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"What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"

Posted by saftine on 05-10-04 at 06:24 PM
She sure wasn't that happy for someone who just won a million dollars and got engaged. Actually, she seemed like a completely different person...during the show she seemed like she felt bad about some of the deceiving that was going on, but last night when Kathy was talking about the whole Lex/Rob thing she just kept rolling her eyes. Maybe her whole sweet and innocent thing was just an act, and she really is the best Survivor player ever? It'd be funny if she just said yes to the proposal because she wasn't sure she'd win.


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"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by samboohoo on 05-11-04 at 09:38 AM
I don't think she wasn't happy, I just think her cheeks were way too heavy for her mouth to lift. Looks like she's been hanging out in J-Lo's dressing room.


"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 05-11-04 at 10:40 AM

First of all the makeup, wasn't right....Too much....kinda looked like a hooker(not that there's anything wrong with that).
The other thing I was wondering was she just so overwhelmed by everything. The Rob father proposing, her winning, being on national T.V. She didn;t act quite right though....
May be she is knocked up and about to have the first survivor baby?

Flying my car to the nudie bar!

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 05-11-04 at 10:46 AM
It certainly did look like she hadn't missed many meals since getting off the island, that's for sure!!

"Sour look the entire time"
Posted by G Edwards on 05-11-04 at 11:57 AM
I noticed the same thing . . .

IMO any guy who proposes in public is a coward and a weasel. He doesn't have enough balls to do it in private and give the woman enough dignity to provide a true answer without the pressure of strangers cheering her on - millions of strangers in this case.

What a way to start off a life-time relationship. Nice move, Wab. I can imagine any woman wondering what she just got pressured into doing, if she wasn't truly committed yet.

OTOH, I had to wonder if Wab was still hedging his bets. If she wins and accepts, he's got his half of $1,100,000. If she accepts, but he wins, he can always call off the engagement.

Ambah seemed genuinely more excited about: 1) winning the car, and 2) winning her immunity.

"RE: Sour look the entire time"
Posted by nailbone on 05-11-04 at 12:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-04 AT 12:36 PM (EST)

A) of course he's gonna propose in public!! He's a DAW, which is why he's there in the first place!

B) Amber wasn't pressured into saying "yes" because it was a public proposal. She said they'd already been discussing marriage anyway, and this just made it official.

ETA: she got the money before they got married, so it's her money, not "their" money. If she decides not to get married, she doesn't have to split anything.

Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-

"RE: Sour look the entire time"
Posted by G Edwards on 05-11-04 at 01:01 PM
B) Agreeing to marriage and discussing marriage are significantly different - unless you're arguing that anyone who is discussing will always agree to it. We'll have to disagree on that, if so - even though we are having a discussion about it.

C) Of course they don't have to split anything IF they call off the marriage - I even stated so in my post. UIM, MA and PA are both community property states.

"RE: Sour look the entire time"
Posted by nailbone on 05-11-04 at 01:07 PM
B) I was just saying that they marriage proposal wasn't that big of a surprise cuz it'd already been discussed.

C) What you said was "If she wins and accepts, he's got his half of $1,100,000.", and my point was merely that her acceptance didn't guarantee him anything.

Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-

"RE: Sour look the entire time"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 05-11-04 at 01:22 PM
There are currently nine states which offer community property status. These states are: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. The "marital property act" defined Wisconsin as a community-property state, but individual circumstances will dictate how this act is interpreted.

And the statutes only consider property purchased or acquired during a marriage as community property such that both husband and wife have an equal right to possess the property during their marriage.

"RE: Sour look the entire time"
Posted by geg6 on 05-11-04 at 03:24 PM
Sorry, I live in PA. It is most definitely NOT a community property state.

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by Loree on 05-11-04 at 01:09 PM
I thought Amber looked much better on The Early Show than she did on the Reunion Show. Too much make-up on the Reunion show. She was more natural, relaxed and happy on TES. I think she was also very nervous at the Reunion. By the next morning the suspense was over and she was just happy and content and it showed.

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by nailbone on 05-11-04 at 01:13 PM
She also looked better on Letterman last night.

Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by Dicedancer on 05-11-04 at 07:44 PM
At first I thought she was "on" somthing.
But, thinking about it now the last tribal council
was so nasty perhaps she was stressed about the audience
blasting her as well.
Where by the way, I was glad to see Lex
and the rest of the "sour grapes" get there justice.
They should know it's a cut throat game by now.

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-11-04 at 01:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-04 AT 01:18 PM (EST)

It'd be funny if she just said yes to the proposal because she wasn't sure she'd win.

Amber definitely knew she had a good shot of winning at that point, as she said to Jeff. She'd already seen the jury's TC votes and knew she had votes from Alicia and Tom. She probably felt she had an excellent chance of having received Lex's and Shii Ann's unshown votes as well.

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 05-11-04 at 01:24 PM
So why do you supposed she called Shii Ann's the "swing vote" and gave her the car?

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by nailbone on 05-11-04 at 02:46 PM
I think it was because when JP asked if it had been Jenna and Rob as F2, who would change their vote, only Shii Ann did.

Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-11-04 at 03:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-04 AT 03:44 PM (EST)

Shii Ann *was* the swing vote in a sense because:

a) in the jury questioning she clearly said she hadn't made up her mind which one to vote for, meaning she considered them both worthy candidates; and

b) at the reunion show, Shii Ann had already said she would have switched her vote to Rob if Jenna instead of Amber were in the final 2 with him.

That said, the fact that Shii Ann "predicted" that Amber would win by casting a vote for her before she left the game tipped the scales slightly that she would pick Amber at the final vote as well. Amber was probably hoping for that, and thanked Shii Ann by giving her the car.

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 05-11-04 at 03:52 PM
No way......Sh*t Ann was trying to get in to a three some with Rob and Amber.... Sh*t kept saying she just wanted to get to three. That is what she meant.
When she says swing.....she means , swings both ways.

She wants to be Robfadders Asian connection......

Flying my car to the nudie bar!

Leaves prior to ***whack***.

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-11-04 at 05:16 PM
That too.

*** whacks wch***

Now geddouda heah.

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by DoodleBug on 05-11-04 at 01:21 PM
First of all, I thought the lighting was horrible on the show. Nobody looked good on the reunion show (except Jenna L.).

To respond to your post, I'm not sure how I would react in this situation if I were Amber. Maybe she didn't want to overreact? I mean, her guy JUST proposed to her AND she won a million dollars. Like Jeff said, no matter what, Amber was going to be a millionaire. She sure seemed pumped up in the beginning when they were commenting on her shirt. Rob HAD to propose to her before the winner was revealed - otherwise it wouldn't seem genuine. I don't know, I think she was slightly overwhelmed by everything.

Snazzy new sigpic by Slice
Survivor All Stars PTB Champ!

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 05-11-04 at 01:25 PM
Jenna L. looked SO good on the reunion show that I kept asking my wife "who is the hot blonde sitting next to Rupert?" It tooks us 5 minutes to figure it out!!

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by ginger on 05-11-04 at 02:09 PM
Behold the power of makeup and a good ceramic hair iron.

"Any government that would deny a gay man bridal registry is fascist." Margaret Cho

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by nailbone on 05-11-04 at 02:46 PM
My 13-year-old son just kept saying "Oh my gosh!! Jenna's hot!!" over and over.

Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by greenmonstah on 05-11-04 at 03:54 PM
Tell your son I said: "WHACK!"

I have not seen you a bit, Nailbone...

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by nailbone on 05-11-04 at 05:01 PM
I couldn't whack him cuz I agreed with him.

Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-

Way too busy here. But I just finished a big project.

Posted by boomerang on 05-11-04 at 02:57 PM
I agree that she looked bad on the reunion show, and part of it was the lighting. It's called "monster" lighting in the trade, because they typically lighted the monsters from below in the old horror flicks. It' very unflattering, because natural light comes from above. Once the light starts coming from below chin level, it can make almost anybody look ugly.

I was prepared to see all the contestants beefier than their game weight, but it initially looked like Amber had put on thirty pounds. What a transformation from the reunion show to the Early Show and Letterman, where she looked much better. But even though she looks pretty hot, I've never thought she was very sharp mentally.

"Dim bulb?"
Posted by ElroyJetson on 05-11-04 at 03:11 PM
I've never thought she was very sharp mentally.

I agree. It's pretty obvious she's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Her answer to why she loves Rawb pretty much cinches it. What was her answer? Was it, "He challenges me and keeps me on my toes?" Nope. It was "He makes me feel secure." She said it several times and it was her ONLY answer.

Why must you be made secure Amber? Is life so complicated and overwhelming that you need help? Why did you have to ask Rawb whom to give the car to? Can't make a decision on your own? Good thing you're attractive!

"RE: Dim bulb?"
Posted by geg6 on 05-11-04 at 03:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-04 AT 03:37 PM (EST)

I'm not so sure that her answer to why she loves Rob has anything to do with intelligence. I consider myself quite an intelligent woman and one of my DBF's greatest attractions for me is how secure he makes me feel.

I am a very independent woman in most areas of my life. I am very sure of myself and people often comment on my self-possession (I'm pretty sure some of them really mean that I'm a biotch, but they're all men). However, the great thing about DBF is that he is the one person with whom I can let down all my defenses and let out all of my insecurities that I don't let anyone see. And that is doubly important since my father died, as he was the only other person in the world I could do that with. I know from my acquaintance with FOA (Friends of Amber) that she is also extremely close with her dad, Val.

Maybe Rob does for Amber what my DBF has done for me the last 18 years: provide a shoulder to lean on, confidence that someone has her back, and the surety that I am the only woman that he wants to be around.

--didn't mean to rant, but most women would know what I'm talking about.

"RE: Dim bulb?"
Posted by TDeniseS on 05-11-04 at 05:35 PM
>Why must you be made secure
>Amber? Is life so
>complicated and overwhelming that you
>need help? Why did
>you have to ask Rawb
>whom to give the car
>to? Can't make a
>decision on your own?
>Good thing you're attractive!

Everyone is different....her answer may not have been your answer but so what..... who are we to judge? She asked Rob because they are a team and I thought it was great that she did that because she knows that she could not have made it to the final 2 without Rob .... by consulting him, she showed appreciation for the sacrifices he made to get her the million ........ and she is already thinking of "we" instead of "me." I hope they have a happy life together.

Go Rob and Amber! Forget the Haters and Naysayers...... most are probably jealous!

"RE: Dim bulb?"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-11-04 at 06:07 PM
I think Amber was taken aback by the sudden task of having to give away the car to one of 16 people. She had, what, like 30 seconds to decide? Who wouldn't want some input or ideas under those circumstances? Anyway, I got the impression she decided on Shii Ann herself. I think it was a good choice with a good reason behind it.

"RE: Dim bulb?"
Posted by ElroyJetson on 05-11-04 at 07:21 PM
I got the impression she decided on Shii Ann herself

Yes, it was a good decision. That's why I think Rawb made it!

I've watch the tape a couple of times and it looks like the first thing out of her mouth to Rawb was "Tom?"

I'm sorry but she's just way too dependent on people. I just can't respect that.

"RE: Dim bulb?"
Posted by ElroyJetson on 05-11-04 at 07:19 PM
who are we to judge?

Who are we to judge? That's the purpose of this board! We bash therefore we are. Seriously, I just think "he makes me feel secure" and "she's got a smokin' body" are shaky foundations for a marriage. I wish 'em the best tho.

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by steppingrazor42 on 05-12-04 at 11:06 AM
If he was going to do it at all, he did HAVE to do it BEFORE she won, otherwise he would've received way too much crap for it.
BUT I still think proposing to someone on national television has to be one of the most unromatic cheesie ways to go about it.
Amber looked stunned, scared, like she knew she didn't deserve the $$$.
For someone that just got a hunk of diamond and a million bucks, she was pretty sour.
Maybe she is the little prissy snob that Rob first pegged her as?

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by Loree on 05-12-04 at 01:32 PM
Amber seemed very happy about getting married on David Letterman. I believe they are in love and will get married. Afterall they have alot in common.

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by dabo on 05-11-04 at 01:24 PM
Being on the hot seat in front of a big audience, going live with no editing, even old pros get butterflies at times like that.


"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by saftine on 05-11-04 at 05:58 PM
Yeah, I just thought it was weird how during the show she seemed to feel bad about lying to people, especially to Kathy and Lex. She even had a converstaion with Rob about it, saying that Kathy and Lex saved her, and she doesn't feel right voting them off. Then during the reunion show Kathy brings up that very incident, saying that Rob asked a favor of Lex outside of the show, and Amber just rolls her eyes. Quite a turnaround, no matter how nervous you are.

(For the record, I do think Lex had it coming to him. But I also think Rob did ask for a favor, and then stabbed him in the back. It's a game, I know.)

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by Dicedancer on 05-11-04 at 07:57 PM
How can you ask a favor "outside the show" when
your in the show (game)?

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by dabo on 05-11-04 at 08:04 PM
"Could youse rub summa dis bug oil awn my back where I can't reach dere?"
Other than something like that you mean? Dunno.

Posted by samboohoo on 05-12-04 at 09:18 AM
Can one of you pros post pictures of Ambuh from the Finale, the Reunion Show, The Early Show and Letterman?


"RE: Pictures??"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-12-04 at 09:23 AM

At CBS.com you can see actual clips of the interviews.

"RE: What was the matter with Amber on the Reunion show?"
Posted by cuon10 on 08-27-04 at 01:35 PM
Amber was the real Amber on the Survivor finale show, but I don't think she was worried about winning the million. She knew some of them, such as Tom, would definitely not give Rob the vote. BRob would have walked away with the million if he had taken Jenna L. to the final 2. Why do I say that? Because these people could not stand her, Tom,Shi-ann,Alicia,Kathy and Rupert might have ended up voting against her because she was on his last nerve at the last few episodes.
Amber rode coattails, alot, but hey, if she knows the power of her sexuality and how to work it she deserved to win. Esp. if those guys were to stupid to vote her out when they had the chance. Lex, for instance. NO common sense. She did it, she fooled them and deserved to win even if she is a not so nice person. You know what I really mean.