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"S1 Gufu Award: Eps 7, 8, 9"

Posted by dabo on 06-19-02 at 06:03 PM

Well, pushing on with the project, the time has come to take on the merge! Ah, memories, the ambassadors, the unethical alliance, all that fun stuff. The Gufu Award was established to determine the dangdumbest game move in Survivordum. Once again, you have two nomination/votes per episode, and please cast your votes on the posts I will establish for each episode. (Why more people aren't taking these opportunities to run up some DAWs, I don't know). And here are the links in order to refresh your memories.

episode 7
episode 8
episode 9

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Messages in this discussion
"Episode 7 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-19-02 at 06:05 PM
Please post you episode 7 nomination/votes here.

"RE: Episode 7 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-19-02 at 06:24 PM
Vote 1: The entire Pagong tribe for their general voting strategy. When you get a term named after you, you know it's gotta be bad.

Vote 2: Dr. Sean's alphabet strategy. You've hung out with your tribemates for 18 days. You have to know they're not gonna be dumb enough to let you get away with something like that.


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star

"RE: Episode 7 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-20-02 at 11:59 AM
Vote 1: Sean Lies About Alliance. The champion of the oddball strategies, Doctor K. had a primo opportunity while at Pagong Beach to make a big difference in the game. Normally, telling lies at the right time, to the right people, is strategically competent. But Sean had rejected joining the Tagi Alliance, and with the Pagongs properly motivated he could have seized control of the game if he'd played it properly.

Vote 2: Pagong's Voting Strategy! Well, actually, there wasn't any strategy to it unless they wanted to get rid of Gretchen. Honestly, early on in the game they had found out about Richard's alliance strategy, they had no excuse whatsoever for not playing smart. Instead, they were lead to the slaughter by Sean (of all people).

"RE: Episode 7 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Strider on 06-20-02 at 12:50 PM
1. Easy: Pagong. Not only do they not form an alliance, they each vote for a different person. Like an anti-alliance. 2 Pagongs even vote for their own. This is hands-down the gufuest non-manuever in all of Survivor history. Give them the award now.

2. Sean neither a: votes with the Tagi alliance, nor b: organizes a 6-4 counteralliance. I believe we would refer to this now as "Sean can't do the math"?

"RE: Episode 7 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-26-02 at 07:41 AM
1.) Pagong's "may the best person win" voting strategy.

2.) Sean not actually joining an alliance. (although he did ride coattails to 5th so it wasn't so bad for him ;)

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"Episode 8 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-19-02 at 06:07 PM
Please post your episode 8 nomination/votes here.

"RE: Episode 8 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-19-02 at 06:23 PM
Vote 1: Greg, Gervase and Colleen form a counter-alliance against Jenna. Did you forget that your "enemies" are those 5 guys over at Tagi?

Vote 2: Can't think of anything right now...will edit if I do


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star

"RE: Episode 8 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-20-02 at 12:44 PM
Vote 1: Greg's Gay Strategy! Not that there's anything wrong with that, but even Richard wasn't interested. Plus, after Gretchen was voted out, it should have been obvious to the remaining Pagong that they needed to form their own alliance (and work on Sean to vote against Sue or Richard) if any of them were to have a chance, and Greg was the one who could have pulled them together if he'd decided to try. Instead, he flushed their chances right down the drain.

Vote 2: Greg's Sister! Yeah, I know, I'm violating my own rule because this is supposed to be about contestant screw-ups, but so what. Seriously, if you were going to make a little video that might be broadcast on network television, a simple message to a family member type of thing, would you want to come off looking like the village idiot? Those Buises sure are strange.

Production Gufus: This episode had two of the worst challenges ever! First, they had a reward that Jenna couldn't win (they should never have done that), then there was that impossible to follow IC with the ropes. Challenge-wise, this episode reeked of ineptitude.

"RE: Episode 8 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Strider on 06-20-02 at 12:54 PM
1. Colleen, Gervase, and Greg finally get smart enough to vote for the same person, and they choose... Jenna?!? Er?

2. Sean fails to organize a 5-4 counteralliance. It's not like the 4 Pagongs would have thought to gang up on him later. What's that expression? In the land of the blind, the one-eyed superpole is king?

"RE: Episode 8 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-26-02 at 07:43 AM
1.) Pagong still doesn't understand exactly what's going on.
There really aren't many mistakes that don't focus on them now are there?

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"Episode 9 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-19-02 at 06:09 PM
Please post your episode 9 nomination/votes here.

"RE: Episode 9 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-19-02 at 06:17 PM
Vote 1: J is for Jenna. I was waiting for you to get to this one, dabo Sean, didn't you think they were eventually going to catch on and expose you? On a totally opposite note, I'd like to nominate Rich, Rudy, Sue and Kelly for the smartest move in Survivor for revealing Sean's idiocy.

Vote 2: Rich goes naked. Okay man, I understand you wanted to be an evil mastermind, but part of that is not drawing attention to yourself.


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star

"RE: Episode 9 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Strider on 06-20-02 at 12:55 PM
1. Sean, still "not 100% sure of an alliance," does not vote for Richard.

2. Kelly breaks the alliance. Even though it didn't matter in the end, it was still stupid at the time.

"RE: Episode 9 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-20-02 at 03:13 PM
Vote 1: S Is For Sean! Oh, the much maligned Alphabet Strategy wasn't actually totally off the wall, though it was wishy-washy of course. It was a smart way for Sean to join the Tagi Alliance without actually having to commit himself, and naturally he had to let the Tagi Alliance know about it in order for it to work. Unfortunately, it backfired big-time when he tried to use it to sell himself to the Pagong as the one and only worthwhile Tagi on the island. Then endlessly going on and on and on about it just made things go from bad to worse, everyone got sick of it, and it freaked out Kelly who realized she would be next after Jenna.

Vote 2: Kelly Breaks the Alliance! Pushed over the edge by Sean's alphabet strategy and the suspicions against her within the Tagi Alliance, Kelly made the worst vote she could have made, confirming for everyone that she was unreliable. Lord only knows what she was thinking, but Sean was the one person she would need as an ally when she broke with the Tagi Alliance, and leaving the rest of the Tagi Alliance intact was a big mistake under the circumstances. Instead, she forced herself into the position all the Pagong had been in, hoping to fly solo to the end. That's great if you can pull it off, but it's so dumb to intentionally put yourself in that position when you have better options already working.