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""Be the Survivor" - Week 4"

Posted by Angelfood on 10-08-04 at 08:56 AM
Ep4: The one where the RC winner gets a DA! A manly, muscular, strong&silent-type, loincloth-wearing hunk-a-hunk-a-burning-love!

What do a team of women want for their reward? Scout even gave me specifics. (And sorry, but they can't have ME for 24 hours). So, I gave them what they need - a man. Not just any man - he's a Rock Star in these parts. He's Dah. And he puts to shame every Survivor contestant, Crocodile Dundee and even Rambo! The women cheered the arrival of their DaDa, but he just jumped right in and started getting down to business. He started climbing things and making holes in the local fruit. Then, he showed the ladies that there is a milky white juice available to them - and they went at it right away, with huge smiles! He even cooked afterward! And then he used his big long tool to make their beds more comfortable, and they all snuggled close on the cool night. But 24 hours later, his time was up (we only have so much budget, and his pimp charges alot!!). The girls were crying (especially Twila), and saw him off, as he glided his canoe across the serene waters, not even looking back at the ladies to capture a beautiful moment.

Then, the men got beat - Again at the IC! Someone thought that this was "the Apprentice" and allowed Rory to be the PM, hoping that he'd go into the boardroom. But alas, Scout was right that the men are no mental match for Yasur. After much scheming and editing misdirection, we had to say goodbye to another eye-candy. Brady, your torch is snuffed, but you will not be forgotton. The men saw him off, as he glided his rear across the serene path, not looking back at the boys to ....
restrain himself from capturing them for interrogation.

Well, I am VERY put-out!!! But on the bright side of things, I get to visit LoserLodge whenever I want and that makes me happy now!

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by ssshaw on 10-08-04 at 09:04 AM
Well, here I am in Loser Lodge. It's kinda lonely. Oh wait. There's Dolly. I gotta go.

"RE: Brady"
Posted by AMAI on 10-09-04 at 02:08 PM
oooh HiiiiIIIIIIiiiii Brady!!! Wanna play dolphins with me?

I'm sure it wouldn't jeopardize my place in Heaven to cozy up to Brady - he's an FBI Agent!

"RE: Brady"
Posted by ssshaw on 10-09-04 at 06:58 PM
Definitely. Just make sure Jiffy doesn't come by.

Posted by survivorscott on 10-08-04 at 11:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-04 AT 11:52 AM (EST)

two things really good happened to me this week.

1.) I got to hug Twila: Shout out to my baby!
2.) there was a big rainbow at camp this week, a definate sign that I am going to win.

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"RE: Ami"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 10-11-04 at 08:01 AM
Think you and Twila could kiss next time? Girl on girl action equals ratings.

"RE: Ami"
Posted by survivorscott on 10-11-04 at 03:20 PM
Shhh Twila isn't out yet

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"RE: Ami"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 10-12-04 at 06:07 AM
Nothing wrong with a little bi-curiosity.

"RE: Ami"
Posted by grit on 10-11-04 at 07:08 PM
The on'y reason I hugged you is becuz twice now we had a man in our camp and they warn't intrested in me. I knew I ain't had no chance with that pretty boy John but I thought Daw would be intrested in me. It hurt! It hurt sooo bad!

This ain't no Holiday Inn.

"RE: Ami"
Posted by survivorscott on 10-12-04 at 06:18 PM
There there let Ami take all the pain away

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by nailbone on 10-08-04 at 11:48 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-04 AT 11:49 AM (EST)


OK, maggots, can we BE any stupider this week?!?!? Who's bright idea was it to put Rory up on that tower for the IC???

Rory, ya moron, you're supposed to tell US whether we have more than one of the same color or picture in the same row, not ask us. That's why you're up on that perch!!

You'd better start learnin' to take orders, mister, or as soon as we get rid of Johnny K., your grown a$$ is outta here!!

Posted by volsfan on 10-08-04 at 01:29 PM
You told all of us that you figured out how to do the challenge but you thought it was best to listen to Rory? WTF kind of leader are you? If you knew how to do it...why the hell didn't you tell us?

"RE: UM...Sarge?"
Posted by nailbone on 10-08-04 at 02:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-04 AT 02:39 PM (EST)

Just givin' Rory more rope to hang himself with...

"RE: UM...Sarge?"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-08-04 at 03:30 PM
Just givin' Rory more rope to hang himself with...

You do realize that by giving Rory hangin' rope, you're losing challenges and demoralizing your own tribe. Right?

"RE: UM...Sarge?"
Posted by nailbone on 10-08-04 at 03:37 PM
All part of the master plan...

"Hey Sarge"
Posted by Oscirus on 10-08-04 at 04:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-04 AT 04:10 PM (EST)

I already took blame for that loss I didn't realize that you were such a bonehead.

You do have to ask yourself something though bonehead. If you are the leader of this alliance why am I not gone yet? We all know how much you hate my grown a55

also who do you think they would rather keep around a loner or your egomaniacal control freak a55?

I bet you this sack of oranges that you will go before me ya bonehead.

"RE: Hey Sarge"
Posted by nailbone on 10-11-04 at 01:08 PM

Only if it happens due to some kinda tribe swap.

Posted by volsfan on 10-08-04 at 01:30 PM
Did everyone notice that I finally got some face time? Bout time!

"RE: BTW:"
Posted by samboohoo on 10-08-04 at 01:58 PM
Hopefully that's not the beginning of the end for you.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: BTW:"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-08-04 at 04:58 PM
Did everyone notice that I finally got some face time? Bout

Are you saying that you want America to watch you put your foot in your mouth?

"RE: BTW:"
Posted by volsfan on 10-08-04 at 09:24 PM
That would be hard to do because I only have one good foot but I guess that is what I am saying!

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-08-04 at 03:24 PM
Jiffy, I think you must really miss Colby, because that was quite a stirring romance novel account of the events.

DA really does stand for Do it All. Now that Yasur has the Vanuatu cookbook, will they be able to stop their bickering?

And your suggestion about putting Brady in the "Tickle Chair" for interrogation is not part of the program.

Posted by ssshaw on 10-09-04 at 06:56 PM
>And your suggestion about putting Brady
>in the "Tickle Chair" for
>interrogation is not part of
>the program.

And if he tries that, I have my 9mm handy.

"RE: Brady"
Posted by Angelfood on 10-09-04 at 07:00 PM
OOOOoooh, I've never tried using something like that before!

Are you my personal instructor?

"Vanuatu S&M"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-11-04 at 12:35 PM
Are you my personal instructor?

Although I can't condone you using the Tickle Chair on any of the contestants, I can tell you that it works very well on CBS network executives.

Mark "Two Network Shows on the Air" Burnett

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by GlassJax on 10-08-04 at 10:26 PM
I'd just like to take this opportunity to congratulate ourselves on putting together, most probably, the weakest tribe, ever.

We are not smart. We are not athletic. We are not good looking. Most of us have the social skills of poorly behaved 3rd graders.

Who’s dumb-a$$ idea was this?

aka Bubba

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by volsfan on 10-08-04 at 10:30 PM
We are not athletic

SSSSSHHHHH! That is our tragedy! We are voting them off one by one! GESH! You hick...keep your mouf shut!

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-09-04 at 01:33 AM
SSSSSHHHHH! That is our tragedy!

Truer words were never spoken, Chad!

Pffft! Strategy... tragedy... whut-evah.

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by volsfan on 10-09-04 at 10:55 AM
I gots to calls em like I sees em!

I hate this strategy and I don't understand it...so, I had to call it a tragedy!

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 10-11-04 at 01:02 PM
Now Chad, this strategy is all about making it past the merge. Do Sarge and I have to explain our strategy to you again?

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by volsfan on 10-11-04 at 03:26 PM
Hell, at this rate...there won't be any men left at merge. We keep booting the strong men!

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 10-11-04 at 03:50 PM
Whatyda mean, I'm not strong? Those preppy boys were a liability and had to go. They were messing with my evil plans of manipulation...

A PhoenixMons Creation

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-04 at 11:37 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-04 AT 11:37 AM (EST)

NO! You are not strong that is why you are voting the strong ones off because you know you can't beat them! Also, how can you even think you are a strong threat? You can't even walk a balance beam!

ETA: I only have one foot and I beat your little scrawny arse!

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 10-13-04 at 09:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-04 AT 09:38 PM (EST)

No, No, no...you're confusing not having any balance with being strong. I'm strong-I do highway construction and all, but I just can't balance worth a darn.

edited because I forgot my snazzy Chris sig.

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by volsfan on 10-14-04 at 07:36 PM
Oh wait...I forgot, "Survivor isn't about balance!"

What a freakin idiot! DUMBEST.MOVE.EVER!

Posted by KObrien_fan on 10-12-04 at 06:10 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-04 AT 06:11 AM (EST)

Hey all, sorry for being a little under the radar lately, but just wait, I'll be flashing some more skin this week, you will see!

Da was a perfect reward win, I wish we could have kept him around for another couple of days. We finally had a nice belly filling meal and the women started to relax and keep their bitchiness inside instead of exposed out on the edge. Even Eliza took a break from yapping to listen, it was great.

I was right, getting rid of Mia helped the peace around this place. We had a little tension after returning from council, but now things are smooth sailing. Lisa and Eliza even hooked arms during the kumbaya goodbye we gave to Da.

2004 A S S Trivia Champ
Jeff, we do still have room for you if you want to give your sweet ass to us as the next reward, I'm sure we could put you to good use.

"RE: Back"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 10-12-04 at 03:59 PM
I'll be flashing some more skin this week, you will see!

Dear gods, please no. We had 2 cameramen blinded and another 3 quit in protest last time your "girl scouts" made an appearance.

"RE: Back"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-04 at 04:12 PM
Even more scary would be if Jiffy got involved...Scout is wanting Jiffy to come join her!

Please don't film that! UMKAY?

"RE: Back"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 10-12-04 at 04:16 PM
Somehow I don't think Jeff would be interested in that.

"Help me, we're sinking!"
Posted by RollDdice on 10-12-04 at 04:49 PM
Some people are calling this "the worst Survivor ever", so we will keep the possibility of a Jiffy/Scout Bungle in the Jungle on the back burner.

Jiffy, will you please bring Scout a Ben Gay, Oil of Olay, Special K, Pick-Me-Up Bouquet and ask her sweetly if she would be interested...?

Mark "Not Above Bribing Nielsen Familes" Burnett

"if sex is what you want "
Posted by Oscirus on 10-12-04 at 05:30 PM
then i shall admit it. I've been cutting holes into some of the oranges for my pleasures before giving those to sarge I'm sure theres plenty of footage of me doing that that you could use.

Posted by Angelfood on 10-12-04 at 06:30 PM
Omg, that's the worst/funniest thing i've read all year.

Damn, Oscirus, I love you.

Posted by Oscirus on 10-14-04 at 02:33 PM
Right back at ya.

I aims to please

"Sir, yes, sir"
Posted by Angelfood on 10-12-04 at 06:34 PM
First off, whatever you say boss. (you don't even have to pay me that much extra, just keep the cuties comin to LL).

Second, I'd like to dispel any myths about me. what's all this stuff going around about me NOT liking women?!?!? I love women. And plenty of them. I'll even love Scout (anything but Twila, please MB for the love of God!!) I just balance it out with a little beefcake now and then. Geesh! IT's the person, OK?????

So, can I make this love/hygiene basket a RC prize, like last season?

Jeff "gives new meaning to WILL WORK FOR FOOD" probst

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by MattyMax on 10-13-04 at 01:21 AM

They've thrown out all of the athletic young guys with great personalities (it's not just the biceps and killer back that get me, you gotta have personality...) off. Don't they know that they're not gonna win any challenges after the merge?

how come I've never watched the show but understand it better than everyone else on my team!?!

Our tribe is ruled by lord FAT. the fat communicates, from Chris' belly to Rory "glug glug glug vote out the non fat glug they are not to be trusted glug glug"

That's gross. Hanging out with Jiffy was soo much better than my tribe. It's gonna freakin' blow now that Brady's gone. Hell, at least the women looked pretty (like horses) over at Yasur.

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by volsfan on 10-13-04 at 09:09 PM
Our tribe is ruled by lord FAT

Well, I hope you mean LARD fat! Also...who the hell are you calling fat? My one good leg and stump could beat you in any physical challenge you want to name. I would beat you in any race and then take my artificial limb and beat you over the head with it until you like it! DO YOU HEAR ME?

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by MattyMax on 10-13-04 at 10:01 PM
My one good leg and stump could beat you in any physical challenge you want to name.

Hmm, well just to be fair, how about something that's only upper body, like some sort of challenge where you have to like dig ladder rungs burried in the beach..

yousuck, stumpy

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by volsfan on 10-14-04 at 07:39 PM
Alright bring it on sucker you got lucky the first time around!

Your the one that needs to do the sucking...if not...your outta here the next chance we get!

"RE: "Be the Survivor" - Week 4"
Posted by GlassJax on 10-13-04 at 09:10 PM
Ya know boy, you shore do have a real purty mouth.

Hey Sarge, can we keep him around an extra elimination round or two? We can drop Rory and see if we can make this young one squeal like a pig.
aka Bubba

"Hye bubba"
Posted by Oscirus on 10-14-04 at 02:35 PM
Don't ya have a family to whine about missing or sumthin?