on that he
>hates vaginas, but I don't
>see it there anymore for
>some reason.
Gee- and we had him pegged as the guy who would eat anything!!!! So much for that- I suspect Rafe, Brian and Amy.

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by Tahj on 09-30-05 at 03:53 PM
Maybe he ate one and decided he liked it.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by mrc on 09-30-05 at 08:55 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-05 AT 09:04 AM (EST)

This post sounds so familiar, but I can't quite figure out why . . .

Oh, yeah, here's why.


A PhoenixMons(ter) Creation

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by Lisa0116 on 09-30-05 at 11:27 AM
>LAST EDITED ON 09-30-05
>AT 09:04 AM (EST)

>This post sounds so familiar, but
>I can't quite figure out
>why . . .

Maybe ghtmentor doesn't like white people. I don't know, but maybe he doesn't. I like diversity as much as the next person, but if the minorities in question can't pass the tests to participate, then maybe they shouldn't participate. Maybe, just maybe, minorities aren't as interested in being on a reality show as the wonder bread peoples.....

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-01-05 at 06:15 PM
Rhyn's post (#2) in that thresd was terrific.

I would like to think that we respond favorably to interesting people regardless of their skin color and background.

"Be The Survivor"

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by ElroyJetson on 09-30-05 at 12:13 PM
Talk about white, blonde and sappy! What a dissapointment!!!!

Wow, racist much?


"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by Tough Cookie on 09-30-05 at 01:35 PM
I don't find it a loser season because of lack of casting...

Well come to think of it but maybe it is, last night after the first ten minutes of the show I turned off my TV and actually did some of the work I needed to do.

I can't quite put my thumb on it but this season just feels boring

And that's the way the cookie crumbles

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by greenmonstah on 10-01-05 at 08:20 PM
I think it is about time for an all monkey version of Survivor.

Also, I always thought the word oriental refered to rugs and art.

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 10-04-05 at 01:28 PM
Not until you post some photos, miss monsty!

I'm nuts for Nutz ... and Syren too.

"RE: Loser Season"
Posted by lydia on 10-04-05 at 03:24 AM
I'm not concerned about the diversity, as much as a kind of what seems like a lot of phony stuff going on, like they're going to put their lives in danger with the crocodiles. They are profiling very few of the players (I am sick to death of Stephanie and Jamie) and would prefer to hear from several other players. Are they really all so boring that they don't show their personalities? How can decisions be made about playing ability if only a few personalities are shown. The Amazing Race and Apprentice are a lot better to me right now.