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"The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"

Posted by survivornmolekook on 01-28-03 at 10:08 PM
i can't stand him and i think they should get a new host he drives me crazy!!!

Any opinions????

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"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by Survivorerist on 01-28-03 at 10:26 PM
Awwwwww, I love Jiffy! (not in homosexual way, that's fer sure) I think he does a great job on the show. He knows the questions to ask at council, and he knows how to push the contestants' buttons. Also, 5 seasons of experience make him very competent too. In short, I think Jeff Probst is a great host

(Another IceCat original )

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2. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
2. Helen Glover (5 weeks at #1)
4. Amber Brkich (4 weeks at #1)
4. Lex Van Den Burghe (4 weeks at #1)

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by BaquaR13 on 01-29-03 at 00:17 AM
You are crazy!! Without the intensity, enthusiasm, professionalism, charisma and everything else Jeff Probst brings, there would be NO survivor. Jeff is a key element to the game and i think he is great! The best host EVER!

The Reality Show Queens!!


"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by tribephyl on 01-29-03 at 00:32 AM
First off...your rant belongs in Bashers. Not fanatics.

Second. I also love JP. But in a homosexual way...lol I think he's hot.
His hosting abilities are top notch as well. He is the greatest thing to be added to the post show. His questions at TC (and post-show) have been insisive and generally excellent. In addition, he is the consumate Reality TV show host.
If only Julie Chen(BB), or Phil(TAR), or The guy from the Bachelor/ette were half as good. They would lift the drivel that they represent.
Jeff Probst is the only continual "good thing" about Survivor. The things that are bad are the casts, or the editing, or it's winner.

On a side note. In addition to JP, I also think Cole(Joe Mill.) and Anderson Cooper(Mole) are 2 other stand out hosts. The 3 of them make lemonade out of lemon type shows.


"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by survivornmolekook on 02-08-03 at 04:17 PM
anderson WAS a good host AR isn't half as good

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by ejm92 on 01-29-03 at 00:40 AM
I dunno what's wrong with you, survivornmolekook, but Jeff Probst is the best host in the business....no one has been able to do what he has done with the show...he knows how to get into the minds of the players, and get things out in the open at Tribal Councils....we need more Jeff, because he IS Survivor....let's hope he never gets injured and EPM has to fill in....I'd love to have Jeff's job...he has one of the best jobs in the world...and he is doing a good job at it.....even though I like to poke fun at him on the Bashers from time to time.

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champion

"Moving Thread to Bashers..."
Posted by IceCat on 01-29-03 at 00:42 AM


"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 01-29-03 at 03:09 AM
I like the guy...he seems like a regul,ar guy to me, and I think that's what the show needs. They could have brought in someone resembling Tom Hanks' character in Cast away just for effect, but that would have been really overdone. Jeff's a good fit for Survivor.

However, no one could fit Survivor as well as Anderson fit The Mole. That is, by far, the best pairing of host to reality series in the history of the genre, and possibly any competitive show. For Survivor to be hosted by someone other than Jiffy Pop would be more of a crime than Millionaire hosted by Meredith Vieira (which is tolerable) but less of a crime than The Mole hosted by Ahmad Rashad (which is completely insane...not to knock Ahmad, but he isn't Anderson.)

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by survivornmolekook on 02-08-03 at 04:21 PM
again, anderson WAS a great host is AR just for celeb?
also i think joe the host of fear factor is really good too

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by Q on 01-29-03 at 12:04 PM
I have to agree with the others here. I like Jiffy-pop. He's cute, IMO (again IN a HOMOSEXUAL way), he is experienced, and I just plain like him. I think if they changed now, the show would just be a goner.

Besides Anderson, Jiffy is at the top of the Reality Host list.

It is astonishing how foolish humans can be in groups, especially when they follow their leaders without question - States: The Bene Gesserit View. All States Are an Abstraction.

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by Swami on 01-30-03 at 03:01 PM
I totally agree, Q... but in a heterosexual way, LOL. Damn--he was hot and masterful in that last reunion show! (Hey Q--maybe we can do a threesome?)

I must admit Jeff has really grown on me. He started out good and gets better with every show. He's an integral part of the franchise now, IMO. I hope he never leaves.


"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 01-29-03 at 12:28 PM
At this point, JP is an integral part of Survivor... having Survivor without him would be almost like "The Price Is Right" without Bob Barker (Barker is appropriately named... he's a UGA Dawg).

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by KeithFan on 02-05-03 at 10:25 AM
Bob Barker hosting Survivor!! I love JP and wouldn't want them to boot him, but hey, BB IS a CBS guy and after TC they could have the bootee spayed or neutered! (A good thing IMHO- don't want too many of them poluting the gene pool)

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by survivorscott on 01-29-03 at 12:43 PM
what exactly gets on your nerves? Of all the hosts he and Anderson are by far above everyone else. You want boring. I beleive Phil (TAR) was the second in line to get the Survivor hosting job. Where would the show be if he was the host?

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by ejm92 on 01-29-03 at 03:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-29-03 AT 03:38 PM (EST)

Hahaha...I haven't thought much about that....but what if Phil was the host of Survivor..........

"It's now time for a reward challenge. The tribes will compete in a physical or mental challenge in order to receive food, blankets, or other necessities for living in the wilderness."

"It's that time again for this week's immunity challenge. The tribes will compete in a physical or mental challenge in order to receive the Immunity Idol, which prevents them from being voted off of the island each week. The losing tribe will go to tribal council.

"Welcome to Tribal Council. This is where the tribe who lost this week's immunity challenge will go to every three days, and the losing tribe will discuss what has happened over the last three days, then one by one, walk up to a podium where they will write one of their fellow tribemate's names down on a piece of parchment, and then they will tell why they voted for that person. The person with the most votes will be kicked off of the island. After 18 days, the two tribes will merge together, and the final nine Survivors will make up the jury and final two. The jury decides which of their tribemates wins the final vote, and they come back to tribal council each week to witness the events as they unfold. Any questions?"

Now c'mon...can you guys imagine going through this every week like we have to on the Amazing Race? TGFP! (Thank God For Probst!)

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champion

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 01-29-03 at 09:49 PM
Somehow I doubt he would go through a long-winded speech about reward and immunity challenges like that; I think he is just instructed to do so for TAR. Besides, his explanations are usually only one sentence...nothing like the above statements. At worst it would be like "At Tribal Council, tribemembers vote off one of their own" every single week.

At the intro of the show, I could picture him going through a spiel like that, though - but we might only hear it once, on the premiere, or maybe a second time on the finale. The difference is the show, not the host, and I don't know what Survivor would be like if Phil hosted it - or for that matter, TAR with Jeff Probst as the host. It would have a different feel; that's for sure.

Phil isn't as visible for as long, though; he just sort of pops up on screen every time there's a route marker. He says one sentence and generally disappears, except to describe a Detour or Roadblock in depth. Jeff's on screen for longer at a shot, though usually only for about three times in a show (the exception being the finale, of course.) He tends to get more involved with the contestants rather than just being there for our convenience as Phil is. The only time the contestants see Phil is at Pit Stops (or that's when we see them making contact, anyway.)

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by ejm92 on 01-30-03 at 00:27 AM
I know he wouldn't go through all of that (I hope not at least!), but over on the TAR-Basher Board, Phil gets bashed a lot on that topic...long-time fans of the show are sick of being reminded what a Roadblock/Pitstop/Detour is....

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champion

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 01-30-03 at 06:47 AM
It could be worse... you could have that charlatan on "The Bachelorette" who always sidles in when there's one rose left after Trisha has already given the other ones out, and he says "This is the final rose" then sidles back. No other comment. WTF, do we need to be told there's one rose left when it's as obvious as a hole in the head?

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by evanakm on 01-30-03 at 01:39 PM
Forget TAR's Phil, if you want some real drama, we need to get Dr. Phil to host Survivor.

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by dabo on 01-30-03 at 09:07 AM
>i think they should get a new host

Okay, you talked me into it. MB, let's your people and my people do lunch to hammer out how much money I'm gonna get.

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by MellowYellow on 01-31-03 at 11:38 AM
I dunno ya all.

Jiffy and all other reality TV show hosts are probably shaking in their boots, alligator loafers and Nike Shox and reevaluating their performances after seeing the bang up hosting job that vixen Alex Hogan is doing on Joe Millionaire!

She has opened up new doors for would be women hosts! Exit doors, perhaps, but they are now wide open.

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by SteffiGurl on 02-01-03 at 05:55 AM
Hey, let's not forget Julie Chen! OK, forget about her if you want.

Honestly, I couldn't imagine any other host than Jeff Probst for Survivor. He has the sick desire to watch these people vote against each other, which makes him the right man for the job.

You know who would be a funny host though? Anne Robinson. She would make those Survivors feel so small.

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by MellowYellow on 02-04-03 at 03:04 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-03 AT 03:07 AM (EST)

OK, I could "google" her, but who is Anne Robinson?

Wild guess, host of "weakest link"? There are no stupid questions. Are there?

Edited to add wild guess.

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 02-03-03 at 05:44 AM
Jiffy is so dreamy and what's not to like? Love his blue eyes and dimples - also love Anderson Cooper and lament his absence from Celebrity Mole. I saw AC on CNN the other night and he looked way to serious.

It would be a definite downer if Jeff Probst ever left Survivor.

Story Competitions website

"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by BaquaR13 on 02-03-03 at 08:59 PM
Julie Chen is actually starting to grow on me. She is still awkward, but god, so much better than BB1. Cooper. He is good, but i dont think he is that great. He seems just a little too sassy with the players sometimes (ie when he freaked out at heather "what part of 'dont touch the bike' didnt you understand?" But, seriously, what part didnt she understand? Anyways...)

The Reality Show Queens!!


"RE: The survivor host>>>>>jeff probst"
Posted by Loree on 02-04-03 at 05:01 PM
I just can't imagine tuning into Survivor and not seeing Jeffy. He is Survivor or at least a large part of it. He knows the group and how to get to them. He doesn't have to like all the contestants and we love to see that. I love Jeffy as the host.

"Can we put this back in fanatics now?"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-05-03 at 03:11 AM
It seems from the opening comment that the subject would've(could've) turned ugly.

BUT, Now the whole thread is dedicated to JP love.

That seems funny.
What would survivor be without JP? Would we even care about the show, had JP not shown up?

I guess all of this leads to the blaring fact that you cannot judge a book by it's cover or a thread by it's title.

I realize it's probably a lot of work to put it back in Fanatics. But frankly, I'm tiring of going there and finding that the only new posts are for the "what-if's".ARGH.

Since we are on the subject of Fanatic topics...LionChow, thank you for keeping the Anti-boot, as a project, even though it comes with a loss of your time with us. I love you still, just more concentrated.


"Stockholm Syndrome?"
Posted by Swami on 02-06-03 at 07:34 PM
Okay, it must be a Stockholm Syndrome by Proxy kind of love. See I know Jeff is a smarmy, S & M kind of host--he likes to watch the stupid Survivors as they struggle and suffer. The Survivors are usually respectful of him because Survivor is like a prison and they are all his "bitches". I 'love' Jeff because he is such a damn good uber-warden.

Does that help you deal with your pain, phyl?


"RE: Stockholm Syndrome?"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-07-03 at 02:47 AM
"Does that help you deal with your pain, phyl?"

In the most lovingly brutal way, Swami. Thank you.

However, after reading, I find myself getting lost in thoughts of having JP brand me with his initals, and I have to run around him in cut off shorts and eyeshadow, squealing like a pig. Ohhhhhhh...nevermind!

Wow. This is a lot more like bashers now.

"RE: Can we put this back in fanatics now?"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 02-13-03 at 11:41 AM
Personaly, I would love to see a new host. Being the host for the last 6 seasons has allowed contestants to learn how to "spin" their answers during tribal council, and how to whine effectively during challanges.

Lets put in a new host; a big, loud, opinionated guy (or better yet woman) who is not into being "the nice one!" Can you imagine a host who is not afraid to say "What? Are you insane, or just incredibly stupid? What moron does not check to make sure the boat is tied?!" (or goes off for water without taking the map, or loses the net, or...or...or...)

I would love to see a host whose opinions would send the tribes back to camp in tears, or so angry they could just spit. Just think of what that could do to the tribes...they would either band together for a common cause (hatred of the host) or totally implode due to the wimp factor. *insert evil laugh here*

Sigh, a bunny can dream.


"Did anyone else notice...."
Posted by Gin on 02-14-03 at 11:34 AM
That Jeff looked like he just woke up for most of the show? Think it's a hangover, or what? Saw on Discovery channel once about an drink made by native Amazonian tribes. Think it was something like fermented spit(?) Anybody else heard of this? Could Jiffy be addicted?

"RE: Did anyone else notice...."
Posted by magellanscross on 02-15-03 at 11:40 AM
Survivor would not be what it is if there is no jiffy.