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"Thoughts on "The Reebok Theory" and other speculations"

Posted by Cherberrie on 08-27-00 at 08:01 AM
Now that the final episode has aired, it is very amusing to look back on all our speculations! So much for my Rudy theory! And, to think, for me, the final clincher that it was Rudy was a photo of the final four which depicted, what looked like just Rudy wearing a Reebok shirt. There has been other speculation now that Kelly also was wearing a Reebok shirt in that photo but the logo was obscured due to the angle the photo was taken at.

Anyhow, to think that the true winner was blatantly broadcasted right under our noses during all the episodes now makes sense(i.e., all the air time given to Rich)! Ummmm, I wonder if the CBS editors will do the same thing in Survivor 2 (i.e., extra airtime to winner)? Probably not.


I received your email that you sent me on 8/23, Subject: The Reebok theory. When I tried to reply to it, I received an error message that there was "no such user." Anyhow, this post is my reply to your email. Alas, I hope you are still around and that we will see you in January for Survivor 2!

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"RE: Thoughts on "The Reebok Theory" and other speculations"
Posted by SuperPole2000 on 08-27-00 at 08:15 AM
Heee..don't feel bad. My Sean theory kind of bit the dust too.