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""Be the Survivor" - Week 6"

Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-22-04 at 08:36 AM
Ah can not wait for Jiffy to get his A$$ in gear this Mawnin! Ahh have too much on mah mined! How on Gawd's green earth is a tribe of 5 women and 1 man (some may say half a man)going to beat those fat four + Twila (she's half a man too) and Julie? Especially, when Eliza and Leanne are givin' up all the time? Yes, it is true... they kicked our NuYassah butts in both the reward challenge and the Immunity challenge! Woe is me....

And that Ami .... Ahh will git her good! Ahh know what she is up too -- she is tryin' to keep the weak girls with her so she can beat 'em later on in the game! She is so transparent! But, ahh will git my revenge -- As soon as Ahh git to Loser Lodge, Ahh am gonna git out my luxury item --- it's a VooDoo doll!!! That's right -- I want Ami's A$$ outta there! And I will place my VooDoo pins accordingly!

Ahh will git mah revenge!!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by samboohoo on 10-22-04 at 09:42 AM
Boy, did I have a hard time "holding it" this past couple of days. First I can't keep my boobies in my top during the pig challenge, then I just couldn't hold my breath in the IC.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-22-04 at 10:16 AM
Boy, did I have a hard time "holding it" this past couple of days.

I know what you've been holdin' Leanne! And it ain't yo' breath! I seen you on your hikes in the bushes with Ami! I seen you with those hard plaintains! And yo're talkin' bout boobies? What boobies are you talkin' about? I'll show ya some REAL boobies - Take a look at these!!

Ahh am out for revenge!

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by samboohoo on 10-22-04 at 10:38 AM
I haven't seen a rack job that bad since Heidi.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"A woman scorned"
Posted by Angelfood on 10-22-04 at 09:45 AM
Geesh, ya sleep in til 8 and all heck breaks loose.

Maybe this is the week where I had the little machete-meets-wrist accident. yeah, must be.

Well, Ok, we all know who the BIG LOSER is this week.
Anyone surprised?
Everyone happy in their new tribes? Settling in?

Bwahahaha Scarlett, I love it - check your Inbox

"Settling in?"
Posted by Estee on 10-22-04 at 11:46 AM
I settled into the sand really nicely. Even Sarge and Chad thought so.

Hey, the human body is a natural creation. There's nothing wrong with giving it some extra exposure to nature once in a while in the name of a nice warm day. It's a perfectly innocent thing and there was nothing wrong or sinful about it at all. Anyone who says otherwise is probably Twila.

Figuring the million is gone, so might as well enjoy the island,
Saint Julie.

"RE: Settling in?"
Posted by nailbone on 10-22-04 at 11:57 AM
I didn't look!!! Really!!

OK, maybe just a peek. But just a little one.

It was nice.

Steak, eggs, and a nekkid woman. Life is good.

"RE: Settling in?"
Posted by Dakota on 10-23-04 at 00:01 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-04 AT 10:12 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-23-04 AT 10:10 AM (EST)

>I settled into the sand really
>nicely. Even Sarge and
>Chad thought so.

Kudos to the heretofor much-maligned cameramen who tell all secrets great and small. The caught the boys covertly checkin' you out.

><. . . exposure . . .> It's a perfectly
>innocent thing and there was
>nothing wrong or sinful about
>it at all. Anyone
>who says otherwise is probably

But if they were French . . . in which case, Scout and Twila would also be nude on the beach. Ewwwwww. (This also answers the question posed on the cultural differences thread.)

"RE: Settling in?"
Posted by MattyMax on 10-26-04 at 09:25 PM
Hehe..huh.. hehehe... heh.
Dude, stumpy, that chick's totally naked.

-no face time and dominating the challenges-

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 10-22-04 at 12:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-04 AT 12:43 PM (EST)

MB, this is the kind of reward I was talking about. It doesn't get any better then steak and eggs.
And...did you finally see me kick butt on a challenge??

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-22-04 at 01:24 PM
I'd be worried if your Challenge was to pass the SATs, but since you were working with pigs and totem pieces... and not a #2 pencil, all was well.

Glad you enjoyed the protein. America certainly enjoyed the sunbathing.

Mark "Nudity = Numbers" Burnett

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by ginger on 10-22-04 at 01:37 PM
I was disappointed. With the word "Tied" in the episode title, I figured maybe Uncle Bob, from the purple side of my family, was coming to visit.

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by Steen on 10-22-04 at 02:17 PM

I messed up I just couldnt catch a pig! I Didnt even have a shot to prove myself in the IC, Im an asset to this team. Scout is useless. I wanted to be the GateKeeper (aka Useless) in the RC! If she wasnt here, I wouldnt have a problem! Who needs steak and eggs, anyways?

But you all know I looked the best all Muddy

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by Oscirus on 10-22-04 at 04:46 PM
How the hell are you still here. Its bad enough that we have scout screwing us up we dont need a younger version of her too.
o well as long as it aint me I am estatic

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-22-04 at 07:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-04 AT 08:00 PM (EST)

But you all know I looked the best all Muddy

I don't think so girlfriend!

We all know who looked the best muddy!

"RE: Eliza Excuses"
Posted by Dakota on 10-23-04 at 00:08 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-04 AT 10:10 AM (EST)

Eliza, honey, as one of the many feathered creatures watching the debacle of human vs. piglet, I must say that we were quite pleased with your unwillingness to dive into the mud and grasp one of the locals. But I must agree with your statement that Scout always gets the easy jobs and her value to the tribe has escaped us, also. But she's a sweet, dear, wise, woman who doesn't threaten Ami. So you go, girl. Beat those Fat Dudes next time around. My flight plan if already filed, so gotta go!

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 10-25-04 at 07:07 AM
Best. Challenge. Ever.

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 6"
Posted by survivorscott on 10-25-04 at 04:19 PM
You sucked this week Eliza, next why don't you try doing the oppisite, try blowing for a change

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"Excuse me"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 10-27-04 at 05:46 AM
Hey little one, I wouldn't go so far as saying I am useless, this game is NOT all about winning challenges. Sure it would have been nice to win the steak and eggs, but do you really want all that red meat staying around in your colon after being purged for 16 days? Your little body could not have handled it.

And don't blame me for your lack of not wanting to get muddy, that is all it was for you. I bet if they had offered peanut butter instead of Steak, you would have stripped naked, caught 2 pigs, and still had time to do a victory dance all the way to the sty.

2004 A S S Trivia Champ

"And the academy award"
Posted by Oscirus on 10-22-04 at 04:42 PM
goes to me for my rousing speech before the reward challenge. I can't believe that those women actually brought that crap.

Thanks for having such a big mouth and allowing me to slip in through the cracks.

I finally broke the survivor black man stereo type by whuppin Sarge's a55 in a swimming challenge. Thats right Sarge i whupped your a55 don't worry though I haven't forgotten about you just make sure you make it to the merge because I want the privelage of taking you out myself ya bonehead.

"Work it Rory, work it!"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-22-04 at 06:07 PM
I don't know about the Academy Award, but your speech is definitely a contender for the "Silver Shovel" award.

The mind games may or may not work on the dwindling female alliance, but at least you're not an Osten!

"RE: Kickin Butt"
Posted by Dakota on 10-23-04 at 00:14 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-04 AT 10:13 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-23-04 AT 00:15 AM (EST)

Rory: As we sit on our treetops watching humans do things we've never EVER seen before, we actually thought you were a ringer -- a local, who was fit, smart and strong. Like Yasur's friend, Da. Those long walks in the woods seem to have strengthened your body and spirit. We're liking you a lot more.

Baaaaawwwwk Baaaawwwwk

"RE: Kickin Butt"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-23-04 at 06:46 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-27-04 AT 02:44 AM (EST)

As the Royalty of Reality, the Viceroy of Vanuatu and the Survivor Puppetmaster, I present unto you... a bird.

Flipping you an alternate bird...

Now, who wants another earthquake?

"RE: It's a bird!"
Posted by Dakota on 10-23-04 at 10:08 AM
Thank you! Baaaaawwwwk!

"RE: It's a bird!"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-23-04 at 10:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-04 AT 10:50 AM (EST)

Quick!! I'm gonnah catch me that bird and eat it for Suppah!

As she puts another pin in her VooDoo doll for Ami

"RE: It's a bird!"
Posted by Dakota on 10-23-04 at 10:54 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-04 AT 10:55 AM (EST)

>Quick!! I'm gonnah catch me
>that bird and eat it
>for Suppah!

As the bird flies overhead, it is heard saying,
"Hey, Lisa. Can you say Guano?

"RE: It's a bird!"
Posted by Angelfood on 10-23-04 at 03:06 PM
guano bowls... collect the whole set!

"RE: It's a bird!"
Posted by ginger on 10-25-04 at 02:57 PM
Do they come with a Ronald Coleman Gravy Boat?

"Bowl Games"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-26-04 at 01:05 PM
I do believe USC played in the Guana Bowl last year.