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"I've got to ask..."

Posted by Canada Girl on 08-22-02 at 07:15 PM
Ok, fess up! Has anyone seen any of the porn that the New Survivor did? I laughed my head off when I heard about him (Brian, is it?) and if he is an entertaining member of the tribe, I think we'll be having a post-Survivor 'Virgins of Sherwood Forest' party!

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Posted by sleeeve on 08-22-02 at 09:43 PM
There's a thread about this, here.

...and it includes a link to vidcaps of Brian's... er... career.

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: I've got to ask..."
Posted by dabo on 08-22-02 at 10:17 PM
'Fraid I can't claim the distinction of being the first to admit to having seen Bri's flesh displays, we don't get those channels in this house (young children around, don't you know). Of course, if I had seen them it wouldn't be Bri who I would have been paying attention to. I think this guy's sleazy past is this season's substitute/variation for sex-orientation themes of past seasons, or maybe MB hoped to finally get some hot action on film for the direct sale market.


"RE: I've got to ask..."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 08-23-02 at 05:13 AM
>Ok, fess up! Has anyone seen any of the porn that the New Survivor did? I laughed my head off when
I heard about him (Brian, is it?) and if he is an entertaining member of the tribe, I think we'll be having a post-Survivor 'Virgins of Sherwood Forest' party!

So are we gonna get to watch some Robbing Hood movies?

It is not necessary to acept everyting as true, one must only acept it as necessary. From Kafka's The Trial.
Light a Virtual Candle~~~~~Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Career Counseling"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 08-23-02 at 10:48 AM
Frankly, the guy should've stayed in porn. It's a nobler profession than used car sales.


"RE: I've got to ask..."
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 08-23-02 at 12:23 PM
No, I haven't seen any of these films. But I sure would like to.

Maybe with a ladyfriend and some Grand Marnier...

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." -- Thomas Paine

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: I've got to ask..."
Posted by Swami on 08-23-02 at 12:41 PM
Well, I looked at the photos on sleeeve's link, which kind of showed the 'flavor' of his movie career. Looks like Burnett has cast someone who really puts the whore in 'media whore'.


"RE: I've got to ask..."
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-25-02 at 06:51 PM
Seen them!!!!?????
Are you kidding???
Do you know what Playboy channel charges??? We get the Playboy channel on Pay Per View. My husband works for the Cable company, so we get 15 dollars of free movies a month ( I know it rocks) which comes out to like 3 movies. Playboy charges 10.95 per show, whether it is a half hour show or an hour and a half movie.
I never buy them! Way overpriced.

"RE: I've got to ask..."
Posted by snoocharoo on 08-28-02 at 04:33 PM
Pay per view porn SUCKS!!!! Actually I should say it doesn't!! We got Playboy and Spice and all those other ones and felt ripped off. If I'm gonna pay to see it I want to see some good stuff. Now I've been reduced to sneaking into Erotic Express for videos....ooops! overshare *blush*

When I heard Brian was in soft-cores I laughed my ass off. Hopefully we'll at least get some good grunts and moans out of him.

"RE: I've got to ask..."
Posted by Swami on 08-28-02 at 05:37 PM
CG, honoring your request, and in the greater interests of basher research, I have given the list of Brian Heidik/David Roth's soft-core movies to Mr. Swami, along with my permission to rent any/all of them. Mr. Swami is thrilled, so I think I may see these movies soon. If I survive the week-end, I will report back. If not--it is on your head!
