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"S10 Gufu Award: Week Next To Last!"

Posted by dabo on 05-13-05 at 03:32 AM

ARRRRRRRR, me mateys, en dunt Iarn be summat speshul channelin' Granny Jan's larst brencell, ARRRRRRRRR!

Was it just me or did the editing of this episode leave anyone else going: ..... okay, how exactly did that happen really?

It's all Iarn's fawlt Oy sez, be blemmin' Iarn. May as well, 'e'll roll over en give yerz whut yerz pleases, eh!!!!

Same rules as always, 2 contestant and 1 production (newbies can search previous gufu threads for more detail).

And don't forget to tune in Sunday for that, thank gorsh, finale of this one!

and I'll cast the first vote this week:

Production: A friggin' Corvette for a long tall string bean dolphin trainer!!! I mean, heck, if he had any muscle he'd be in the NBA, you go and crunch him into a Corvette? What were you thinking???


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"RE: S10 Gufu Award: Week Next To Last!"
Posted by Bebo on 05-13-05 at 09:45 AM
1. Ian - He deserves 2. But instead of giving him the obvious one for picking Tom for the reward, I'll go with his near slip of the tongue. For the second straight time, he almost let the plan slip away by not handling questioning well. He almost blew it last week with Greg, and then almost blew it this week in front of Caryn.

2. Every one of those women for sticking with the two people who've won EVERY FREAKIN' CHALLENGE (other than the one won by the guy they already got rid of). The three of you have won NOTHING. Why do you think this will change? And if you don't think it will change, why are you willing to put your chance at a million dollars in the hands of two people who could easily remind a jury how weak and useless you are?

"If there was ever a time you wanted permission to run over a clown . . . ."

"RE: S10 Gufu Award: Week Next To Last!"
Posted by samboohoo on 05-13-05 at 10:06 AM
Ian was just a mumbling, stumbling idiot last night, and he made so so many mistakes. Since I can only pick two:


Ian not calling Katie out. Last week he was convinced she sold him out for a reward (she did chop his rope). But this week he mentioned nothing about it, even at TC where everything was coming out.

Ian and Tom trying so hard for the reward. It was a car, it was icing. They should have let one of the girls win to see where they stood.



Icey bounced my Dicey

"RE: S10 Gufu Award: Week Next To Last!"
Posted by bostonrobfan on 05-13-05 at 11:37 AM

1. Ian for telling Katie the whole plan and then she doesn't tell him what the ladies are saying.

2. Ian for taking Tom on the RC and leaving the girls to plot and scheme.

Production- none.

"RE: S10 Gufu Award: Week Next To Last!"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-13-05 at 01:03 PM
Ian gets the gufu award for falling apart the minute the fat implacable toad starting bawling at him.

I actually don't think Ian's decision to take Tom was that big a mistake. Tom is a bigger schemer than any of the women, and I got the feeling that Ian didn't really trust *Tom* to stay behind after their conversation at the tree mail, especially after they stalemated on which woman would be #3. So rather than risk taking the "wrong" woman (according to Tom), he just decided to take Tom.

At least I think that might have been his thought process.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"RE: S10 Gufu Award: Week Next To Last!"
Posted by Dakota on 05-13-05 at 09:46 PM
>At least I think that might
>have been his thought process.

So you think it involved a thought process. Hmmmmm

Charter Member: Club Anti-DAW

"RE: S10 Gufu Award: Week Next To Last!"
Posted by arturbars on 05-13-05 at 01:56 PM

No questions - Ian is the dumbazz of the week. Multiple blunders and mistakes.....

Tom for going along on the reward - even though they agreed before hand not to pick each other.

Caryn, for completley screwing herself by blowing off in Tom and Ian's face, she should have talked to Tom aside from Ian and told him all the stuff the women are planning.

Everyone (especially Ian and Tom)- for not bringing up Katie's flip-floping and betrayal last week.


Having a RC that only a male could have won (Steph does not count - she is a freak!) - the women had no chance at that car!

"RE: S10 Gufu Award: Week Next To Last!"
Posted by smokedog on 05-13-05 at 09:12 PM

Caryn gets drunk with power and pays the price
Ian's emotions could cost him the game


Should have had a less strength based RC.

"RE: S10 Gufu Award: Week Next To Last!"
Posted by Dakota on 05-14-05 at 11:41 PM
1. Ian letting Katie sucker-punch him. (HM: Katie for being Dramamama again.)
2. Caryn for playing Emotional Survivor instead of Survivor. She had a chance to save herself this week and blew it.

Production: Gotta go with the very physical challenges at this late stage of the game.

Charter Member: Club Anti-DAW