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"S2 Gufu Award: Eps 4, 5, 6"

Posted by dabo on 06-14-02 at 00:59 AM

Yes, friends, now is the time to begin determining the 4th, 5th and 6th contendors for the S2 Gufu Award. Again, you have two nomination/votes per episode. I will post a responce post for each episode, please keep things neat and tidy be replying to those posts. If there is still any confusion about my request re. sigpics, all I ask is that you not use several sigpics in your posts, just re-use the same sigs; these things affect the time it takes to download the thread.

Naturally, I had hoped for a few more posters to take interest in this project, but their loss if they don't speak up. These nomination/vote threads will remain open until the Final Votes start sometime in August, so there is plenty of time for everyone to take their time.

Very well, the Gufu Award was established to determine the dangdumbest game move in Survivordum. Follow the links below to refresh your memories, then cast your nomination/votes!

episode 4
episode 5
episode 6

By the way, PepeLePew13 has agreed to be my back-up Gufumeister and keep this project on schedule should I have trouble getting on-line sometime or something.

Thank you, Pepe!

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Messages in this discussion
"Episode 4 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-14-02 at 01:02 AM
Please post your episode 4 nomination/votes here.

"RE: Episode 4 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 06-14-02 at 08:42 AM
Anytime, dabs!

In this episode... it's pretty much a tie in my mind between two gufus.

Bitchell's constant moaning and bellyaching plus his unwillingness to vote against (I think) Keith to save his ass that made him such a target for Tina and her group to boot.

Kimmi's griping about the chickens and the pig being butchered - which singled her out as being even more annoying to her tribe than what was thought to be humanely possible, thus setting her up to be the next bootee for the Kuchas.

In the end, Bitchell probably edges out Kimmi because he really had a chance to be in the group that would have control for quite a few more episodes. Probably just as well he got booted right then or he'd have become a poster child for the UNICEF famine relief committee.

"RE: Episode 4 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by spartan on 06-14-02 at 09:55 AM

1. Jeri's desperate hounding of Colby to join an alliance with her. By pushing so hard for something, I thought Jeri managed to actually push Colby into the arms of Kieth and Tina.

2. Kimmi begins her own downfall by seeming to care much more about the chickens than her tribe. She put a real downer on what should have been an exciting win by pulling here PETA speech.

"RE: Episode 4 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-17-02 at 11:13 AM
Vote 1: Jerri Swipes the Canoe. Let's see, after basically telling Tina and Keith (at TC the night before) that they were not her friends, how best to put them in their place next morning: swipe the canoe they were going to use to go fishing with, leave them ashore while everyone else enjoys a nice, pleasant ride. Jerri forced the tide to turn against herself and her alliance, the canoe swipe was just the most obvious dumb move though.

Vote 2: Kimmi Flakes Out Over Chickens and Pigs! Grow up, Kimmi. I did admire her determination to stay true to her own vegetarian convictions, but she should have kept it together better, understood that she couldn't force her beliefs on the others. Taking on an attitude that all the others were bad people or something, over what they chose to eat of all things, just put her on the outside of the group. Mini-antigufu to Varner for when he told Kimmi about the pig, though: that was hysterical, he couldn't contain his glee in thinking about all that pork going into his belly, and it pushed Kimmi's buttons in just the right way to provoke her flaking out more (man, that guy played mean, hehehe).

"Episode 5 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-14-02 at 01:04 AM
Please post your episode 5 nomination/votes here.

"RE: Episode 5 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 06-14-02 at 08:49 AM
A production gufu is nominated here for the maze being used in the IC -- come on, 7 against 5 in a challege where they have to stay together in a group and speed is essential? Talk about stacking the deck in favour of one group!

A personal gufu... Smelli Kimmi was a walking gufu in her own right throughout this episode. Stinky from a lack of bathing, a dirt line forming around her neck instead of a tan line, constant crying and bitching about the chickens, and getting into a finger-wagging fight with Alicia.

"RE: Episode 5 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by spartan on 06-14-02 at 10:02 AM

1. Can't avoid the catfight over the chickens by Kimmi. AS if she weren't enough of a target, having a brawl with Alicia over the damned chickens was the height of stupidity.

2. Jeri's continuing belief that making Kieth a target would protect her. Surely there's no way that Colby would protect an aging chef over her, right? Ooops.

"RE: Episode 5 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-18-02 at 10:53 AM
Vote 1: Cat Fight, Cat Fight! That was downright funny! Neither Alicia nor Kimmi expressed themselves at all well, you couldn't begin to explain what positions either one had about anything; well, except for their dislike for each other.

Vote 2: Jerri's Disfunctional Travois (er.. and Gameplay)! She kept putting herself in the limelight, kept insisting on taking the front instead of trying to pull Ogakor together as a team. She'd managed to push Tina onto Keith's side previously, kept after Colby to the point where he was disgusted with her, on and on and on. Oh, and blaming Keith for the poor fishing over his getting rid of the dinner waste in a way which would attract fish to that stretch of the river, tsk tsk tsk.

Notes to Future Players: (1) If you don't know what you're doing, it will show. (2) Don't become emotionally attached to the food.

"Episode 6 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-14-02 at 01:07 AM
Please post your episode 6 nomination/votes here.

"RE: Episode 6 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 06-14-02 at 08:52 AM
This one's easy. Michael got shish-ke-babed over the fire and consequently blew his team's chance to have control of the game and go all the way to the final four as an unit. Ya know, Mike... it's not exactly the toughest thing in the world to keep from passing out into the fire and getting cooked...

I'll also throw out a production gufu nomination for the producers for making the Kuchas go to TC and vote out Michael. This was never shown on TV but apparently the Kuchas did have to go to TC even though there was no challenge.

"RE: Episode 6 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by spartan on 06-14-02 at 10:04 AM

1. Too easy. Mike's header into the fire is so obvious that this episode barely warrants voting on. Oh well, it still ranks as one of the most memorable Survivor moments.

"RE: Episode 6 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-14-02 at 04:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-14-02 AT 04:20 PM (EST)

Vote 1: Jerri and Keith fight over fried-green tomatoes (I think this was e6). Make yourself even bigger targets why don'tcha?

Vote 2: Amber. Blind Leading the Blind. Need I say more?

edited because I mistargeted a player in one of my votes


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star

"RE: Episode 6 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-19-02 at 10:26 AM
Vote 1: Kucha's Victory Dance At RC6! Yeah, it's okay rubbing it in, trying to psych out the losers/competition a bit, but it is really tempting the fates to over-do it. Hope they enjoyed their Doritos and Mountain Dew, it was all downhill from that point on.

Vote 2: Michael Destroys Himself! Okay, it's an IC/TC day, and it's hot, so of course you go fishing. But the fishing was bad and it was so hot that the catch is in sorry shape, so of course when you get back to camp you just rest, right! Not Mike, no, he had to keep active, couldn't kick back and rest up for the challenge. Maybe he was just overheated already from the fishing, he just wasn't thinking clearly. Of course, it culminated with him passing out and falling into the fire, which was horrible (and thank goodness his recovery was so remarkable afterwards), but he really only had himself to blame. Well, and the other Kucha who should have forced him to drink a gallon of water and just kick back and cool off, but they didn't.

"RE: Episode 6 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-26-02 at 07:36 AM
1.) Obviously Mike falling into the fire is the biggest gufu here....

2.) Jerri and Amber in "Blind Leading the Blind" - and I still maintain that is the most hilarious challenge ever in the history of Survivor.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.