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"Challenges Rigged? Hmmm...."

Posted by ElroyJetson on 03-07-03 at 09:21 AM
The challenges last night were reversed! The fishing challenge SHOULD have been reward while the fire should have been immunity. I'm sure that's how MB originally planned it.

I cannot think of any other immunity challenge where the winners won something (FISH) aside from immunity. It was a reward challenge!

And of course, the fire challenge should have been immunity. Fire is life, blah blah blah.

What MB did was see an opportunity to give the men a slam-dunk immunity win (seeing they were much better fishermen) and even up the tribes. So he simply swapped the challenges!


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"RE: Challenges Rigged? Hmmm...."
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 03-07-03 at 09:28 AM
This goes back to my comments yesterday on this same topic on another thread. They are not so much 'rigged' as 'timed'. I think he inserts challenges at certain 'times' to get certain outcomes. The challenges themselves are not altered from their original concept, just when (timing) they are placed in the show. Believe me, if one team were down by several members right now we would have the S.O.S IC challenge.

"RE: Challenges Rigged? Hmmm...."
Posted by ElroyJetson on 03-07-03 at 09:34 AM
LOL! I totally agree with you WCH.

"RE: Challenges Rigged? Hmmm...."
Posted by Fast Eddie on 03-07-03 at 09:57 AM
You're probably right, though we've seen little evidence that the men were better fishers. In fact, until they caught that lovely bass, it looked the opposite, based on what each camp was eating. Also, the evidence early on was that the men were better firestarters. And since they won both, it doesn't really seem to matter.

"RE: Challenges Rigged? Hmmm...."
Posted by ElroyJetson on 03-07-03 at 10:04 AM
But MB knew that several of the men fished as a hobby. So they were kind of automatically more experienced, with all other things being equal.

IMHO, the women have been more successful fishing lately due to their winning the bait in the reward challenge.

"RE: Challenges Rigged? Hmmm...."
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 03-07-03 at 09:59 AM
I think the main thing that hampered the women during IC was the fact that Jeffy made such a big deal about being bitten. This group would whine at the possibility of losing a nail, let alone a finger. They lost valuable time, attempting to stun the fish into submission. (which would have been funny, in the RC, but was pathetic in the IC) You are right, they should have switched the challanges.

As for recieving more then the idol...maybe MB took pity on them all, since they didnt seem to be very good fishermen in the first place lol.

"RE: Challenges Rigged? Hmmm...."
Posted by Fast Eddie on 03-07-03 at 03:57 PM
Joanna had nothing to fear. The pirhanas wouldn't bite her - professional courtesy.