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"Pathetic Challenge Performances"

Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 11-24-03 at 00:06 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-24-03 AT 00:06 AM (EST)

Vote here for the most pathetic challenge performances you've ever seen on any episode of Survivor.

Here are some that I find the most memorable:

S1: Pulau Tiga

EPISODE 4: During the "Distress Signal" challenge, the Pagong tribe sets up a large "smiley face"... and promptly loses immunity

EPISODE 5: In the "Shipwrecked" challenge, river guide Kelly is out paddled by Gervase... who can't swim.

S2, S3: Australia, Africa

* Is it just me, or were these seasons extremely boring?


EPISODE 2: During the "Marquesan Menu" challenge, Rob chokes as tiny Neleh scarfs down a plate of rotting fish and wins her tribe immunity.

EPISODE 6: The Rotu tribe cheats during the reward challenge and has victory stripped away from them. Plus, Robert and John are seriously out-paddled by Gina and Kathy.

EPISODE 8: The Rotu four reveal the pecking order at the "Parang Swing" immunity challenge. The underdogs quickly join together and take them out, one by one.

EPISODE 13: Kathy loses her concentration during the "Hand on the Hard Idol" competition... is swiftly voted out at the penultimate tribal council.


EPISODE 1: Ghandia blows a HUGE lead in the first immunity challenge... Subsequently plummets in CBS Popularity polls.

EPISODE 2: Penny runs Jake into a pole during the "Palanquin Slalom" challenge.

EPISODE 3: Stephanie, Robb, and Jed are disqualified from the "Pilfering Pirates" immunity challenge. Stephanie and Jed attacked their opponents outside of the designated attack zone. Likewise, Robb was not in the black zone when he grabbed Clay around the neck and hurled the short, fat little man into the brimy sea.

In the "Temple Transfer" challenge, Jed desperately struggles to win as his tribemates sit around and smirk. Jed is ousted at tribal council.

EPISODE 6: Sook Jai is completely outsmarted in the "Thai 21" immunity challenge. Seriously... that game is so easy to figure out. Those guys are stupid!

EPISODE 8: Penny lasts less than 15 seconds in the perennial "hold your breath under water" challenge. Erin lasts only 6 seconds longer.

EPISODE 12: In the "Letter Hunt" challenge, millions of viewers find out that Helen, Ted, Jan, and Clay are too stupid to spell "Raodtrip" correctly. Strangely, Jiffy claims Brian is not the actual winner.

* Is it just me, or was the cast of Survivor: Thailand the most stupid group of people who have ever been on the show?

S6: Amazon

EPISODE 1- Daniel and Ryan are incapable of walking across a short balance beam and spoil their tribe's chances of winning the immunity challenge. Ryan is voted out at the next tribal council.

EPISODE 6- Jenna, Heidi, and Shawna suck at the "Log Jam" challenge.

Deena gets whacked in the head at the "Piranha Feast" challenge.

EPISODE 7-- Jenna and Heidi strip for peanut butter at the immunity challenge.

EPISODE 13- CBS website lists "Jena Morasco" as the winner of the final two immunity challenges.

S7: Pearl Islands

EPISODE 1- Andrew, Ryan O., and Osten strip at immunity challenge... They lose anyway.

EPISODE 2- Millions of Americans come to see that Ryan S. is less physically fit than S4's Patricia Jackson during the reward challenge. He is booted later on in the episode.

EPISODE 3- Osten sinks his own tribe's boat during the reward challenge.

EPISODE 4- Tijuana dives into the water without a mask during the reward challenge... Osten has to be rescued by his fellow tribemembers.

Drake sits out it's strongest members, Burton and Rupert, during the immunity challenge, thus blowing an opportunity to achieve the longest challenge winning streak ever.

EPISODE 5- Michelle fails to carry through with the tribal strategy at the immunity challenge, thus sealing her own fate.

EPISODE 6- Osten is outlasted by Christa at the "Strong Man" immunity challenge.

EPISODE 7A- Morgan and Drake get their tails kicked by the Outcasts

EPISODE 8- Christa answers a series of fairly simple questions incorrectly at the immunity challenge... for some reason, she comes in 2nd anyway.

EPISODE 10-- Rupert targets Darrah instead of Burton at the immunity challenge, thus sealing his fate; Sandra eliminates her own alliance-partner, Rupert.

If you can think of anything that I missed, feel free to add it!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Pathetic Challenge Performances"
Posted by bobstew617 on 11-24-03 at 00:23 AM
For S3-AFRICA (I can't remember the Ep)--the flaming arrow challenge was hysterical! Brandon almost burning himself and running away like a little girl! PRICELESS.

"RE: Pathetic Challenge Performances"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 11-24-03 at 00:54 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-24-03 AT 00:55 AM (EST)

also in Africa, Episode 1, Ethan taking about a billion faceplants in the IC

final IC - Lex and Ethan outlasted by Kim J. (although Lex was sick)

pretty good list so far

"RE: Pathetic Challenge Performances"
Posted by KeithFan on 11-24-03 at 01:01 AM
Though not really part of a challange, the "your shelter for some food" was pretty pathetic.

At the challanges, Daniel, hands down the most_pathetic_performance.

"RE: Pathetic Challenge Performances"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-24-03 at 06:34 AM
Very good list and oh the memories it brings back! OK, here are my top 5 "worsts".

5- S7 EPISODE 2- Millions of Americans come to see that Ryan S. is less physically fit than S4's Patricia Jackson during the reward challenge. He is booted later on in the episode.

4- S5 EPISODE 3: Stephanie, Robb, and Jed are disqualified from the "Pilfering Pirates" immunity challenge. Stephanie and Jed attacked their opponents outside of the designated attack zone. Likewise, Robb was not in the black zone when he grabbed Clay around the neck and hurled the short, fat little man into the brimy sea.

3- S6 EPISODE 1- Daniel and Ryan are incapable of walking across a short balance beam and spoil their tribe's chances of winning the immunity challenge. Ryan is voted out at the next tribal council.

2- S4 EPISODE 6: The Rotu tribe cheats during the reward challenge and has victory stripped away from them. Plus, Robert and John are seriously out-paddled by Gina and Kathy.

1- Tie between S1 EPISODE 5: In the "Shipwrecked" challenge, river guide Kelly is out paddled by Gervase... who can't swim.
and S5 EPISODE 1: Ghandia blows a HUGE lead in the first immunity challenge... Subsequently plummets in CBS Popularity polls.

As a side note, the most pathetic in terms of "throwing" a challenge and changing the entire face of the game goes to hands down S7 EPISODE 4- Drake sits out it's strongest members, Burton and Rupert, during the immunity challenge, thus blowing an opportunity to achieve the longest challenge winning streak ever.

"RE: Pathetic Challenge Performances"
Posted by Oscirus on 11-24-03 at 06:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-24-03 AT 07:33 PM (EST)

s4 episode 9 General rob getting out swam by sean

s1 dont remember the episode Gervase piss poor performance in the fallen comrade challenge and his horiible acting job afterwards

s6 ep12 matthews piss poor acting attempt at throwing the final immunity

S2 ep?? Keith forgets a key and loses immunity to colby

s3 ep Clarence throwing an immunity challenge to get voted out

s5 ep sook jai losing the 21 challenge that they had no business losing due to their lack of math

s7- insert osten or sandra moment here

"RE: Pathetic Challenge Performances"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 11-25-03 at 04:16 PM
Nice thread, just a couple of comments:
>S7: Pearl Islands

>Drake sits out
>it's strongest members, Burton and
>Rupert, during the immunity challenge,
>thus blowing an opportunity to
>achieve the longest challenge winning
>streak ever.

Definitely the biggest blunder in Survivor history.

>EPISODE 5- Michelle fails to carry
>through with the tribal strategy
>at the immunity challenge, thus
>sealing her own fate.

Yeah, but, in her exit interviews she said it would have been much harder to drink the shake slowly. The reality is that Sandra once again contributed nothing to her tribe's IC.

>EPISODE 8- Christa answers a series
>of fairly simple questions incorrectly
>at the immunity challenge... for
>some reason, she comes in
>2nd anyway.

She was blowing the answers on purpose so she wouldn't need to make enemies. And, no one targeted her because of the fearsome partnership with Rupert, your favorite survivor.

"Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and he won't have any shoes." - Bob Hinck

"RE: Pathetic Challenge Performances"
Posted by Whacrusaders on 11-25-03 at 10:52 PM
Johnny fairplay uses rudder to paddle boat off course

"RE: Pathetic Challenge Performances"
Posted by phonarr on 11-25-03 at 11:07 PM
I can't forget Thailand:EPISODE 13, when Helen and Jan couldn't even get throught the first part of the obstacle course, and were still at the start when Brian won