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"S2 Gufu Award: Eps 1, 2, 3"

Posted by dabo on 06-06-02 at 04:44 PM

Friends, it is time to begin the process of determining which gufus from S2 and S1 will join the S4 winner (Rotu 4 Reveal Boot Order at IC8! from S4ep8) and S3 winner (Silas' Strategy Proposal! from S3ep4) as Ultimate Gufus! How this will work overall, I'm hoping to have all the nomination/voting threads up by mid July, and the voting will remain open on all of these threads until the Final Vote threads are started sometime in August. Each of these nomination/voting threads will cover two or three episodes, so I would ask that sigpics and animations be kept to a minimum (not saying don't use them, just requesting that you not use a multitude of them on these threads).

Alright, the Gufu Award was established to determine the dangdumbest game move in Survivordum. You will have two nomination/votes per episode (which may only be used for that episode). So, refresh your memories by following the links supplied below. Take your time if you wish (this is a summer project, don't worry about beating deadlines, let's have fun!).

Very Important: Do Not Reply to This Post! I will be starting three reply posts, one for each episode covered in this thread. You should reply to each of those posts only with your nomination/votes for that episode. Actually, if you have any questions, post those as replies to this post, that's cool. But please have a little pity on der Gufumeister here by keeping things neat and clean for me. It's okay to respond to what others post if you have any additional observations you would care to make, but please remember that none of this stuff is worth fighting over. Okay, the links:

episode 1
episode 2
episode 3

And if someone would like to volunteer to help out in this project (by posting a nomination/vote thread of two when I cannot, in order to keep this project on schedule), please email me.

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Messages in this discussion
"Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-06-02 at 04:46 PM
Please post here only your episode 1 observations.

"RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by BMH on 06-06-02 at 05:59 PM
Haha..Debb trying to start a fire!!

"RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-06-02 at 07:13 PM
How 'bout Debb suggesting they build the shelter out of rocks? Or Debb taking the map and leading them nowhere? Or Debb trying to blatantly get Jeff voted out? You know what - the episode one Gufu ~is~ Debb.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Swami on 06-06-02 at 09:09 PM
Well, this is the easiest one to pick. Debb.

Debb, trying to start a fire & heeding no one's advice.
Debb, freaking out when Kimmi wouldn't shut up, and wondered how she was going to 'maaasterbate.'
Debb, dunking the torch when their raft tipped over.
Debb, being a bad sport & quiter when they clearly lost that challenge.


"RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by spartan on 06-06-02 at 09:19 PM
Debb is the obvious choice but which Debb moment to choose?

I'm going to have to go with the map incident. What kind of an idiot makes themselves a target in the first 10 minutes by insisting on being the map reader and then getting lost?

"RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-06-02 at 10:33 PM
Vote 1: Debb gets assertive. For the reasons stated above.

Vote 2: Kimmi gets loud. Just so Debb doesn't get another unanimous vote against her


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

"RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by J Slice on 06-07-02 at 11:07 AM
Debb. that's it. she IS the GUFU.


WOOHOO! Hopkins here I come! (RCDS Class of '02!)

"RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by MeToo on 06-07-02 at 11:48 AM
I would just like to add fuel to Debb's fire (pun intended).

"RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-08-02 at 11:17 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-08-02 AT 11:18 AM (EST)

Vote 1: Debb's Pushy Abrasiveness! Not that there is anything wrong with a woman being strong and assertive, as Debb certainly was, but it became obvious very quickly that she really didn't know what she was doing out there. She should have backed off, tried to have been less forceful, but she just kept digging her own grave. Do that in a game like "Survivor," guess what, the other players will just let you keep doing it until they can get rid of you.

Vote 2: Kimmi's Nocturnal Performance (Night 1)! Let's see, Kimmi supposedly had a goal on "Survivor" to prove to herself and the world that she's not a scatterbrain (or something). So, after a hard day that included a bumpy airplane ride, a difficult trek through the wilderness (while hauling supplies), and constructing a camp from the available materials nature had supplied, etc., everyone tried to settle in for the night. So, of course, Kimmi pumped up the volume! Hey, first day jitters and all, a little gab session to wind down is a good idea, but they could probably have heard Radio Kimmi four miles away at Camp Ogakor (if not for Colby's snoring). The topper, of course, was the infamous "where am I going to masterbate?" line. GUFU!

"RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Bebo on 06-10-02 at 11:39 AM
I agree with Dabo's votes. Debb's made her an easy target for that ep, with Kimmi's performance making it easy for the rest of Kuchie-Koo to decide on the next victim.

"Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-06-02 at 04:48 PM
Please post here only your episode 2 observations.

"RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-06-02 at 08:27 PM
JerkyGate. The biggest Gufu in Ep. 2 was in voting out Kel--one of the strongest members of the tribe, sans evidence or strategy.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Swami on 06-06-02 at 09:22 PM
Michael, trying to seize control of the tribe by cooking big servings of a breakfast no one wanted, and thanking God for making him the leader, when the tribe did their little payer circle thing.

Jeri, accusing Kel in jerky gate. A most egregious lie--and it worked! Bye bye Kel.

Kel, not fighting back! He didn't get mad when they searched his stuff. He handed over his shaver to be used by all--which he saw as showing he was a team player and they saw as a sign of weakness & kissing up. He went off by himself fishing instead of staying in camp & socializing.


"RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-06-02 at 10:29 PM
Vote 1: Ogakor votes out Kel. I think Mitchell said it best in episode 3, "If we had voted out Maralyn instead of Kel, I guarantee we'd have immunity now."

Vote 2: Kimmi makes a big deal about eating the worm. Basically, she branded herself as a target here.


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

"RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by MeToo on 06-07-02 at 11:51 AM
Vote 1: Jerri accusing Kel of eating beef jerky and showing what a b*tch she really is.

Vote 2: Ogakor actually believing Jerri about Kel. I mean, c'mon! They each had their bags search and knew full well that it would be completely impossible for him to smuggle anything in. And Jerri had already established herself as a b*tch by her attitude toward Keith. Idiots!

"RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-08-02 at 11:36 AM
Vote 1: Ogakor's Kel Boot! Note to future "strong assets" who show up for "Survivor," the weak players will see you as a threat unless you ally (or at least socialize) with them, and the other strong players will also see you as a threat. And the individuals paranoias can combine within a tribe to the point where the tribe will essentially cut its own throat for whatever reason. Ogakor put itself on a downward spiral by booting off Kel, it was an amazing mistake.

Vote 2: Kel's Bribe! Bad as jerkygate was, you have to give credit where credit is due, it worked! One of the biggest reasons why it worked was that Kel misplayed his reaction to it by trying to bribe things right with his offer of his shaving kit, it just made him look all the more guilty in the eyes of the others. He should have layed a big reality check on the tribe by pointing out that his things had been searched through by MB (and whoever) same as all of theirs, done everything he could to divert the bad spotlight back onto Jerri for being delusional and so on, gone on the offensive somewhat instead of just playing it from a defensive posture.

"RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by spartan on 06-08-02 at 04:14 PM
1. Voting out Kel. While he may have been a bit of a social misfit, he was an athletic guy who would have been an asset in future challenges.

2. Looking through Kel's backpack. Showed the entire group to be a classless, clueless bunch of losers.

"RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-26-02 at 07:46 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-26-02 AT 07:48 AM (EST)

1.) Ogakor votes out Kel - it's not like it mattered in the end anyway, but if the weird Episode 6 gufu hadn't occurred, not voting out Kel second would've at least given them a chance of an even merge.


2.) Kel for practically doing nothing to secure his place in the tribe - he didn't approach anyone or even simply bother to bond with anyone on a friendship level. "Maralyn says she won't vote for me so I'm alright" - great strategy.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-06-02 at 04:50 PM
Please post here only your episode 3 observations.

"RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by spartan on 06-06-02 at 09:37 PM
If I remember correctly, Episode 3 is the episode that Nick brands himself as a target by refusing to help work around the camp. Barring someone coming up with something I have forgotten, I'm going to have to go with Nick being lazy.

"RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-06-02 at 10:41 PM
Vote 1: Jerri blatently works Colby. She quickly cast herself, in Keith's eyes, as being manipulative and untrustworthy. However, she still might have been okay if she hadn't...

Vote 2: Jerri says she has befriended Amber, Mitchell and Colby at TC. She shut out Tina and Keith and made herself their target and also openly revealed the "Jerri's Kids" alliance.


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

"RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by MeToo on 06-07-02 at 12:01 PM
Vote 1: Jerri figuring she could flirt her way to the million with Colby. What a sl*t.

Vote 2: Ogakor for missing a second opportunity to get rid of the b*tch.

Can you tell I don't like Jerri??

"RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
Posted by dabo on 06-08-02 at 11:59 AM
Vote 1: Mitchell Badmouths Reward! After suffering all that time where no apples or donuts were tossed their way while the cameras were off, Big Mitch wanted food food food! He'd rather have one meal handed to him than the means to provide food longterm come their way? This guy proved himself a jerk every time he said anything, it was difficult finding just one of those moments to highlight.

Vote 2: Tina Betrays Mad Dog! Maralyn was going to be voted off anyway, so why betray your willingness to be ruthless? Things could easily have turned against Tina had she been pegged an unreliable friend early on in the game, it was an unnecessary chance to take.