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"Initial reaction to S9 cast???"

Posted by s_man on 08-18-04 at 12:16 PM
I looked over the cast pix @ CBS.com just for my information. I don't get a good "vibe" about ANY of these guys....hence my posting this in the Basher's Forum.

Here are my initial reactions as I look over this cast - what are yours????

Ami - looks like she may be too talkitive
Brady - aka FBI - nosey (by trade) and know-it-all
Brook - just there
Chad - wannabe
Chris - d***weed, jock/jerk
Dolly - dingbat (maybe her nickname??)
Eliza - Jenna clone (not that that is a bad thing)
John K. - Jim Carey understudy
John P. - studly, all-smiles legend-in-his-own-mind
Julie - rub you the wrong way Jerri-style
Lea - aka Sarge - pushy (comes with the job)
Leann - just plain MEAN
Lisa - princess (again - in-her-own-mind)
Mia - the ONLY one I get "sweet" vibes from
Rory - used to getting his way
Scout - just wants to prove she is still alive
Travis - yet another jerk
Twila - "Howdy"

I hope these folks prove my first impressions wrond - I am SOOOO looking forward to this season!

So - What do YOU think?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Initial reaction to S9 cast???"
Posted by mrc on 08-18-04 at 07:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-18-04 AT 07:30 PM (EST)


ur so rite! ill bet no one else picked up that ami looks talkative. this season will rawk!!!!

ETA: smiley face

Courtesy of Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
BTW, how does one look talkative? Just askin'.

"A patchy rash..."
Posted by IceCat on 08-18-04 at 07:32 PM
... and some mild itching so far.

"RE: A patchy rash..."
Posted by mrc on 08-18-04 at 07:49 PM
Cap'n Patch has a rash?! Must've been something he ate.

Courtesy of Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"Any Big Brother fan would understand this one"
Posted by strid333 on 08-18-04 at 10:30 PM
For Dolly, we could name her Mrs. Jase.

Three is the perfect number.

"poll inside"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 08-19-04 at 06:18 PM
I just can't wait to see some scheming as Brian Heidik 2.0 lays down the law on these ostenites.

Here is a poll

Who will be the first woman to whine and moan like shawna, then come alive when the men are swapped over?

Which man will be the first to declare that the women have no idea what they are getting into and it will be a cakewalk for the men.

Which survivor will be the first to be injured?

mind the gap

"RE: poll inside"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 08-20-04 at 06:07 AM
>Who will be the first woman
>to whine and moan like
>shawna, then come alive when
>the men are swapped over?

I'll go with Eliza

>Which man will be the first
>to declare that the women
>have no idea what they
>are getting into and it
>will be a cakewalk for the men.

Easy one. Sarge!

>Which survivor will be the first
>to be injured?

Probably Scout. But she looks like a tough old bird, she'll survive and find a way to get around getting maimed in camp or during challenges.

©Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
Scratch and sniff
"RE: poll inside"
Posted by ginger on 08-20-04 at 12:08 PM
I got my usual laugh or two out of the professions:

"Mechanical bull operator"

"Barista (coffee server)"

There are the usual Stock Casting choices: Scout, the ernest older woman; the Rudy-esque marine guy...there is the usual dirth of diversity...there is the usual generous helping of 20something cuties...there is an FBI guy, who will probably be just as lousy at the game as Jack from Big Bother and Pops from this year's TAR/Team Electra. Naturally, they felt it incumbent upon them to announce the guy from Oakland is an amputee. Like we might not realize that during the first six minutes.

Still, Survivor's coming back! A woo and a hoo within a bash.

The order of Banana delivery should be organized by location to save on shipping costs.

"RE: poll inside"
Posted by JPPT1974 on 08-21-04 at 08:26 PM
Jack from BB4 was more of a father figure but Brady, you know the FBI types. Arrogant, Mr Know It All, My Badge is Bigger Than Your badge, Jerk on the inside. But acts like on the outside a model token hunk.

I know Travis because he is a total jerk. He used to work in Knoxville TN as the loss prevention supervisor and his employee accused me of stealing a movie while I was on my break though I told him it was only an accident. Travis, whom I have a new nickname, "Traitor Travis" took his employee's side over my side because David, that was the jerk's name, was mean and I wanted to haul off and hit him. I said some not nice things about DAvid but got in trouble. And I was off the clock. But they called me in and Travis repeated the things I said about David and was terminated. Walmart doesn't cut anybody any sort of slack. They only care about one thing and one thing only. To save their butts. Travis is only saving his butt and wants to make a name for himself. Don't let that "Hillbilly, Family man, Church-going man, wrestler" fool you. Because he is a total jerk and liar. He has no conscience whatsoever!! He is a Dr Jykell and Mr Hyde type of person. Hope that people will see his true colors because I have had first hand experience myself. As well as other employees who encounted this total moron. Hope he and his family go out on the streets with the homeless.

"RE: poll inside"
Posted by MattyMax on 08-22-04 at 12:24 PM
Hey J,

Welcome to SurvivorBlows!

If you know Travis and have anything more to say about him, any input would be appreciated on the Spoilers board.

Here's a link to Travis' thread on the board:


And don't be shy...


"RE: poll inside"
Posted by Swami on 08-30-04 at 12:07 PM
I got my usual laugh or two out of the professions:
"Mechanical bull operator"
"Barista (coffee server)"

I thought a 'barista' was some kind of attorney from Boston--but I guess you know your attorneys better than I.

I really LOLed at the mechanical bull operator. One of the animal caregivers in my old lab used to work at a facilty that collected & processed bull semen for the artificial insemination of dairy cows all over the mid west. His job involved using a mechanical anal probe to get the bull off, and his quick reflexes served him well also.

I'm still laughing at this image, and trying to decide how to use it. There's gotta be the perfect moment...

He said that after a while some of the bulls learned to love the probe & were always happy to see him.

"RE: poll inside"
Posted by dabo on 08-23-04 at 11:32 AM
Leann the hot-to-trot divorcee.

Bubba who will then fall for Leann's charms and long to get her in a full nelson.

Kenney... and we'll all cry "They killed Kenney!" ...


"RE: Initial reaction to S9 cast???"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 08-22-04 at 03:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-22-04 AT 03:52 PM (EST)

i'm struck by the fact that even with 2 more contestants, the regional diversity seems to be much smaller this season. we'll see if that has any impact whatsoever on the game. same with age. almost no young 20s, or 40+. The killing off of the older peeps has been a trend for the past few seasons, but the other end is a welcome change if we'r getting rid of the other extreme

ETA: maybe not so much as my first impressions indicated on the regional thing.

"Videos of cast"
Posted by Brownroach on 08-25-04 at 11:25 AM
CBS has short videos of the contestants up on its site now.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.