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"Which luxury item is the worst...."

Posted by jkokoj on 08-15-02 at 10:02 AM
Robb - Skateboard at a beach with no roads, rails or ANYTHING remotely paved!

Stephanie - Fuzzy Slippers, what is she going to be skiing in Vale and freezing at night!!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by weltek on 08-15-02 at 10:44 AM
The skateboard. Hands down. Maybe the brianiac Robb has some grand plan to use it for other purposes. I doubt it. I hate him on principle alone. Hope Clay accidentally bashes him upside the head with his golf club.

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by LionChow on 08-15-02 at 10:45 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-15-02 AT 10:46 AM (EST)

Yes, Silas-reincarnate does seem like a good candidate for Dabo's first Gufu of the season. This is going to be fun!

Edited to add that I hope Clay thought far enough ahead to bring the sand wedge!

I've got a Dill pickle for Stephanie!

"Here's something I wrote..."
Posted by clemsonbeav on 08-15-02 at 11:04 AM
I was going to post this on the main forum, but then I saw somebody had already beat me to ranting about the stupid stuff.


OK, the Survivors have gone off the deep end with their Luxury Items this time around.

It all started in Pulau Tiga where the Survivors brought normal things such as soap, a razor, a towel, etc.

But now in Thailand, what were they thinking?

Let's start out with Penny...who brought pajamas!!! What are you going to do with pajamas? It's monsoon season, they're bound to get wet. She could be the one that starts a wet T-shirt contest (even though every day will be that way...I hope they all brought white shirts!!!).

And then there's Stephanie and her fuzzy slippers! Once again, they're gonna get soaked, and sand will get in them, and we'll have to listen to Stephanie gripe about her feet all season long, or until she is executed (oops, wrong show).

Now on to the guys...

Clay brought a golf club and A BALL. One solitary ball. Surrounded by water and trees, does anybody wanna make a bet as to how many days he actually has the ball?

Here's the worst one...Robb. Just the name brings back memories of Da RawbFawduh. He's Arizona's Most Eligible Bachelor, and he brought a skateboard. A SKATEBOARD! Would somebody please inform me where is the nearest skate park in relation to Phuket, or whatever the island is called. NO SKATING ON THE ISLAND!

Then there's just some plain stupid items:

Shii Ann's "Rucky Travering Bag from China"
Ken's NYPD Shield (to protect himself from the cobras probably)
Erin's Body Paint (Can we say painted bikini's? Hey, maybe this will be a good season after all!)

Now there are some sane ones with some normal items, like a brush, shaving kit, pictures from home, etc.

"RE: Here's something I wrote..."
Posted by LionChow on 08-15-02 at 11:10 AM

I'm looking forward to more of your stuff...welcome.

I've got a Dill pickle for Stephanie!

"RE: Here's something I wrote..."
Posted by samiam on 08-15-02 at 01:01 PM
Shii Ann's "Rucky Travering Bag from China"

Reminiscent of Gina's adventure bag and Sarah's...well, you know.

God used to be my co-pilot, but then we crashed in the Andes and I had to eat Him.

"RE: Useful items all -- "
Posted by Dakota on 08-15-02 at 02:27 PM
The skateboard is going to be used for serving sushi. A 2 x 6 board will be built in the eating area of camp, compliments of Nick (Australia), and the sushi will be placed on the skateboard and pushed down the line for each Survivor to take their fair share as it rolls past. Jeesh! Don't you guys know anything!

The fuzzy slippers will frighten away other creatures that try to enter camp. No doubt the creepy crawly critters of Thailand have never seen fuzzy slippers before (unlike U.S. creepy crawly critters) and will run for cover. Obviously!

Pajamas? Smart move. Snuck an extra change of clothes in. MB hasn't shown them washing their clothes since MamaKim's thong got scrubbed and she explained in detail why she didn't bring more than 1 change of underwear. (One of the more memorable moments of Survivor, eh?)

Wow! What a rush! I've spent all summer being sarcastic on the local level. It feels SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo good to be bashing internationally again!

"RE: Useful items all -- "
Posted by dabo on 08-28-02 at 09:45 AM
>MB hasn't shown
>them washing their clothes since
>MamaKim's thong got scrubbed and
>she explained in detail why
>she didn't bring more than
>1 change of underwear.

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww... Mama Kim washed her thong in an elephant's toity ... Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!


"RE: Here's something I wrote..."
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 08-18-02 at 00:58 AM
Clay brought a golf club and A BALL. One solitary ball. Surrounded by water and trees, does anybody wanna make a bet as to how many days he actually has the ball?

I wondered why it said "ball" instead of "balls". I thought it was funny that Clay didn't bring his "balls". I predict that he loses his "ball" after the 3rd day. I don't know why, but put my name in the "lose the golf ball" pool for day 3, kay?

I can't wait to see what Robb does with his skateboard.

Hooray for the normal guy who brought his pen and journal!

Come on in, the water's fine!

"RE: Here's something I wrote..."
Posted by clemsonbeav on 08-20-02 at 10:19 PM
OK...we have Silvergirl1 for Day 3. Anyone else wanna join in? Voting closes when the first episode airs. The winner is the person that guesses the closest without going over. The winner gets an e-pat on the back courtesy of me and all of my Beauties...wait...I'm not really Bob Barker. But I would like to have the Beauties.

My prediction is around Day 9. He may not make it much farther.

"RE: Here's something I wrote..."
Posted by MakeItStop on 08-21-02 at 12:03 PM
OK, I'll play this little game. I predict he will lose the ball on Day 5.

"Clay's Ball"
Posted by Femme on 08-21-02 at 12:15 PM
I bet he keeps it til the end... looks kinda anal that way.

Of course, the end for him may be day 3, so that's really not saying a whole lot is it?


"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by anotherkim on 08-18-02 at 02:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-18-02 AT 02:42 PM (EST)

the slippers--give me a break--what kind of loser couldn't come up with anything better than freaking slippers. Why didn't she say a prom dress or stilettos--equally useful.

At least with the skateboard, you get a flat surface and wheels that may come in useful for SOMETHING. Slippers.....uh.....well you could, uh..............I give up.

Dumbest. Item. Ever.

Just because I have standards, they call me a b*tch. Diana Ross

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by Dakota on 08-18-02 at 11:09 PM
Slippers -- hmmmmm. Cold nights, if there are any. If they ARE the fuzzy kind they can be used for washing dishes. Wow! This reminds me of The A Team.

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by Survivorerist on 08-19-02 at 02:52 AM
Frankly, I don't see why this is a stupid item. There are a million and one uses for slippers! For example...

- Water Filter. Just pour the dirty water through the slipper to remove any gunk that might have been in it. Just make sure you haven't been wearing the slippers.

- Rat Trap. Easy enough, wait for a cold night and the rats will come running into the slipper for warmth. Then, since it is monsoon season, it will start to rain and the cotton in the slippers will shrink. Bam! You got yourself a hearty meal!

- Beef Jerky II. When someone is sleeping, just slip them on their feet. They will feel so comfortable that the person will not want to take them off. Then you can easily accuse them of stealing your slippers and you've got one more easy target for tribal council.

- Big Scary Animal Decoy. Picture this, you're hiking through the woods when you see a man-eating animal. You start to run but it gains distance. Suddenly it stops and directs its attention to a rabbit off in the distance. But guess what? It's not a rabbit but a goofy looking rabbit Slipper! Not only is this a practical use for the luxury item, but it might just save someone's life.

- Electric Generator. How much static electricity can be produced by rubbing 2 wool or cotton slippers together? Well, now it's time to find out. With enough electricity, you can power a phone and order out for Thai food. It's an instant advantage, since you'll be eating well and the other tribe won't! Just be sure that someone brings a phone and a power cell.

- Walkie Talkie. Wanna know what your tribemates are saying about you behind your back? Here's your solution! Just take the slippers and connect them with a piece of string. Then leave one slipper where people will be gossiping. Take the other slipper and hold it up to your ear. Instant audio eavesdropping! It's just like what you used to do with tin cans, but more primitive.

So clearly, the slippers are the most versatile and useful luxury item any survivor has ever brought with them.

P.S. An additional use: When the tribe finds out how stupid Stephanie was for bringing them, they can throw both her and the slippers in the fire and both will burn.


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

Sir's Mole Record
Was the Mole: 0 times
Nailed the Mole: 2 times

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 08-19-02 at 03:02 AM
SirErist... you really ought to hang out and post on Bashers more often -- this is the kind of acerbic stuff we could easily get used to on a daily basis around here!

Great stuff with the slippers!


"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 08-19-02 at 08:11 AM
Well, I can at least think of other uses for a skateboard (you can put stuff on it and roll it that way) and a golf club and ball (maybe make a fishing pole and bobber out of it), but I can think of no practical use for a pair of slippers.

And of course we've got a flag again. The Christian flag no less. Can't wait to see S5's resident eyecandy sunbathing on *that*.

The Artist Formerly Known As DarkLotus
Daddy, there's a monster outside my room. Can I have a glass of water?

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by PackMan on 08-19-02 at 08:25 AM
From the home office in Raleigh, NC, our top three nominees for worst luxury item in Thailand.

Number 3 - Shii Ann's Lucky Traveling Bag

Girl, unless that bag is stuffed with sandwiches, potato salad, and maybe an oven roasted chicken, I think your luck has run out.

Number 2 - Stephanie's Fuzzy Slippers

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy lost all his hair in a Thailand monsoon. I don't think this is the fashion statement you want to be making, sweetie.

And Number 3 - Robbbb's Skateboard

Dude, you might as well go ahead and paint a big 'ol L on your forehead. JeffGator, what does your Magic 8 Ball have to say about Robb's future in Thailand?

Well, there you have it folks. Those are my picks for worst luxury item in this season's Survivor - Thailand.

We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings. - Abraham Maslow

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the driveway before it has stopped snowing. - Anonymous

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by Bebo on 08-19-02 at 08:48 AM
>From the home office in Raleigh, NC

OK, now that there's more than one occupant of the Raleigh, NC home office, we really need to do some decorating around here...and stock the bar!

Grand Marnier, endorsed by SurvivinDawg as the Official Beverage of S5

"Now Open For Business"
Posted by PackMan on 08-19-02 at 03:07 PM
Sorry, I don't do windows, but I will keep the bar stocked.

You like?

We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings. - Abraham Maslow

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the driveway before it has stopped snowing. - Anonymous

"RE: Now Open For Business"
Posted by Bebo on 08-19-02 at 03:12 PM
Bebo likes.

all evil is seductive and Ms. Bebo is most certaintly the most evil of them all !!!!! -katem

"RE: Now Open For Business"
Posted by PackMan on 08-19-02 at 03:20 PM
At PackMan's Grotto, we put our customers first. So step up to the bar, and place your order.

We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings. - Abraham Maslow

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the driveway before it has stopped snowing. - Anonymous

"Is that yours?"
Posted by Femme on 08-19-02 at 03:13 PM
Can we cruise by Packman's for a little pre-season party? That's awesome!


"RE: Is that yours?"
Posted by PackMan on 08-19-02 at 03:24 PM
Alas, this is only(for now) my vision for my basement. Once Ms. PackMan gets her sunroom, deck with hot tub, patio, and koi pond, I get my finished basement, complete with stocked bar.

Got to keep my lady satisfied first.

We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings. - Abraham Maslow

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the driveway before it has stopped snowing. - Anonymous

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 08-19-02 at 02:54 PM
>Number 3 - Shii Ann's Lucky
>Traveling Bag

The travelling bag isn't too bad. Gina's adventure bag was Kathy's pick for most useful luxury item. They used it almost everyday to store the crabs or fruits that they collected.

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by MakeItStop on 08-19-02 at 10:09 AM
OK, this isn't a luxury item but TED has listed SHIRLEY TEMPLES as one of his favorite non-alcoholic drinks. bwahahaha What's up with that?!

<runs off and signs on the good ship lollypop>

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by moonbaby on 08-19-02 at 11:53 AM
LMAO! I thought I was the only one checking out the alcholic drink preferences, MIS! Saw that Ghandia likes Cosmos and boilermakers and Stephanie drinks margaritas. Now thems is REAL drinks! They're gonna whup Ted's candy ass!

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by Naked on 08-20-02 at 03:57 AM
What in the hell is a Christian flag ????

Here are some initial thoughts as to what this might be...

5. Sean Rechtor... Oh, there is a L in Flag.... nevermind.

4. A banner taken from one of the Crusades.

3. Any piece of flying material that has asked Jesus into its heart.

2. A large kite with one of those goofy looking fish things.

1. One of Pastor John's skinny "yes men" in his congregation, that he disguised as a cloth, and broght with him
to help prostyletize the rest of the heathen survivors.

Seriously folks... I didn't know that Christianity had a flag... I've been missing out.

"The Christian Flag"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 08-20-02 at 06:27 AM
For those who didn't know, here's a pic of the Christian flag:

Can't wait to see someone using *this* flag as a beach towel...

The Artist Formerly Known As DarkLotus
Daddy, there's a monster outside my room. Can I have a glass of water?

"RE: The Christian Flag"
Posted by Survivorerist on 08-20-02 at 11:50 AM
I hope I don't offend, I'm about as Christian as they come (well maybe not, but the point still holds), but what the heck is that? I have never seen or even heard of a Christian flag before!!! And a word to John, the more you wave it people's faces, the less friends you're probably going to have. But that probably won't stop him.

>>>Can't wait to see someone using *this* flag as a beach towel...<<<

Heck, I can't wait to see someone "lose" this thing in the water...


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

Sir's Mole Record
Was the Mole: 0 times
Nailed the Mole: 2 times

"RE: The Christian Flag"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 08-20-02 at 12:05 PM
>I hope I don't offend, I'm
>about as Christian as they
>come (well maybe not, but
>the point still holds), but
>what the heck is that?
> I have never seen
>or even heard of a
>Christian flag before!!!

I saw this every year during my Vacation Bible School years. There's even a pledge to the Christian flag. I dunno, maybe it's just a Baptist thing. We're weird like that.

>And a word to John, the
>more you wave it people's
>faces, the less friends you're
>probably going to have.
>But that probably won't stop

A Preacher, a Porn Star, and a (supposed) Lesbian... this is gonna be great!

>>>>Can't wait to see someone using *this* flag as a beach towel...<<<
>Heck, I can't wait to see
>someone "lose" this thing in
>the water...

Or use it for toilet paper. Isn't that what Rudy said a Bible was good for in S1?

The Artist Formerly Known As DarkLotus
Daddy, there's a monster outside my room. Can I have a glass of water?

"RE: The Christian Flag"
Posted by samiam on 08-20-02 at 01:33 PM
Yeah, I been in a lot of churches (I know, perish the thought), and the only one I've ever seen use the Christian flag were the Baptist ones. Guess that settles what franchise...er, denomination...Pastor John is.

God used to be my co-pilot, but then we crashed in the Andes and I had to eat Him.

"RE: The Christian Flag"
Posted by clemsonbeav on 08-20-02 at 10:25 PM
Are you just a Baptist...or a Southern Baptist like me? I've done the pledge before. We've even pledged to the Bible on occasion. Any other Baptists out there?

"RE: The Christian Flag"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 08-21-02 at 07:41 AM
I prefer the term "recovering Baptist", personally, but whatever lifts your skirt up. But yeah, we also had the pledge to the Bible at VBS, too. I don't know how I survived. These days I consider myself Christian, but I don't claim any particular denomination. And I'm much happier for it.

The Artist Formerly Known As DarkLotus
Daddy, there's a monster outside my room. Can I have a glass of water?

"RE: The Christian Flag"
Posted by Sophie on 08-27-02 at 06:27 PM
I attended Southern Baptist Churches and went to VBS, but I don't remember that flag...
*shakes head*
What's wrong with me?


"RE: The Christian Flag"
Posted by fyrenice on 08-28-02 at 03:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-28-02 AT 03:55 PM (EST)

The Christian flag is primarily used in children activities. It is used for several reasons. Primarily, as a visual aid which is in important for children. It is just like the American flag in that it is a symbol of what you stand for it. Again like the American flag, a pledge is recited.

In Pastor John's case, I figure he probably wanted it to help him remember his values, and that in this game God is not the only one who sees everything. Kinda like the American flag on a battlefield.

The craziest to me are those ridiculous slippers. At least the skateboard might provide for some laughs.

"RE: The Christian Flag"
Posted by lroy on 08-20-02 at 12:11 PM
I'm going to hum "Onward, Christian Soldiers" everytime i see it on screen... and then take a drink of Grand Marnier.

The Anti-Executee Winner & Shameless Self Promoter

"RE: Worst Luxury Item"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 08-21-02 at 12:10 PM
OK, I figured it out! If you use Clay's golf club to tap on Ken's police shield...somewhat like a symbol...Then have Robb beat on his skateboard, like Tom Tom's, matched with Brian's guitar, and Pastor John's country songwriting credits, we have a full band! Ta Dah!!!!!

(I swear, some people are pretty stupid!

"RE: Which luxury item is the worst...."
Posted by dabo on 08-28-02 at 09:53 AM
Personally, I have to wonder what the porn star is going to do with his guitar and pick, because you know if this guy had any talent... Watch it turn out to be an electric guitar ... Please!