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"S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"

Posted by dabo on 05-16-03 at 08:34 PM

Welcome to the Final Vote for Survivor: Amazon Gufus! Our Contenders have all been determined, now we decide which were the dangdumbest of the dangdumbest!

This week you have six votes to cast. There are two categories, Production and Contestant, and in each category you have three votes you may cast. You will be casting votes for first place, second place, and third place! For Example, in the Production Category, if you think A deserves first, B deserves second, C deserves third, you would vote:

1. A
2. B
3. C

And you can include any comments you would like to add, those can actually be the best part of it!

Production Contenders

A. (general) Hideous Props! (Immunity Idol, Treemail Boxes, Immunity Necklace.)
B. (general) Jeff’s Banana Republic Wardrobe.
C. (week 1) Players Allowed to Straddle, Not Walk, Balance Beam (IC1).
D. (week 1) Editing, Too Much Face Time for Rob.
E. (general) Jeff’s Make-Up, Starting to Look Like Dick Clark.
F. (week 1) Making Players Ceremoneously Covet Immunity Idol in a Religious Way.
G. (general) The Poems, All of Them.
H. (week 1) Extra 30 Minutes Wasted.
I. (week 2) Revealing Week 3 Reward in Promo.
J. (week 2) Chum Reward.
K. (week 4) Hidden Vote (Shawna’s Vote For Christy).
L. (week 4) JoAnna’s Swan Song in Final Words.
M. (week 4) Not Including More T&A.
N. (week 4) Coke Reward Promotes Dehydration.
O. (week 5) One Bed for Dave and Jenna.
P. (week 5) Next Week on Survivor: Thailand Blurb.
Q. (general) Liberal Use of Past Scenes in Promos.
R. (week 6) Meat (IC6).
S. (weeks 7 promo) Naked Heidi.
T. (general) Non-Stop Feeding of Castaways.
U. (general) Unglamorous Camera Angles (noted week 7 relative to Rob).
V. (week 9) Promo for Episode 10 Instead of Recrap.
W. (recrap) Same Promo for Episode 10 as Previous Week.
X. (general) Awkward Spooky Camera Angles at Tribal Councils.
Y. (week 11) Quiz Question “Who Least Deserves to Win?” Not Used.
Z. (week 11) Meat Reward With Veggans in the Game.
AA. (week 11) Untying Knots (IC11) Unfair to Smaller Players.
BB. (week 12) Editing of Christy.
CC. (week 13) “Jenna’s Family” Flash Spoils the Winner.

Contestant Category

1A. (week 1) Ryan and Daniel on the Balance Beam (IC1)!
1B. (week 1) Jenna Washes Undies!
1C. (week 1) Tambaqui Testosterogufu!
2A. (week 2) JoAnna's Holy War!
2B. (week 2) Christy's Performance at TC2!
2C. (weeks 1 and 2) Jaburu Fail to Shelter Themselves!
3A. (week 3) Dan's TC3 Performance!
3B. (week 3) Tambaqui Don't Pay Attention at Challenges!
4A. (week 4) Shawna Gives Up!
4B. (week 4) Heidi's Narcissism!
5A. (week 5) Jenna's Big Mouth (spills beans to Dave)!
5B. (week 5) Benedict Heidi (votes Jeanne)!
6A. (week 6) Alex Falls For Shawna!
6B. (week 6) Rob Overplays the Game!
7A. (week 7) Roger Takes a Dive (IC7)!
7B. (week 7) Heidi and Jenna Strip (RC7)!
8A. (week 8) Men Knock Each Other Out, IC8!
8B. (week 8) Dave Shows He's a Powerhouse!
9A. (week 9) Deena's Arrogance/Hands Matt Immunity!
9B. (week 9) Deena Targets Alex (Breaks Alliance)!
10A. (week 10) Alex Scares Rob Out of Alliance!
10B. (week 10) Jenna's Spitefulness towards Christy About Letter From Home.
11A. (week 11) Christy's Scary Noncommital Waffling!
12A. (week 12) Fire Marshall Butch Burnin' Down the Camp!
12B. (week 12) Heidi's "Mastermind" TC Performance!
13A. (week 13) The Jury Vote (Final Tribal Council)
13B. (week 13) Matt's Performance at Final TC.

Well, those are all of our fine Survivor: Amazon contenders, quite a list to decide from! Take your time, think about it, then cast your six votes! Think dangdumbest dangdumbest dangdumbest! And thank you.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 05-16-03 at 11:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-16-03 AT 11:03 PM (EST)

well, i must admit i don't really follow the production gufus, so i'm not even sure what the explanations are for why some of these are supposed to be gufus. neverthe;ess, my votes:

1. Y (maybe Jenna wouldn't have won then!!!)
2. O (ewww, i don't even want to think about the potentially very "special" child created by those two braniacs)
3. T (again, Jenna might have died of starvation, and that could only be an improvement)

looking over this list just makes me madder and more depressed about Jenna's win, with such glorious examples as 1B, 7B, and especially 5A!!!
so my votes:
1. 13A
2. 13A
3. 13A

There were a lot of reasons this season sucked, but all the others could have been forgiveable with a different outcome

edit to say thanks for keeping track of this dabo!

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by dabo on 05-18-03 at 03:11 AM
You're most welcome, of course, I-Am-He. ** official gufumeister hat on ** You still have 2nd and 3rd place votes to cast in the Contestant category. You don't have to cast those votes, it is entirely up to you, but your current 2nd and 3rd place votes cannot be tabulated since they have been awarded to your 1st place contender. I'm cool with it if you are, but it had to be noted. And thanks, as always, for participating in the Gufu determinations. ** hat off **


"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 05-22-03 at 00:19 AM
if i can't give all my votes to one, then no, i won't vote for any others, as i wouldn't want any other option to pick up any points on the deserving winner

IF i was voting for a 2nd and 3rd place though, i'd say 11A and 2C

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 05-22-03 at 07:21 PM
1. P
2. T
3. E

1. 10A
2. 13B
3. 8B

sorry, got to run, no time for commentary.

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by minitroll on 05-17-03 at 01:25 AM
I still can't believe Jenna won. Blech. So here goes my votes:

1. Y Quiz Question “Who Least Deserves to Win?” Not Used.
Who cares which skank they would most like to see in Playboy? Use a question that would have brought out the worst in all of them.
2. T Non-Stop Feeding of Castaways.
Geez, make the lazy bums actually work to find food. We might have been rid of the boobsey twins much earlier if their staying in the game had hinged on their contributions towards finding food.
3. C Players Allowed to Straddle, Not Walk, Balance Beam
Those two nimrods should have had to walk across just like everyone else.

1. 13A The Jury Vote (Final Tribal Council)
What were they thinking?
2. 10A Alex Scares Rob Out of Alliance!
What a moron! Didn't he learn from Shawna?
3. 9A Deena's Arrogance/Hands Matt Immunity!
She was too arrogant to see that she was just a female version of Roger.

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by tribephyl on 05-17-03 at 03:06 AM
Production Contenders

Q. (general) Liberal Use of Past Scenes in Promos.
O. (week 5) One Bed for Dave and Jenna.
J. (week 2) Chum Reward.

Contestant Category

10A. (week 10) Alex Scares Rob Out of Alliance!
12B. (week 12) Heidi's "Mastermind" TC Performance!
1C. (week 1) Tambaqui Testosterogufu!


"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by dajaki on 05-17-03 at 10:45 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-03 AT 10:46 AM (EST)

1. CC - Once Jenna's Family flashed across the screen as Jeff was taking his place on stage, we all knew that we could turn off the TV and go to bed.
2. T - I commented earlier this season about the profusion of food available to these castaways. When you're hauling 12 fish out of the river for lunch, you don't need a food reward for dinner.
3. Q - Way too often were past scenes used in the promos for future eps. This was just plain annoying.

1. 11A - Christy's waffling not only got her out of the game, but it denied us all the satisfaction of seeing Heidi and Jenna gone in just a few days time. I think this, third only to Jenna's 2 IC wins, is what put Jenna in the F2.
2. 10A - Alex made a huge GUFU by telling Rob his intentions. This set up Alex for a vote and swung the power from a major alliance to a minor one.
3. 9A - Just like the two above examples, Deena's over-confidence sealed her fate. She was booted and power was shifted. Had she stayed in the game and successfully booted Alex, Rob would have had a serious contender going into the final days of the game.

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by Swami on 05-17-03 at 02:29 PM
I love Gufo, dabo, but all these choices! They're all so worthy. My picks are:

C. Players allowed to straddle the beam. Rules is rules, and this was our first indication that rules in Challenges were going to be bent according to Jeffie's whim. Like letting Jenna buy a letter from home after Christy won her letter fair & square.

J. Chum award. This was a non-reward! The jungle is full of bugs suitable for bait. Besides, in the heat a jar of wet bait would be total rot in a few hours. Give 'em pb & chocolate, give 'em coke, something they can enjoy!

Q. Past scenes promo. Cheap, and deceptive to the general viewer. Does not fool spoilers one bit. If MB wants to trick the spoilers he should do it like a man and trick us with the truth.

8A Men knock eachother out. Pretty darn funny, yet they still didn't learn the lesson!

11A Christy waffles. This was her $100,000 mistake. Maybe a million dollar mistake if she took Matt to the finals.

13A The jury vote. Even by Survivor standards this jury was pathetic. Somebody needs to give Survivor juries better instructions. If Jiffie can't do it right (and so far he hasn't) maybe MB needs to step in and explain it in ways they can understand - like maybe your future DAW opportunities are reduced when you vote stupid.

Thanks for doing Gufu, dabo. Can't wait to see Woodstock in his pirate drag for S7! Arrrgh!


"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by dabo on 05-18-03 at 02:57 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-18-03 AT 02:59 AM (EST)


1 (first place): X - Awkward Spooky Camera Angles at Tribal Councils. I particularly hated the longshot of Jeff right before he announced each week's boot.

2 (second place): T - Non-Stop Feeding of Castaways. It really does get old after awhile. I mean, I really liked the Red Beret reward in Thailand, those guys taught that tribe how to really resource their surroundings. More of that sort of thing is needed in Survivor, frankly.

3 (third place): CC - “Jenna’s Family” Flash Spoils the Winner. One of the biggest laughs I had all season. Hey, MB, you reading this? You could be a world-class spoiler if you really applied yourself to it. Way to go.

Note: Speaking of it, MB, maybe you noticed that I didn't bring up my pet peeve production gufu again this season, the casting. Frankly, I think this game worked out the best in that regards since the first one. There's still room for improvement, but I personally left it alone, and so apparently did everyone else.


1 (first place): 10A - Alex Scares Rob Out of Alliance! The Pagonging was in place, ready to happen, then Mr. Cool planted the seeds of his own destruction and laid the game wide open. Personally, I'm glad it worked that way, it made for a very interesting end-game. But as a game move it just deserves to be singled out as dangdumb dangdumb dangdumb!!!

2 (second place): 13B - Matt's Performance at Final TC. I hate it, I absolutely hate it, when they throw in the towel. Others have done it, Shawna, Jenna, KantKookKeith, Bitchell, even the ever-loved Colby (IMHO), but no one has succeeded at it quite as spectacularly as Wacko Matteo.

3 (third place) 1C - Tambaqui Testosterogufu! What else is there to say except: Idiots!


"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by GuessItRains on 05-19-03 at 10:22 AM

1. T. The non-stop feeding of the castaways was pretty ridiculous. If they are there to starve, then let them starve. If you're not giving them enough food to live on, then give them more manioc and let's have some real rewards, ok?

2. CC. Anybody who was paying attention realized as soon as they flashed the words "Jenna's family" not followed immediately by "Matt's family" that an error had occurred and Jenna had won 6-1. Talk about taking the drama out of the game.

3. H. The extra 30 minutes was pretty much wasted with comments about boys and girls and way to much coverage of the single challenge. If we're going to get extra footage time, let's use it!


1. 10A. Alex's announcement to Rob of his place in the boot order was just ridiculous and completely altered the course of the game. Hey Alex, didn't you watch the Rotu 4 collapse? Rob's no Jan Gentry and shouldn't have been treated as such.

2. 11A. Christy probably wouldn't have won the game in any scenario but she wouldn't have been voted out when she was if she'd made a decision--any decision.

3. 9A. Deena may have been right that she couldn't have swallowed that bug faster than Matt in any event, but the arrogance of not even trying was a major gufu in my mind.

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by landruajm on 05-19-03 at 11:17 AM
I don't usually play here, but I think that as a matter of my bashing credibility, I probably ought to.


1. CC
2. S
3. R


1. 7A
2. 12A
3. 12B

And gufu to you too.

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by Coconut on 05-19-03 at 11:43 AM
Oh, good! A chance for fleeting, unimportant revenge!!

1. G. There is no excuse for bad poetry. *snork*
2. S. Or for Heidi to be naked anywhere at any time.
3. BB. Sue me. I like Christy.

Contestants (so much choice!)
1. 13A. Agh!
2. 10B. Agh!
3. 1B. Agh!

And no, I can't STAND Jenna!

"Personality tells a lot about a person"

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by pythonfan on 05-19-03 at 11:52 AM

1 CC
2 Z
3 N


1 13A
2 10A
3 2A

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 05-20-03 at 11:48 AM
1st: T
2nd: K
3rd: H

1st: 10A
2nd: 11A
3rd: 9A

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by djandy on 05-20-03 at 04:29 PM
1. V
2. Y
3. Q

1. 13A!!!
2. 7B
3. 10A

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by Femme on 05-21-03 at 03:07 PM
Dabo, Dabo! He's our man! If he won't do it, no one ever would.

Thank you, Dabo. You so rule.


First: CC. "Jenna’s Family” Flash Spoils the Winner. - All that tension and build up for a let-down like that.

Second: P. (week 5) Next Week on Survivor: Thailand Blurb. - Okay, that's just dumb. This show makes a lot of money, why are they making amateur mistakes like this. Just paints a really unsophisticated air for the program.

Third: C. (week 1) Players Allowed to Straddle, Not Walk, Balance Beam (IC1). - That's just lame. Why let them do it the easy way? That confused me. It's like, Survivor Lite or something.


First: 10A. (week 10) Alex Scares Rob Out of Alliance! - He sealed his own fate. What a fool to tell the guy who wants to win more than anything that you will be voting him out.

Second: 11A. (week 11) Christy's Scary Noncommital Waffling! - She should have stuck to her guns and not tried to be the "all important swing vote." I think she was acting mostly for the cameras instead of for her own figurative survival. You can't be an unpredictable timebomb in a game like this. The only way to deal with someone like that is to eliminate them, which is precisely what happened.

Third:13A. (week 13) The Jury Vote (Final Tribal Council) - This jury was a bunch of morons. I still really don't get it.


"All right Ramblers, let's get ramblin'."

"RE: S6 Gufu Awards: Final Voting"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 05-23-03 at 03:41 AM
Production Contenders

1. CC. (week 13) “Jenna’s Family” Flash Spoils the Winner.

2. C. (week 1) Players Allowed to Straddle, Not Walk, Balance Beam (IC1).

3. (oops forgot letters) promos for ep. 10 when the next ep. was the recrap

Contestant Category

1. 9B. (week 9) Deena Targets Alex (Breaks Alliance)!
2. 10A. (week 10) Alex Scares Rob Out of Alliance!
3. 11A. (week 11) Christy's Scary Noncommital Waffling!