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"anyone notice the difference between the boats???"

Posted by ftaok on 02-14-03 at 08:43 AM
The men's boat was a lot narrower than the women's boat. I guess that would make it easier for the women to row (I'm not a boat guy, so I'm not sure).

Makes me kinda wonder if the Challenges are completely equal. Perhaps the men's obstacle course is a little harder. Or maybe they just got their a$$es handed to them.

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"RE: anyone notice the difference between the boats???"
Posted by Q on 02-14-03 at 10:11 AM
I don't think the mens course was harder. I think that because of the split between men/women, the challenges are all going to be a combination of strenth, agility, puzzle solving, balance, endurence, etc.

That way they will be balanced out. They each have strenths, and weaknesses to deal with and overcome. The game comes down to who can exploit the other sexes weaknesses, while capitolizing on thier own strengths.

This, IMO, is what got the men. As Dave said (and probably should not have to the whole group as a speach) Pure cocky behavior. And hopefully Jiffy's ribbing at TC will have an effect.

It is astonishing how foolish humans can be in groups, especially when they follow their leaders without question - States: The Bene Gesserit View. All States Are an Abstraction.

"RE: anyone notice the difference between the boats???"
Posted by Swami on 02-14-03 at 11:09 AM
I didn't see a noticeable difference when they were getting in the boats to go to their respective campsites. There were some weird camera angle shots of Joanna and Jeanne fishing, where their boat seemed extremely wide--but I think this was some kind of focus artifact.

(Btw--a wider boat would be more stable, harder to steer and slower.)

I'm still laughing at the two of them being--literally--up the creek without a paddle. How stupid can you be to stick both paddles side by side in the bottom muck and then just drift off downstream! What the heck were they thinking? Oh, wait. They weren't.


"RE: anyone notice the difference between the boats???"
Posted by ftaok on 02-14-03 at 04:40 PM
It wasn't camera angles. The best shot of it was when the respective tribes were getting off of the big boat and into the little boats. This was in the beginning of the show.

I guess they got the wider boat for safety reasons (harder to capsize, etc...). It's just really odd that they wouldn't get equal stuff.

"RE: anyone notice the difference between the boats???"
Posted by TechNoir on 02-14-03 at 07:29 PM
Well since the guys totally lost it on the balance beam what might have been different? Do you think the guys' beam was covered with pig grease? Or did they have lumpy shoes? Or ???

"Half of Tech's charm is that sometimes I have no idea what she's talking about" -- True

"RE: anyone notice the difference between the boats???"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-14-03 at 11:13 PM
indeed tech, with all the problems they had on the beam, you would think they would have been soaking wet had their canoe been narrower...

or maybe there was some liquor in their "meager supply chest" that went unaccounted for