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Original Message
"Mean Jeanne Da Survivor Machine"

Posted by ivoryElephant on 03-06-03 at 00:59 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-06-03 AT 01:25 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 03-06-03 AT 01:17 AM (EST)

Scene 1 Act 2: Lets get ready to RRRRRRUUUUUMMMMBBBBLLLEEE!!!!


**shivering** I am so sorry Jesus My lord and
savior, Curse that damned Idol!

You know you want me in fact you are responsible
for me being here!

Enough with your LIES!

I spit at thee!

Girls, Follow my voice and I will heal your blinded eyes!

Is it this way?

Come to me you Heathens! Not the IDOL!

I give you SIGHT so that you may SEE
Take off your blinds and defeat the evil men

Janet: " GLORY! Thank you!"
Heidi: "Oh my after seeing Robs Manboobs I am blind again"

Quick, put the puzzle together and we shall win the most
coveted reward!

What might that be?


Oh good, Fish Guts is just what I need to ward off that
evil idol

Thank you Jesus!

*** Later on around the campfire*****

MMMMmmMMmm, this Manioc stuff is extra good today, what
did you add?

Hah! You dummy, I put Maggots in your mush!


Speaking of Maggots, I think we should all bathe nude so we
dont get any crawlers in our dark places.
I like showing off my boobs

ok, NOW I have lost my appetite

****Meanwhile at the Mens camp****

Sex is for Procreational purposes only, Male and Female

So you have only had sex 2 times?

No, I have sex for pleasure but I ask God for forgiveness so
it is ok

hmmm, with the way Roger crosses his legs you would think he couldn't give a woman much pleasure, that is one tight squeeze!

Roger: "It's called shrinkage you twerp!"

***** That evening at Jaburu all Hell breaks loose*****

YO B!TCH I hear you have been praisin the IDOL!

Whoa! Back off! Aren't you a vessel of Christ?

I will stick that Idol where the sun don't shine
if you keep it up giiiirrrrrlll!

Christy: "I will sic the idol on you!"

****Meanwhile back at Jaburu camp********

What is that in the bottom of the crate!

Finders Keepers Losers weepers

You wanna piece of me woman! I will take you out if it is yours!

ooooohhhh, CAT FIGHT!!!!

PUT 'EM UP! I oughtta give you a "Jungle Frump Slap" to the head

*sniff* I am packing my stuff up you meanie! mean jeanne!

ohhhh, did I make the wittle Jungle Frump Cry

***At Tribal Counsel****

Welcome to your First Tribal Counsel Ladies!
What is our objective tonight, lets start with Joanna

I wish to praise the IDOL and make a sacrifice unto it!!!!

arggglle girggle, Uhh, I meant I wish to sacrifice one of our players to appease the angry Gods

Jean I am voting you tonight because ...well..

****Jeff reads the votes***

One vote Jean

You better watch it Jeff!

umm.. ok, Janet

Janet, the Immunity idol and Jeanne have spoken
es tiempo para tu ir

***** the next day at camp*** the aftermath****

I got rid of that lazy Jungle Frump and this place
is still a MESS

Everyone Gather around NOW! We need to talk

Ok, here is the Deal, I nominate Deena to be the leader

I second the nomination to make Deena the Target... uhhh ,
I mean leader

*** 1 hour later*****

(woo hoo)

Food, water, shelter, Now THATS what I am talkin about Deena

*Later at the Reward Challenge****

Ok, guys and gals this challenge is a bit different, we are having a beauty pageant with a twist


We will have a booby contest to see who has the nicest boobs.
But we are gonna nominate people. Butch your first

I nominate you!

OH MY! This is the happiest day of my life! *giggle*

I hate to be vain but can I nominate myself?

LOL, I don't need to nominate myself, you silly crow, I will
Win this competition hands down

*heee hee* I hope I win

no way it will be me!

I just hope no one in Maryland is watching

It will be I who wins! You foolish heathers!

Ok, guys and gals, the votes are in
Heidi has 2 votes
Jenna has -2, now how did that happen?
Shawna has 6
and the Winner with the best boobs is...

ROB !!

*giggle* this is the happiest day of my life!

****To be Continued****

"To the other three out there, break a leg.... and I mean it." - Helen Glover

Congratulations Alex winner of S6

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Mean Jeanne Da Survivor Machine"
Posted by Bebo on 03-06-03 at 09:14 AM
You know I love these, but I almost had a mess to clean off my monitor when I got to the part where Butch nominated Rob's boobies. ROFLMAO!!!!!!

Please, please, don't stop!

"RE: Mean Jeanne Da Survivor Machine"
Posted by MakeItStop on 03-06-03 at 08:52 PM
Yep, that was my favorite part to! Thanks IE!

“She’s a beauty queen gone bad!” -- Marcellus about Amy.

"RE: Mean Jeanne Da Survivor Machine"
Posted by J Slice on 03-06-03 at 09:54 AM
IE, you are TERRIBLE!...

Excellent work, hee hee... I found myself almost peeing my pants at the "Jungle Frump" comment... I thought I was the only one who used the word "frumpy"!

Keep it up!

"RE: Mean Jeanne Da Survivor Machine"
Posted by dajaki on 03-06-03 at 11:13 AM
Too freaking funny! I also think Rob has a very nice rack.

"RE: Mean Jeanne Da Survivor Machine"
Posted by ejm92 on 03-06-03 at 12:37 PM
"Frumpy" is such a perfect word to describe Jeanne.......hilaruous....but in no way does it compare to last season's "Clay loves Helen" stories....they were classic!

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champion

"RE: Mean Jeanne Da Survivor Machine"
Posted by Bebo on 03-06-03 at 02:33 PM
>last season's "Clay loves Helen"
>stories....they were classic!

That's the one disadvantage to the gender tribes - no chance for that sort of, um, sexual tension.

"RE: Mean Jeanne Da Survivor Machine"
Posted by anotherkim on 03-07-03 at 08:12 AM
Oh, but it's coming and it should be classic, eh?

Another Kim